Client - minor refacto
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
"ACTION": "Aktion",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Aktiviere Konto",
"ACTIVE": "Aktiv",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Hinzufügen/Entfernen von Administratorrechten, Lösche Nutzerkonto.",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Administration",
"APPLICATION": "Anwendung",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Kontakt-E-Mail des Administrators",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. Anzahl aktiver Nutzer",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "Wenn 0, gibt es keine Registrierungslimitierung..",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Max. Dateianzahl im zip Archiv",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "keine Kontakt-E-Mail",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. Größe der hochgeladenen Dateien (in Mb)",
"TITLE": "Anwendungskonfiguration",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. Größe des zip Archives (in Mb)"
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Zurück zu Admin",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Möchtest du wirklich das {0} Konto löschen? Alle Daten werden gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Möchtest du wirklich das {0} Passwort zurücksetzen?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Aktuelle E-Mail",
"DELETE_USER": "Lösche Nutzer",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "E-Mail-Versand ist deaktiviert.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren von Sportarten.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "Neue E-Mail",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "Das wasswort wurde zurückgesetzt.",
"REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Registrierung ist derzeit deaktiviert.",
"REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Registrierung ist derzeit aktiviert.",
"RESET_USER_PASSWORD": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Aktiv",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "Trainings existieren",
"IMAGE": "Bild",
"LABEL": "Titel"
"ACTION": "Aktion",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Aktiviere Konto",
"ACTIVE": "Aktiv",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Administration",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Hinzufügen/Entfernen von Administratorrechten, Lösche Nutzerkonto.",
"APPLICATION": "Anwendung",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Kontakt-E-Mail des Administrators",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Max. Dateianzahl im zip Archiv",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "Wenn 0, gibt es keine Registrierungslimitierung..",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. Anzahl aktiver Nutzer",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "keine Kontakt-E-Mail",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. Größe der hochgeladenen Dateien (in Mb)",
"TITLE": "Anwendungskonfiguration",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. Größe des zip Archives (in Mb)"
"TITLE": "Sportarten Administration"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Aktualisiere Anwemdungskonfiguration (maximale Anzahl an registrierten Nutzern, maximale Dateigröße).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Aktualisiere E-Mail",
"USER": "Nutzer",
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "Die E-Mail Adresse wurde aktualisiert.",
"USERS": {
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Administratorrechte hinzufügen",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Administratorrechte entfernen"
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Zurück zu Admin",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Möchtest du wirklich das {0} Konto löschen? Alle Daten werden gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Möchtest du wirklich das {0} Passwort zurücksetzen?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Aktuelle E-Mail",
"DELETE_USER": "Lösche Nutzer",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "E-Mail-Versand ist deaktiviert.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren von Sportarten.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "Neue E-Mail",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "Das wasswort wurde zurückgesetzt.",
"REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Registrierung ist derzeit deaktiviert.",
"REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Registrierung ist derzeit aktiviert.",
"RESET_USER_PASSWORD": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Aktiv",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "Trainings existieren",
"IMAGE": "Bild",
"LABEL": "Titel"
"TITLE": "Sportarten Administration"
"ADMIN": "Adminstatus",
"CREATED_AT": "Registrierungsdatum",
"IS_ACTIVE": "Accountstatus",
"USERNAME": "Nutzername",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "Trainingsanzahl"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Aktualisiere Anwemdungskonfiguration (maximale Anzahl an registrierten Nutzern, maximale Dateigröße).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Aktualisiere E-Mail",
"USER": "Nutzer",
"USERS": {
"ADMIN": "Adminstatus",
"CREATED_AT": "Registrierungsdatum",
"IS_ACTIVE": "Accountstatus",
"USERNAME": "Nutzername",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "Trainingsanzahl"
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Administratorrechte hinzufügen",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Administratorrechte entfernen"
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "Die E-Mail Adresse wurde aktualisiert."
