Updated rest of files to v24

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Alexander Bocken 2020-06-18 07:39:14 +00:00
parent 0a2b9ddc2a
commit 0b3e493d30
3 changed files with 12 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
263 "effluent" "the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence)" "adj., noun" "Latin : ex ""out"" + fluere ""to flow""" "Paques builds plants that ensure that <u>wastewater</u><b> effluent</b> effluent is cleaned" "Common GRE" "MSU"
1476 "effrontery" "audacious behavior that you have no right to" "noun" "The couple strolled into the crowded restaurant, demanded the best table and threatened the staff but were soon <u>rejected by the maitre d' for their <b>effrontery.</b></u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
264 "ego" "I</br> self " "Greek/Latin root" "ego</br> egomaniac</br> egocentric</br> " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
958 "egress" " the action of going out of or leaving a place" "noun" " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" "The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire" "Most Difficult" "FT"
958 "egress" " the action of going out of or leaving a place" "noun" " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" "The data is stored in the <u>router <b>egress</b> queue</u> until it is serialised onto the physical wire" "Most Difficult" "FT"
265 "elegy" "a mournful poem; a lament for the dead" "noun" "Greek elegeia ode ""an elegaic song"", where elegos= ""poem or song of lament" "When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
266 "elicit" " to provoke a response" "verb" "ic=nature of, like" "In the experiment, the scientist hoped to <u><b>elicit</b> a response</u> from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
267 "eloquence" " persuasive and articulate speech" "adj." "French/Latin : ""eloquent"" from ex ""out"" + loqui ""to speak""" "Since the girl spoke from the heart, the <u><b>eloquence</b> in her words</u> allowed everyone to completely understand and believe what she was saying." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -567,14 +567,14 @@
389 "-hood" "order, quality " "noun " "neighborhood</br> motherhood " "Suffix" "MSU"
390 "husband" "1. n. a male spouse. </br>2. v. to manage frugally. to conserve. ___husbandry n. management." "noun" "(2) Our mother was so <u>good at <b>husbanding</b> resources</u> that we never went hungry, even when our parents both lost their jobs.___This college offers many courses in animal husbandry." "Homonym" "MSU"
1227 "hydr" "water" "Greek/Latin root" "anhydous</br> hydraulic</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1390 "hyper" "too much" "Latin Prefix" "hyper ventilate</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
391 "hyperbole" " obvious exaggeration for effect" "noun" "Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1390 "hyper" "too much" "Latin Prefix" "hyper ventilate</br> hyperbole</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
391 "hyperbole" " obvious exaggeration for effect" "noun" "hyper=too much + bole=to throw=> to throw too far." "Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1391 "hypo" "too little</br> under" "Latin Prefix" "hypo-allergenic, hypocaust(burning below=underfloor heating), hypochondria(under belief), hypocrisy, hypodermic, hypogamy(marriage to a lower caste), hypogastrium(below the stomach), hypogean(lives below the earth(ge)), hypoglycemia(too little blood sugar), hypomania(better insight due to being under the influence of a ""high""), hyponymy(word that is subordinatedly interchangeable with a word (but not vice versa), hypostasis, hypotaxis, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypotonia, hypotonic, hypoxia(b" "Latin words" "nko"
392 "-ic" "nature of, like " "adj. " "metallic</br> heroic</br> poetic " "Suffix" "MSU"
1433 "ic</br> id" "of</br> like" "Latin Suffix" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
393 "-ice" "condition, state, quality " "noun " "justice</br> malice " "Suffix" "MSU"
395 "iconoclast" " a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions" "noun" "Synonyms: critic, skeptic, dissenter" "He has overtaken Manuel Valls, the centre-left prime minister, as the lefts most outspoken iconoclast, and shown up the Socialist left as die-hard conservative" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1487 "iconoclastic" "characterized by attack on established beliefs" "adj." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1487 "iconoclastic" "characterized by attack on established beliefs" "adj." "Greek eikōn, or ""image,"" coupled with -klastēs, ""one who breaks,""=> one who breaks icons" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
396 "-id, ide " "something connected to or belonging to " "adj., noun " "fluid</br> fluoride</br> torrid</br> canid " "Suffix" "MSU"
397 "idem" "the same " "Greek/Latin root" "identity</br> idiopathic</br> I</br> individual " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
398 "ideo" "idea " "Greek/Latin root" "ideology</br> ideation</br> ideal " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"

