Updated to v33
This commit is contained in:
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
273 "emulate" " to imitate or attempt to equal in <b>accomplishment</b> to strive to equal or excel (n: emulation)<br> It is about the setting a goal to equal or exceed what someone else achieved, not necessarily doing it their way. " "verb" "Latin : aemulari ""to rival.""" "Sue is going to <u><b>emulate</b> her brother's strong work ethic</u> in order to be successful." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
274 "emulate </br> imitate" "Emulate means ""to try to be as good or successful as.""</br> Imitate means ""to copy or fashion oneself after.""" "verb" "He did not limit his actions to <b>imitating</b> his role model, but wished to go further and <b>emulate</b> his idol's success" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
275 "-en" "made of, make " "adj., noun" "silken</br> frozen</br> oaken</br> wooden</br> lighten " "Suffix" "MSU"
1218 "en</br> in" "inside" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1218 "en</br> in" "inside" "Greek/Latin root" "enhance, " "Latin words" "nko"
276 "-ence, ency " "action, state of, quality " "noun " "difference</br> conference</br> urgency " "Suffix" "MSU"
277 "encomium" "a formal eulogy or speech of praise" "noun" "Greek : enkōmion=belonging to the praise or reward of a conquero" "Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an <b>encomium</b> they had written, praising her work as a teacher." "Common GRE" "MSU"
857 "endemic" "native to or confined to a certain region, locality or people" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic." "One of the mysteries of epidemiology is why Asia does not suffer from yellow fever. The disease is endemic in Africa, the continent where it evolved. The disease was endemic to the region." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
1661 "excise " "a tax. " "noun" "comes from a similarly sounding old Dutch word for tax, not linked to the ""excise"" verb word, which is Latin origin!" "when you take more than a litre of alcohol into the country, you will need to pay 20% <b><u>excise</u> duty</b>" "AMB" "Prepscholar"
317 "exculpate" "pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; to demonstrate or prove to be blameless: " "verb" "The evidence tended to exculpate the defendant.(adj: exculpatory)" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
862 "exemplar" " a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model" "noun" "Synonyms: epitome, perfect example" "At times 'Utopia' seems less an exemplar of idealism, and more of a satire on it." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
377 "guileless" "honest; straightforward (n: guilelessness)" "adj." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1480 "exigency" "a pressing or urgent situation" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
318 "exigent" " urgent or pressing; demanding or pressing" "adj." "An exigent officer is difficult to get along with because he asks ridiculous things of his soldiers." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
319 "exonerate" " to clear of charges of wrongdoing" "verb" "The testimony from the witness will hopefully exonerate my husband of the charges." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
320 "exorbitant" "exceeding customary or normal limits, esp. in quantity or price:" "adj." " The cab fare was exorbitant." "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
335 "falter" "Move unsteadily or in a way that shows lack of confidence" "verb" "Synonyms: stumble, fumble" "His early steps were faltering, and a frailer soul might have been daunted by his mentors’ fate." "Least Difficult" "FT"
336 "fastidious" " meticulous" "adj." "adj. invested in cleanliness" "Constantly licking themselves, cats are fastidious creatures." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
337 "fathom" "1. a measure of length (six feet) used in nautical settings.</br> 2. to penetrate to the depths of something in order to understand it: " "noun, verb" "Old English fæðm ""length of the outstretched arm"" (a measure of about six feet)" "1.<u>Nautical charts in the US measure water depth in feet as well as <b>fathoms</b></u></br> 2. <u>I couldn't <b>fathom</u> her reasoning</u> on that issue." "Common GRE" "MSU"
591 "plastic" "related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic)" "adj." "ic=nature of, like" "Common GRE" "MSU"
377 "guileless" "honest; straightforward (n: guilelessness)" "adj." "Common GRE" "MSU"
339 "fawn" "1. n. a baby deer. </br>2. v. to behave in an excessively humble or obsequious manner., to seek favor or attention" "noun, verb" "noun : same Latin word root as fetus</br>verb: same root as ""feiern"" in Deutsch" "1. bambi was a <b>fawn</b></br> 2. Charlie always <u><b>fawned</b> over</u> his professors so much that all the other students disliked him." "Homonym" "MSU"
1482 "fawning" "attempting to win favor by flattery" "noun" "Old English : verwandt mit ""feiern""" "The beauty contestants are always <b>fawning</b> over the male judges." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1080 "fect" "do</br> make" "Greek/Latin root" "perfect" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
868 "foible" " a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone’s character" "noun" "Same root word origin as ""feeble"", coming from French : faible=weakness</br>. Synonyms: idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, peculiarity" "The elder Bongo had among other <b>foibles</b>, a liking to show off his pet tiger to guests" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
353 "foil" "1. n. a thin sheet made of metal. </br>2. n. a type of rapier or sword. foils: the sport or practice of fencing with such swords. </br>3. n. a person or thing used in a comparison in order to make another person or thing seem superior. </br>4. v. to spoil or thwart; to prevent the success of. " "noun" "1. Dad <u>wrapped the spare ribs in aluminium<b> foil</u></b> before putting them on the grill.</br>2. <u>The fencing competition took place with</u> rubber-ball capped <u><b>foils</b></u></br>3 . She had brought <u>so many unsuitable suitors</u> home to her parents that these <u>were nothing but <b>foils</b></u>, so the introduction of John led her parents to happily agree to the marriage. </br>(4) The <u> early return of their parents <b>foiled</b> their plans for a party.</u>" "Homonym" "MSU"
354 "foment" " to foster unrest or discontent" "verb" "Latin fomentum ""warm application, poultice""on the notion of ""encourage the growth of"" similar to ferment" "the police are here to keep people calm, not to <u?<b>foment</b> violence</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1220 "for" "completely (used to intensify the meaning of a word)" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1484 "fervor" "feelings of great warmth and intensity" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
355 "forage" "(of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions" "verb" "Synonyms: hunt, scavenge, grub" "And you must be ready to abandon tired orthodoxies of the left and right and forage for good ideas across the political spectrum." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1221 "fore" "in front of</br> previous</br> earlier" "Greek/Latin root" "forehead</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
356 "forestall" "keep from happening or arising; make impossible" "verb" "Synonyms: pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of" "To forestall a social crisis, he mused, governments should consider a tax on robots; if automation slows as a result, so much the better." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
391 "hyperbole" " obvious exaggeration for effect" "noun" "hyper=too much + bole=to throw=> to throw too far." "Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1391 "hypo" "too little</br> under" "Latin Prefix" "hypo-allergenic, hypocaust(burning below=underfloor heating), hypochondria(under belief), hypocrisy, hypodermic, hypogamy(marriage to a lower caste), hypogastrium(below the stomach), hypogean(lives below the earth(ge)), hypoglycemia(too little blood sugar), hypomania(better insight due to being under the influence of a ""high""), hyponymy(word that is subordinatedly interchangeable with a word (but not vice versa), hypostasis, hypotaxis, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypotonia, hypotonic, hypoxia(b" "Latin words" "nko"
392 "-ic" "nature of, like " "adj. " "metallic</br> heroic</br> poetic " "Suffix" "MSU"
1433 "ic</br> id" "of</br> like" "Latin Suffix" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1220 "for" "completely (used to intensify the meaning of a word)" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
393 "-ice" "condition, state, quality " "noun " "justice</br> malice " "Suffix" "MSU"
395 "iconoclast" " a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions" "noun" "Synonyms: critic, skeptic, dissenter" "He has overtaken Manuel Valls, the centre-left prime minister, as the left’s most outspoken iconoclast, and shown up the Socialist left as die-hard conservative" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1487 "iconoclastic" "characterized by attack on established beliefs" "adj." "Greek eikōn, or ""image,"" coupled with -klastēs, ""one who breaks,""=> one who breaks icons" "In the 1960's, <b><u>iconclastic</b> altneratives</u> to the standard democrate and republican parties were set up in California. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1488 "idolatry" "the worship of objects or images as gods" "noun" "Both <u>abhorred <b>idolatry</b></u> and intercession, and both relied on their books, the Bible and the Quran, for direct contact with God" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
976 "idyll" " an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene" "noun" "Synonyms: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon" "That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their <u>rural <b>idyll.</u></b>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
977 "ignoble" "not honorable in character or purpose" "adj." "Synonyms: dishonorable, unworthy, base" "Moreover, by controlling the body he controlled the equally unruly mind, keeping it pure from <u><b>'ignoble</b> strife'.</u>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1434 "il</br> ile" "capable of being" "Latin Suffix" "Latin words" "nko"
687 "subjective" " open to personal interpretation; not based in objective fact" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
881 "imbue" "Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality" "verb" "Synonyms: saturate, fill, suffuse" "Some feminists argue, moreover, that the very framework of economics is <b>imbued</b> with subtler forms of sexism." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
