better structure in README

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Bocken 2020-07-05 11:29:12 +02:00
parent cea71f9d36
commit 0e491681f4
2 changed files with 4 additions and 193 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Edit the Makefile to reflect your preffered installation destination. Then, simp
make install
**Note:** If you don't change the Makefile `sudo` is not required and might break the blacklist and hardcoded pair list.
Afterwards, invoking `bt` will start the menu.
# Clear blacklist/pairlist
@ -26,27 +28,24 @@ Afterwards, invoking `bt` will start the menu.
Since `bluetoothctl paired-devices` seems to be hugely unreliable in listing paired devices, bthandler has a seperate list for all devices paired through bthandler.
There is also a blacklist available to not display certain devices, which might be useful for autoconnection Bluetooth mice for example.
**Note:** If for some reason `bluetoothctl paired-devices` works for you dont worry, bthandler lists all devices returned from `bluetoothctl` and it's own paired devices list. (Duplicates are not displayed.)
To clear these files, simply run
make clear
and these files will be reset to their inital, empty state.
**Note:** If for some reason `bluetoothctl paired-devices` works for you dont worry, bthandler lists all devices returned from `bluetoothctl` and it's own paired devices list. (Duplicates are not displayed.)
# Uninstall
To uninstall you might follow that it's a simple
make uninstall
**Watch out:** since I'm using relative paths in the Makefile, it does make a difference whether you run the script with sudo or without. (both will work, you just have to be consistent in the installing und unisntalling process)
If you have troubles with an uninstall, _additionally_ run `which bt | xargs rm`.
Here's a growing list of features that are not yet actively worked on but might be nice in the future. Currently I'm more concerned with reliability than fulfilling feature requests, but I'm still open to put some on this list.
- start scanning for new devices immediately at execution to save time when pairing new devices -> **Implemented**
- auto-trust newly paired devices/trust device via dmenu -> **Implemented changeable via the AUTOTRUST variable in the beginning of bt, menu display adjusts accordingly**
- blacklist devices via dmenu -> **Implemented** (action is hidden, but typing `blacklist` as your choice will reveal the menu)

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@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
AUTOSCAN=true #immediately start scanning when started to speed up pairing process
#locations of blacklist and hard coded list of paired devices (watch out, need to modify Makefile as well if you want to change these values and still use make install)
[ "$AUTOTRUST" = false ] && actions="${actions}
#Checks for necessary programs to be present. Very unlikely not to be present but let's just err on the safer side.
for prog in dmenu bluetoothctl awk cat date nl; do
if ! hash "$prog" 2>/dev/null; then
printf 'bthandler: %s: command not found\n' "$prog" >&2
exit 127
powerstatus="$( bluetoothctl show | grep Powered | awk '{print $2}' )"
[ "$powerstatus" = "no" ] && [ "$1" = on ] && bluetoothctl power on
[ "$powerstatus" = "yes" ] && [ "$1" = off ] && bluetoothctl power off
scanstatus="$( bluetoothctl show | grep Discovering | awk '{print $2}' )"
if [ "$1" = on ]; then
#sets variable in case scanning was already on before the start of bt
[ "$start_scan" = "" ] && start_scan="$( date +'%s' )"
if [ "$scanstatus" = "no" ]; then
bluetoothctl scan on &
start_scan="$( date +'%s' )"
elif [ "$1" = off ]; then
if [ "$scanstatus" = "yes" ]; then
bluetoothctl scan off
#Check bluetoothctl paired-devices for new devices to be hardcoded into pair list
btctl_paired_devices="$(bluetoothctl paired-devices)"
if [ -n "$btctl_paired_devices" ]
btctl_not_in_list="$( echo "$btctl_paired_devices" | grep -vf "$PAIRLIST")"
[ -n "$btctl_not_in_list" ] && echo "$btctl_not_in_list" >> "$PAIRLIST"
#start scanning as early as possible to speed up pairing process
#=> maybe use an option to do this? Otherwise ever invocation of bt powers on the controller.
power on
scan on
update_pair_list &
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
if bluetoothctl devices | awk '{print "bluetoothctl info "$2}' | . /dev/stdin | grep -q "Connected: yes"
actions="$(printf "disconnect\n%s" "$actions")"
#Compile list of all Bluetooth IDS of paired devices (from bluetoothctl and from hardcoded list)
bt_IDS="$( ( bluetoothctl paired-devices && cat "$PAIRLIST" ) | sort -u | awk '{print $2}' )"
#Compile list of all device Names of paired devices (from bluetoothctl and from hardcoded list)
paired_devices="$( ( bluetoothctl paired-devices && cat "$PAIRLIST" ) | sort -u | awk '{for (i=3; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}' )"
disp_devices="$( echo "$paired_devices" | grep -vf "$BLACKLIST" )"
#detects current power mode of controller and adjusts options accordingly
poweroption="$( echo "$powerstatus" | sed 's/yes/power off/; s/no/power on/' )"
#Don't print empty device list, removes unnecessary empty choice in dmenu
[ "$disp_devices" = "" ] && choice=$( printf "%s\n%s" "$actions" "$poweroption" | dmenu -i -p 'What BT action would you like to perform:' )
[ "$disp_devices" != "" ] && choice=$( ( echo "$disp_devices" && printf "%s\n%s" "$actions" "$poweroption" ) | dmenu -i -p 'What BT action would you like to perform:' )
scan off
exit 0
#since this function can get called indefinitely, make sure to always be scanning and controller has power in the case that it got deactived by some other process.