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
"ERROR": {
"Network Error": "Netzwerkfehler.",
"UNKNOWN": "Fehler. Bitte versuche es erneut oder kontaktiere den Administrator.",
"at least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive": "Mindestens eine Datei im ZIP-Archiv überschreitet das Größenlimit, bitte überprüfe das Archiv.",
"email: valid email must be provided": "E-Mail: Eine gültige E-Mail muss angegeben werden.",
"error during gpx processing": "Fehler bei der GPX-Verarbeitung.",
"error during gpx file parsing": "Fehler beim Einlesen der GPX-Datei",
"error during gpx processing": "Fehler bei der GPX-Verarbeitung.",
"error on getting configuration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration.",
"error when updating configuration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Konfiguration",
"error, please try again or contact the administrator": "Fehler. Bitte versuche es erneut oder kontaktiere den Administrator.",
@ -15,17 +16,16 @@
"invalid payload": "Die bereitgestellten Daten sind ungültig.",
"invalid token, please log in again": "Ungültiges Token, bitte erneut anmelden.",
"invalid token, please request a new token": "Ungültiges Token, bitte erneut anmelden.",
"Network Error": "Netzwerkfehler.",
"new email must be different than curent email": "Die neue E-Mail muss sich von der aktuellen E-Mail unterscheiden",
"no file part": "Keine Datei angegeben.",
"no selected file": "Keine Datei ausgewählt.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "Die Anzahl der Dateien im Archiv überschreitet die Begrenzung.",
"password: password and password confirmation do not match": "Passwort: Passwort und Passwortbestätigung stimmen nicht überein.",
"provide a valid auth token": "Gebe ein gültiges Authentifizierungstoken an.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Die Signatur ist abgelaufen. Bitte melde dich erneut an.",
"sorry, that username is already taken": "Es tut mir leid, der Benutzername ist schon vergeben.",
"sport does not exist": "Sportart existiert nicht.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Die Signatur ist abgelaufen. Bitte melde dich erneut an.",
"successfully registered": "Registrierung erfolgreich.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "Die Anzahl der Dateien im Archiv überschreitet die Begrenzung.",
"user does not exist": "Der Nutzer existiert nicht.",
"valid email must be provided for admin contact": "Um den Administrator zu kontaktieren, muss eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben werden",
"you can not delete your account, no other user has admin rights": "Du kannst Dein Konto nicht löschen, da kein anderer Nutzer hat Administratorrechte besitzt.",
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
"HIDDEN": "Versteckt",
"HOME": "Startseite",
"ORDER": {
"ASC": "aufsteigend",
"DESC": "absteigend",
"LABEL": "sortieren"
"LABEL": "sortiert nach"
"ORDER": {
"LABEL": "sortieren",
"ASC": "aufsteigend",
"DESC": "absteigend"
"LABEL": "pro Seite"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"THIS_MONTH": "Dieser Monat"
"DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"THIS_MONTH": "Dieser Monat"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"UNKNOWN": "Fehler. Bitte versuche es erneut oder kontaktiere den Administrator.",
"APP_ERROR": "Bei der Anwendung scheinen einige Probleme aufgetreten zu sein.<br />Bitte versuche es später noch einmal oder kontaktiere den Administrator.",
"PAGE": "Seite nicht gefunden",
"WORKOUT": "Training nicht gefunden"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Etwas lief schief"
"APP_ERROR": "Bei der Anwendung scheinen einige Probleme aufgetreten zu sein.<br />Bitte versuche es später noch einmal oder kontaktiere den Administrator.",
"PAGE": "Seite nicht gefunden",
"WORKOUT": "Training nicht gefunden"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Etwas lief schief",
"UNKNOWN": "Fehler. Bitte versuche es erneut oder kontaktiere den Administrator."
