This merge implements for a visualization of the model. For this implementation the mesa-provided CanvasHexGrid class needed to be adjusted. Mesa's own function runs a visualization function on all agents. For us it would be smarter to run the visualization function on all grid locations, this is what CanvasHexGridMultiAgents does. For now, concentrations are normalized using magic numbers. In the future it might be smarter to somehow dynamically adjust these normalizisation numbers to not threshold our visualization.
A reimplementation of Schweitzer et al. 1996 as well as additional improvemnts for the Course Agent Based Modelling for Social Systems FS2023 ETH Zürich
For the course Agent Based Modelling for Social Systems FS2023 we were tasked to implement a model of our own (in groups). For this, we decided to implement an enhanced version of Active random walkers simulate trunk trail formation by ants (Schweitzer et al. 1996) using Python and Mesa.
For now, wanted features can be found in our shortlist. For everything else start at main py
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A reimplementation of Schweitzer et al. 1996 as well as additional improvemnts for the Course Agent Based Modelling for Social Systems FS2023 ETH Zürich