new color scheme, cleaned up
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,25 +1,50 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
/* appearance */
static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
static const unsigned int borderpx = 2; /* border pixel of windows */
static const unsigned int snap = 10; /* snap pixel */
static const int showbar = 1; /* 0 means no bar */
static const int topbar = 1; /* 0 means bottom bar */
static const int vertpad = 10; /* vertical padding of bar */
static const int sidepad = 10; /* horizontal padding of bar */
static const char *fonts[] = { "monospace:size=10" };
static const char dmenufont[] = "monospace:size=10";
static const int sidepad = 20; /* horizontal padding of bar */
static const char *fonts[] = { "monospace:size=13",
static const char dmenufont[] = "monospace:size=13";
static const char col_gray1[] = "#222222";
static const char col_gray2[] = "#444444";
static const char col_gray3[] = "#bbbbbb";
static const char col_gray4[] = "#eeeeee";
static const char col_cyan[] = "#005577";
#define bblack "#000000"
#define nord0 "#2E3440"
#define nord1 "#3B4252"
#define nord2 "#434C5E"
#define nord3 "#4C566A"
#define nord4 "#D8DEE9"
#define nord5 "#E5E9F0"
#define nord6 "#ECEFF4"
#define nord7 "#8FBCBB"
#define nord8 "#88C0D0"
#define nord9 "#81A1C1"
#define nord10 "#5E81AC"
#define nord11 "#BF616A"
#define nord12 "#D08770"
#define nord13 "#EBCB8B"
#define nord14 "#A3BE8C"
#define nord15 "#B48EAD"
static char normfgcolor[] = nord4;
static char normbgcolor[] = nord0;
static char normbordercolor[] = nord2;
static char selfgcolor[] = nord6;
static char selbgcolor[] = nord10;
static char selbordercolor[] = nord4;
static const char col_urgborder[] = "#ff0000";
static const char *colors[][3] = {
/* fg bg border */
[SchemeNorm] = { col_gray3, col_gray1, col_gray2 },
[SchemeSel] = { col_gray4, col_cyan, col_cyan },
[SchemeUrg] = { col_gray4, col_cyan, col_urgborder },
[SchemeNorm] = { normfgcolor, normbgcolor, normbordercolor },
[SchemeSel] = { selfgcolor, selbgcolor, selbordercolor },
[SchemeUrg] = { normfgcolor, normbgcolor, col_urgborder},
/* tagging */
@ -65,7 +90,7 @@ static const Layout layouts[] = {
/* commands */
static char dmenumon[2] = "0"; /* component of dmenucmd, manipulated in spawn() */
static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-m", dmenumon, "-fn", dmenufont, "-nb", col_gray1, "-nf", col_gray3, "-sb", col_cyan, "-sf", col_gray4, NULL };
static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-m", dmenumon, "-fn", dmenufont, NULL };
static const char *termcmd[] = { "st", NULL };
static Key keys[] = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user