@ -9,20 +9,20 @@
"REDIRECT_URL": "Weiterleitungs-URL",
"SCOPE": {
"LABEL": "Geltungsbereich",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf <code>auth</code>-Endpunkte",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf die Anwendungskonfiguration",
"profile:read_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Lesezugriff auf <code>auth</code>-Endpunkte",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf <code>auth</code>-Endpunkte",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Lesezugriff auf <code>users</code>-Endpunkte",
"users:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf <code>users</code>-Endpunkte",
"workouts:read_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Lesezugriff auf <code>workouts</code>-Endpunkte",
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf <code>workouts</code>-Endpunkte",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf die Anwendungskonfiguration"
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "erlaubt Schreibzugriff auf <code>workouts</code>-Endpunkte"
"URL": "Anwendungs-URL"
"APPS_LIST": "OAuth2-Anwendungen",
"APP_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Anwendung erfolgreich erstellt. Stelle sicher, dass du das Geheimnis kopierst, du kannst es nicht erneut anzeigen.",
"APP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Bist sicher, dass du diese App löschen willst?",
"APP_REQUESTING_ACCESS": "Die Anwendung {0} fragt an:",
"APPS_LIST": "OAuth2-Anwendungen",
"AUTHORIZE_APP": "{0} den Zugriff auf deinen Account erlauben?",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "in Zwischenablage kopieren",
"DELETE_APP": "Anwendung löschen",
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"STATISTICS": "Statistik",
"week": "Woche",
"month": "Monat",
"year": "Jahr"
"STATISTICS": "Statistik",
"month": "Monat",
"week": "Woche",
"year": "Jahr"
@ -12,38 +12,38 @@
"HIDE_PASSWORD": "Passwort verbergen",
"INVALID_TOKEN": "Ungültiges Token, bitte fordere ein neues Passworts an.",
"LANGUAGE": "Sprache",
"LOG_IN": "Anmelden",
"LOGIN": "Anmeldung",
"LOGOUT": "Abmelden",
"LOG_IN": "Anmelden",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "Neues Passwort",
"NO_USERS_FOUND": "Keine Nutzer gefunden.",
"PASSWORD": "Passwort",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "Mindestens 8 Zeichen sind erforderlich.",
"PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN": "Passwort vergessen?",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "Mindestens 8 Zeichen sind erforderlich.",
"PASSWORD_RESET": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Prüfe Deine E-Mail. Wenn Deine Adresse in der Datenbank enthalten ist, wirst du eine E-Mail mit einem Link erhalten um Dein Passwort zurückzusetzen.",
"WEAK": "schwach",
"AVERAGE": "mittel",
"GOOD": "gut",
"STRONG": "start",
"LABEL": "Passwortstärke",
"STRONG": "start",
"l33t": "Vermeide vorhersehbare Buchstabenersetzungen wie {'@'} für a.",
"reverseWords": "Vermeide umgekehrte Schreibweisen gebräuchlicher Wörter.",
"allUppercase": "Schreibe einige, aber nicht alle Buchstaben groß.",
"anotherWord": "Füge weitere weniger gebräuchliche Wörter hinzu.",
"associatedYears": "Vermeide Jahreszahlen, die mit Dir in Verbindung gebracht werden.",
"capitalization": "Schreibe mehr als nur den ersten Buchstaben groß.",
"dates": "Vermeide Daten und Jahreszahlen, die mit Dir in Verbindung gebracht werden.",
"recentYears": "Vermeide Angabe von letzten Jahreszahlen.",
"associatedYears": "Vermeide Jahreszahlen, die mit Dir in Verbindung gebracht werden.",
"sequences": "Vermeide gebräuchliche Zeichenfolgen.",
"repeated": "Vermeide wiederholungen von Wörtern und Zeichen.",
"l33t": "Vermeide vorhersehbare Buchstabenersetzungen wie {'@'} für a.",
"longerKeyboardPattern": "Verwende längere Tastaturmuster und ändere mehrmals die Schreibrichtung.",
"anotherWord": "Füge weitere weniger gebräuchliche Wörter hinzu.",
"useWords": "Verwenden Sie mehrere Wörter, aber vermeide gebräuchliche Ausdrücke.",
"noNeed": "Du kannst sichere Passwörter erstellen, ohne Symbole, Zahlen oder Großbuchstaben zu verwenden.",
"pwned": "Wenn Sie dieses Passwort auch anderweitig verwenden, sollten Sie es ändern."
"pwned": "Wenn Sie dieses Passwort auch anderweitig verwenden, sollten Sie es ändern.",
"recentYears": "Vermeide Angabe von letzten Jahreszahlen.",
"repeated": "Vermeide wiederholungen von Wörtern und Zeichen.",
"reverseWords": "Vermeide umgekehrte Schreibweisen gebräuchlicher Wörter.",
"sequences": "Vermeide gebräuchliche Zeichenfolgen.",
"useWords": "Verwenden Sie mehrere Wörter, aber vermeide gebräuchliche Ausdrücke."
