diff --git a/GRE-Vocab_trainer.csv b/GRE-Vocab_trainer.csv
index 66889c0..3093850 100644
--- a/GRE-Vocab_trainer.csv
+++ b/GRE-Vocab_trainer.csv
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
263 "effluent" "the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence)" "adj., noun" "Latin : ex ""out"" + fluere ""to flow""" "Paques builds plants that ensure that wastewater effluent effluent is cleaned" "Common GRE" "MSU"
1476 "effrontery" "audacious behavior that you have no right to" "noun" "The couple strolled into the crowded restaurant, demanded the best table and threatened the staff but were soon rejected by the maitre d' for their effrontery." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
264 "ego" "I self " "Greek/Latin root" "ego egomaniac egocentric " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
-958 "egress" " the action of going out of or leaving a place" "noun" " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" "The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire" "Most Difficult" "FT"
+958 "egress" " the action of going out of or leaving a place" "noun" " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" "The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire" "Most Difficult" "FT"
265 "elegy" "a mournful poem; a lament for the dead" "noun" "Greek elegeia ode ""an elegaic song"", where elegos= ""poem or song of lament" "When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
266 "elicit" " to provoke a response" "verb" "ic=nature of, like" "In the experiment, the scientist hoped to elicit a response from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
267 "eloquence" " persuasive and articulate speech" "adj." "French/Latin : ""eloquent"" from ex ""out"" + loqui ""to speak""" "Since the girl spoke from the heart, the eloquence in her words allowed everyone to completely understand and believe what she was saying." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@@ -567,14 +567,14 @@
389 "-hood" "order, quality " "noun " "neighborhood motherhood " "Suffix" "MSU"
390 "husband" "1. n. a male spouse. 2. v. to manage frugally. to conserve. ___husbandry n. management." "noun" "(2) Our mother was so good at husbanding resources that we never went hungry, even when our parents both lost their jobs.___This college offers many courses in animal husbandry." "Homonym" "MSU"
1227 "hydr" "water" "Greek/Latin root" "anhydous hydraulic " "Latin words" "nko"
-1390 "hyper" "too much" "Latin Prefix" "hyper ventilate " "Latin words" "nko"
-391 "hyperbole" " obvious exaggeration for effect" "noun" "Obviously the network is overreacting and engaging in hyperbole when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
+1390 "hyper" "too much" "Latin Prefix" "hyper ventilate hyperbole" "Latin words" "nko"
+391 "hyperbole" " obvious exaggeration for effect" "noun" "hyper=too much + bole=to throw=> to throw too far." "Obviously the network is overreacting and engaging in hyperbole when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1391 "hypo" "too little under" "Latin Prefix" "hypo-allergenic, hypocaust(burning below=underfloor heating), hypochondria(under belief), hypocrisy, hypodermic, hypogamy(marriage to a lower caste), hypogastrium(below the stomach), hypogean(lives below the earth(ge)), hypoglycemia(too little blood sugar), hypomania(better insight due to being under the influence of a ""high""), hyponymy(word that is subordinatedly interchangeable with a word (but not vice versa), hypostasis, hypotaxis, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypotonia, hypotonic, hypoxia(b" "Latin words" "nko"
392 "-ic" "nature of, like " "adj. " "metallic heroic poetic " "Suffix" "MSU"
1433 "ic id" "of like" "Latin Suffix" "ic=nature of, like" "Latin words" "nko"
393 "-ice" "condition, state, quality " "noun " "justice malice " "Suffix" "MSU"
395 "iconoclast" " a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions" "noun" "Synonyms: critic, skeptic, dissenter" "He has overtaken Manuel Valls, the centre-left prime minister, as the left’s most outspoken iconoclast, and shown up the Socialist left as die-hard conservative" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
-1487 "iconoclastic" "characterized by attack on established beliefs" "adj." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
+1487 "iconoclastic" "characterized by attack on established beliefs" "adj." "Greek eikōn, or ""image,"" coupled with -klastēs, ""one who breaks,""=> one who breaks icons" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
396 "-id, ide " "something connected to or belonging to " "adj., noun " "fluid fluoride torrid canid " "Suffix" "MSU"
397 "idem" "the same " "Greek/Latin root" "identity idiopathic I individual " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
398 "ideo" "idea " "Greek/Latin root" "ideology ideation ideal " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
index 5c05aae..6c50bdf 100644
--- a/TODO.md
+++ b/TODO.md
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
| foil | no.353 | numbering inconsistent in example |
| elucidate | no.856 | remove "..." in example |
| fledgling | no.348 | add numbering to 2nd example |
+| effluent | no.263 | repeats "effluent" in example |
+| husband | no.390 | fix formatting (numbering in example and formatting in 2nd meaning) |
+| imminent | no.401 | needs end of underline delimiter in example |
+| grovel | no.757 | improve explanation and example, really hard to understand |
# Questions to answer:
diff --git a/deck.json b/deck.json
index 756b70b..e452d4e 100644
--- a/deck.json
+++ b/deck.json
@@ -5230,7 +5230,7 @@
"the action of going out of or leaving a place",
"Latin egressus=\"a going out\"(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal",
- "The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire",
+ "The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -8055,7 +8055,7 @@
"obvious exaggeration for effect",
- "",
+ "hyper=too much + bole=to throw=> to throw too far.",
"Obviously the network is overreacting and engaging in hyperbole when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -17976,7 +17976,7 @@
"too much",
"Latin Prefix",
- "hyper ventilate",
+ "hyper ventilate hyperbole",
"Latin words",
@@ -22259,7 +22259,7 @@
"characterized by attack on established beliefs",
- "",
+ "Greek eikōn, or \"image,\" coupled with -klastēs, \"one who breaks,\"=> one who breaks icons",
"Hi Freq. GRE Hard",