updated to v57
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@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
25 "affectation" " fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth" "noun" "The poor man’s <b><u>affectation</b> of wealth</u> did not fool any of the elite at the part" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
26 "-age" "act of</br> state of</br> collection of " "suffix" "added to root words (often French) to form a noun " "salvage</br> storage</br> forage " "Suffix" "MSU"
27 "agere" "act " "Greek/Latin root" "agent</br> agency</br> agenda </br>manager" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
28 "discriminate" "1. make a clear distinction;</br>2. make distinctions on basis of category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice" " verb" "1. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish</br>1b.“Cancel culture” doesn’t <b>discriminat</b>e between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes</br>2. Apartheid was a system of racial discrimination" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
28 "discriminate" "1. make a clear distinction;</br>2. make distinctions on basis of category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice" " verb" "1a. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish</br>1b. “Cancel culture” doesn’t <b>discriminate</b> between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes</br>2. Apartheid was a system of racial <b>discrimination</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
29 "aggrandize" "to make greater, to increase, thus, to exaggerate. enlarge or increase, esp. wealth, power, reputation" "verb" "The <u>arrogant man’s self-<b>aggrandizing</b> is so annoying</u> that I refuse to listen to him br" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
30 "agog" " Very eager or curious to hear or see something" "adj." "Syn: excited, impatient, in suspense" "The little <u>kids were <b>agog </b>as they waited for Santa Claus</u> to arrive." "Least Difficult" "FT"
31 "-al" "relating to " "noun, verb, adj." "sensual</br> gradual</br> manual</br> natural " "Suffix" "MSU"
32 "alacrity" "liveliness and eagerness" "noun" "</br>Deutsch: Verve, Eifrigkeit" "Although Apple has in the past <u>expanded</u> its production capacities <u>with <b>alacrity</u></b>, it was not always able to meet demand" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
33 "-algia" "pain " "Greek/Latin root" "neuralgia(pain caused by nerve)</br> arthralgia (joint pain)</br> " "Suffix" "MSU"
34 "alleviate" " to relieve a problem or ease a burden" "verb" " latin: alleviare = to lift up, to raise, to lighten. </br>Deutsch: mildern, erleichtern" "Do good works, <u><b>alleviate</b> the suffering and misery</u>, comfort and refresh the sick</br>Alleviate the effects of the pandemic" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
35 "allure" "the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating" "noun" "Syn: attraction, lure, draw. </br>Deutsch: Reiz, Fazination, Anziehungskraft" "Yet it was the<u> <b>allure</b>of the Model T for millions</u> of consumers that finally drove the horse off the road." "Least Difficult" "FT"
35 "allure" "the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating" "noun" "Syn: attraction, lure, draw. </br>Deutsch: Reiz, Fazination, Anziehungskraft" "Yet it was the <u><b>allure</b>of the Model T for millions</u> of consumers that finally drove the horse off the road." "Least Difficult" "FT"
36 "altruism" "the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others" "noun" "Syn: selflessness, compassion, goodwill. </br>Deutsch: Uneigennützigkeit, Selbstlosigkeit. </br> Latin/(old french): alter/(altrui) = other" "He was not the first to wonder about <u>the connection between religion and <b>altruism</u></b>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
37 "abhorrent" "disgusting, loathsome" " adj." "Latin ab<u>horrere</u> — ""to shrink back in <u>horror</u>" "Taking out the trash is <b>abhorrent</b> for many kids" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
38 "amalgamate" " to combine to or mix together" "verb" "Amalgan = Hg metal alloy for tooth fillings" "The <u>2 companies <b>amalgamated</b> into one</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
95 "auto" "self " "Greek/Latin root" "automatic</br> automaton</br> auto-immune " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
96 "avarice" " greed" "noun" " Latin (via French) avaritia ""greed, inordinate desire" "The third of the 7 deadly Christian sins is avarice - greed" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
97 "discursive" "1. moving from topic to topic without order </br>
2 : proceeding coherently from topic to topic : marked by analytical reasoning" " adj." "Latin discursus ""a running about""</br>Note that def 1. and def</br>2. are in essence opposites ito 1. being a random move from point to point and def</br>2. being a structured moving from point to point.</br> Def</br>2. is often in academic context" "1. I started reading the book, but the a<u> rambling <b>discursive</b> contents</u> soon put me off. </br>2. Her <b>discursive</b> dissertation on Colonial American women was well-argued and well-reasoned, impressing her professors. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
2 : proceeding coherently from topic to topic : marked by analytical reasoning" " adj." "Latin discursus ""a running about""</br>Note that def 1. and def</br>2. are in essence opposites ito 1. being a random move from point to point and def</br>2. being a structured moving from point to point.</br> Def</br>2. is often in academic context" "1. I started reading the book, but the a <u>rambling <b>discursive</b> contents</u> soon put me off. </br>2. Her <b>discursive</b> dissertation on Colonial American women was well-argued and well-reasoned, impressing her professors. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
98 "aver" " to assert or allege. to declare" "verb" "Deutsch: beteuern, behaupten. </br> Latin ad ""to"" + verus ""true"" - later meaning to assert with confident" "Many of those who voted for the President, <u>his opponent <b>averred</b></u>, did so because they were rooked by devious lies" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
99 "disembodied" "divested of a body; ceased to be corporal; incorporeal. " " adj." "dis=Reverse + embody= ""a soul or spirit that has been put into a physical form""" "The magians' trick made it appear that a <b>disembodied</b> head was floating in the air" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
100 "banal" " boring, cliché, repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse" "adj." "<u>I was bored to death because of his <b>banal</b> conversation</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
171 "allurement" "temptation; enticement; any real or apparent good held forth, or operating, as a motive to action" " noun" "<b>allure</b> is the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction while</br> <b>allurement</b> is attractiveness; appeal, charisma." "Its <b><u>allurements</b> draw you in</u>, then the trap door slams shut and it devours you." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
172 "convoluted" " roundabout, not straightforward" "adj." " Latin: to roll together"" com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll""" "My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s <b>convolute</b> spee" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
173 "copious" " plentiful or abundant" "adj." " Latin: ""abundant, plentiful""" "<u>Take <b>copious</b> notes in class</u> so that you have plenty of review material for the test." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
174 "corporal" "of the body: ""corporal punishment."" a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private." "adj." "1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
174 "corporal" "1. of the body: ""corporal punishment."" </br>2. a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private." "adj." "1. <u><b>corporal</b> punishment</u> will still in use during my father's school days. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
175 "corporeal" "of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common)" "adj." "Latin: ""of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual"" with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus ""body"" (living or dead)," "As Jack reached for <u>the ghost</u>, he realized it <u>was not <b>corporeal</b></u> when his hands went straight through the shape." "Common GRE" "MSU"