"WEAK": "schwach"
"PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Dein Passwort wurde aktualisiert. Klicke {0} um dich anzumelden.",
@ -57,20 +57,32 @@
"EDIT_PREFERENCES": "Einstellungen ändern",
"EDIT_SPORTS_PREFERENCES": "Einstellungen für Sportarten ändern",
"ERRORED_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Bitte {0} um Deine E-Mail Adresse nochmals zu ändern oder kontaktiere den Administrator",
"FIRST_NAME": "Vorname",
"FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "Erster Tag der Woche",
"FIRST_NAME": "Vorname",
"LANGUAGE": "Sprache",
"LAST_NAME": "Nachname",
"LOCATION": "Ort",
"MONDAY": "Montag",
"PICTURE": "Bild",
"PICTURE_EDITION": "Bildausgabe",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Bild aktualisieren",
"PICTURE_REMOVE": "Bild entfernen",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Bild aktualisieren",
"PREFERENCES_EDITION": "Einstellungsausgabe",
"PROFILE_EDITION": "Profil-Ausgabe",
"REGISTRATION_DATE": "Registrierungsdatum",
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "Aktion",
"COLOR": "Farbe",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "vom Admin deaktiviert",
"IS_ACTIVE": "aktiv",
"LABEL": "Titel",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "Geschwindigkeitsschwellenwert für Stopp"
"SPORTS_EDITION": "Sportarten-Einstellungsausgabe",
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. Bitte prüfe Deine E-Mail um die neue E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "Ein Aktivierungslink für Dein Konto wurde an die angegebene E-Mail Adresse geschickt.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"SUNDAY": "Sontag",
"TABS": {
"ACCOUNT": "Konto",
@ -80,32 +92,20 @@
"PROFILE": "Profil",
"SPORTS": "Sportarten"
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "Aktion",
"COLOR": "Farbe",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "vom Admin deaktiviert",
"IS_ACTIVE": "aktiv",
"LABEL": "Titel",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "Geschwindigkeitsschwellenwert für Stopp"
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. Bitte prüfe Deine E-Mail um die neue E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "Ein Aktivierungslink für Dein Konto wurde an die angegebene E-Mail Adresse geschickt.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"TIMEZONE": "Zeitzone",
"UNITS": {
"LABEL": "Einheiten für die Distanz",
"IMPERIAL": "Imperiales System (ft, mi)",
"LABEL": "Einheiten für die Distanz",
"METRIC": "Metrisches System (m, km)"
"TIMEZONE": "Zeitzone"
"REGISTER": "Registrieren",
"RESENT_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION": "E-Mail zur Kontobestätigung erneut senden",
"REGISTER_DISABLED": "Entschuldigung, die Registrierung ist deaktiviert.",
"RESENT_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION": "E-Mail zur Kontobestätigung erneut senden",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"SHOW_PASSWORD": "Passwort anzeigen",
"THIS_USER_ACCOUNT_IS_INACTIVE": "Dieser Account ist inaktiv.",
"USER_PICTURE": "Benutzerbild",
"USERNAME": "Nutzername",
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 bis 30 Zeichen sind erforderlich, nur alphanumerische Zeichen und der Unterstrich _ sind erlaubt."
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 bis 30 Zeichen sind erforderlich, nur alphanumerische Zeichen und der Unterstrich _ sind erlaubt.",
"USER_PICTURE": "Benutzerbild"
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"ADD_WORKOUT": "Training hinzufügen",
"ANALYSIS": "Analyse",
"ASCENT": "Aufstieg",
"AVE_SPEED": "Durchschn. Geschwindigkeit",
"AVERAGE_SPEED": "Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit",
"AVE_SPEED": "Durchschn. Geschwindigkeit",
"BACK_TO_WORKOUT": "zurück zum Training",
"DATE": "Datum",
"DESCENT": "Abstieg",
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
"FROM": "Von",
"GPX_FILE": ".gpx Datei",
"HIDE_FILTERS": "verberge Filter",
"INVALID_DISTANCE": "Die Distanz muss größer als 0 sein",
"INVALID_DURATION": "Die Dauer muss größer als 0 Sekunden sein",
"LATEST_WORKOUTS": "Letzte Trainings",
"LOAD_MORE_WORKOUT": "Lade mehr Trainings",
"MAX_ALTITUDE": "maximale Höhe",
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@
"MIN_ALTITUDE": "minimale Höhe",
"NEXT_SEGMENT": "Nächstes Segment",
"NEXT_WORKOUT": "Nächstes Training",
"NOTES": "Anmerkungen",
"NO_DATA_CLEANING": "Daten aus gpx, ohne Bereinigung",
"NO_FILE_PROVIDED": "Keine Datei angegeben",
"NO_FOLDER": "enthält keinen Ordner",
@ -36,7 +39,6 @@
"NO_PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Kein vorheriges Training",
"NO_RECORDS": "Keine Aufzeichnungen.",
"NO_WORKOUTS": "Keine Trainings.",
"NOTES": "Anmerkungen",
"PAUSES": "Pausen",
"PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "Vorheriges Segment",
"PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Vorheriges Training",
@ -58,27 +60,6 @@
"TOTAL_DURATION": "Gesamtdauer",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_WORKOUT": "Füge erstes Training hinzu!",
"HUMIDITY": "Luftfeuchtigkeit",
"TEMPERATURE": "Temperatur",
"WIND": "Wind",
"N": "N",
"NNE": "NNO",
"NE": "NO",
"ENE": "ONO",
"E": "O",
"ESE": "OSO",
"SE": "SO",
"SSE": "SSO",
"S": "S",
"SSW": "SSW",
"SW": "SW",
"WSW": "WSW",
"W": "W",
"WNW": "WNW",
"NW": "NW",
"NNW": "NNW"
"clear-day": "klarer Tag",
"clear-night": "klare Nacht",
@ -90,15 +71,34 @@
"sleet": "Schneeregen",
"snow": "Schnee",
"wind": "Wind"
"HUMIDITY": "Luftfeuchtigkeit",
"TEMPERATURE": "Temperatur",
"WIND": "Wind",
"E": "O",
"ENE": "ONO",
"ESE": "OSO",
"N": "N",
"NE": "NO",
"NNE": "NNO",
"NNW": "NNW",
"NW": "NW",
"S": "S",
"SE": "SO",
"SSE": "SSO",
"SSW": "SSW",
"SW": "SW",
"W": "W",
"WNW": "WNW",
"WSW": "WSW"
"WITH_GPX": "mit .gpx Datei",
"WITHOUT_GPX": "ohne .gpx Datei",
"WITH_GPX": "mit .gpx Datei",
"WORKOUT": "Training | Trainings",
"WORKOUT_DATE": "Trainingsdatum",
"WORKOUT_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Training löschen möchtest?",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE": ".zip Datei",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION": "oder .zip Datei mit .gpx Dateien",