401 "imminent" " about to happen" "adj." "French/ Latin : ""overhanging; impending""" "When the Secret Service arrived, everyone knew <u>the president’s arrival was <b>imminent.</b></u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1376 "immure </br> inure" "immure=Kept as a prisoner or closed away and out of sight </br> inure=If you suffer or experience something unpleasant, you become familiar with it and able to accept and bear it" "adj." "She locked all the doors and <b><u>immured</b> herself in the study</u> - and after 6 months of studiousness<u> had become<b>inure</b> to that hard life.</u>" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
416 "in</br> im " "not , against : Deutscher Stamm : ""un-""" "Greek/Latin root" "This is the SECOND of 2 generic meanings of ""in"". The other is ÏNTO" "incredible</br> ignoble</br> inglorious</br> inhospitable</br> infinite</br> infinitesimal</br> immoral " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
417 "inadvertent" " by accident or unintentional" "adj." "Latin: in- = ""not+ ad =""to, toward"" + vertere= ""to turn."" => inadvertent means “not turning the mind to</br>Syn: accident, unintended" "Because the principal neglected to turn off the microphone on the PA system, <u>some statements were <b>inadvertently</b> broadcat to all. </u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1493 "inadvertently" "without knowledge or intention" "adv." "adv of inadvertent" "We <b>indaver<u>tent</u>ly</b> ripped the <u>tent</u> (spelling donkey's bridge)" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1377 "inane </br> innate" "inane=Extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance </br> innate=A quality or ability that you were born with, not one you have learned" "adj." "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1433 "ic</br> id" "of</br> like" "Latin Suffix" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
419 "inchoate" " rudimentary, in the beginning stages" "adj." "of uncertain origin. Probably something like to start strapping up the ox, ie. Start work" "The act of writing forces one to clarify <u>vague <b>inchoate</u></b> thoughts." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
979 "incise" "Mark or decorate (an object or surface) with a cut or a series of cut" "verb" "Latin : in=in + cis=cut</br>Synonyms: engrave, etch, carve" "This 12th-century incense burner is <b>incised</b> with calligraphy that identifies its maker and first owner." "Most Difficult" "FT"
420 "inconclusive" " indeterminate or unresolved" "adj." "Latin: in- ""not, opposite of"" + con :""together"" + -cludere : ""to shut""=>not shut together, not finalised</br>Syn: equivocal, indeterminate, head-to-head, neck and neck, nip and tuck, nisi, indecisive, indeterminate, undetermined" "<u>An autopsy was <b>inconclusive</u></b> on how Mason died." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -715,14 +715,14 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
985 "larceny" " Theft of personal property" "noun" "Synonyms: stealing, robbery, pilfering" "The <b>larceny</b> charges were dropped when it was discovered he received verbal permission to use the car." "Most Difficult" "FT"
890 "largesse" "large generosity, liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit" "noun" "Synonyms: liberality, munificence, magnanimity, openhandedness, gift" "All else equal, such <b>largesse</b> should indeed give the economy some temporary vim." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1506 "lassitude" "a feeling of lack of interest or energy" "noun" "Latin: lassus ""faint, tired, weary,""" "Whereas <u>Latitude</u> is the distance from the equator,<b>lassitude</b> is the weariness you'd experience after attempting to run a marathon around the equator" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1231 "lat" "to carry</br> to bear (correlation)" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1434 "il</br> ile" "capable of being" "Latin Suffix" "Latin words" "nko"
471 "latent" "potentially existing but not presently evident or realized" "adj." "Middle English from Latin latēre : ""to lie hidden.""</br>Syn:possible, potential" "If Janet is anything like her mother, she will show a <u><b>latent</b> skill</u> for singing when she reaches her teenage years." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1251 "later" "side" "Greek/Latin root" "lateral</br> latitude</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
472 "laud" "praise, glorify, or honor often in a very public manner" "verb" "Syn : exalt, extol, glorify, proclaim, canonise, canonize, ensky, crack up, hymn" "Because the soldier saved the president, everyone is going to <b>laud</b> him at a huge event" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
474 "laudable" "praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud)" "adj." "Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is <u>a <b>laudable</b> goal.</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
764 "lax" "Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful" "adj." "Synonyms: slack, slipshod, negligent. </br>Deutsch : Lasch" "Mario Draghi has faced attacks from critics in Germany (<u>for being too<b> lax</b></u>) and Greece (for being too tight)." "Least Difficult" "FT"
891 "leery" "Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions" "adj." "Synonyms: careful, circumspect, on one's guard" "The past two decades have left working-class voters in many countries <b>leery </b>of globalisation." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1232 "leg</br> lig</br> lect" "choose</br> gather" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1377 "inane </br> innate" "inane=Extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance </br> innate=A quality or ability that you were born with, not one you have learned" "adj." "in=in + nat=born=>born with" "He had an innate ability to make inane comments" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
475 "legis (lex) " "law " "Greek/Latin root" "legal</br> legislature " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
476 "-less" "without " "adj. " "worthless</br> mindless</br> guileless " "Suffix" "MSU"
1115 "lethargic" "lacking energy" "adj." "From same Greek word. ic=nature of, like</br>" "It’s not uncommon to feel lethargic for weeks or even months after major surger" "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
600 "polemical" " angry, hostile, harshly critical" "adj." "Use polemical to describe a controversy or argument that could end up as a huge conflict, because polemical refers to a major disagreement" "With strong trade unions, <u>privatisation is a major <b>polemical</b> issue in South Africa</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
601 "polis" "city " "Greek/Latin root" "political</br> metropolitan " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
602 "poly" "many " "Greek/Latin root" "polygamy</br> polyphonic</br> hoi polloi " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1289 "pon</br> pos" "place</br> put" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1231 "lat" "to carry</br> to bear (correlation)" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
603 "ponderous" "heavy; massive; awkward; dull: " "adj." "A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill." "Common GRE" "MSU"
604 "port</br> porto " "carry " "Greek/Latin root" "porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
784 "posit" "Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument" "noun" "Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit" "The students were asked to posit their ideas about the dance through the school suggestion box." "Least Difficult" "FT"
@ -997,8 +997,8 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
918 "prudish" "having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity" "adj." "Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody" "My grandmother’s narrowminded and prudish viewpoints do not line up with today’s world views" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
633 "psych" "mind</br> soul " "Greek/Latin root" "psychology " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
634 "publicus" "people " "Greek/Latin root" "public</br> republic</br> pub</br> publican " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1304 "pugn</br>pung" "fight" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1303 "pul" "urge" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1232 "leg</br> lig</br> lect" "choose</br> gather" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
591 "plastic" "related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic)" "adj." "ic=nature of, like" "The artist like to work with plastic substances such as wax or clay, as they could be easily molded" "Common GRE" "MSU"
651 "rescind" " to take back or retract (an offer or statement); to repeal or annul" "verb" "Syn: annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, reverse, revoke, vacate" "In 1933, because none of the expected advantages had come to pass, the government decided to <b>rescind</b> the prohibition act. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1011 "pundit" " an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public" "noun" "Synonyms: authority, adviser" "And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1060 "purge" "clean" "Greek/Latin root" "Purge =remove anything undesirable</br>purgatory =according to Roman Catholics a placewhere souls must clean themselves of sin</br>expurgate =remove objectionable passages from a publication" "Root words" "Aristotle"
@ -1012,17 +1012,17 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1455 "qualify" "1. be selectable for a position/job<br>2. Place a condition on a statement, limit the scope of a statement" "verb" "Qualify is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE! <br> The GRE primarily has examples of the 2nd definition, ie. To place a condition on a statement." "2a. I love living in San Francisco; however, the summers are very cold .<br>The latter, bold part however… qualifies or limits, my love for San Francisco. <br>You can also qualify a negative statement :<br>2b.I really dislike living in SF, because I can’t even wear a T-shirt in summer…the restaurants are great t" "Common GRE" "MSU"
919 "qualm" " an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear" "noun" "Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation" "I have a serious qualm about my teenage daughter dating an older man." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
920 "quell" "Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)" "verb" "Synonyms: calm, soothe, pacify" "The old man drinks warm milk to quell his upset stomach." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1307 "quer</br> quir" "ask</br> seek" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1521 "plasticity" "the property of being physically malleable" "adj. " "The <b>plasticity</b> of the wax and clay made the 2 media attractive for the artist to use." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1012 "querulous" "Complaining in a petulant or whining manner" "adj." "Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy" "f there was an award for being querulous, my aunt would win because she is always complaining about something." "Most Difficult" "FT"
