2023-01-19 20:11:26 -05:00

1.7 KiB

title date
Newsboat 2023-01-19T11:37:10-05:00

Newsboat is an RSS-reader.

A normal person asks: "What is an RSS reader?"

It's a way to follow sites and social media updates without needing social media.


man newsboat


Press super + shift + n or run newsboat in the terminal.


  • j/k -- move up and down.
  • enter -- enter feed or article.
  • q -- return to previous screen or quit.
  • h/l -- open feed or return (same as q and enter).
  • a -- mark as read.
  • n -- go to next unread.
  • A -- mark all as read.
  • ,, -- open the main link of an article. (Usually opens in a browser, or if a video, will play the video in mpv.)
  • u/d -- page up and down.
  • g/G -- go to top or bottom of screen.

To follow a visible link, use the st binding alt + l, or to just copy it, alt + k.


  • ~/.config/newsboat/urls -- the file holding your RSS feeds. Add URLs here to make them appear in newsboat. Open itquickly by typing cfu in the terminal.
  • ~/.config/newsboat/config -- the general newsboat config. Type cfn in the terminal. You can set granulated coloring and effects here, as well as change key bindings.
  • ~/.local/bin/linkhandler -- the opener file used by newsboat for dealing with URLs with the ,, binding. This can be modified as needed. By default, it opens normal URLs in a browser, opens videos with mpv, downloads audio/podcast files and downloads and opens images with sxiv, etc.