1 1 -(o)logy study,science,theory noun biology</br> archeology Suffix MSU
358 1476 effrontery audacious behavior that you have no right to noun The couple strolled into the crowded restaurant, demanded the best table and threatened the staff but were soon <u>rejected by the maitre d' for their <b>effrontery.</b></u> Hi Freq. GRE Medium Barron
359 264 ego I</br> self Greek/Latin root ego</br> egomaniac</br> egocentric</br> Greek/Latin MSU
360 958 egress the action of going out of or leaving a place noun Latin egressus="a going out"(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire The data is stored in the <u>router <b>egress</b> queue</u> until it is serialised onto the physical wire Most Difficult FT
361 265 elegy a mournful poem; a lament for the dead noun Greek elegeia ode "an elegaic song", where elegos= "poem or song of lament When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
362 266 elicit to provoke a response verb ic=nature of, like In the experiment, the scientist hoped to <u><b>elicit</b> a response</u> from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
363 267 eloquence persuasive and articulate speech adj. French/Latin : "eloquent" from ex "out" + loqui "to speak" Since the girl spoke from the heart, the <u><b>eloquence</b> in her words</u> allowed everyone to completely understand and believe what she was saying. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
364 856 elucidate Make (something) clear verb Synonyms: explain, make plain, illuminate One was from almost 600 people who had completed... a questionnaire intended to elucidatethe different tendencies of people to engage in sexual relationships without a deep emotional commitment. Medium Difficult FT
567 398 ideo idea Greek/Latin root ideology</br> ideation</br> ideal Greek/Latin MSU
568 399 ideological relating to a particular belief system or theory adj. Due to the criminal’s <u><b>ideological</b> perspective that he is always right</u>,the criminal would hurt people if they wronged h 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
569 400 idios one's own Greek/Latin root idiom</br> idiosyncrasy</br> idiopathic Greek/Latin MSU
570 1488 idolatry the worship of objects or images as gods noun Hi Freq. GRE Easy Barron
571 976 idyll an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene noun Synonyms: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their rural idyll. Most Difficult FT
572 977 ignoble not honorable in character or purpose adj. Synonyms: dishonorable, unworthy, base Moreover, by controlling the body he controlled the equally unruly mind, keeping it pure from 'ignoble strife'. Most Difficult FT
573 1434 il</br> ile capable of being Latin Suffix Latin words nko
574 881 imbue Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality verb Synonyms: saturate, fill, suffuse Some feminists argue, moreover, that the very framework of economics is imbued with subtler forms of sexism. Medium Difficult FT
575 401 imminent about to happen adj. French/ Latin : "overhanging; impending" When the Secret Service arrived, everyone knew <u>the president’s arrival was <b>imminent.</b></ 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
576 1376 immure </br> inure immure=Kept as a prisoner or closed away and out of sight </br> inure=If you suffer or experience something unpleasant, you become familiar with it and able to accept and bear it adj. Easily confused words Khan
577 402 immutable Unchanging over time or unable to be changed adj. Synonyms: permanent, set, steadfast After all, whom institutions choose to celebrate and how they depict the past are choices to be debated, not immutable facts. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
578 403 impair make worse or less effective verb French/latin : impeiorare "make worse <u>Alcohol can greatly <b>impair</b> your judgement.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
579 883 impasse a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement noun Synonyms: deadlock, dead end, stalemate The Catalan impasse is part of a wider Spanish gridlock. Elections on December 20th splintered the political landscape. Medium Difficult FT
580 1489 impassive having or revealing little emotion or sensibility adj. Hi Freq. GRE Easy Barron

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@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
| foil | no.353 | numbering inconsistent in example |
| elucidate | no.856 | remove "..." in example |
| fledgling | no.348 | add numbering to 2nd example |
| effluent | no.263 | repeats "effluent" in example |
| husband | no.390 | fix formatting (numbering in example and formatting in 2nd meaning) |
| imminent | no.401 | needs end of underline delimiter in example |
| grovel | no.757 | improve explanation and example, really hard to understand |
# Questions to answer:

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@ -5230,7 +5230,7 @@
"the action of going out of or leaving a place",
"Latin egressus=\"a going out\"(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal",
"The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire",
"The data is stored in the <u>router <b>egress</b> queue</u> until it is serialised onto the physical wire",
"Most Difficult",
@ -8055,7 +8055,7 @@
"obvious exaggeration for effect",
"hyper=too much + bole=to throw=> to throw too far.",
"Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -17976,7 +17976,7 @@
"too much",
"Latin Prefix",
"hyper ventilate</br>",
"hyper ventilate</br> hyperbole</br>",
"Latin words",
@ -22259,7 +22259,7 @@
"characterized by attack on established beliefs",
"Greek eikōn, or \"image,\" coupled with -klastēs, \"one who breaks,\"=> one who breaks icons",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",