176 "corpus" "body " "Greek/Latin root" "corpse</br> corporal punishment</br> corpus callosum " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
177 "corroborate" "to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration)" "verb" " Latin: form of com ""with, together"" + roborare ""to make strong"" robur, robus ""strength"" - same root as robust" "The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story." "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
470 "laconic" " taciturn, reserved, succinct, using few words; terse: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words" "adj." "Persons from Lakonia,Sparta, Greece, whose inhabitants famously cultivated the skill of saying much in few words.</br>Syn: brief, concise, terse" "Maths proofs can sometimes be very short and laconic</br>Philip of Macedon threatened Laconians with, ""If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta to the ground"" the laconic ' reply was, ""If.""" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
471 "latent" "potentially existing but not presently evident or realized" "adj." "Middle English from Latin latēre: ""to lie hidden.""</br>Syn:possible, potential" "If Janet is anything like her mother, she will show a <u><b>latent</b> skill</u> for singing when she reaches her teenage years." "Common GRE" "MSU"
472 "laud" "praise, glorify, or honor often in a very public manner" "verb" "Syn: exalt, extol, glorify, proclaim, canonise, canonize, ensky, crack up, hymn" "Because the soldier saved the president, everyone is going to <b>laud</b> him at a huge event" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
473 "doctrinaire" "unable to compromise about points of doctrine; unyielding" " adj." "from doctrine. </br>Syn:dogmatic, instructive" "The <u>leftest <b>doctrinaire</b></u> was completely unwilling to accept any belief other than her own" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
473 "doctrinaire" "unable to compromise about points of doctrine; unyielding" " adj." "from doctrine. </br>Syn:dogmatic, instructive" "The <u>leftist <b>doctrinaire</b></u> was completely unwilling to accept any belief other than her own" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
474 "laudable" "praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud)" "adj." "Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is <u>a <b>laudable</b> goal</u>." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
475 "legis (lex) " "law " "Greek/Latin root" "legal</br> legislature " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
476 "-less" "without " "adj. " "worthless</br> mindless</br> guileless " "Suffix" "MSU"
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
559 "panegyric" "a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing" "noun" "The Latin, L. panegyricus,: altered slightly to mean ""public eulogy,</br>Syn: encomium, eulogy, paean, pean" "After the princess died a popular singer wrote a <b>panegyric</b> to honor her life." "Common GRE" "MSU"
560 "partial" "1. a. incomplete </br>2. v. fond of, showing favouritism toward" "adj." "1. There was a <b><u>partial</b> eclipse</u> of the moon last month. </br>2. Clearly the woman was still <b>partial</b> to here ex-boyfriend" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
561 "partisan" "a fervent and even militant proponent of something" "noun" "The bill introduced recieved <b>partisan</b> support from the party that introduced the bill" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
562 "patently" " blatant, obvious" "adj." "Latin: patere = ""lie open"" or ""be open.""</br>patently as an adjective serves to emphasize how apparent or clear your observation is. " "It's <b><u>patently</b> clear</u> that your 10 year old son hatesspinach.""" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
562 "patently" " blatant, obvious" "adj." "Latin: patere = ""lie open"" or ""be open.""</br>patently as an adjective serves to emphasize how apparent or clear your observation is. " "It's <b><u>patently</b> clear</u> that your 10 year old son hates spinach." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
563 "pater" "father " "Greek/Latin root" "paternal</br>paternity</br>patricide " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
564 "bridle" "headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins" " noun" "1. With the <b>bridle</b> attached to the reins, the girl tugged the reins pulling the horse’s head to its chest</br>2. His common sense is a <b>bridle</b> to his quick temper." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
565 "peccadillo" "a small sin or fault" "noun" "Spanish peccado: ""sin"" + dillo :diminutive=> a small sin." "He ignored his children's <b>pecadilloes</b> of forgetting to say thank-you and please" "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
592 "callow" "youthful; immature; inexperienced; without feathers" " adj." "Same wordroot as ""Kahl"", used to descreibe a featherless bird" "The <u><b>callow</b> freshmen</u> at high school stood out like sore thumbs" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
593 "canister" "small box or case for tea, coffee, etc" " noun" "In the kitchen, my Mom keeps a <u><b>canister</b> of sugar</u> next to a canister of tea - both are round, of metal and have a fitted lid" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
594 "plausible" " believable, reasonable" "adj." "Plausible things are not far-fetched at all. Things in fantasy stories — eg. Dragons & unicorns - are not plausible. A woman becoming president is plausible, a giraffe becoming head of state is NOT plausible" "When Jason forgot to do his homework, <u>he tried to come up with a <b>plausible</b> excuse</u> his teacher would believe." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
595 "canker" "corroding or sloughing ulcer; </br>2. anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; </br>3. disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off" " noun" "Same word root as cancer" "1. Some people are prone to getting <b>cankers</B> on their mouths.</br>2. My parents ight complain that the abandoned, run-down house two blocks away is a <b>canker</b> on your neighborhood.</br>3. When trees are under stress, they are more susceptible to <b>canker</b> and other fungal diseases." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
596 "cantankerous" "ill humored; irritable; marked by ill-tempered contradiction or opposition; ugly; malicious" " adj." "Syn:cranky, bad-tempered, irritable, irascible." "The <u><b>cantankerous</b>old ma</u> was uncooperative and difficult to get along with" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
595 "canker" "1. corroding or sloughing ulcer; </br>2. anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; </br>3. disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off" " noun" "Same word root as cancer" "1. Some people are prone to getting <b>cankers</B> on their mouths.</br>2. My parents might complain that the abandoned, run-down house two blocks away is a <b>canker</b> on your neighborhood.</br>3. When trees are under stress, they are more susceptible to <b>canker</b> and other fungal diseases." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
596 "cantankerous" "ill humored; irritable; marked by ill-tempered contradiction or opposition; ugly; malicious" " adj." "Syn:cranky, bad-tempered, irritable, irascible." "The <u><b>cantankerous</b>old man</u> was uncooperative and difficult to get along with" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
597 "plummet" " to fall quickly and far" "verb" "Stock prices plumted after the crash" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
598 "polarize" " to cause a sharp division between two groups" "verb" "President Trump has a knack at polarising the American nation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
599 "polein" "sell " "Greek/Latin root" "monopoly " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
613 "precipitate" "to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly" "verb" "adj. hastily and not well-considered" " Old World diseases precipitated a massive decline in the American Indian population." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
614 "caper" "1. a playful leap or hop, joke or game </br>
2. a crime (especially a robbery)</br>
3. pickled flower buds used as a pungent relish in various dishes and sauces" " noun" "1. Deutsch: Kapriole</br>2. Deutsch: Wortsstamm ""kapern"", aber nicht Seejacking aber Raub </br>3. Kaper (zum essen)" "1. Grandpa insisted he was<u> too old for that type of <b>caper</b></u> and wouldn’t play such trivial games with us</br>2. Suspense oozes through this Netflix <u><b>caper</b> series</u> about a carefully curated team of robbers </br>3. Stirr the onions into the <b>caper</b> sauce." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