921 "quibble" "Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter" "verb" "Synonyms: object to, criticize, nitpick" "It is normal for married couples to quibble over small things like who controls the television remote" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1013 "quiescence" " a state or period of inactivity or dormancy" "noun" "Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency" "Any extended period of <b>quiescence</b> was a sure sign that the unusually quiet children were up to no good." "Most Difficult" "FT"
655 "reverent" "feeling or showing profound respect or veneration" "adj." "During the funeral, humble and reverent silence filled the air of the sanctuary" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1308 "quis</br>ques" "guest" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1289 "pon</br> pos" "place</br> put" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1014 "quixotic" "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic" "The idea of an obese person participating in a triathlon is a quixotic notion." "Most Difficult" "FT"
639 "quotidian" " relating to the everyday or mundane" "adj." "Synonyms: day-to-day, average, daily" "They are seers, and mystics unfettered by the quotidian, connecting with the divine and reporting back." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "My father was a <b>raconteur</b> of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1331 "radic</br>radix" "root" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1332 "ram" "branch" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1523 "preamble" "a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution" "noun" "Latin praeambulus which means ""walking before."" (a speech, or a document)" "The Constitution declares in its <b>preamble</b>that one of its primary purposes was to establish Justice." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1525 "profound" "1. situated at or extending to great depth</br>2. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth" "adj. " "Profundus literally means ""deep"" in Latin</br>syn 1:deep </br>Syn2:intense, deep, thoughtful, insightful" "1. The strange creature came from <u>the <b>profound depths</b> of the sea</u>.</br>Rock songs about drugs that <b>try to sound profound</b> are usually dumb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
656 "rhetoric" " the art of effective communication (written or verbal)" "noun" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "The senator will be a great president because he is big on action and low on rhetoric." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
640 "rarefy" "1. to make or become thin; 2. to purify or refine (n: rarefaction, adj: rarefied)" "verb" "Latin : to make rare" "1. A lack of calcium has caused the boy’s bones to <b>rarefy</b> and become brittle.</br>" "Common GRE" "MSU"
659 "salubrious" " health-promoting" "adj." "Latin : salute and salubrious stem from the same salus, meaning ""welfare, health.”" "<u>Broccoli, chicken and peanut butter are <b>salubrious</b> foods</u> which provide essential nutrients" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense" "Kate demanded redress from the builder when her deck collapsed." "Most Difficult" "FT"
671 "sediment" " material that settles at the bottom of a body of water" "noun" "Latin : sedere, = “to settle,” or “sit.”" "After the flood waters receded, there was a huge amount of <b>sediment</b> left behind." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
644 "refute" "overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof" "verb" "Latin : re=back +futare =""to beat"", ie. To resist, repel, oppose" "The evidence provided by the prosecutor will <b>refute</b> the defendant’s claim of innocenc" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1529 "proscribe" "command against" "verb" "Proscribe sounds similar to prescribe, but careful !!: these words are essentially opposite in meaning. proscribe = forbid, prescribe= doctor's ordrers/ recommends a medicine " "Most states have laws that <u><b>proscribe</b> texting</u> while driving." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
674 "simultaneous" " occurring at the same moment" "adj." "Latin :simul: ""at the same time.""" "The troops will carry out <b><u>simultaneous</b> attacks</u> on their enemies, bombing three locations at once" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
645 "relentless" " never stopping, constant, unyielding, persistent" "adj." "<b>relentless</b> and driven, the runner managed to finish the race despite his bruised ankle" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
677 "solicitous" "1. considerate, attentive</br>2. full of anxiety and concern" "adj." "Latin roots sollus ""entire"" and citus ""set in motion=>restless, uneasy, careful, full of anxiety" "1. I like good restaurant service, but sometimes <u>the <b>solicitous</b> service in India</u> goes too far me.</br>2. The parents were <b>solicitous</b> about their children's future." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -1045,128 +1045,128 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
648 "reproof" "the act of censuring, scolding, or rebuking. (v. reprove)." "noun" "Old French reprove ""reproach, rejection,""</br>Syn : rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproval" "Without harsh <b>reproof</b>, the mother calmly explained the reasons why the boy shouldn’t throw the ball in the house." "Common GRE" "MSU"
684 "spurious" " fake or false" "adj." "Latin : spurius (n.) ""illegitimate child,""</br>Syn : inauthentic, unauthentic, counterfeit, imitative" "In the art-scene millions can be made with the help of so-called experts who can convert <u><b>spurios works of art</u></b> to authentic pieces via their certificates of authenticities." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
685 "stolid" " calm and dependable" "adj." "Syn: dependable"" or ""calm,"" but these can be overshadowed by other words for stolid — ""empty,"" ""blank,"" and ""vacant," "He was a <b>stolid</b> man who <u>did not even show his emotions</u> at his mother’s funeral" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
687 "subjective" " open to personal interpretation; not based in objective fact" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
688 "substantiate" " to corroborate or give evidence of something" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
690 "subversive" " meant to undercut established institutions or norms" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1304 "pugn</br>pung" "fight" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1303 "pul" "urge" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1530 "qualified" "1. meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task</br>2. limiting conditions that modify a statement or make it no longer valid" "adj. " "1. As the student saw himself <u><b>qualified</b> for the job</u>, he sent in his resumé</br>2. Newton's laws are still generally valid and applicable, <b><u>qualified</b> only by extreme conditions</u>, eg.at speeds close to light " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
653 "restive</br>restful" "restive is impatient under delay, duress, or control while restful is peaceful; having a peaceful aspect." "adj. " "The horses, sensing the upcomping championship - become restive and were unable to get a restful night's sleep. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
790 "reticence" " the quality of not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readi" "noun" "Synonyms: reserve, introversion, restraint" "The shy wallflower’s reticence kept her from talking to anyone at the school dance." "Least Difficult" "FT"
691 "sufficient" " enough for a given purpose" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1307 "quer</br> quir" "ask</br> seek" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1408 "retro" "backward" "Latin Prefix" "retroactively, " "Latin words" "nko"
692 "superbly" "ad excellently" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
695 "supplant" " to overtake or replace" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1531 "quiescent" "being quiet or still or inactive" "adj." "Latin origin quiescens means rest, quiet" "1. While the bees are <b>quiescent</b> early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day</br>2. the <b>quiescent</b> tumour gave the patient no problems." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1308 "quis</br>ques" "guest" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1018 "ribald" "Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way" "adj." "Synonyms: bawdy, indecent, risqu<71>" "When challenged... about human rights in Chechnya, he replied with a ribald offer to arrange for the questioner's Islamic circumcision." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
657 "riparia" "river " "Greek/Latin root" "riparian " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1019 "rococo" "Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration" "adj." "The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts rococo wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1333 "rub</br>rhod" "red" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1331 "radic</br>radix" "root" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
791 "rue" "Bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen)" "verb" "Synonyms: deplore, lament, bemoan" "Meanwhile, Mr. Showalter will now have a long six months to <b>rue</b> his slavery to the save rule before his club plays another game." "Least Difficult" "FT"
792 "ruminate" "Think deeply about something" "verb" "Synonyms: contemplate, consider, mull over" "Alfred Sauvy, the French thinker... was prone to worry that the first world would become 'a society of old people, living in old houses, ruminating about old ideas.'" "Least Difficult" "FT"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1312 "sacr</br>sanct" "holy" "Greek/Latin root" "sacrement</br> sanctuary" "Latin words" "nko"
658 "sagacious" "having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity)." "adj." " Latin sagacitatem""keenness of perception, quality of being acute,""</br>same root as ""sage""</br>Syn: perspicacious, sapient, wise" "observant and thoughtful,<u> he was given to asking <b>sagaciou</b>s questions</u></br>" "Common GRE" "MSU"
697 "synthesize" " to combine disparate parts into a coherent whole" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1332 "ram" "branch" "Greek/Latin root" "ramification" "Latin words" "nko"
