Implemented check for ants to follow positive pheromone gradient step() function has been improved. Previously, self.prev_pos (now: self._prev_pos) was set non-uniformly; sometimes in step() but also always in advance() which resulted in unwanted behavior. As self._prev_pos is now marked as private all assignments are done simultaneously with self._next_pos in step(), not advance(). Accordingly, future functions should strive not to access self._prev_pos outside of the agent if possible. Gradient following behaviour was additionally not observed since the sensitivity_max variable was set too low, resulting in the adjusted pheromone concentration gradients to not be present.
A reimplementation of Schweitzer et al. 1996 as well as additional improvemnts for the Course Agent Based Modelling for Social Systems FS2023 ETH Zürich
For the course Agent Based Modelling for Social Systems FS2023 we were tasked to implement a model of our own (in groups). For this, we decided to implement an enhanced version of Active random walkers simulate trunk trail formation by ants (Schweitzer et al. 1996) using Python and Mesa.
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A reimplementation of Schweitzer et al. 1996 as well as additional improvemnts for the Course Agent Based Modelling for Social Systems FS2023 ETH Zürich