3. pickled flower buds used as a pungent relish in various dishes and sauces" " noun" "1. Deutsch: Kapriole</br>2. Deutsch: Wortsstamm ""kapern"", aber nicht Seejacking aber Raub </br>3. Kaper (zum essen)" "1. Grandpa insisted he was <u>too old for that type of <b>caper</b></u> and wouldn’t play such trivial games with us</br>2. Suspense oozes through this Netflix <u><b>caper</b> series</u> about a carefully curated team of robbers </br>3. Stirr the onions into the <b>caper</b> sauce." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
615 "precursor" " a forerunner; something (or someone) that precedes another:" "noun" " The assasination of the Archduke was a precursor to the war." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
616 "prescient" " knowing things before they happen, prophetic" "adj." "Latin prefix pre-: ""before"" + science: ""to know""=> ""know beforehand.</br>" "Extraordinarily <b>prescient</b>, the 1905 book accurately predicted what is going on in today’s times. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
617 "presumptuous" "going beyond what is appropriate, permitted, or courteous" "adj." "It is somewhat <b>presumptuous</b> to assume you know more about medicine than your doctor." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
811 "waft" "Pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air" "verb" "Syn: drift, float, glide" "The acrid <u>scent of smoke <b>wafts</u></b> from his clothes." "Least Difficult" "FT"
812 "wanton" "(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked" "adj." "Syn: malicious, malevolent, spiteful" "Over the decades these Christian non-people, without legal or any other sort of protection, have been the victims of <b><u>wanton</b> discrimination</u> and violence" "Least Difficult" "FT"
813 "whitewash" "Deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant facts about (a person or organization)" "verb" "Syn: cover up, sweep under the carpet" "Indeed, <u>in trying to <b>whitewash</b> the past</u>, the government may stir up prejudice instead." "Least Difficult" "FT"
814 "circuitous" "being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct" " adj." "Latin circuitus = ""a going around.""" "When I lost the directions to the restaurant, I ended up<u> taking a <b>circuitous</b> route</u> that made me late for my own birthday party. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
814 "circuitous" "being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct" " adj." "Latin circuitus = ""a going around.""" "When I lost the directions to the restaurant, I ended up <u>taking a <b>circuitous</b> route</u> that made me late for my own birthday party. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
815 "whittle" "Reduce something in size, amount, or extent by a gradual series of steps" "verb" "Old English:to cut thin shavings from (something) with a knife</br>Syn: erode, wear away, diminish" "1. The <u>carver <b>whittled</b> away</u> at a piece of wood. </br>fig. Democrats had spent a nervous September watching that lead <b><u>whittle</b> away</u> after Mrs. Clinton’s bout of pneumonia." "Least Difficult" "FT"
816 "winsome" "Attractive or appealing in appearance or character in an open and delightful way" "adj." "Syn: engaging, charming, winning" "After stealing food off the table, the dog begged for forgiveness by cocking his head and looking at his owner <u>in a <b>winsome</b> manner</u>." "Least Difficult" "FT"
817 "wizened" "Shriveled or wrinkled with age" "adj." "Syn: lined, creased, withered" "His son, himself <u><b>wizened</b> old man</u>, had experienced too much to believe what he had just heard" "Least Difficult" "FT"
@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
858 "epistemology" " the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope" "noun" "Greek: ""overstand"" from epi ""over, near"" (see epi-) + histasthai ""to stand""" "Probably the coolest use of <b>epistemology</b>, though, is artificial intelligence: teaching computers how to learn." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
859 "epithet" " an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing; a term of abuse" "noun" "Syn: name, label, smear" "Preposterous’ and ‘absurd’ were among the milder epithets that could be overheard in the multilingua" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
860 "errant" "Erring or straying from the proper course or standards" "adj." "Syn: offending, guilty, culpable" "He could admit the error and fire the errant speechwriter." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
861 "clamor" "loud outcry; loud sustained noise" " adj." "Latin clamor= ""a shout""</br>Syn: howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation" "As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are going<u> to <b>clamor</b> for justice</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
861 "clamor" "loud outcry; loud sustained noise" " adj." "Latin clamor= ""a shout""</br>Syn: howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation" "As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are going <u>to <b>clamor</b> for justice</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
862 "exemplar" " a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model" "noun" "Syn: epitome, perfect example" "At times 'Utopia' seems less an exemplar of idealism, and more of a satire on it." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
863 "extol" "Praise enthusiastically" "verb" "Syn: go wild about, wax lyrical about" "This is likely to become a media circus, with patient advocates likely to attend and extol the benefits of the treatments they received." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
864 "cloying" "distasteful because excessive; excessively sweet or sentimental" " adj." "Cloying comes in handy to describe things that are too sweet, both figurativley and literally." "1a. My dad likes espresso so he feels Frappuccino too cloying.</br>1b. John liked to watch dark, edgy humor and thrillers, so he found romantic comedies with their hearts, flowers, and sappy happy endings <b>cloying</b> — <u>so sweet and sentimental - that they make him want to retch</u>." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
899 "modish" "Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable" "adj." "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""Mode"" in Deutsch </br>Syn: modern, trendy, in" "With these <b>modish</b> safety demonstrations becoming the norm, the question is what, exactly, do they accomplish?" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
900 "collateral" "1. adj. accompanying; concomitant</br>
2. adj. descended from a common ancestor but through different lines</br>
3. n a security pledged for the repayment of a loanguarantee, usually in the form of an asset, for the repayment of a loan if one cannot procure enough funds to repay" "adj., noun" "Latin com ""with, together"" + lateralis ""of the side=>accompanying" "1. The paper machine supply contract specifically<u> limited <b>collateral</b> damage</u> due to loss of paper sales revenue caused by late machine delivery to 10% of contract value.</br>2. David and Alexander have Opa as a <u><b>collateral</b> ancestor</u></br>3. Banks only give you a loan if you can <u>provide sufficient <b>collateral</u>.</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
3. n a security pledged for the repayment of a loanguarantee, usually in the form of an asset, for the repayment of a loan if one cannot procure enough funds to repay" "adj., noun" "Latin com ""with, together"" + lateralis ""of the side=>accompanying" "1. The paper machine supply contract specifically <u>limited <b>collateral</b> damage</u> due to loss of paper sales revenue caused by late machine delivery to 10% of contract value.</br>2. David and Alexander have Opa as a <u><b>collateral</b> ancestor</u></br>3. Banks only give you a loan if you can <u>provide sufficient <b>collateral</u>.</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
901 "nascent" "just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential" "adj." "Latin: nat=birth + escent= emerging from => just coming into existence</br>Syn: emerging</br> beginning</br> dawning" "Weakening the legislature in a <b>nascent</b> democracy will not fix corruption by itself." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
