Merge branch 'implement_agent_step'
The agent step() function has been further improved. Now, ants behave as roamers and follow a positive gradient in pheromones until they find food, when they find food they will switch what chemical they are dropping (A -> B) and will look for A. When they return they will recruit new ants. Currently, the sensitivity to the pheromone concentration is clamped linear, meaning that: { 0 if concentration < lower_threshold sens(concentration) = { concentration if lower_threshold < c < higher_threshold { higher_threshold else A correct non-linear response is yet to be added. Similarily next steps could include adding a sensitivity decay to ants as described in the paper. A proper setup for sane initial values such that interesting behaviour can be observed can also still be implemented (consult the paper) The visualization function in can also still be adjusted to automatically (?) adjust the normalization for color values.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,14 +7,15 @@ License: AGPL 3 (see end of file)
(C) Alexander Bocken, Viviane Fahrni, Grace Kragho
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from mesa.agent import Agent
from import Coordinate
from typing import overload
class RandomWalkerAnt(Agent):
def __init__(self, unique_id, model, look_for_chemical=None,
energy_0=1, chemical_drop_rate_0=1, sensitvity_0=1, alpha=0.5, drop_chemical=None) -> None:
energy_0=1, chemical_drop_rate_0=1, sensitvity_0=0.1,
alpha=0.5, drop_chemical=None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(unique_id=unique_id, model=model)
self._next_pos : None | Coordinate = None
@ -28,19 +29,62 @@ class RandomWalkerAnt(Agent):
self.alpha = alpha
def sensitvity_to_concentration(self, prop : float) -> float:
return prop
def sens_adj(self, props) -> npt.NDArray[np.float_] | float:
# if props iterable create array, otherwise return single value
except TypeError:
if props > self.sensitvity:
# TODO: nonlinear response
return props
return 0
arr : list[float] = []
for prop in props:
return np.array(arr)
def step(self):
# follow positive gradient
# TODO: sensitvity decay
if self.prev_pos is None:
i = np.random.choice(range(6))
self._next_pos = self.neighbors()[i]
# Ants dropping A look for food
if self.drop_chemical == "A":
for neighbor in self.front_neighbors:
if self.model.grid.is_food(neighbor):
self.drop_chemical = "B"
self.prev_pos = neighbor
self._next_pos = self.pos
# Ants dropping B look for nest
elif self.drop_chemical == "B":
for neighbor in self.front_neighbors:
if self.model.grid.is_nest(neighbor):
self.look_for_chemical = "A" # Is this a correct interpretation?
self.drop_chemical = "A"
#TODO: Do we flip the ant here or reset prev pos?
# For now, flip ant just like at food
self.prev_pos = neighbor
self._next_pos = self.pos
for agent_id in self.model.get_unique_ids(self.model.num_new_recruits):
agent = RandomWalkerAnt(unique_id=agent_id, model=self.model, look_for_chemical="B", drop_chemical="A")
agent._next_pos = self.pos
self.model.grid.place_agent(agent, pos=neighbor)
# follow positive gradient
if self.look_for_chemical is not None:
front_concentration = [self.model.grid.fields[self.look_for_chemical][cell] for cell in self.front_neighbors ]
gradient = front_concentration - np.repeat(self.model.grid.fields[self.look_for_chemical][self.pos], 3)
front_concentration = self.sens_adj(front_concentration)
current_pos_concentration = self.sens_adj(self.model.grid.fields[self.look_for_chemical][self.pos])
gradient = front_concentration - np.repeat(current_pos_concentration, 3)
index = np.argmax(gradient)
if gradient[index] > 0:
self._next_pos = self.front_neighbors[index]
@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ class ActiveWalkerModel(Model):
self._unique_id_counter = -1
self.max_steps = max_steps
self.nest_position : Coordinate = nest_position
self.num_max_agents = num_max_agents
self.num_new_recruits = 5
self.decay_rates : dict[str, float] = {"A" :0.1,
"B": 0.1,
self.decay_rates : dict[str, float] = {"A" :0.01,
"B": 0.01,
for agent_id in self.get_unique_ids(num_initial_roamers):
@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ class ActiveWalkerModel(Model):
self.grid.place_agent(agent, pos=nest_position)
for _ in range(5):
self.datacollector = DataCollector(
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ License: AGPL 3 (see end of file)
(C) Alexander Bocken, Viviane Fahrni, Grace Kragho
from sys import dont_write_bytecode
from import HexGrid
from mesa.agent import Agent
import numpy as np
@ -104,6 +105,54 @@ class MultiHexGridScalarFields(MultiHexGrid):
def reset_field(self, key : str) -> None:
self.fields[key] = np.zeros((self.width, self.height))
def is_food(self, pos):
assert('food' in self.fields.keys())
return bool(self.fields['food'][pos])
def add_food(self, size : int , pos=None):
Adds food source to grid.