power on
scan on
#check whether $SCAN_PERIOD seconds has already passed since starting scanning, if not, wait for the rest of that time.
if [ $((( "$(date +'%s')" - "$start_scan" ))) -lt $SCAN_PERIOD ]; then
sleep_period="$((( "$SCAN_PERIOD" - "$( date +'%s')" + "$start_scan" )))"
if [ "$sleep_period" -eq 1 ]; then
notify-send "Bluetooth" "Searching for devices, please wait 1 second"
notify-send "Bluetooth" "Searching for devices, please wait $sleep_period seconds"
sleep "$sleep_period"
all_devices="$( bluetoothctl devices )"
if [ "$paired_devices" = "" ]; then
new_devices="$( echo "$all_devices" | awk '{for (i=3; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}' )"
bt_IDS="$( echo "$all_devices" | awk '{print $2}' )"
echo "$paired_devices" > /tmp/paired_devices$$
filtered_devices="$( echo "$all_devices" | grep -vf "/tmp/paired_devices$$")"
bt_IDS="$( echo "$filtered_devices" | awk '{print $2}' )"
new_devices="$( echo "$filtered_devices" | awk '{for (i=3; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}' )"
rm /tmp/paired_devices$$
[ "$new_devices" = "" ] && options="rescan" || options=$(echo "$new_devices" && echo 'rescan')
choice=$( echo "$options" | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'pair with which device?' )
if [ -n "$choice" ]; then
if [ "$choice" = "rescan" ]; then
start_scan="$( date +'%s')"
dev_no=$( echo "$new_devices" | nl | grep "$choice" | awk '{print $1}')
dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}' )
#only attempt to connect if pairing succeeds
bluetoothctl pair "$dev_id" && ( pair_succesful=true && bluetoothctl connect "$dev_id" ) || pair_succesful=false
if $AUTOTRUST; then
bluetoothctl trust "$dev_id"
#if device is not already hard coded as paired, add to paired devices list
if [ "$( grep "$dev_id" "$PAIRLIST")" = "" ] || [ "$(wc -l "$PAIRLIST")" -eq 0 ] && $pair_succesful
echo to be added to "$PAIRLIST":
echo Device "$dev_id" "$choice"
echo Device "$dev_id" "$choice" >> "$PAIRLIST"
case $choice in
"power on") bluetoothctl power on;;
"power off") bluetoothctl power off;;
"scan on") bluetoothctl power on && echo power on && sleep 2
([ -n "$TERMINAL" ] && $TERMINAL -e bluetoothctl scan on ) || st bluetoothctl scan on;;
"pair") pair;;
"unpair") choice=$( echo "$paired_devices" | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'remove which paired device?')
if [ -n "$choice" ]; then
dev_no=$( echo "$paired_devices" | nl | grep -P "[0-9]+\t$choice$" | awk '{print $1}')
dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}' )
bluetoothctl remove "$dev_id"
#remove device to unpair from hard coded paired devices list
new_paired_list="$( grep -v "$dev_id" "$PAIRLIST" )"
if [ "$new_paired_list" != "" ]
echo "$new_paired_list" > "$PAIRLIST"
rm -rf "$PAIRLIST"
touch "$PAIRLIST"
"trust") choice=$( echo "$paired_devices" | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'remove which paired device?')
if [ -n "$choice" ]; then
dev_no=$( echo "$paired_devices" | nl | grep -P "[0-9]+\t$choice$" | awk '{print $1}')
dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}' )
bluetoothctl trust "$dev_id"
"disconnect") choice=$( echo "$paired_devices" | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'remove which paired device?')
if [ -n "$choice" ]; then
dev_no=$( echo "$paired_devices" | nl | grep -P "[0-9]+\t$choice$" | awk '{print $1}')
dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}' )
bluetoothctl disconnect "$dev_id"
choice=$( echo "$paired_devices" | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'blacklist which paired device from selection?')
if [ -n "$choice" ]; then
echo "$choice" >> "$BLACKLIST"
echo "$choice"
dev_no=$( echo "$paired_devices" | nl | grep -P "[0-9]+\t$choice$" | awk '{print $1}')
[ "$dev_no" != "" ] && dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}')
if [ -n "$dev_id" ]; then
power on
bluetoothctl pair "$dev_id"
bluetoothctl connect "$dev_id"