
12 lines
942 B

# kanji
This is my personal vocab list to learn the Japanese Kanji which is using J.W. Heisig/R. Rauther's [__"Die Kanji - lernen und behalten 1"__](https://www.amazon.de/Bedeutung-Schreibweise-japanischen-Schriftzeichen-behalten/dp/3465041577/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2LX7RDRS8FEGW&dchild=1&keywords=die+kanji+lernen+und+behalten&qid=1595191168&sprefix=Die+kanji+lern%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-2)
I'm using Anki as my vocab program with the Addon __CrowdAnki__ to export in a diff-friendly json-file.
Since I'm using the German version of the book (and my native language is German) the cards are Japanese-German.
I'm following the guide of the book, only implementing hints if I have troubles with memorizing the words.
Feel free to base your vocab list off of mine via a fork, that's probably the best way to go ahead.
This deck is still heavily in developement, I will be adding new cards and hints from time to time, see the commits for more details.