custom multiplier and cleaner fractions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,97 @@
export let data
let multiplier = 1
let custom_mul = "…"
function convertFloatsToFractions(inputString) {
// Split the input string into individual words
const words = inputString.split(' ');
// Define a helper function to check if a number is close to an integer
const isCloseToInt = (num) => Math.abs(num - Math.round(num)) < 0.001;
// Iterate through the words and convert floats to fractions
const result = => {
const number = parseFloat(word);
if (!isNaN(number)) {
if (isCloseToInt(number)) {
return Math.round(number).toString();
} else {
let bestNumerator = 0;
let bestDenominator = 1;
let minDifference = Math.abs(number);
for (let denominator = 1; denominator <= 10; denominator++) {
const numerator = Math.round(number* denominator);
const difference = Math.abs(number- (numerator / denominator));
if (difference < minDifference) {
bestNumerator = numerator;
bestDenominator = denominator;
minDifference = difference;
if(bestDenominator == 1) return bestNumerator
let full_amount = Math.floor(bestNumerator/bestDenominator)
if(full_amount > 0) return `${full_amount}<sup>${bestNumerator - full_amount * bestDenominator}</sup>/<sub>${bestDenominator}</sub>`;
return `<sup>${bestNumerator}</sup>/<sub>${bestDenominator}</sub>`;
return word;
// Join the words back into a string
return result.join(' ');
function convertFloatsToFractionsMath(inputString) {
// Split the input string into individual words
const words = inputString.split(' ');
// Define a helper function to check if a number is close to an integer
const isCloseToInt = (num) => Math.abs(num - Math.round(num)) < 0.001;
// Iterate through the words and convert floats to fractions
const result = => {
const number = parseFloat(word);
if (!isNaN(number)) {
if (isCloseToInt(number)) {
return Math.round(number)
} else {
let bestNumerator = 0;
let bestDenominator = 1;
let minDifference = Math.abs(number);
for (let denominator = 1; denominator <= 10; denominator++) {
const numerator = Math.round(number* denominator);
const difference = Math.abs(number- (numerator / denominator));
if (difference < minDifference) {
bestNumerator = numerator;
bestDenominator = denominator;
minDifference = difference;
if(bestDenominator == 1) return bestNumerator
let full_amount = Math.floor(bestNumerator/bestDenominator)
return full_amount + (bestNumerator - full_amount * bestDenominator)/ bestDenominator
return word;
return result
//function multiplyNumbersInString(inputString, constant) {
// return inputString.replace(/(\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)?)/g, match => {
// const number = match.includes(',') ? match.replace(/\./g, '').replace(',', '.') : match;
// const multiplied = (parseFloat(number) * constant).toString();
// return match.includes(',') ? multiplied.replace('.', ',') : multiplied;
// });
function multiplyNumbersInString(inputString, constant) {
return inputString.replace(/(\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)?)/g, match => {
const number = match.includes(',') ? match.replace(/\./g, '').replace(',', '.') : match;
@ -19,45 +102,6 @@ function multiplyNumbersInString(inputString, constant) {
function convertFloatingPointToFraction(input) {
const parts = input.split(/(\d*\.?\d+)/);
return parts
.map(part => {
const number = parseFloat(part);
if (!isNaN(number) && number % 1 !== 0) {
const denominator = 10 ** number.toString().split('.')[1].length;
const numerator = Math.round(number * denominator);
if (numerator > 8 || denominator > 8) {
const wholeNumber = Math.floor(numerator / denominator);
const mixedNumerator = numerator % denominator;
const gcd = findGCD(mixedNumerator, denominator);
const simplifiedNumerator = mixedNumerator / gcd;
const simplifiedDenominator = denominator / gcd;
if (wholeNumber > 0) {
return `${wholeNumber}<sup>${simplifiedNumerator}</sup>⁄<sub>${simplifiedDenominator}</sub>`;
} else {
return `<sup>${simplifiedNumerator}</sup>⁄<sub>${simplifiedDenominator}</sub>`;
return part;
function findGCD(a, b) {
if (b === 0) {
return a;
return findGCD(b, a % b);
// "1-2 Kuchen (Durchmesser: 26cm", constant=2 -> "2-4 Kuchen (Durchmesser: 26cm)"
function multiplyFirstAndSecondNumbers(inputString, constant) {
const regex = /(\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)?)(\s*-\s*\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)?)?/;
@ -76,11 +120,29 @@ function multiplyFirstAndSecondNumbers(inputString, constant) {
function adjust_amount(string, multiplier){
let temp = multiplyNumbersInString(string, multiplier)
temp = convertFloatingPointToFraction(temp)
temp = convertFloatsToFractions(temp)
return temp
function apply_if_not_NaN(custom){
const multipliers = [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3]
if((!isNaN(custom * 1)) && custom != ""){
multiplier = custom
custom_mul = "…"
custom_mul = convertFloatsToFractions(custom)
multiplier = convertFloatsToFractionsMath(custom)
custom_mul = "…"
@ -105,9 +167,10 @@ font-family: sans-serif;
gap: 0.5rem;
justify-content: center;
.multipliers button{
width: 2em;
min-width: 2em;
font-size: 1.1rem;
border-radius: 0.3rem;
border: none;
@ -117,33 +180,67 @@ font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: var(--nord5);
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0.4em 0.05em rgba(0,0,0, 0.2);
.multipliers button:is(:hover, :focus-visible){
.multipliers :is(button, div):is(:hover, :focus-within){
scale: 1.2;
background-color: var(--orange);
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0.5em 0.1em rgba(0,0,0, 0.3);
background-color: var(--nord9);
color: white;
background-color: var(--nord9) !important;
color: white !important;
font-weight: bold;
scale: 1.1;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0.4em 0.1em rgba(0,0,0, 0.3);
scale: 1.2 !important;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0.4em 0.1em rgba(0,0,0, 0.3) !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
background-color: transparent;
scale: 1 !important;
display: inline;
flex-grow: 1;
min-width: 1.5ch;
background-color: transparent;
border: unset;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.multipliers button:last-child{
display: flex;
align-items: center;
{#if data.ingredients}
<div class=ingredients>
{#if data.portions}
{@html convertFloatingPointToFraction(multiplyFirstAndSecondNumbers(data.portions, multiplier))}
{@html convertFloatsToFractions(multiplyFirstAndSecondNumbers(data.portions, multiplier))}
<h3>Menge anpassen:</h3>
<div class=multipliers>
<button class:selected={multiplier==0.5} on:click={() => multiplier=0.5}><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>2</sub>x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==1} on:click={() => multiplier=1}>1x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==1.5} on:click={() => multiplier=1.5}><sup>3</sup>⁄<sub>2</sub>x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==2} on:click="{() => multiplier=2}">2x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==3} on:click="{() => multiplier=3}">3x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==1} on:click={() => {multiplier=1; custom_mul="…"}}>1x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==1.5} on:click={() => {multiplier=1.5; custom_mul="…"}}><sup>3</sup>⁄<sub>2</sub>x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==2} on:click="{() => {multiplier=2; custom_mul="…"}}">2x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==3} on:click="{() => {multiplier=3; custom_mul="…"}}">3x</button>
<button class:selected={multiplier==custom_mul} on:click={(e) => { console.log(e) ;const el = e.composedPath()[0].children[0]; if(el){ el.focus()}}}>
<span class:selected={multiplier==custom_mul}
on:focus={() => { custom_mul="" }
on:blur="{() => { apply_if_not_NaN(custom_mul);
if(custom_mul == "")
{custom_mul = "…"}
contenteditable > </span>
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