902 "natty" "(of a person or an article of clothing) smart and fashionable" "adj." "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""nett""</br>Syn: stylish, dapper, debonair" "Although the <u><b>natty</b> clothing</u> was just her style, Terra couldn’t afford the boutique’s steep price tags." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
903 "nexus" " a connection or series of connections linking two or more things" "noun" "Latin: nectere= ""to bind or tie.""</br> Syn: union, link" "Today Facebook seems to be the <b>nexus</b> of communication" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
932 "subpoena" " A writ ordering a person to attend a court" "noun" "Syn: summons, mandate, court order" "Subpoenas issued by a federal grand jury earlier this year demanded that the Port Authority hand over Mr. Samson’s personal travel records." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
933 "syntax" " the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language" "noun" "Fench/Latin/Greek: syn- ""together"" + tassein ""arrange"" (same word root as tactics)=> arranging it all together." "The <b>syntax</b> in Jan’s sentences is incorrect as he doesn't follow the correct adjective sequence, viz: OSS-CAC-POMP, which stands for Opinion, Size, Shape, - Condition, Age, Color-, Pattern, Origin, Material & Purpose" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
934 "tenet" " a principle or belief" "noun" "Syn: doctrine, precept, creed" "In the Warren and Burger courts of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, religious accommodation was a liberal tenet." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
935 "concomitant" "1. adj. following or accompanying as a consequence</br>2. n. An event associated with or happening at the same time." " adj., noun" "Latin: con =with + comit=companion=>ompanion of the main event" "1. The concamitant effect of fitness training is a healthy glow and more happiness. </br>2. Doctors now <u> administer several <b>concomitant</b> drugs</u> to the patient in order to prevent the onset of AIDS. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
935 "concomitant" "1. adj. following or accompanying as a consequence</br>2. n. An event associated with or happening at the same time." " adj., noun" "Latin: con =with + comit=companion=>ompanion of the main event" "1. The concamitant effect of fitness training is a healthy glow and more happiness. </br>2. Doctors now <u>administer several <b>concomitant</b> drugs</u> to the patient in order to prevent the onset of AIDS. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
936 "urbane" "(Of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner. Urbane people are sophisticated, polished, cultured, refined." "adj." "Syn: suave, sophisticated, debonair" "Everything from the man’s tailored suit to his Italian shoes and expensive watch screamed <b>urbane</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
937 "concubine" "in certain societies, such as imperial China, a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status" " noun" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + cubare ""to lie down""=>mistress" "Though he loved his<b> concubine</b> the most, the king decided long ago just to have one wife." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
938 "whet" "1. To sharpen </br>2. Excite or stimulate (someone's desire, curiosity, interest, or appetite)" "verb" "Deutsch: wetzen</br>Syn: arouse, rouse, trigger" "1. He sharpened (<b>whetted</b>) the knife's blade with a <u>whetting stone</u></br>2. As I walked up my grandmother’s steps, I realized the smell of her food was enough to <u><b>whet</b> my appetite</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
@ -982,11 +982,11 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
972 "hermetic" "Insulated or protected from outside influences" "adj." "Hermes, a Greek god, invented a process of making glass airtight, thus the word hermetic</br>Syn: airtight, sealed" "North Korea is often called the <u><b>""hermetic</b> kingdom""</u>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
973 "heterodox" "not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs, often in a religious context." "adj." "Greek : heteros, ""the other"" + doxa, ""opinion.""=>non conforming opinion</br>Syn: unorthodox, heretical, dissenting" "Among those discriminated against for holding <b>heterodox</b> religious views, the Bahai community continues particularly to suffer." "Most Difficult" "FT"
974 "congruity" "relation or agreement between things; fitness; harmony; correspondence; consistency." " noun" "1: the quality or state of being congruent or congruous</br>
2: a point of agreement" "2. On closer observation, <u>one found little <b>congruity</b> between<u> her professed religious beliefs and her actual behavior</br>Syn: common denominator, commonality, correspondence, parallel, resemblance, similarity, similitude" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
2: a point of agreement" "2. On closer observation, <u>one found little <b>congruity</b> between <u>her professed religious beliefs and her actual behavior</br>Syn: common denominator, commonality, correspondence, parallel, resemblance, similarity, similitude" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
975 "conifer" "A tree or shrub bearing cones, normally with needles instead of leaves" " noun" "Latin: conus=cone+ fer=make/bear=> ""cone-bearing, bearing conical fruit""" "Our paved front yard is adorned with a <b><u>conifer tree</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
976 "idyll" " an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene" "noun" "Syn: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon" "That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their <u>rural <b>idyll</u>.</b>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
977 "ignoble" "not honorable in character or purpose" "adj." "ignoble meant not noble in old days, which was not a good thing. </br>Syn: dishonorable, unworthy, base" "Moreover, by controlling the body he controlled the equally unruly mind, keeping it pure from <u><b>'ignoble</b> strife'</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
978 "impugn" "Dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive)" "verb" "Latin: in- ""into, in, on, upon"" + pugnare ""to fight""=>attack by argument</br>Syn: call into question, challenge" "The media vilified the protesters and their cause by<u> <b>impugning</b> their character</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
978 "impugn" "Dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive)" "verb" "Latin: in- ""into, in, on, upon"" + pugnare ""to fight""=>attack by argument</br>Syn: call into question, challenge" "The media vilified the protesters and their cause by <u><b>impugning</b> their character</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
979 "incise" "Mark or decorate (an object or surface) with a cut or a series of cut" "verb" "Latin: in=in + cis=cut</br>Syn: engrave, etch, carve" "This 12th-century incense burner is <b>incised</b> with calligraphy that identifies its maker and first owner." "Most Difficult" "FT"
980 "incubus" "<u>a cause of distress or anxiety</u>. originally, incubus = mythological character that visits people in their sleep, a kind of nightmare demon. " "noun" "Latin incubo, ""nightmare, one who lies down on the sleeper""</br> incubate is linked to this word. </br> Syn: a) demon, devil, fiend b) nightmare c) a complex situation d) disagreeable person, unpleasant person" "An idea shot through her mind that <u>she might call a policeman to rid her of this <b>incubus</b></u>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
