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We're assuming an Arch Linux installation, but the steps should be similar for other distributions. There are two possible ways to serve Nextclouds PHP code: uWSGI and PHP-FPM. We'll be using PHP-FPM as this is the recommended way and nginx is easier to setup with it, especially if you wish to enable additional plugins such as LDAP.


Setup a drop-off folder in Nextcloud

  1. Create a folder in Nextcloud, e.g. Drop-off.
  2. Click on the share icon and under share link select "File-drop". This will create a link that you can share with others.
  3. Optional: If you want to password protect the link, click on "Advanced settings" under the Sharing tab for the folder detailsand use a password of your choice.

If you want a nice human-readable link you can use your own nginx for this. Add to your existant server block with port 443 in /etc/nginx/sites-available/nextcloud or your domain of choice with the following content:

location /dropoff {
	return 301 <your nextcloud share link>;

Sync contacts with khard


See for more details on how to use khard with neomutt for autocompletion.

Sync Calendar with Calcurse