"INVALID_DISTANCE": "Die Distanz muss größer als 0 sein",
"INVALID_DURATION": "Die Dauer muss größer als 0 Sekunden sein"
"ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION": "oder .zip Datei mit .gpx Dateien"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"CONTACT_ADMIN": "Contact the administrator",
"FITTRACKEE_DESCRIPTION": "<strong>FitTrackee</strong> is a self-hosted outdoor activity tracker.",
"FITTRACKEE_LICENSE": "under {0} license ",
"SOURCE_CODE": "Source code"
"CONTACT_ADMIN": "Contact the administrator",
"FITTRACKEE_DESCRIPTION": "<strong>FitTrackee</strong> is a self-hosted outdoor activity tracker.",
"FITTRACKEE_LICENSE": "under {0} license ",
"SOURCE_CODE": "Source code"
@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
"ACTION": "Action",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Activate account",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Add/remove admin rights, delete user account.",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Administration",
"APPLICATION": "Application",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Administrator email for contact",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. number of active users",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "If 0, no limitation on registration.",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Max. files of zip archive",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "no contact email",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. size of uploaded files (in Mb)",
"TITLE": "Application configuration",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. size of zip archive (in Mb)"
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Back to admin",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Are you sure you want to delete {0} account? All data will be deleted, this cannot be undone.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Are you sure you want to reset {0} password?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Current email",
"DELETE_USER": "Delete user",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "Email sending is disabled.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Enable/disable sports.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "New email",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "The password has been reset.",
"REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Registration is currently disabled.",
"REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Registration is currently enabled.",
"RESET_USER_PASSWORD": "Reset password",
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "workouts exist",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"LABEL": "Label"
"ACTION": "Action",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Activate account",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Administration",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Add/remove admin rights, delete user account.",
"APPLICATION": "Application",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Administrator email for contact",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Max. files of zip archive",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "If 0, no limitation on registration.",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. number of active users",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "no contact email",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. size of uploaded files (in Mb)",
"TITLE": "Application configuration",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. size of zip archive (in Mb)"
"TITLE": "Sports administration"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Update application configuration (maximum number of registered users, maximum files size).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Update email",
"USER": "user | users",
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "The email address has been updated.",
"USERS": {
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Add admin rights",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Remove admin rights"
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Back to admin",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Are you sure you want to delete {0} account? All data will be deleted, this cannot be undone.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Are you sure you want to reset {0} password?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Current email",
"DELETE_USER": "Delete user",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "Email sending is disabled.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Enable/disable sports.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "New email",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "The password has been reset.",
"REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Registration is currently disabled.",
"REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Registration is currently enabled.",
"RESET_USER_PASSWORD": "Reset password",
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "workouts exist",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"LABEL": "Label"
"TITLE": "Sports administration"
"ADMIN": "admin status",
"CREATED_AT": "registration date",
"IS_ACTIVE": "account status",
"USERNAME": "username",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "workout count"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Update application configuration (maximum number of registered users, maximum files size).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Update email",
"USER": "user | users",
"USERS": {
"ADMIN": "admin status",
"CREATED_AT": "registration date",
"IS_ACTIVE": "account status",
"USERNAME": "username",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "workout count"
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Add admin rights",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Remove admin rights"
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "The email address has been updated."