981 "knell" " the sound of a bell, especially when rung solemnly for a death or funeral" "noun" "Syn: toll, ringing, chime" "The change in policy is a blow to the prison industry, but it hardly sounds a <u>death <b>knell</b></u> for its business model." "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1039,9 +1039,9 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1025 "supine" "1. Failing to act as a result of moral weakness or indolence; </br>2. laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone)" "adj." "Latin: supinus= “thrown backwards” or “inactive.”</br>Syn: weak, spineless" "1. The by-passers looked on as the crook robbed the old lady but were <u>too <b>supine</b> to want to interfere</u>.</br>2. After being sprayed with the poison, the roach flipped onto its back in a <u><b>supine</b> position</u> and died." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1026 "synoptic" "Taking or involving a comprehensive mental view" "adj." "Latin: syn-,: together, + -optic, meaning view or sight. => synoptic =pulls everything together as as to be seen</br>Syn: concise, succinct, compressed c" "At the beginning and the end of the course, <b><u>synoptic</b> presentations</u> of the main physical theories were presented" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1027 "toady" "Act in an obsequious way" "verb" "In old days, traveling medicine men would come to town and their helper would eat an assumed to be poisonous toad which the doctor would then ""heal"" ? So toad-eater, later toady, was a person who would do anything to please his boss.</br>Syn: be servile towards, grovel to" "Britain’s Conservative government is accused of sacrificing the steel industry <u>to <b>toady</b> up to China</u>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1028 "truculent" "Eager or quick to argue or fight" "adj." "Syn: defiant, aggressive, agonistic, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, brawly, combative, confrontational, contentious, discordant, disputatious, feisty, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome" "When my friend drinks too much, he becomes very<u> <b>truculent </b>and will fight anyone</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1028 "truculent" "Eager or quick to argue or fight" "adj." "Syn: defiant, aggressive, agonistic, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, brawly, combative, confrontational, contentious, discordant, disputatious, feisty, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome" "When my friend drinks too much, he becomes very <u><b>truculent </b>and will fight anyone</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1029 "turgid" "1. (of language or style) tediously pompous or bombastic</br>2. swollen" "adj." "Latin turgidus: ""swollen, inflated.""</br> Syn: overblown, inflated, grandiose, bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid" "It promotes a cult of personality around Mr. Baghdadi and churns out <b>turgid</b> propaganda about repaired bridges and newly opened schools.</br>2. He looked at the <b>turgid</b> leeches having had their fill of blood" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1030 "tyro" " a beginner or novice" "noun" "Syn: learner, neophyte, newcomer" " He easily took advantage of the <b>tyro's</b><u> inexperience</u> and beat him easily" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1030 "tyro" " a beginner or novice" "noun" "Syn: learner, neophyte, newcomer" " He easily took advantage of the <b>tyro's</b> <u>inexperience</u> and beat him easily" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1031 "umbrage" " Offense or annoyance" "noun" " Old French ombrage ""shade, shadow""</br>Syn: insult, affront" "Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president, <u>takes <b>umbrage</b> at charges</u> that reforms are lagging" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1032 "verdant" "(of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation" "adj." "Feom French: Vert-= green<br>Syn: leafy, grassy, lush" "The lush, <b><u>verdant</b> hills of Ireland</u> are the theme of the song ""the green, green grass of home""" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1033 "virulent" "1. extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom </br>2. infectious; having the ability to cause disease or even death</br>3. harsh or corrosive in tone" "adj." "Latin : poison ""virus""</br> Syn: toxic, deadly, destructive" "1. He was struck by a <b>virulent</b> insect bite.</br>2. If you get the <u>most <b>virulent</b> form of cancer</u>, you will probably not live longer than three months.</br>Parkhomeko's remark is another example of the <b><u>virulent</b> response</u> to people who oppose leftist orthodoxy." "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1116 "paradox" "a statement that contradicts itself but might be true" "noun" "Greek: para- ""contrary to"" + doxa ""opinion=>a statement contrary to common belief or expectation" "The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing <b>paradox.</b>" "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
1117 "pedant" "a person who makes an excessive display of learning" "noun" "Gleicher Wortstamm als ""Pedagogue""= ""person who trumpets minor points of learning, one who overrates learning or lays undue stress on exact knowledge of details or trifles as compared with large matters or general principles""" "Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester." "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
1118 "acro</br>akro" "at the top</br>at the end</br> outermost; excellent" "Greek/Latin root" "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " "acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit)</br> acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega))</br> acronym(sharp name=use of first letters)</br> acrophobia(fear of heights)</br> acropolis(city at the top)</br> " "Root words" "SMB"
1119 "credulity" "readiness of belief; disposition to believe on slight evidence" " noun" "Latin: credo=belief</br>Syn:gullabilt" "Tom’s<u> astounding<b> credulity</b></u> led him to believe that the world really is flat." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1119 "credulity" "readiness of belief; disposition to believe on slight evidence" " noun" "Latin: credo=belief</br>Syn:gullabilt" "Tom’s <u>astounding<b> credulity</b></u> led him to believe that the world really is flat." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1120 "crumple" "fall apart; fold or collapse; crush together or press into wrinkles" " verb" "The writer tore out the piece of paper from his scrapbook, <b>crumpled</b> it up into ball and threw it into the bin. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1121 "enervate" "cause (someone or something) to feel drained of energy; weaken" "verb" "Enervate is <u>one of the 5 most common mistakes</u> made in the GRE!" "The boxer used a swift left uppercut to the jaw to enervate his opponent." "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
1122 "cuddly" "with a way of nestling together; by hugging,embracing so as to keep warm" "adj." "On the cold winter's day, he and his wife took a cuddly blanket and warmed up in front of the fire" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -1206,10 +1206,10 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1191 "dietetics" "study of nutrition as it relates to health" " noun" "Prof. Sanders, emeritus professor of <u>nutrition and <b>dietetics</u></b> at King's College London, said: "" I'm concerned many people think B12 deficiency is a myth.""" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1192 "uranian" "homosexual" "adj." "from the reference to Aphrodite in Plato's ""Symposium;"" Urania ""Heavenly""" """One may recognize the pure <b>uranian</b> enthusiasts in the very character of their attachments"" Plato" "AMB" "RATMW"
1193 "dec" "ten" "Greek/Latin root" "decade</br> decennial</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1194 "direful" "dire; dreadful; terrible; calamitous; woeful" " adj." "</br>Syn: awful, dire, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible" "The 1929 stock market crash was the<u> first <b>direful</b> indication</u> of the dark days to come " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1194 "direful" "dire; dreadful; terrible; calamitous; woeful" " adj." "</br>Syn: awful, dire, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible" "The 1929 stock market crash was the <u>first <b>direful</b> indication</u> of the dark days to come " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1195 "derm" "skin" "Greek/Latin root" "dermatologist" "Latin words" "nko"