925 "salient" "Most noticeable or important" "adj." "Synonyms: conspicuous, noticeable, obvious" "The reason for that emphasis may in part be because of the <b>salient</b> threat of terrorism" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
704 "temperance" " moderation and restraint, sometimes used to specifically describe abstinence from alcohol" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1532 "rarefied" "1. of high moral or intellectual value</br>of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style </br>2 having low density" "adj. " "Syn1 : levated, exalted, grand, high-flown, high-minded, idealistic, lofty, noble-minded, rarified, sublime" "1. The <u><b>rarefied</b> book</u> was written in an ancient language that could only be read by a few linguists and historians</br>2. The old lady became lightheaded from the <u><b>rarefied</b> mountain air</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1334 "san" "health" "Greek/Latin root" "sanitatin</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
660 "sanction" " to give official permission" "verb" "v. to impose a penalty for a particular action" "n. punishments imposed for breaking a regulation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1020 "sanguine" "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident: ""Her sanguine attitude put everyone at ease.""(Sangfroid (noun) is a related French word meaning unflappibility. Literally, it means cold blood)" "adj." "Synonyms: hopeful, buoyant, assured" "Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are <b>sanguine</b> that people will have time to adapt." "Most Difficult" "FT"
662 "sap" "1. n. sugary liquid found in trees. </br>2. v. to deplete or weaken." "noun, verb" "(2) Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually sap the vitality of those who suffer it." "Homonym" "MSU"
926 "sardonic" "grimly mocking or cynical" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: satirical, sarcastic, ironic" "Ms Jefferson, it must be said, is a master of the arched-eyebrow, <b>sardonic</b> quip." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
663 "sate" "to satisfy fully or to excess" "verb" "old English/German : Satt sein</br>Syn : fill, replete, satiate" "I will never be able to give my dog enough food to <b>sate</b> him." "Common GRE" "MSU"
716 "transient" " passes quickly; short-lived" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
719 "ubiquitous" " ever-present or universal" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1533 "recluse" "one who lives in solitude" "noun" "Greek erēmos, = “solitary.” </br>Syn: hermit, solitary, solitudinarian, troglodyte" "St. John the Baptist, a preacher and <b>hermit</b> and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized)w, as beheaded by Herod" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1534 "refractory" "stubbornly resistant to authority or control" "adj. " "Latin meaning ""breaking up, obstinate"", also ""not responsive to something." "Most <u>teenagers go through a <b>refractory</b> phase</u> where they don’t want to listen to authority figures." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
665 "saturnine" "having a gloomy or morose temperament, sad and solemn" "adj." "Early English, ""born under the influence of the planet Saturn"", then believed to be furthest away from the sun,so ""gloomy, morose, sluggish, grave""" "As the widow accepted offers of sympathy at her husband’s funeral, she struggled to keep tears from her <b>saturnine</b> eyes." "Common GRE" "MSU"
927 "savant" " a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist" "noun" "Synonyms: intellectual, scholar, sage" "Since my aunt speaks over twenty languages, she is considered a verbal <b>savant.</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
720 "unadorned" " plain; unembellished" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1097 "scend" "climb" "Greek/Latin root" "ascend</br> descend" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1061 "sci" "to know" "Greek/Latin root" "conscience =sense of knowing right from wrong</br>conscious =knowing what is happening</br>omniscient =knowing everything</br>prescient =ability to perceive events before they occur" "Root words" "Aristotle"
1021 "scintilla" " a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling" "noun" "Synonyms: particle, iota, smidgen" "Because it has strong flavor, the recipe called for a <b>scintilla</b> of sesame oil." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1336 "scler" "hard" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1535 "relegate" "assign to a lower position" "verb" "Latin : re- ""back"" + legare ""send with a commission"" =>send to a ""place in a position of inferiority" "<u>GC was <b>relegated</b> to the 2nd division</u> after it came last in the Super League" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
667 "scope" "examine " "Greek/Latin root" "microscope</br> oscilloscope " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
668 "screen" "1. n. a flat surface on which to project an image. 2. N. a mesh designed to allow passage of some things while excluding others, as a window screen. 3. v. to select some items from a larger group. " "noun" "(3) The applicants were screened based on their resumes before the finalists were selected for interviews." "Homonym" "MSU"
1536 "reprobate" "a person without moral scruples" "noun" "The serial killer was a <b>reprobate</b> who did not care about anyone" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
669 "scrib</br>script" "write " "Greek/Latin root" "transcribe</br> scribe</br> script " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1098 "script" "written language" "Greek/Latin root" "postscript" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1409 "se" "apart</br> away" "Latin Prefix" "separate" "Latin words" "nko"
1316 "sec</br>sect" "cut" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
721 "undermine" " to weaken or compromise" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
722 "underscore" " to line underneath for emphasis" "verb" "v. to emphasize" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1537 "resolution" "a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1538 "resolve" "find a solution or answer" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1333 "rub</br>rhod" "red" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1099 "secut" "follow" "Greek/Latin root" "consecutive</br> non sequitur" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1317 "sed</br>sid</br>sess" "sit</br> seat" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
723 "untenable" " weak or unsupportable, esp. with respect to an opinion or situation" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1539 "sage" "a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1540 "saturate" "infuse or fill completely" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
672 "sedulous" "diligent; persevering; persistent: dedicated and careful" "adj." "Latin sedulus, with same meaning</br>Sedulous is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE!</br>(n: sedulity; sedulousness; adv. sedulously)</br> Syn : assiduous, painstaking, and diligent" "His <b>sedulity</b> was there for all to see : he worked hard and never gave up easily." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1022 "semantic" "Relating to meaning in language or logic" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: lingual, semasiological" "Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant.'" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1100 "sent" "feel</br> think" "Greek/Latin root" "sentient</br> consent</br> sentiment" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1101 "sequ" "follow" "Greek/Latin root" "sequence</br> subsequently" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1320 "serv" "keep" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
727 "venality" " the state of being capable of being bribed" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1445 "ship" "state of</br> skill" "Latin Suffix" "Latin words" "nko"
730 "veracity" " Truth and factual accuracy" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
688 "substantiate" "make something solid or believable, eg. to corroborate or give evidence of something, but also to strengthen" "verb" "Syn1: affirm, confirm, corroborate, support, sustain, </br>Syn2 :beef up, fortify, strengthen" "1. the theory was substantiated by a clear set of experimental facts</br>2. The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1336 "scler" "hard" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
668 "screen" "1. n. a flat surface on which to project an image. 2. N. a mesh designed to allow passage of some things while excluding others, as a window screen. 3. v. to select some items from a larger group. " "noun" "(3) The applicants were screened based on their resumes before the finalists were selected for interviews." "Homonym" "MSU"
1316 "sec</br>sect" "cut" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
675 "sin (sys before b</br> p</br> or m) " "together</br> with " "Greek/Latin root" "synchronize</br> symphony</br> sympathy</br> syncretic</br> syncope " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1321 "sist" "place</br> stand" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
734 "vexation" " state of being frustrated, irritated, or concerned." "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1542 "secrete" "generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1317 "sed</br>sid</br>sess" "sit</br> seat" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
676 "slight" "1. adj. small, as for quantity or amount. </br>2. n. an insult or other act showing disrespect. 3. v. to insult or show disrespect" "adj., noun" "(3) The director decided to list the actors' names alphabetically, so as not to slight anyone." "Homonym" "MSU"
1023 "sobriquet" " a person’s nickname" "noun" "Synonyms: appellation, moniker" "Alexander and Christina's <b>sobriquets</b> are Alex and Chrissy" "Most Difficult" "FT"
678 "sol" "alone " "Greek/Latin root" "solo</br>solitary</br>desolate =lonely</br> dismal</br> gloomy</br>solitary =done alone</br> by yourself</br>soliloquy–the act of speaking to onese" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
745 "whimsical" "determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1320 "serv" "keep" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
928 "soliloquy" " an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a pl" "noun" "Synonyms: monologue, speech" "Patrick Stewart, for instance, reworked Hamlet’s soliloquy as an ode to the letter B ('B or not a B, that is the question'" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1322 "solv</br>solu" "loosen" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1446 "some" "characteristic of" "Latin Suffix" "Latin words" "nko"
