
31 lines
1018 B

# qutebrowser
## General
Qutebrowser is very dotfiles friendly, nonetheless there are some features which require manual intervention to work correctly at initial setup.
## Ad-blocking
Do not forget to install `python-adblock` if you want brave-like adblocking. To have domain blocking and brave-like adblocking:
:set content.blocking.method both
### Automatic adblock list updates:
Adding to your crontab at whatever interval you wish:
qutebrowser --nowindow ':adblock-update;;later 10000 download-clear'
will update the adblock lists without starting a qutebrowser window.
## Greasemonkey scripts
To add scripts such as 4chanX to qutebrowser add the js file to `${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/qutebrowser/greasemonkey`. For 4chanX this would be:
wget -P ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/qutebrowser/greasemonkey
followed by a `:greasemonkey-reload` in qutebrowser to activate the newly added Java scripts.