1196 "discomfit" "to make perplex or uneasy, to make someone feel embarassed" " verb" "</br>Syn: bring to a sweat, discompose, disconcert, rattle, untune, upset" "When my mother spoke about my boyfriend’s criminal past, she hoped it would <b>discomfit</b> me so I would break up with him." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1197 "discomposure" " 1. anxious embarrassment</br>2. a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure" " noun" "Syn: discomfiture, disconcertion, disconcertment" "As the interregator blasted question after question at me, his colleague remained entirely at his ease and was watching my <b>discomposure</b> with a quiet, mocking smile." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1197 "discomposure" " 1. anxious embarrassment</br>2. a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure" " noun" "Syn: discomfiture, disconcertion, disconcertment" "2. As the interregator blasted question after question at me, his colleague remained entirely at his ease and was watching my <b>discomposure</b> with a quiet, mocking smile." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1198 "dign" "worthy" "Greek/Latin root" "dignity</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1199 "discreet" "respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic" " adj." "<u>Discreet</u> means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but <u>discrete</u> means individual or detached" "The <b><u>discreet</b> Swiss banker</u> hushed in his grey suit and spoke in quiet words" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1200 "dorm" "sleep" "Greek/Latin root" "dormitory</br> dormant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1334,8 +1334,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin : ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1305 "licit" "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law" "adj." "Latin: licitus ""lawful""" "Sometimes, what legally separates <b>licit</b> and <u>illicit</u> pesticides is little more than a slip of paper." "AMB" "Web"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1307 "precocious" "1. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)</br>2. appearing or developing early" "adj." "Latin : pre ""before"" + coquere ""to ripen""=> to ripen/mature early" "1. The <b>precocious</b> student entered Queens College at the age of 16.</br>2. <b>Precocious</b> flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias" "AMB" "Mashima"
1308 "incipient" "only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; emerging" "adj." "Latin incipere ""to begin.""</br>Same word root as ""inception""" "The townsfolk were assured that any <b>incipient</b> major threat in the town would be nipped in the bud" "AMB" "Mashima"
1307 "precocious" "1. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)</br>2. appearing or developing early" "adj." "Latin : pre ""before"" + coquere ""to ripen""=> to ripen/mature early" "1. The <b>precocious</b> student entered Queens College at the age of 16.</br>2. <b>Precocious</b> flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias" "AMB" "Mishima"
1308 "incipient" "only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; emerging" "adj." "Latin incipere ""to begin.""</br>Same word root as ""inception""" "The townsfolk were assured that any <b>incipient</b> major threat in the town would be nipped in the bud" "AMB" "Mishima"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent, regulate, correct, " "Latin words" "nko"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1418 "vice" "instead of" "Latin Prefix" "vice-governor</br> vice-roy</br> vice-captain</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1419 "portending" "to give an omen or anticipatory sign of" "verb" "Latin : por- ""forward"" + ""tendere"" ""to stretch""=>""stretching forward to predict."" or foretell.""" "1a. The distant thunder <b>portended</b> a storm. </b>1b. If you're superstitious, a black cat <b>portends</b> trouble" "AMB" "Examword"
1420 "acious</br>cious" "having the quality of" "Latin Suffix" "spacious</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1421 "acolyte" "1. A person who helps with religious services</br>2. a fan or follower of the famous" "noun" " Greek akolouthos : ""follower""</br>Sny1 : altar boy</br> Syn2 : fan" "1. When I was a boy, I was an acolyte in the Church. </br>Likewise, her relationship with Warhol was not that of <b>acolyte</b> but of peer." "AMB" "Mashima"
1421 "acolyte" "1. A person who helps with religious services</br>2. a fan or follower of the famous" "noun" " Greek akolouthos : ""follower""</br>Sny1 : altar boy</br> Syn2 : fan" "1. When I was a boy, I was an acolyte in the Church. </br>Likewise, her relationship with Warhol was not that of <b>acolyte</b> but of peer." "AMB" "Mishima"
1424 "ate</br> ent</br> ant</br> ante" "one who" "Latin Suffix" "sycophant</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1430 "supposition" "the cognitive process of conjecturing" "noun" "Same word root as suppose" "Not having any evidence, the teacher’s <b>supposition</b> that Amy had cheated on the exam could not be proven." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
@ -1464,8 +1464,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1446 "some" "characteristic of" "Latin Suffix" "wholesome" "Latin words" "nko"
1447 "tude" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "certitude</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1448 "ward" "in the direction of" "Latin Suffix" "forward</br> backward</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1450 "effect </br> affect </br>exceptions 1" "However, effect can be a verb as an exception. In these cases it is nearly always used together with a noun like ""change"" or ""solution."" To effect change/ to effect for a solution. " "noun, verb" "The protesters wanted to effect change in the corrupt government and fight for a solution=bring about change BUT</br>, The protesters wanted to affect change=modify the intended change" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1451 "effect </br> affect </br> exceptions 2" "however, affect can be used as a noun, as an exception - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response. " "noun, verb" "The patient had a flat affect throughout the therapy session. (he patient was in kind of a blah mood) " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1450 "<u>E</u>ffect exceptions" "However, effect can be a verb as an exception. In these cases it is nearly always used together with a noun like ""change"" or ""solution."" To effect change/ to effect for a solution. " "noun, verb" "The protesters wanted to effect change in the corrupt government and fight for a solution=bring about change BUT</br>, The protesters wanted to affect change=modify the intended change" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1451 "<b>A</b>ffect exception" "however, affect can be used as a noun, as an exception - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response. " "noun, verb" "The patient had a flat affect throughout the therapy session. (he patient was in kind of a blah mood) " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1452 "missive" "a written note; note or instruction sent by superior authority" "noun" "Syn : command, note" "As soon as the general <u>received the <b>missive</b> from his commander-in-chief</u>, he launched an airstrike against the enemy." "Common GRE" "Prepscholar"
1453 "complaisant</br>complacent" " complaisant =""pleasing, obliging, gracious""</br>complacent = pleased with oneself, one's conditions, self-satisfied, often overly so" "adj." "complacent is often used to imply that one is TOO self-satisfied with oneself or with what one achieved - in the sense of ""resting on one's laurels""" "Although Chuck wanted an 'A' in the class, he was complacent with a 'B'</br>Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him" "Homophone" "merriam-webster"
1454 "akantha" "thorn" "Greek/Latin root" "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " "acacia(african thorn bush)</br> acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree)" "Root words" "SMB"
@ -1555,10 +1555,10 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1542 "secrete" "1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids </br>2. place out of sight; keep secret" "verb" "1. The lemon <u><b>secreted</b> its juice</u> as it was squeezed</br>2. The money was <b>secreted</b> from his children" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" """member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge""</br>Syn: sceptic,dDoubting Thomas" "I am always a <b>skeptic</b> when it comes to buying too good to be true products " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1547 "stint" "1. n. a short period of time </br>2. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "noun, verb" "word root related to stutter, stunt (as in growth)" "1. He served a <u>short <b>stint</b></u> as a waiter. </br>2. They were <u>not <b>stinting</b> in their praise</u> of their son." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1a. The bodybuilder's lean <b>striated</b> muscles had a striped appearance.</br>1b. The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1549 "subside" "wear off or die down" "verb" "The sound of the jet engines subsided as the plane flew further away." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1550 "supersede" "take the place or move into the position of" "verb" "Pres. Oboma <b>preceded</b> Pres. Trump, who superseded President Oboma" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1551 "excise" "cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting" " verb" "ex ""out"" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out" "It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u> " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1551 "excise" "cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting" " verb" "ex ""out"" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out" "It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u> tumour" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1552 "tangential" "of superficial relevance if any" "adj. " "Syn: digressive, irrelevant" "I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always <u>rambles off on a <b>tangential </b>topic</u> that has nothing to do with history." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1553 "tirade" "a speech of violent denunciation" "noun" "French tirade ""a volley, a shot; a pull; a long speech or passage; a drawing out"" (16c.), from tirer ""draw out, endure, suffer," "When the player got kicked out of the game, he started a tirade which lasted until security escorted him off the court." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1554 "truculence" "stubborn and defiant aggressiveness, a natural disposition to be hostile" "adj. " "Syn:aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity" "The aggressive man’s truculence caused him to be arrested and jailed for disorderly conduct" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 1456.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,21 +1,9 @@
# Words that should be added/modified
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| precocious | no.1307 | replace "Mashima" with "Mishima" |
| incipient | no.1308 | replace "Mashima" with "Mishima" |
| acolyte | no.1421 | replace "Mashima" with "Mishima" |
| striate | no.1548 | number 2nd example |
| corporal | no.174 | add break between meanings (no example needed for the 2nd one tho!) |
| patently | no.562 | "hatesspinach" -> "hates spinach". Also: remove quotation marks at end of example |
| effect/affect exceptions 2 | no.1451 | maybe rephrase as "affect excpetion" since it's only about affect. Do the same for effect/affect exception 1 but with effect |
| excise | no.1551 | example cuts off |
| canker | no.595 | Missing numbering for first meaning (also, fix the first meaning) |
| cantankerous | no.596 | fix example |
| discursive | no.97 | again, "\<u\> " -> " \<u\>", fix number formatting in meaning |
| discriminate | no.28 | add numbering to 3rd example (no example needed) |
| doctrinaire | no.473 | "leftest" -> "leftist" |
| discomposure | no.1197 | add numbering to example |
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| cantankerous | no.596 | fix example |
| excise | no.1661/1263 | remove one of the two, are duplicates |
## Import errors:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"extendNew": 10,
"extendRev": 50,
"media_files": [],
"mid": 1591437929655,
"mid": 1595177823327,
"name": "GRE",
"note_models": [
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@
"the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating",
"Syn: attraction, lure, draw. </br>Deutsch: Reiz, Fazination, Anziehungskraft",
"Yet it was the<u> <b>allure</b>of the Model T for millions</u> of consumers that finally drove the horse off the road.",
"Yet it was the <u><b>allure</b>of the Model T for millions</u> of consumers that finally drove the horse off the road.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -3355,10 +3355,10 @@
"fields": [
"of the body: \"corporal punishment.\" a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private.",
"1. of the body: \"corporal punishment.\" </br>2. a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private.",
"1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days.",
"1. <u><b>corporal</b> punishment</u> will still in use during my father's school days.",
"Common GRE",
@ -7912,7 +7912,7 @@
"relation or agreement between things; fitness; harmony; correspondence; consistency.",
"1: the quality or state of being congruent or congruous</br>\n2: a point of agreement",
"2. On closer observation, <u>one found little <b>congruity</b> between<u> her professed religious beliefs and her actual behavior</br>Syn: common denominator, commonality, correspondence, parallel, resemblance, similarity, similitude",
"2. On closer observation, <u>one found little <b>congruity</b> between <u>her professed religious beliefs and her actual behavior</br>Syn: common denominator, commonality, correspondence, parallel, resemblance, similarity, similitude",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -8488,7 +8488,7 @@
"Dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive)",
"Latin: in- \"into, in, on, upon\" + pugnare \"to fight\"=>attack by argument</br>Syn: call into question, challenge",
"The media vilified the protesters and their cause by<u> <b>impugning</b> their character</u>.",
"The media vilified the protesters and their cause by <u><b>impugning</b> their character</u>.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -11962,7 +11962,7 @@
"blatant, obvious",
"Latin: patere = \"lie open\" or \"be open.\"</br>patently as an adjective serves to emphasize how apparent or clear your observation is.",
"It's <b><u>patently</b> clear</u> that your 10 year old son hatesspinach.\"",
"It's <b><u>patently</b> clear</u> that your 10 year old son hates spinach.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -15634,7 +15634,7 @@
"Eager or quick to argue or fight",
"Syn: defiant, aggressive, agonistic, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, brawly, combative, confrontational, contentious, discordant, disputatious, feisty, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome",
"When my friend drinks too much, he becomes very<u> <b>truculent </b>and will fight anyone</u>.",
"When my friend drinks too much, he becomes very <u><b>truculent </b>and will fight anyone</u>.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -15688,7 +15688,7 @@
"a beginner or novice",
"Syn: learner, neophyte, newcomer",
"He easily took advantage of the <b>tyro's</b><u> inexperience</u> and beat him easily",
"He easily took advantage of the <b>tyro's</b> <u>inexperience</u> and beat him easily",
"Most Difficult",
@ -19290,7 +19290,7 @@
"Latin : pre \"before\" + coquere \"to ripen\"=> to ripen/mature early",
"1. The <b>precocious</b> student entered Queens College at the age of 16.</br>2. <b>Precocious</b> flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "DM|fxZM>fB",
@ -19308,7 +19308,7 @@
"Latin incipere \"to begin.\"</br>Same word root as \"inception\"",
"The townsfolk were assured that any <b>incipient</b> major threat in the town would be nipped in the bud",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "tb:|.;NSm;",
@ -20850,7 +20850,7 @@
"data": "",
"fields": [
"effect </br> affect </br>exceptions 1",
"<u>E</u>ffect exceptions",
"However, effect can be a verb as an exception. In these cases it is nearly always used together with a noun like \"change\" or \"solution.\" To effect change/ to effect for a solution.",
"noun, verb",
@ -20868,7 +20868,7 @@
"data": "",
"fields": [
"effect </br> affect </br> exceptions 2",
"<b>A</b>ffect exception",
"however, affect can be used as a noun, as an exception - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response.",
"noun, verb",
@ -22636,7 +22636,7 @@
"marked with stripes, stria or striations",
"sounds like stripes, which has the same word root",
"1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier.",
"1a. The bodybuilder's lean <b>striated</b> muscles had a striped appearance.</br>1b. The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier.",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",
@ -22690,7 +22690,7 @@
"cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting",
"ex \"out\" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out",
"It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u>",
"It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u> tumour",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -22843,24 +22843,6 @@
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting",
"ex \"out\" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out",
"It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "p_IPvJPwvO",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
@ -24811,10 +24793,10 @@
"fields": [
"corroding or sloughing ulcer; </br>2. anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; </br>3. disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off",