690 "subversive" " meant to undercut established institutions or norms" "adj." "Latin : sub, : ""underneath,"" + vertere, ""to turn.""=> turn the system from underneath (by a sneaky revolutionary)" "The professor mis-used his lessons to teach <b>subversive</b> philosophies to his gullable students" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1445 "ship" "state of</br> skill" "Latin Suffix" "workmanship" "Latin words" "nko"
1062 "somn" "sleep" "Greek/Latin root" "insomnia =inability to fall asleep</br>somniloquy =talking in one’s sleep</br>somnolent =feeling sleepy</br>Somnambulist=sleep walk" "Root words" "Aristotle"
1338 "son" "sound" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1321 "sist" "place</br> stand" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1324 "soph" "wisdom" "Greek/Latin root" "sophomore</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1024 "soporific" "inducing sleep" "adj." "French/ Latin sopor ""deep sleep""+ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative" "While <u>alcohol is <b>soporific</b></u> and can help you sleep, it does not take away your problems." "Most Difficult" "FT"
746 "wretched" "extremely pitiful or unfortunate (n: wretch)" "adj." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1325 "spec</br>spect</br>spic" "look</br> appear" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1322 "solv</br>solu" "loosen" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
682 "specious" "plausible but false" "adj." "Her argument, though specious, was readily accepted by many." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1480 "exigency" "a pressing or urgent situation" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1446 "some" "characteristic of" "Latin Suffix" "wholesome" "Latin words" "nko"
1326 "spir" "breathe" "Greek/Latin root" "aspiration</br> expiration</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1481 "fatuous" "devoid of intelligence" "adj." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1484 "fervor" "feelings of great warmth and intensity" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1338 "son" "sound" "Greek/Latin root" "sonor" "Latin words" "nko"
1325 "spec</br>spect</br>spic" "look</br> appear" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1327 "stat</br>stab" "stand" "Greek/Latin root" "static</br> stationary</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
929 "stigma" " a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person" "noun" "Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour" "A stigma against adults having fun, strong in the aftermath of the Second World War, has faded." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1521 "plasticity" "the property of being physically malleable" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1546 "spectrum" "a broad range of related objects, values, or qualities" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
930 "stipulate" "Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement" "verb" "Synonyms: set down, set out, lay down" "In trade negotiations, size matters. Larger economies can stipulate terms that suit them." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1523 "preamble" "a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1547 "stint" "supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
931 "stratum" " a thin layer within any structure" "noun" "Synonyms: level, class, echelon" "But exalting Western aviation security to a higher stratum than that found in Africa is a delusion." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1525 "profound" "situated at or extending to great depth" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
691 "sufficient" " enough for a given purpose" "adj." "Syn: ample, adequate, decent, enough" "The blanket would provide <b>sufficient</b> warmth for the night." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1328 "string</br>strict" "bind" "Greek/Latin root" "stringent" "Latin words" "nko"
1329 "stru</br>struct" "build" "Greek/Latin root" "structure</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
686 "strut" "1. v. to walk in such a way as to show great pride or confidence. </br>2. n. a support for an airplane wing or other projecting part." "verb, noun" "(2) Because the struts were made of inferior material, the wings of that plane became unstable." "Homonym" "MSU"
1258 "sub-, su- , sou, sous" "word-forming element meaning ""under, beneath; behind; from under; resulting from further division,""" "Greek/Latin root" "su- used before c, f, g, p, sometimes r & m" "substantial" "Latin words" "nko"
1529 "proscribe" "command against" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
692 "superbly" "ad excellently" "adj." "Syn: marvellously, marvelously, terrifically, toppingly, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously" "The soprano's voice was <b>superbly</b> disciplined" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
795 "sublime" "of very great excellence or beauty" "adj." "Synonyms: awe-inspiring, awesome, majestic" "After the <u><b>sublime</b> meal</u>, we asked to see the chef so that we could give him our compliments." "Least Difficult" "FT"
932 "subpoena" " A writ ordering a person to attend a court" "noun" "Synonyms: summons, mandate, court order" "Subpoenas issued by a federal grand jury earlier this year demanded that the Port Authority hand over Mr. Samson’s personal travel records." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1530 "qualified" "meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1531 "quiescent" "being quiet or still or inactive" "adj." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1549 "subside" "wear off or die down" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
695 "supplant" " to overtake or replace" "verb" "Syn: replace, supercede, supersede, supervene upon" "The computer has<b> supplanted</b> the slide rule" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
689 "subter" "under</br> secret " "Greek/Latin root" "subterfuge</br> subtle</br> subaltern</br> subterranean " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1532 "rarefied" "of high moral or intellectual value" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1533 "recluse" "one who lives in solitude" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
697 "synthesize" " 1. to combine disparate parts into a coherent whole</br>2. to create via chemical reaction" "verb" "It's becoming more common for doctors these days to <b>synthesize</b> Eastern and Western approaches to medicine" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
704 "temperance" " moderation and restraint, sometimes used to specifically describe abstinence from alcohol" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1330 "sum</br>sumpt" "take" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1412 "super" "above</br> beyond" "Latin Prefix" "supercede</br> superman</br><b>supersohn<b></br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1534 "refractory" "stubbornly resistant to authority or control" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
716 "transient" " passes quickly; short-lived" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
693 "superficial" "only covering the surface:""2.concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; 3. of little substance or significance" "adj." "Anything superficial has to do with the surface of something" "1. The car only had <b>superficial</b> damage to its paint.</br> 2. her thinking was superficial and fuzzy, marked by lack of attention or insight . </br>3. she made a few </b>superficial</b> editorial changes" "Common GRE" "MSU"
1535 "relegate" "assign to a lower position" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1550 "supersede" "take the place or move into the position of" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1025 "supine" "1. Failing to act as a result of moral weakness or indolence; </br>2.laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone)" "adj." "Latin : supinus= “thrown backwards” or “inactive.”</br>Synonyms: weak, spineless" "Austria as a country offered <b>supine</b>, selfish helplessness in allowing her country to be taken over by the Nazis.</br>2.After being sprayed with the poison, the roach flipped onto its back in a <u><b>supine</b> position</u> and died." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1536 "reprobate" "a person without moral scruples" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1537 "resolution" "a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
719 "ubiquitous" " ever-present or universal" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1551 "supposition" "the cognitive process of conjecturing" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
796 "surly" "Bad-tempered and unfriendly" "adj." "Synonyms: ill-natured, grumpy, glum" "Here, poverty and economic decline has led to the surly separation of a left-behind, resentful white working class and a Muslim minority." "Least Difficult" "FT"
696 "sycophant" " a fawning, insincere admirer, a person who tries to get what they want by excessively praising or complimenting someone in order to make them feel attractive or important" "noun" "Because she always kisses up to the teacher, Janice is considered the sycophant in first period." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
797 "syncopation" " A displacement of the beat or accents in (music or a rhythm) so that strong beats become weak and vice versa" "noun" "She dances an assortment of lissom steps, marvelously shedding shoes and socks as the Beethoven famously shifts from solemnity to syncopation." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1026 "synoptic" "Taking or involving a comprehensive mental view" "adj." "Latin: syn-, : together, + -optic, meaning view or sight. => synoptic =pulls everything together as as to be seen</br>Synonyms: concise, succinct, compressed c" "At the beginning and the end of the course, <b><u>synoptic</b> presentations</u> of the main physical theories were presented" "Most Difficult" "FT"
933 "syntax" " the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language" "noun" "Fench/Latin/Greek : syn- ""together"" + tassein ""arrange"" (same word root as tactics)=> arranging it all together." "The <b>syntax</b> in Jan’s sentences is incorrect as he doesn't follow the correct adjective sequence, viz : OSS-CAC-POMP, which stands for Opinion, Size, Shape, - Condition, Age, Color- , Pattern, Origin, Material & Purpose" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1538 "resolve" "find a solution or answer" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
720 "unadorned" " plain; unembellished" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
699 "tacit" " unspoken; implicit" "adj." ": Katie and carmella had a tacit agreement that they would not mention the dented fender to their parents." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