pos (optional): if None, selects random place on grid which
is not yet occupied by either a nest or another food source
size: how much food should be added to field
assert('food' in self.fields.keys())
if pos is None:
def select_random_place():
i = np.random.randint(0, self.width)
j = np.random.randint(0, self.height)
return i,j
pos = select_random_place()
while(self.is_nest(pos) or self.is_food(pos)):
pos = select_random_place()
self.fields['food'][pos] = size
def is_nest(self, pos : Coordinate) -> bool:
assert('nests' in self.fields.keys())
return bool(self.fields['nests'][pos])
def add_nest(self, pos:None|Coordinate=None):
Adds nest to grid.
pos: if None, selects random place on grid which
is not yet occupied by either a nest or another food source
assert('nests' in self.fields.keys())
if pos is None:
def select_random_place():
i = np.random.randint(0, self.width)
j = np.random.randint(0, self.height)
return i,j
pos = select_random_place()
while(self.is_nest(pos) or self.is_food(pos)):
pos = select_random_place()
self.fields['nests'][pos] = True
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ License: AGPL 3 (see end of file)
import numpy as np
from mesa.visualization.modules import CanvasHexGrid, ChartModule, CanvasGrid
from mesa.visualization.modules import CanvasHexGrid, ChartModule, CanvasGrid, TextElement
from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer
from mesa.visualization.UserParam import UserSettableParameter
from model import ActiveWalkerModel
from collections import defaultdict
def setup():
def setup(params=None):
# Set the model parameters
params = {
"width": 50, "height": 50,
"num_max_agents" : 100,
"nest_position" : (25,25),
"num_initial_roamers" : 5,
if params is None:
params = {
"width": 50, "height": 50,
"num_max_agents" : 100,
"nest_position" : (25,25),
"num_initial_roamers" : 5,
class CanvasHexGridMultiAgents(CanvasHexGrid):
@ -59,11 +60,19 @@ def setup():
level: level to calculate color between white and black (linearly)
normalization: value for which we want full black color
rgb = max(int(255 - level * 255 / normalization), 0)
mono = f"{rgb:0{2}x}" # hex value of rgb value with fixed length 2
return f"#{3*mono}"
return max(int(255 - level * 255 / normalization), 0)
def portray_ant_density(model, pos):
if model.grid.is_nest(pos):
col = "red"
elif model.grid.is_food(pos):
col = "green"
col = get_color(level=len(model.grid[pos]), normalization=5)
col = f"rgb({col}, {col}, {col})"
return {
"Shape": "hex",
"r": 1,
@ -71,10 +80,12 @@ def setup():
"Layer": 0,
"x": pos[0],
"y": pos[1],
"Color": get_color(level=len(model.grid[pos]), normalization=5)
"Color": col,
def portray_pheromone_density(model, pos):
col_a = get_color(level=model.grid.fields["A"][pos], normalization=3)
col_b = get_color(level=model.grid.fields["B"][pos], normalization=3)
return {
"Shape": "hex",
"r": 1,
@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ def setup():
"Layer": 0,
"x": pos[0],
"y": pos[1],
"Color": get_color(level=model.grid.fields["A"][pos], normalization=3)
"Color": f"rgb({col_a}, {col_b}, 255)"
@ -92,7 +103,8 @@ def setup():
pixel_ratio = 10
grid_ants = CanvasHexGridMultiAgents(portray_ant_density, width, height, width*pixel_ratio, height*pixel_ratio)
grid_pheromones = CanvasHexGridMultiAgents(portray_pheromone_density, width, height, width*pixel_ratio, height*pixel_ratio)
return ModularServer(ActiveWalkerModel, [grid_ants, grid_pheromones],
test_text = TextElement()
return ModularServer(ActiveWalkerModel, [lambda m: "<h3>Ant density</h3><h5>Nest: Red, Food: Green</h5>", grid_ants, lambda m: "<h3>Pheromone Density</h3><h5>Pheromone A: Cyan, Pheromone B: Pink</h5>", grid_pheromones],
"Active Random Walker Ants", params)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
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