updated to v70
This commit is contained in:
@ -1750,3 +1750,14 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1727 "brook" "to tolerate; endure" "verb" "Brook as a noun is a small stream." "1a. Marx's view of the historical class struggle permitted no dissent, just as today's rioters <b>brook</b> no dissent from their dogmatic view of systemic racism.</br>1b. I will <b>brook</b> no arguments that somehow this would be a security nightmare for Apple" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1728 "brummagem" "Cheap and showy" "adj. " "Brummagem is a vulgar pronunciation of Birmingham. </br Birmingham was known for its cheap, mass-manufactured articles there. </br>Syn: tawdry, cheap, " "A bilious combination of <b>brummagem</b> melodrama and synthetic seascapes " "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1729 "cant" "insincere talk/jargon" "noun" "The older woman did not understand the modern <b>cant</b> spoken by her grandchildren" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1730 "canvass" "1a. to go through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit orders or political support or </br>1b. to determine opinions or sentiments </br>2. consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning" "verb" "1a. A team of volunteers is <b>canvassing</b> the city for the Republican Party, going to every house.</br>1b. In a normal year, many of these households’ information would be collected during census enumerators’ follow-up <b>canvass</b></br>2. By the time the three states complete their <b>canvass</b> of votes nearly a month after the election, the nation faces an astonishing result." "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1731 "cavalcade" "1. a procession, orginally of horses, now of any sort (eg. Motorcycles, cars, people, ships, etc.)</br>2. a sequence, a series - often dramatic" "noun" "Same Latin root as ""cavalry""" "1. It was followed in quick succession by almost 20 vehicles that departed in a long <b>cavalcade</b>.</br>2. Despite a <b>cavalcade</b> of natural disasters, the country was able to recover" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1732 "Chicane" "1. deception, trickery</br>2. a removable obstacle on a racecourse, eg. a series of tight turns in opposite directions in an otherwise straight stretch of a road-racing course" "verb, noun" " Middle French chicaner = ""to quibble"" or ""to prevent justice,""" "1. Most get-rich-quick schemes involve more than a smidgen of <b>chicane</b></br>2. The Le Mans circuit has <b>chicanes</b> on the frontstretch to slow the cars , forcing the drivers to altenatively swing their steering wheels left and right." "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1733 "churl" "bad-tempered person" "noun" "Same German root as ""Kerl"". </br>Had various meanings in middle English, : ""man of the common people,"" ""a country man,"" ""husbandman,"" ""free peasant. </br>Like ""boor"" & ""villain"", it is a word for ""common man"" that became insulting with time." "1a. But gracious Prince, do not listen to these common people, to these <b>churls.</b><br>1b. The grump man is a miserable <b>churl</b> who is rude and surly at all times." "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1734 "constrain" "hold back, restrict" "verb" "Japan’s economy is heavily reliant on exports, so weak demand in major overseas markets is <b>constraining</b> its growth" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1735 "contumacious" "insubordinate, rebellious" "adj," "Latin : com-=with + tumere ""to swell up""(some origin as ""tumour"")=>to swell up, be rebellious" "1a. She was warned that her <b>contumacious</b> conduct would not be tolerated.</br>1b. 1b. The judge threatened to charge the <b>contumacious</b> witness with contempt of court" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1736 "coruscate" "sparkle" "verb" "From Latin : sparkle, emit flash of light" "1a. He had a classic car from the 1950s, replete with yards of <b>coruscating</b> chrome </br>1b. The little mirrors on a disco ball <b>coruscate</b> as the ball twirls, making the dance floor sparkle.</bb>1c. His playing <b>coruscated</b> throughout the concert hall</br>1d. The allegations threaten to curtail a <b>coruscating</b> career." "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1737 "countenance" "1. the appearance conveyed by a person's face, thus also their composure - often understood to be calm</br>2. to favor or approve of" "adj, verb" "Old French contenance ""demeanor, bearing, conduct,""" "1a. The photograph showed his somber <b>countenance</b></br>1b. He managed to keep his <b>countenance</b> through the ordeal.</br>2. He was surprised at her <b>countenance</b> of their unsafe amusements" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1738 "countervail" "to counter something with equal force so as to succesffully offset or mitigate its effect" "verb" "counter=rebut + vail=value=>rebut or resist with equal force/value" "In order to <b>countervail</b> the storm’s effect of flooding the area, the authorities built levees to hold the waters back. " "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1739 "crass" "stupid, vulgar, insensitive, without refinement or sensitivity; gross." "adj," "ähnlich (aber nicht identisch) wie ""Krass"" auf Deutsch" "While you don't have to wear black to a funeral, but showing up in clown pants is simply <b>crass.</b>" "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
1740 "cursory" "quick; hurried" "adj. " "From French via Latin: pp of currore= running </br>Syn: hasty" "1a. He gave the applicant a <b>cursory</b> glance and already turned her down in his mind</br>1b. Only a <b>cursory</b> inspection of the building was done - resulting in a large under-estimate of the repairs needing to be done." "Grad_Hotline_1300_GRE" "5_Highest_Level"
Binary file not shown.