701 "taciturn" " reticent or reserved; tending towards silence; habitually untalkative or silent (n: taciturnity)" "adj." "French/ Latin taciturnus ""not talkative, noiseless.""" "My shy brother is taciturn and rarely speaks in public." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1102 "tact" "touch" "Greek/Latin root" "contact</br> tactless (without feeling)" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1339 "tang</br>ting</br>tact</br>tig" "touch" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1539 "sage" "a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
721 "undermine" " to weaken or compromise" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
798 "taunt" " A remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone" "noun" "Same word root as the word ""tempt""</br>Synonyms: jeer, gibe, sneer" "But in the past two years taunts have turned into deadly attacks." "Least Difficult" "FT"
799 "tawdry" "Showy but cheap and of poor quality" "adj." "Named after St. Audrey (with the ""s"" dropped off) </br>Synonyms: gaudy, flashy, garish" "Most people consider reality shows to be<b> tawdry</b> forms of entertainment" "Least Difficult" "FT"
1353 "tax" "arrangement" "Greek/Latin root" "taxomologist</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1340 "teg</br>tect" "cover" "Greek/Latin root" "tectonic plates</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
702 "tele" "distance " "Greek/Latin root" "telegraph</br> telephone</br> teleology " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
703 "temper" "1. n. emotional state or anger, as in ""she has quite a temper."" </br>2. v. to moderate or to strengthen." "noun, verb" "(2) She tried to remember to temper her words so as not to offend her listeners." "Homonym" "MSU"
1540 "saturate" "infuse or fill completely" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
722 "underscore" " to line underneath for emphasis" "verb" "v. to emphasize" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
800 "temperate" "Relating to or denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures; exercising moderation and self-denial; calm or mild (n: temperance)" "adj." "Synonyms: mild, clement, pleasant" "The Netherlands, with its cool summers and mild winters is in a<u> <b> climate</b> zone.</u> " "Least Difficult" "FT"
1103 "tempor" "time" "Greek/Latin root" "contemporary" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1343 "ten</br>tain" "hold</br> reach" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1063 "theo" "god" "Greek/Latin root" "monotheism =belief in one god</br>polytheism =worshiping more than one God</br>theology =the study of religion</br> god</br> etc</br>theocracy=Form of govt where religion is the guiding principle" "Root words" "Aristotle"
1346 "therm" "heat" "Greek/Latin root" "thermometer</br> thermal</br> therme</br> isotherm</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
707 "timorous" " meek or timid" "adj." "same root as ""timid""=shy" "The timorous kitten would not come out from under the bed" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1541 "savor" "a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
723 "untenable" " weak or unsupportable, esp. with respect to an opinion or situation" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
709 "tirade (diatribe)" "an angry speech or rant" "noun" " His tirade had gone on long enough." "Common GRE" "MSU"
769 "to mar" "Impair the quality or appearance of" "verb" "Synonyms: spoil, ruin, damage </br>Deutsch : verderben, beeinträchtige" "These oversights mar an otherwise engaging and interesting account, but perhaps it is natural that a history of space should have a few gaping holes." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1027 "toady" "Act in an obsequious way" "verb" "Synonyms: be servile towards, grovel to" "Britain’s Conservative government is accused of sacrificing the steel industry to toady up to Chin" "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1193,27 +1193,26 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1064 "tractable" " can be easily influenced or managed. ability to be easily managed or controlled: " "Greek/Latin root" "attract =to pull nearer</br>distract =to drag attention away fromsomething</br>Intractable=stubborn" "Her mother wished she were more tractable. (n: tractibility)" "Root words" "Aristotle"
715 "trans" "across " "Greek/Latin root" "transport</br> transcend</br> transmogrify </brtransit</br> transient" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
804 "transgression" "the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle" "noun" "Synonyms: offense, crime, sin" "It sang of domineering men, treacherous women and the manly solace of tequila." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1542 "secrete" "generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
727 "venality" " the state of being capable of being bribed" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
805 "treacherous" "Guilty of or involving betrayal or deception" "adj." "Synonyms: traitorous, disloyal, perfidious" "Least Difficult" "FT"
1349 "trit" "rub" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1543 "shard" "a broken piece of a brittle artifact" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
730 "veracity" " Truth and factual accuracy" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1028 "truculent" "Eager or quick to argue or fight" "adj." "Synonyms: defiant, aggressive" "Mr. Boehner, having abandoned his long battle with his party’s truculent right-wingers and announced his resignation in September, wanted to ‘clear the barn’ for his succ" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1350 "trud</br>trus" "thrust" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1447 "tude" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "certitude</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1029 "turgid" "(of language or style) tediously pompous or bombastic" "adj." "Synonyms: overblown, inflated, grandiose" "It promotes a cult of personality around Mr. Baghdadi. It churns out turgid propaganda about repaired bridges and newly opened schools." "Most Difficult" "FT"
717 "turpitude" "depravity; baseness: " "noun" " Latin turpitudo: ""repulsiveness.""</br>Syn : depravity" "Prisons are filled with criminals who have engaged in acts of moral turpitude." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1030 "tyro" " a beginner or novice" "noun" "Synonyms: learner, neophyte, newcomer" " They easily took advantage of the tyro." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
734 "vexation" " state of being frustrated, irritated, or concerned." "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1415 "ultra" "beyond" "Latin Prefix" "Latin words" "nko"
1351 "umbra" "shade" "Greek/Latin root" "penumbra</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1031 "umbrage" " Offense or annoyance" "noun" "Synonyms: insult, affront" "Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president, takes umbrage at charges that reforms are laggin" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1416 "un" "not" "Latin Prefix" "Latin words" "nko"
1546 "spectrum" "a broad range of related objects, values, or qualities" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1547 "stint" "supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
745 "whimsical" "determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1481 "fatuous" "devoid of intelligence" "adj." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1541 "savor" "a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1417 "uni" "one" "Latin Prefix" "universal</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1549 "subside" "wear off or die down" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1550 "supersede" "take the place or move into the position of" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1555 "unwarranted" "incapable of being justified or explained" "adj. " "Even though it is <u>an <b>unwarranted</b> fea</u>r, I am always afraid of fish touching me while I swim in the water" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
749 "upbraid" "Find fault with (someone)" "verb" "Synonyms: scold, reprimand, rebuke. </br>Deutsch : jdm Vorwürfe machen. Old English upbregdan""bring forth as a ground for censure""" "In the past its neighbours isolated and upbraided Austria for its flirtations with nationalist extremism..." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1352 "urb" "city" "Greek/Latin root" "urban</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
936 "urbane" "(Of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner" "adj." "Synonyms: suave, sophisticated, debonair" "Beneath its urbane surface all Mr. Hough’s music is, in one way or another, a crusad" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
@ -1225,13 +1224,13 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1356 "val</br>vail" "be strong" "Greek/Latin root" "avail</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
806 "vapid" "offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland" "adj." "Synonyms: insipid, uninspired, uninteresting" "Mr. Silver delighted in savaging commentators who relied on vapid clichés like 'momentum shifts' and 'game-changers." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1381 "venal</br>venial" "venal=A person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for money <br / >venial=Describes a wrong action that is not serious and therefore easy to forgive" "adj. " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1551 "supposition" "the cognitive process of conjecturing" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1106 "vene" "assemble</br> meet" "Greek/Latin root" "convene" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
729 "venerate" " to give a high degree of respect; may border on worship, great respect or reverence: " "verb" "The Chinese traditionally venerated their ancestors; ancestor worship is merely a popular misnomer for this tradition. (n: veneration, adj: venerable)" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1107 "vent" "come</br> go" "Greek/Latin root" "advent <20>" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1065 "ver" "truth" "Greek/Latin root" "veracious =truthful</br> honest </br>veracity =the truth </br>verify =to make sure that something is true </br>veritable </br>averasseverate" "Root words" "Aristotle"
1552 "tangential" "of superficial relevance if any" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1553 "tirade" "a speech of violent denunciation" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1556 "veracious" "habitually speaking the truth" "adj. " "Latin : from verus ""true""</br>Careful : v<u>o</u>racious<>v<u>e</u>racious !! A voracious appetite makes you want to eat a whole cake. Veracious (with an ""e"") means truthful, as in a veracious first president who cannot tell a lie" "“Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a <b>veracious</b> president who stood for truth" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1552 "tangential" "of superficial relevance if any" "adj. " "Syn: digressive, irrelevant" "I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always <u>rambles off on a <b>tangential </b>topic</u> that has nothing to do with history." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1359 "verb" "word" "Greek/Latin root" "verbose, " "Latin words" "nko"
