little error no longer crash install

This commit is contained in:
Luke 2017-10-05 15:44:51 -07:00
parent bc33437fd0
commit 99353c8caa

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ printf "${BLUE}(May take some time.)\n${NC}"
#Add the needed gpg key for neomutt
gpg --recv-keys 5FAF0A6EE7371805
aurcheck i3-gaps vim-pathogen neofetch i3lock tamzen-font-git neomutt unclutter-xfixes-git urxvt-resize-font-git polybar-git python-pywal xfce-theme-blackbird || (echo "Error installing AUR packages. Check your internet connections and pacman keys." >> LARBS.log && error)
aurcheck i3-gaps vim-pathogen neofetch i3lock tamzen-font-git neomutt unclutter-xfixes-git urxvt-resize-font-git polybar-git python-pywal xfce-theme-blackbird || (echo "Error installing AUR packages. Check your internet connections and pacman keys." >> LARBS.log)
#packer --noconfirm -S ncpamixer-git speedometer cli-visualizer