@ -31212,6 +31212,204 @@
"guid": "ingVa7RG]A",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1a. to go through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit orders or political support or </br>1b. to determine opinions or sentiments </br>2. consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning",
"1a. A team of volunteers is <b>canvassing</b> the city for the Republican Party, going to every house.</br>1b. In a normal year, many of these households’ information would be collected during census enumerators’ follow-up <b>canvass</b></br>2. By the time the three states complete their <b>canvass</b> of votes nearly a month after the election, the nation faces an astonishing result.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "h[rk<~c(P,",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. a procession, orginally of horses, now of any sort (eg. Motorcycles, cars, people, ships, etc.)</br>2. a sequence, a series - often dramatic",
"Same Latin root as \"cavalry\"",
"1. It was followed in quick succession by almost 20 vehicles that departed in a long <b>cavalcade</b>.</br>2. Despite a <b>cavalcade</b> of natural disasters, the country was able to recover",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "P}=(dZn>0S",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. deception, trickery</br>2. a removable obstacle on a racecourse, eg. a series of tight turns in opposite directions in an otherwise straight stretch of a road-racing course",
"verb, noun",
"Middle French chicaner = \"to quibble\" or \"to prevent justice,\"",
"1. Most get-rich-quick schemes involve more than a smidgen of <b>chicane</b></br>2. The Le Mans circuit has <b>chicanes</b> on the frontstretch to slow the cars , forcing the drivers to altenatively swing their steering wheels left and right.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "KKta]~#[NR",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"bad-tempered person",
"Same German root as \"Kerl\". </br>Had various meanings in middle English, : \"man of the common people,\" \"a country man,\" \"husbandman,\" \"free peasant. </br>Like \"boor\" & \"villain\", it is a word for \"common man\" that became insulting with time.",
"1a. But gracious Prince, do not listen to these common people, to these <b>churls.</b><br>1b. The grump man is a miserable <b>churl</b> who is rude and surly at all times.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "FFonBGva&Z",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"hold back, restrict",
"Japan’s economy is heavily reliant on exports, so weak demand in major overseas markets is <b>constraining</b> its growth",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "j{)L:on,nr",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"insubordinate, rebellious",
"Latin : com-=with + tumere \"to swell up\"(some origin as \"tumour\")=>to swell up, be rebellious",
"1a. She was warned that her <b>contumacious</b> conduct would not be tolerated.</br>1b. 1b. The judge threatened to charge the <b>contumacious</b> witness with contempt of court",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "PQu7>pzY7g",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"From Latin : sparkle, emit flash of light",
"1a. He had a classic car from the 1950s, replete with yards of <b>coruscating</b> chrome </br>1b. The little mirrors on a disco ball <b>coruscate</b> as the ball twirls, making the dance floor sparkle.</bb>1c. His playing <b>coruscated</b> throughout the concert hall</br>1d. The allegations threaten to curtail a <b>coruscating</b> career.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "lxLXlRz`O:",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. the appearance conveyed by a person's face, thus also their composure - often understood to be calm</br>2. to favor or approve of",
"adj, verb",
"Old French contenance \"demeanor, bearing, conduct,\"",
"1a. The photograph showed his somber <b>countenance</b></br>1b. He managed to keep his <b>countenance</b> through the ordeal.</br>2. He was surprised at her <b>countenance</b> of their unsafe amusements",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "m6=,f;;Z1@",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"to counter something with equal force so as to succesffully offset or mitigate its effect",
"counter=rebut + vail=value=>rebut or resist with equal force/value",
"In order to <b>countervail</b> the storm’s effect of flooding the area, the authorities built levees to hold the waters back.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "H`<6</YxAs",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"stupid, vulgar, insensitive, without refinement or sensitivity; gross.",
"ähnlich (aber nicht identisch) wie \"Krass\" auf Deutsch",
"While you don't have to wear black to a funeral, but showing up in clown pants is simply <b>crass.</b>",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "tZ%FL%G&S;",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"quick; hurried",
"From French via Latin: pp of currore= running </br>Syn: hasty",
"1a. He gave the applicant a <b>cursory</b> glance and already turned her down in his mind</br>1b. Only a <b>cursory</b> inspection of the building was done - resulting in a large under-estimate of the repairs needing to be done.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "r~T$H3&%^K",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
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