732 "verbose" "using or containing too many words" "adj." "Synonyms: wordy, loquacious, long-winded" "The instructor asked her verbose student make her paper more concise. (n: verbosity)" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1032 "verdant" "(of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation" "adj." "Feom French : Vert-= green<br>Synonyms: leafy, grassy, lush" "The Holey Artisan Bakery... overlooking a placid lake in Dhaka, was a foodie’s labour of love in a verdant corner of the chaotic capita" "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1239,7 +1238,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1109 "vert" "turn" "Greek/Latin root" "Do NOT confuse with French ""vert""</br> which means green" "convert" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
807 "vestige" " a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists" "noun" "Synonyms: remnant, remainder, fragment" "He said this would remove a 'lingering vestige of the cold war.' " "Least Difficult" "FT"
733 "vex" "to annoy; to bother; to perplex; to puzzle; to debate at length:" "verb" " Franklin vexed his brother with his controversial writings." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1554 "truculence" "stubborn and defiant aggressiveness" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1553 "tirade" "a speech of violent denunciation" "noun" "French tirade ""a volley, a shot; a pull; a long speech or passage; a drawing out"" (16c.), from tirer ""draw out, endure, suffer," "When the player got kicked out of the game, he started a tirade which lasted until security escorted him off the court." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1418 "vice" "instead of" "Latin Prefix" "vice-governor</br> vice-roy</br> vice-captain</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
735 "vide</br>visibil</br>vis" "see" "Greek/Latin root" "video</br> vision</br> visible" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
808 "vilify" "verb" "Least Difficult" "FT"
@ -1250,7 +1249,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
737 "viscous</br>vicous" "Viscous are liquirds of high viscocity, whereas vicous is a highly aggressive being or animal. " "adj. " "Honey is a viscous liquid, but Honey, our friendly dog, was not vicous. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
752 "vitiate" "Destroy or impair the legal validity of" "verb " "Synonyms: put an end to, do away with, scrap. </br>Deutsch : Beeinträchtigen, verderben, zerstören. </br> Lati""vitiare""= to make faulty. Same origin as ""vice"", therefore same pronounciation root ""vishiate""" "_x005F_x0018_The firm admitted that it vitiated its stated standards for evaluating securities in an area where those standards put in question its ability to win business." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1034 "vitriol" " Cruel and bitter criticism" "noun" "Synonyms: venom, nastiness" "Given the vitriol that has followed the film since its inception, it does well simply not to be a colossal misstep." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1555 "unwarranted" "incapable of being justified or explained" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1557 "vituperative" "marked by harshly abusive criticism" "adj. " "Vituperative criticism is harsh, scathing, even abusive. If a review or assessment is vituperative, it doesn't say ""try harder next time."" Instead it gives the sense of ""go away and never come back.""" "The ungodly, God-like man was as a figure who was <b><u>vituperative</b> and hysterically unforgiving</u>, particularly toward his eleven children" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1066 "viv" "life" "Greek/Latin root" "Vivid=livelyrevival =the act of bringing back to life</br>vital =pertaining to live</br>vivacious =high-spirited and full of life</br>convivial=sociable" "Root words" "Aristotle"
1110 "voc</br>vok" "voice</br> call" "Greek/Latin root" "vocal</br> revoke" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
1035 "vociferous" "(Especially of a person or speech) vehement or clamorous" "adj." "Synonyms: blatant, clamorous, noisy" "Ten weeks of ever-more vociferous argument, claims and counterclaims stretch between now and June 23rd, when the vote will take place." "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1261,16 +1260,16 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
740 "voracious" "craving or devouring large quantities of food, drink, or other things." "adj." " She is a voracious reader." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1111 "vox" "vox populi" "Greek/Latin root" "'voice of the people'" "Greek/Latin " "Manhattan"
811 "waft" "Pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air" "verb" "Synonyms: drift, float, glide" "The acrid scent of smoke wafts from his clothes." "Least Difficult" "FT"
741 "wag" "1. v. to wave back and forth, as a dog's tail. 2. n. a joker. someone who keeps people amused with humorous stories" "verb, noun" "(2) John's reputation as a wag insured he would be invited to many parties." "Homonym" "MSU"
741 "wag" "1. v. to wave back and forth, as a dog's tail. 2. n. a joker. someone who keeps people amused with humorous stories" "verb, noun" "Honey, our dog, didn't have a tail to <b>wag</b></br>(2) John's <u>reputation as a <b>wag</b> insured</u> he would be invited to many parties." "Homonym" "MSU"
812 "wanton" "(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked" "adj." "Synonyms: malicious, malevolent, spiteful" "Over the decades these Muslim non-people, without legal or any other sort of protection, have been the victims of wanton discrimination and violence<63>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
1448 "ward" "in the direction of" "Latin Suffix" "forward</br> backward</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1556 "veracious" "habitually speaking the truth" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1558 "wary" "marked by keen caution and watchful prudence" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
742 "wave</br>waive(seewaiver)" "n. a moving swell on the surface of a body of water. v. to sweep the hand or arm or some object." "noun, verb" "v. to relinquish " "We refuse to waive the reading of the indictment." "Homophone" "MSU"
1134 "waver" "to go back and forth between choices or opinions" "verb" "Some citizens vote solely along party lines and never waver in their political decisions." "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
744 "waver</br>waiver" "v. vacillate or move back and forth" "verb" "n. release or special exemption a rule" "Most of the students tried to get waivers of their overdue fines." "Homophone" "MSU"
750 "welter" "a large number of items in no order; a confused mass" "noun" "Synonyms: confusion, jumble, tangle. </br>Deutsch : Durcheinander, Mischmasch" "At the same time they are subjected to a welter of conflicting pressures—acting as spin-doctors and bean-counters as well as corporate strategists and auditor" "Least Difficult" "FT"
938 "whet" "Excite or stimulate (someone's desire, interest, or appetite)" "verb" "Synonyms: arouse, rouse, trigger" "But sham democracy often whets people’s appetite for the real thin" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1557 "vituperative" "marked by harshly abusive criticism" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1554 "truculence" "stubborn and defiant aggressiveness, a natural disposition to be hostile" "adj. " "Syn:aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity" "The aggressive man’s truculence caused him to be arrested and jailed for disorderly conduct" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
813 "whitewash" "Deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant facts about (a person or organization)" "verb" "Synonyms: cover up, sweep under the carpet" "Indeed, in trying to whitewash the past, the government may stir up prejudice instead." "Least Difficult" "FT"
815 "whittle" "Reduce something in size, amount, or extent by a gradual series of steps" "verb" "Synonyms: erode, wear away, diminish" "Democrats had spent a nervous September watching that lead whittle away after Mrs. Clinton’s bout of pneumonia." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1675 "windfall" "A windfall is a crazy bit of unexpected good fortune., an unanticipated benefit, usually monetary in nature" "from wind (n.1) + fall (n.1). Originally literal, in reference to wood or fruit blown down by the wind, and thus free to </br>Synonyms : bonanza, boom, bunce, godsend, gold rush, gravy, manna from heaven" "With her lottery windfall, Gail eliminated all her financial debt." "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
@ -1278,7 +1277,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
816 "winsome" "Attractive or appealing in appearance or character" "adj." "Synonyms: engaging, charming, winning" "By the time Mr. Pattinson came along as the winsome vampire in Twilight, the teenage rebels were starting the movie already dead." "Least Difficult" "FT"
817 "wizened" "Shriveled or wrinkled with age" "adj." "Synonyms: lined, creased, withered" "His son, himself a wizened old man, is nonplussed by the news; he looks like an eccentric, or maybe the village drunk..." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1386 "wraith</br>wrath" "wraith=A spirit of a dead person which is sometimes represented as a pale, transparent image of that person <br/ >wrath=Extreme anger" "noun" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1558 "wary" "marked by keen caution and watchful prudence" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
746 "wretched" "extremely pitiful or unfortunate (n: wretch)" "adj." "Poor Cinderella had a <b>wretched</b> childhood, living in wretched conditions with a wretched stepmother" "Common GRE" "MSU"
818 "wry" "Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor" "adj." "Synonyms: ironic, sardonic, satirical" "Catherine Merridale is one of the foremost foreign historians of Russia, combining wry insights with deep sympathy for the human beings..." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1368 "xen</br>xeno" "foreign" "Greek/Latin root" "xenophobe</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1036 "xenophobia" " Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries" "noun" "Denk will not win more than a few seats in next year’s general election, but it is posing a crucial question: at a time of rising xenophobia, can Europe’s minorities rely on the broad centre-left parties for which they usually v" "Most Difficult" "FT"
Binary file not shown.
