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Installation via AUR


Download PKGBUILD: paru -G matlab


  • Go to License center on mathworks
  • On install and activate tab; select (or create) an appropriate license
  • Navigate to download the license file and the file installation key
  • Download the license file and put the file in the repository
  • Copy and paste the file installation key in a plain text file

create Tarball

Check, that libselinux and libxcrypt-compat are installed. Otherwise the installer will exit with error code 42 and no further instructions.

paru -S --asdeps libselinux libxcrypt-compat


  • Download the matlab installer
  • Unpack and launch the installer
  • After logging in and accepting license; select Advanced Options > I want to download without installing from the top dropdown menu.
  • Set the download location to an empty directory called matlab
  • Select the toolboxes you want.

After downloading; from the parent directory; do

tar cf matlab.tar matlab

to create the tarball. The folder here called matlab usually is given the download-time as it's name. Rename to matlab before compressing.

Move the matlab.tar to the repository. Adjust the pkgver and release vars in the PKGBUILD to reflect current release. Run makepkg -si to install.

mv cannot stat error

In the case of an error in the form of: mv: cannot stat 'dependency_links.txt'$'\n''PKG-INFO'$'\n''SOURCES.txt'$'\n''top_level.txt': No such file or directory Edit line 207 of the PKGBUILD to include ls -d instead of just ls.


fix graphics driver with intel

In the case of libGL error: failed to open iris::

Add to the matlab script (sudo nvim $(which matlab)) at the top:



In Matlab:

s = settings;s.matlab.desktop.DisplayScaleFactor
s.matlab.desktop.DisplayScaleFactor.PersonalValue = 2

This value can be a float.

Fonts malformed

Set Aliasing to true under Preferences->MATLAB->Fonts and reboot.