@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
"ERROR": {
"UNKNOWN": "Error. Please try again or contact the administrator.",
"at least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive": "At least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive.",
"email: valid email must be provided": "Email: valid email must be provided.",
"error during gpx processing": "Error during gpx processing.",
"error during gpx file parsing": "Error during gpx file parsing.",
"error on getting configuration": "Error on getting configuration.",
"error when updating configuration": "Error when updating configuration",
"error, please try again or contact the administrator": "Error, please try again or contact the administrator.",
"error, registration is disabled": "Error, registration is disabled.",
"file extension not allowed": "File extension not allowed.",
"file size is greater than the allowed size": "File size is greater than the allowed size.",
"invalid credentials": "Invalid credentials.",
"invalid payload": "Provided data are invalid.",
"invalid token, please log in again": "Invalid token, please log in again.",
"invalid token, please request a new token": "Invalid token, please log in again.",
"Network Error": "Network Error.",
"new email must be different than curent email": "The new email must be different than curent email",
"no file part": "No file provided.",
"no selected file": "No selected file.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "The number of files in the archive exceeds the limit.",
"password: password and password confirmation do not match": "Password: password and password confirmation don't match.",
"provide a valid auth token": "Provide a valid auth token.",
"sorry, that username is already taken": "Sorry, that username is already taken.",
"sport does not exist": "Sport does not exist.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Signature expired. Please log in again.",
"successfully registered": "Successfully registered.",
"user does not exist": "User does not exist.",
"valid email must be provided for admin contact": "A valid email must be provided for administrator contact",
"you can not delete your account, no other user has admin rights": "You can not delete your account, no other user has admin rights.",
"you do not have permissions": "You do not have permissions."
"PREVIOUS": "previous",
"NEXT": "next"
"ERROR": {
"Network Error": "Network Error.",
"UNKNOWN": "Error. Please try again or contact the administrator.",
"at least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive": "At least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive.",
"email: valid email must be provided": "Email: valid email must be provided.",
"error during gpx file parsing": "Error during gpx file parsing.",
"error during gpx processing": "Error during gpx processing.",
"error on getting configuration": "Error on getting configuration.",
"error when updating configuration": "Error when updating configuration",
"error, please try again or contact the administrator": "Error, please try again or contact the administrator.",
"error, registration is disabled": "Error, registration is disabled.",
"file extension not allowed": "File extension not allowed.",
"file size is greater than the allowed size": "File size is greater than the allowed size.",
"invalid credentials": "Invalid credentials.",
"invalid payload": "Provided data are invalid.",
"invalid token, please log in again": "Invalid token, please log in again.",
"invalid token, please request a new token": "Invalid token, please log in again.",
"new email must be different than curent email": "The new email must be different than curent email",
"no file part": "No file provided.",
"no selected file": "No selected file.",
"password: password and password confirmation do not match": "Password: password and password confirmation don't match.",
"provide a valid auth token": "Provide a valid auth token.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Signature expired. Please log in again.",
"sorry, that username is already taken": "Sorry, that username is already taken.",
"sport does not exist": "Sport does not exist.",
"successfully registered": "Successfully registered.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "The number of files in the archive exceeds the limit.",
"user does not exist": "User does not exist.",
"valid email must be provided for admin contact": "A valid email must be provided for administrator contact",
"you can not delete your account, no other user has admin rights": "You can not delete your account, no other user has admin rights.",
"you do not have permissions": "You do not have permissions."