@ -12594,7 +12594,7 @@
"related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic)",
"ic=nature of, like",
"The artist like to work with plastic substances such as wax or clay, as they could be easily molded",
"Common GRE",
@ -14949,10 +14949,10 @@
"fields": [
"to corroborate or give evidence of something",
"make something solid or believable, eg. to corroborate or give evidence of something, but also to strengthen",
"Syn1: affirm, confirm, corroborate, support, sustain, </br>Syn2 :beef up, fortify, strengthen",
"1. the theory was substantiated by a clear set of experimental facts</br>2. The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -14987,8 +14987,8 @@
"meant to undercut established institutions or norms",
"Latin : sub, : \"underneath,\" + vertere, \"to turn.\"=> turn the system from underneath (by a sneaky revolutionary)",
"The professor mis-used his lessons to teach <b>subversive</b> philosophies to his gullable students",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -15005,8 +15005,8 @@
"enough for a given purpose",
"Syn: ample, adequate, decent, enough",
"The blanket would provide <b>sufficient</b> warmth for the night.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -15023,8 +15023,8 @@
"ad excellently",
"Syn: marvellously, marvelously, terrifically, toppingly, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously",
"The soprano's voice was <b>superbly</b> disciplined",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -15077,8 +15077,8 @@
"to overtake or replace",
"Syn: replace, supercede, supersede, supervene upon",
"The computer has<b> supplanted</b> the slide rule",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -15183,10 +15183,10 @@
"fields": [
"to combine disparate parts into a coherent whole",
"1. to combine disparate parts into a coherent whole</br>2. to create via chemical reaction",
"It's becoming more common for doctors these days to <b>synthesize</b> Eastern and Western approaches to medicine",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -16427,8 +16427,8 @@
"1. v. to wave back and forth, as a dog's tail. 2. n. a joker. someone who keeps people amused with humorous stories",
"verb, noun",
"(2) John's reputation as a wag insured he would be invited to many parties.",
"Honey, our dog, didn't have a tail to <b>wag</b></br>(2) John's <u>reputation as a <b>wag</b> insured</u> he would be invited to many parties.",
@ -16644,7 +16644,7 @@
"extremely pitiful or unfortunate (n: wretch)",
"Poor Cinderella had a <b>wretched</b> childhood, living in wretched conditions with a wretched stepmother",
"Common GRE",
@ -18678,7 +18678,7 @@
"Greek/Latin root",
"Latin words",
@ -19614,7 +19614,7 @@
"Greek/Latin root",
"Latin words",
@ -19668,7 +19668,7 @@
"Greek/Latin root",
"Latin words",
@ -19973,8 +19973,8 @@
"inane </br> innate",
"inane=Extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance </br> innate=A quality or ability that you were born with, not one you have learned",
"in=in + nat=born=>born with",
"He had an innate ability to make inane comments",
"Easily confused words",
@ -20604,7 +20604,7 @@
"state of</br> skill",
"Latin Suffix",
"Latin words",
@ -20622,7 +20622,7 @@
"characteristic of",
"Latin Suffix",
"Latin words",
@ -22260,7 +22260,7 @@
"the property of being physically malleable",
"The <b>plasticity</b> of the wax and clay made the 2 media attractive for the artist to use.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22295,8 +22295,8 @@
"a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution",
"Latin praeambulus which means \"walking before.\" (a speech, or a document)",
"The Constitution declares in its <b>preamble</b>that one of its primary purposes was to establish Justice.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Medium",
@ -22329,10 +22329,10 @@
"fields": [
"situated at or extending to great depth",
"1. situated at or extending to great depth</br>2. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth",
"Profundus literally means \"deep\" in Latin</br>syn 1:deep </br>Syn2:intense, deep, thoughtful, insightful",
"1. The strange creature came from <u>the <b>profound depths</b> of the sea</u>.</br>Rock songs about drugs that <b>try to sound profound</b> are usually dumb",
"Hi Freq. GRE Easy",
@ -22385,8 +22385,8 @@
"command against",
"Proscribe sounds similar to prescribe, but careful !!: these words are essentially opposite in meaning. proscribe = forbid, prescribe= doctor's ordrers/ recommends a medicine",
"Most states have laws that <u><b>proscribe</b> texting</u> while driving.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Easy",
@ -22401,10 +22401,10 @@
"fields": [
"meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task",
"1. meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task</br>2. limiting conditions that modify a statement or make it no longer valid",
"1. As the student saw himself <u><b>qualified</b> for the job</u>, he sent in his resumé</br>2. Newton's laws are still generally valid and applicable, <b><u>qualified</b> only by extreme conditions</u>, eg.at speeds close to light",
"Hi Freq. GRE Easy",
@ -22421,8 +22421,8 @@
"being quiet or still or inactive",
"Latin origin quiescens means rest, quiet",
"1. While the bees are <b>quiescent</b> early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day</br>2. the <b>quiescent</b> tumour gave the patient no problems.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22437,10 +22437,10 @@
"fields": [
"of high moral or intellectual value",
"1. of high moral or intellectual value</br>of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style </br>2 having low density",
"Syn1 : levated, exalted, grand, high-flown, high-minded, idealistic, lofty, noble-minded, rarified, sublime",
"1. The <u><b>rarefied</b> book</u> was written in an ancient language that could only be read by a few linguists and historians</br>2. The old lady became lightheaded from the <u><b>rarefied</b> mountain air</u>",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22457,8 +22457,8 @@
"one who lives in solitude",
"Greek erēmos, = “solitary.” </br>Syn: hermit, solitary, solitudinarian, troglodyte",
"St. John the Baptist, a preacher and <b>hermit</b> and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized)w, as beheaded by Herod",
"Hi Freq. GRE Medium",
@ -22475,8 +22475,8 @@
"stubbornly resistant to authority or control",
"Latin meaning \"breaking up, obstinate\", also \"not responsive to something.",
"Most <u>teenagers go through a <b>refractory</b> phase</u> where they don’t want to listen to authority figures.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Medium",
@ -22493,8 +22493,8 @@
"assign to a lower position",
"Latin : re- \"back\" + legare \"send with a commission\" =>send to a \"place in a position of inferiority",
"<u>GC was <b>relegated</b> to the 2nd division</u> after it came last in the Super League",
"Hi Freq. GRE Easy",
@ -22512,7 +22512,7 @@
"a person without moral scruples",
"The serial killer was a <b>reprobate</b> who did not care about anyone",
"Hi Freq. GRE Easy",
@ -22707,10 +22707,10 @@
"fields": [
"marked with stripes",
"marked with stripes, stria or striations",
"sounds like stripes, which has the same word root",
"1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22781,8 +22781,8 @@
"of superficial relevance if any",
"Syn: digressive, irrelevant",
"I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always <u>rambles off on a <b>tangential </b>topic</u> that has nothing to do with history.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22799,8 +22799,8 @@
"a speech of violent denunciation",
"French tirade \"a volley, a shot; a pull; a long speech or passage; a drawing out\" (16c.), from tirer \"draw out, endure, suffer,",
"When the player got kicked out of the game, he started a tirade which lasted until security escorted him off the court.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22815,10 +22815,10 @@
"fields": [
"stubborn and defiant aggressiveness",
"stubborn and defiant aggressiveness, a natural disposition to be hostile",
"Syn:aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity",
"The aggressive man’s truculence caused him to be arrested and jailed for disorderly conduct",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22836,7 +22836,7 @@
"incapable of being justified or explained",
"Even though it is <u>an <b>unwarranted</b> fea</u>r, I am always afraid of fish touching me while I swim in the water",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22853,8 +22853,8 @@
"habitually speaking the truth",
"Latin : from verus \"true\"</br>Careful : v<u>o</u>racious<>v<u>e</u>racious !! A voracious appetite makes you want to eat a whole cake. Veracious (with an \"e\") means truthful, as in a veracious first president who cannot tell a lie",
"“Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a <b>veracious</b> president who stood for truth",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22871,8 +22871,8 @@
"marked by harshly abusive criticism",
"Vituperative criticism is harsh, scathing, even abusive. If a review or assessment is vituperative, it doesn't say \"try harder next time.\" Instead it gives the sense of \"go away and never come back.\"",
"The ungodly, God-like man was as a figure who was <b><u>vituperative</b> and hysterically unforgiving</u>, particularly toward his eleven children",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
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