2018-05-01 14:36:36 -07:00

2.2 KiB

Luke's build of st - the simple (suckless) terminal

Forked from for simplicity's sake, which is the suckless terminal (st) with some patches added:

  • transparency
  • copy to clipboard (alt-shift-c)
  • Solarized colors (light and dark toggleable)
  • vertcenter
  • scrollback with keyboard
  • scrollback with mouse
  • updated to latest version 0.8.1

My own additions

  • Default font is system "mono" at 14pt, meaning the font will match your system font.
  • Hold alt and press either ↑/↓ or the vim keys k/j to move up/down in the terminal.
  • Alt-u and Alt-d scroll back/foward in history a page at a time.
  • Alt-PageUp and Alt-PageDown scroll back/foward in history a page at a time.
  • Transparency with solarized colors by default.

Terminal-specific mappings

(Additions before me.)

  • Scroll through history -- Shift+PageUp/PageDown or Shift+Mouse wheel
  • Increase/decrease font size -- Shift+Alt+PageUp/PageDown
  • Return to default font size -- Shift+Alt+Home
  • Paste -- Shift+Insert

Installation for newbs

sudo make install

Obviously, make is required to build. fontconfig is required for the default build, since it asks fontconfig for your system monospace font. It might be obvious, but libX11 and libXft are required as well. Chances are, you have all of this installed already.

Custom changes (config.def.h or config.h)

By default, the terminal is transparent with a blackish background. There's a patch file solarized-alpha-toggle.patch which you can use to remove the transparency and give it a typical deep, dark blue solarized background. Just run:

patch < solarized-alpha-toggle.patch

Then, run make & sudo make install again to install the new build. You make reverse the solarized background by running the same command as above, but giving patch the -R option as well.

Explore config.h

  • Change colorname[] array values (88 LOC), default colours are solarized.
  • Numbers of 0 - 15 are usual terminal colors. Change them to your liking.
  • Change bg to your desired terminal background color.
  • Change fg to your desired terminal foreground color.
  • Change cursor to your desired terminal cursor color.