"NEXT": "next",
"PREVIOUS": "previous"
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"ACCOUNT-CONFIRMATION-RESEND": "Resend confirmation email",
"AUTHORIZE": "Authorize",
"BACK": "Back",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CLEAR_FILTER": "Clear filters",
"DELETE_MY_ACCOUNT": "Delete my account",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"FILTER": "Filter",
"LOGIN": "Log in",
"NO": "No",
"REGISTER": "Register",
"RESET": "Reset",
"SUBMIT": "Submit",
"YES": "Yes"
"ACCOUNT-CONFIRMATION-RESEND": "Resend confirmation email",
"AUTHORIZE": "Authorize",
"BACK": "Back",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CLEAR_FILTER": "Clear filters",
"DELETE_MY_ACCOUNT": "Delete my account",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"FILTER": "Filter",
"LOGIN": "Log in",
"NO": "No",
"REGISTER": "Register",
"RESET": "Reset",
"SUBMIT": "Submit",
"YES": "Yes"
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"ABOUT": "about",
"CONFIRMATION": "Confirmation",
"CONTACT": "contact",
"DAY": "day | days",
"DISPLAYED": "Displayed",
"DOCUMENTATION": "documentation",
"HERE": "here",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HOME": "Home",
"LABEL": "order by"
"ABOUT": "about",
"CONFIRMATION": "Confirmation",
"CONTACT": "contact",
"DAY": "day | days",
"DISPLAYED": "Displayed",
"DOCUMENTATION": "documentation",
"HERE": "here",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HOME": "Home",
"ORDER": {
"ASC": "ascending",
"DESC": "descending",
"LABEL": "sort"
"LABEL": "order by"
"LABEL": "par page"
"ORDER": {
"LABEL": "sort",
"ASC": "ascending",
"DESC": "descending"
"LABEL": "par page"
"TOTAL": "Total"
"TOTAL": "Total"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"THIS_MONTH": "This month"
"DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"THIS_MONTH": "This month"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"UNKNOWN": "Error. Please try again or contact the administrator.",
"APP_ERROR": "The application seems to have encountered some issues.<br />Please try again later or contact the administrator.",
"PAGE": "Page not found",
"WORKOUT": "Workout not found"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Something went wrong"
"APP_ERROR": "The application seems to have encountered some issues.<br />Please try again later or contact the administrator.",
"PAGE": "Page not found",
"WORKOUT": "Workout not found"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Something went wrong",
"UNKNOWN": "Error. Please try again or contact the administrator."
@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
"ADD_A_NEW_APP": "Add a new OAuth2 application",
"APP": {
"CLIENT_ID": "Id",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "Secret",
"DESCRIPTION": "Application description",
"ISSUE_AT": "Issue at",
"NAME": "Application name",
"REDIRECT_URL": "Redirect URL",
"SCOPE": {
"LABEL": "Scope",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to application configuration.",
"profile:read_DESCRIPTION": "grants read access to <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "grants read access to <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"users:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"workouts:read_DESCRIPTION": "grants read access to <code>workouts</code> endpoints.",
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to <code>workouts</code> endpoints."
"ADD_A_NEW_APP": "Add a new OAuth2 application",
"APP": {
"CLIENT_ID": "Id",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "Secret",
"DESCRIPTION": "Application description",
"ISSUE_AT": "Issue at",
"NAME": "Application name",
"REDIRECT_URL": "Redirect URL",
"SCOPE": {
"LABEL": "Scope",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to application configuration.",
"profile:read_DESCRIPTION": "grants read access to <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "grants read access to <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"users:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"workouts:read_DESCRIPTION": "grants read access to <code>workouts</code> endpoints.",
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "grants write access to <code>workouts</code> endpoints."
"URL": "Application URL"
"URL": "Application URL"
"APP_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Application created successfully. Make sure to copy the secret now, it won't show up again.",
"APP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this app?",
"APP_REQUESTING_ACCESS": "The application {0} is requesting:",
"APPS_LIST": "OAuth2 applications",
"AUTHORIZE_APP": "Authorize {0} to use your account?",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "copy to the clipboard",
"DELETE_APP": "Delete application",
"NEW_APP": "Add an application",
"NO_APP": "Application not found!",
"NO_APPS": "no applications",
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "no description",
"REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS": "Revoke all tokens",
"TOKENS_REVOCATION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to revoke all tokens?",
"TOKENS_REVOKED": "All existing associated tokens have been revoked."