"1. corroding or sloughing ulcer; </br>2. anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; </br>3. disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off",
"Same word root as cancer",
"1. Some people are prone to getting <b>cankers</B> on their mouths.</br>2. My parents ight complain that the abandoned, run-down house two blocks away is a <b>canker</b> on your neighborhood.</br>3. When trees are under stress, they are more susceptible to <b>canker</b> and other fungal diseases.",
"1. Some people are prone to getting <b>cankers</B> on their mouths.</br>2. My parents might complain that the abandoned, run-down house two blocks away is a <b>canker</b> on your neighborhood.</br>3. When trees are under stress, they are more susceptible to <b>canker</b> and other fungal diseases.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -24832,7 +24814,7 @@
"ill humored; irritable; marked by ill-tempered contradiction or opposition; ugly; malicious",
"Syn:cranky, bad-tempered, irritable, irascible.",
"The <u><b>cantankerous</b>old ma</u> was uncooperative and difficult to get along with",
"The <u><b>cantankerous</b>old man</u> was uncooperative and difficult to get along with",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -24886,7 +24868,7 @@
"1. a playful leap or hop, joke or game </br>\n2. a crime (especially a robbery)</br>\n3. pickled flower buds used as a pungent relish in various dishes and sauces",
"1. Deutsch: Kapriole</br>2. Deutsch: Wortsstamm \"kapern\", aber nicht Seejacking aber Raub </br>3. Kaper (zum essen)",
"1. Grandpa insisted he was<u> too old for that type of <b>caper</b></u> and wouldn’t play such trivial games with us</br>2. Suspense oozes through this Netflix <u><b>caper</b> series</u> about a carefully curated team of robbers </br>3. Stirr the onions into the <b>caper</b> sauce.",
"1. Grandpa insisted he was <u>too old for that type of <b>caper</b></u> and wouldn’t play such trivial games with us</br>2. Suspense oozes through this Netflix <u><b>caper</b> series</u> about a carefully curated team of robbers </br>3. Stirr the onions into the <b>caper</b> sauce.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -25534,7 +25516,7 @@
"being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct",
"Latin circuitus = \"a going around.\"",
"When I lost the directions to the restaurant, I ended up<u> taking a <b>circuitous</b> route</u> that made me late for my own birthday party.",
"When I lost the directions to the restaurant, I ended up <u>taking a <b>circuitous</b> route</u> that made me late for my own birthday party.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -25624,7 +25606,7 @@
"loud outcry; loud sustained noise",
"Latin clamor= \"a shout\"</br>Syn: howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation",
"As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are going<u> to <b>clamor</b> for justice</u>.",
"As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are going <u>to <b>clamor</b> for justice</u>.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -25732,7 +25714,7 @@
"1. adj. accompanying; concomitant</br>\n2. adj. descended from a common ancestor but through different lines</br>\n3. n a security pledged for the repayment of a loanguarantee, usually in the form of an asset, for the repayment of a loan if one cannot procure enough funds to repay",
"adj., noun",
"Latin com \"with, together\" + lateralis \"of the side=>accompanying",
"1. The paper machine supply contract specifically<u> limited <b>collateral</b> damage</u> due to loss of paper sales revenue caused by late machine delivery to 10% of contract value.</br>2. David and Alexander have Opa as a <u><b>collateral</b> ancestor</u></br>3. Banks only give you a loan if you can <u>provide sufficient <b>collateral</u>.</b>",
"1. The paper machine supply contract specifically <u>limited <b>collateral</b> damage</u> due to loss of paper sales revenue caused by late machine delivery to 10% of contract value.</br>2. David and Alexander have Opa as a <u><b>collateral</b> ancestor</u></br>3. Banks only give you a loan if you can <u>provide sufficient <b>collateral</u>.</b>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -25804,7 +25786,7 @@
"1. adj. following or accompanying as a consequence</br>2. n. An event associated with or happening at the same time.",
"adj., noun",
"Latin: con =with + comit=companion=>ompanion of the main event",
"1. The concamitant effect of fitness training is a healthy glow and more happiness. </br>2. Doctors now <u> administer several <b>concomitant</b> drugs</u> to the patient in order to prevent the onset of AIDS.",
"1. The concamitant effect of fitness training is a healthy glow and more happiness. </br>2. Doctors now <u>administer several <b>concomitant</b> drugs</u> to the patient in order to prevent the onset of AIDS.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -26164,7 +26146,7 @@
"readiness of belief; disposition to believe on slight evidence",
"Latin: credo=belief</br>Syn:gullabilt",
"Tom’s<u> astounding<b> credulity</b></u> led him to believe that the world really is flat.",
"Tom’s <u>astounding<b> credulity</b></u> led him to believe that the world really is flat.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -26650,7 +26632,7 @@
"dire; dreadful; terrible; calamitous; woeful",
"</br>Syn: awful, dire, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible",
"The 1929 stock market crash was the<u> first <b>direful</b> indication</u> of the dark days to come",
"The 1929 stock market crash was the <u>first <b>direful</b> indication</u> of the dark days to come",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -26686,7 +26668,7 @@
"1. anxious embarrassment</br>2. a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure",
"Syn: discomfiture, disconcertion, disconcertment",
"As the interregator blasted question after question at me, his colleague remained entirely at his ease and was watching my <b>discomposure</b> with a quiet, mocking smile.",
"2. As the interregator blasted question after question at me, his colleague remained entirely at his ease and was watching my <b>discomposure</b> with a quiet, mocking smile.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -26722,7 +26704,7 @@
"1. make a clear distinction;</br>2. make distinctions on basis of category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice",
"1. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish</br>1b.“Cancel culture” doesn’t <b>discriminat</b>e between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes</br>2. Apartheid was a system of racial discrimination",
"1a. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish</br>1b. “Cancel culture” doesn’t <b>discriminate</b> between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes</br>2. Apartheid was a system of racial <b>discrimination</b>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -26740,7 +26722,7 @@
"1. moving from topic to topic without order </br>\n2 : proceeding coherently from topic to topic : marked by analytical reasoning",
"Latin discursus \"a running about\"</br>Note that def 1. and def</br>2. are in essence opposites ito 1. being a random move from point to point and def</br>2. being a structured moving from point to point.</br> Def</br>2. is often in academic context",
"1. I started reading the book, but the a<u> rambling <b>discursive</b> contents</u> soon put me off. </br>2. Her <b>discursive</b> dissertation on Colonial American women was well-argued and well-reasoned, impressing her professors.",
"1. I started reading the book, but the a <u>rambling <b>discursive</b> contents</u> soon put me off. </br>2. Her <b>discursive</b> dissertation on Colonial American women was well-argued and well-reasoned, impressing her professors.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -26902,7 +26884,7 @@
"unable to compromise about points of doctrine; unyielding",
"from doctrine. </br>Syn:dogmatic, instructive",
"The <u>leftest <b>doctrinaire</b></u> was completely unwilling to accept any belief other than her own",
"The <u>leftist <b>doctrinaire</b></u> was completely unwilling to accept any belief other than her own",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
@ -28146,7 +28128,7 @@
"Greek akolouthos : \"follower\"</br>Sny1 : altar boy</br> Syn2 : fan",
"1. When I was a boy, I was an acolyte in the Church. </br>Likewise, her relationship with Warhol was not that of <b>acolyte</b> but of peer.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "FfQr,?8YOv",
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