2018-11-04 19:16:23 +00:00

3.8 KiB

1TAGNAME IN REPO (or git url)PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
2base-develis a group package with sudo and compilation software
3gitis a version control system
4i3-gapsis the main graphical user interface and window manager
5xorg-serveris the graphical server
6xorg-xdpyinforetrieves screen information for some scripts
7xorg-xwininfoallows querying information about windows
8xorg-xinitstarts the graphical server
9G my custom build of suckless's terminal emulator
10G commands and provides a UI for selection
11ttf-inconsolatais the monospace font of LARBS
12ttf-linux-libertineprovides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS
13rangeris an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes
14arandris a UI for screen adjustment
15calcurseis a lightweight terminal-based calendar
16comptonfor transparency and removing screen-tearing
17croniemanages scheduled tasks
18dosfstoolsallows your computer to access dos-like filesystems
19dunstis a suckless notification system
20exfat-utilsallows management of FAT drives
21fehis a minimal image viewer
22ffmpegcan record and splice video and audio on the command line
23firefoxis the only program on LARBS your girlfriend has ever heard of
24gnome-keyringserves as the system keyring
25gnome-themes-extragives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS
26gvimprovides a build of vim with the ability to copy and paste between other programs
27i3blocksis the status bar
28i3lockis the screen lock
29mpdis a lightweight music daemon
30mpcis a terminal interface for mpd
31mpvis the patrician's choice video/gif player
32ncmpcppa ncurses interface for music with multiple formats and a powerful tag editor
33networkmanagerdoes exactly what it sounds like
34network-manager-appletappears in the top right corner and manages the wi-fi connection
35newsboatis a terminal RSS client
36Attf-emojioneis a package that gives the system unicode symbols and emojis used in the status bar and elsewhere.
37Attf-symbolaneeded provides unicode and emoji symbols.
38ntfs-3gallows accessing NTFS partitions
39pulseaudiois the audio system (>inb4 bloat)
40pulseaudio-alsais an audio interface with ALSA
41pamixeris a terminal audio control interface
42pulsemixeris an intuitive ncurses audio controller
43python-pywalgenerates color schemes based on your wallpaper
44Asc-imis an Excel-like terminal spreadsheet manager
45Ahtop-vim-gitprovides system usage information and displays processes
46scrotcan take quick screenshots at your request
47tmuxis a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS
48Aunclutter-xfixes-githides an inactive mouse
49unrarextracts rar's
50unzipunzips zips
51Aurlscanparses URLs in the terminal allowing keyboard-based selection
52Avim-pathogenmanages vim plugins
53w3mis a terminal browser which can also view images
54wgetdownloads sites and files on the command line
55xcapegives the special escape/super mappings of LARBS
56xdotoolprovides window action utilities on the command line.
57xssstatetimes out the screen if locked
58youtube-dlcan download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link
59youtube-vieweris a terminal interface for watching YouTube videos without a browser
60zathurais a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings
61zathura-djvugives zathura the ability to read .djvu files
62zathura-pdf-mupdfallows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura
63popplermanipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews in ranger
64mediainfoshows audio and video information and is used by ranger as well
65atoolmanages and gives information about archives
66fzfis a fuzzy finder tool
67highlightcan highlight code output
68G folder and file icons in ranger
69Atask-spoolerqueues commands or files for download