"APPS_LIST": "OAuth2 applications",
"APP_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Application created successfully. Make sure to copy the secret now, it won't show up again.",
"APP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this app?",
"APP_REQUESTING_ACCESS": "The application {0} is requesting:",
"AUTHORIZE_APP": "Authorize {0} to use your account?",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "copy to the clipboard",
"DELETE_APP": "Delete application",
"NEW_APP": "Add an application",
"NO_APP": "Application not found!",
"NO_APPS": "no applications",
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "no description",
"REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS": "Revoke all tokens",
"TOKENS_REVOCATION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to revoke all tokens?",
"TOKENS_REVOKED": "All existing associated tokens have been revoked."
@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
"Cycling (Sport)": {
"LABEL": "Cycling (Sport)"
"Cycling (Transport)": {
"LABEL": "Cycling (Transport)"
"Cycling (Virtual)": {
"LABEL": "Cycling (Virtual)"
"Hiking": {
"LABEL": "Hiking"
"Mountain Biking": {
"LABEL": "Mountain Biking"
"Mountain Biking (Electric)": {
"LABEL": "Mountain Biking (Electric)"
"Mountaineering": {
"LABEL": "Mountaineering"
"Rowing": {
"LABEL": "Rowing"
"Running": {
"LABEL": "Running"
"Skiing (Alpine)": {
"LABEL": "Skiing (Alpine)"
"Skiing (Cross Country)": {
"LABEL": "Skiing (Cross Country)"
"Snowshoes": {
"LABEL": "Snowshoes"
"Trail": {
"LABEL": "Trail"
"Walking": {
"LABEL": "Walking"
"Cycling (Sport)": {
"LABEL": "Cycling (Sport)"
"Cycling (Transport)": {
"LABEL": "Cycling (Transport)"
"Cycling (Virtual)": {
"LABEL": "Cycling (Virtual)"
"Hiking": {
"LABEL": "Hiking"
"Mountain Biking": {
"LABEL": "Mountain Biking"
"Mountain Biking (Electric)": {
"LABEL": "Mountain Biking (Electric)"
"Mountaineering": {
"LABEL": "Mountaineering"
"Rowing": {
"LABEL": "Rowing"
"Running": {
"LABEL": "Running"
"Skiing (Alpine)": {
"LABEL": "Skiing (Alpine)"
"Skiing (Cross Country)": {
"LABEL": "Skiing (Cross Country)"
"Snowshoes": {
"LABEL": "Snowshoes"
"Trail": {
"LABEL": "Trail"
"Walking": {
"LABEL": "Walking"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"STATISTICS": "Statistics",
"week": "week",
"month": "month",
"year": "year"
"STATISTICS": "Statistics",
"month": "month",
"week": "week",
"year": "year"
@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
"ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION_NOT_RECEIVED": "Didn't received instructions?",
"ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "Check your email. A new confirmation email has been sent to the address provided.",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ALREADY_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Already have an account?",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Are you sure you want to delete your account? All data will be deleted, this cannot be undone",
"CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current password",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"EMAIL_INFO": "Enter a valid email address.",
"ENTER_PASSWORD": "Enter a password",
"FILTER_ON_USERNAME": "Filter on username",
"HIDE_PASSWORD": "hide password",
"INVALID_TOKEN": "Invalid token, please request a new password reset.",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"LOG_IN": "log in",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "New password",
"NO_USERS_FOUND": "No users found.",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "At least 8 characters required.",
"PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN": "Forgot password?",
"PASSWORD_RESET": "Password reset",
"PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Check your email. If your address is in our database, you'll received an email with a link to reset your password.",
"WEAK": "weak",
"AVERAGE": "average",
"GOOD": "good",
"STRONG": "strong",
"LABEL": "password strength",
"l33t": "Avoid predictable letter substitutions like {'@'} for a.",
"reverseWords": "Avoid reversed spellings of common words.",
"allUppercase": "Capitalize some, but not all letters.",
"capitalization": "Capitalize more than the first letter.",
"dates": "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you.",
"recentYears": "Avoid recent years.",
"associatedYears": "Avoid years that are associated with you.",
"sequences": "Avoid common character sequences.",
"repeated": "Avoid repeated words and characters.",
"longerKeyboardPattern": "Use longer keyboard patterns and change typing direction multiple times.",
"anotherWord": "Add more words that are less common.",
"useWords": "Use multiple words, but avoid common phrases.",
"noNeed": "You can create strong passwords without using symbols, numbers, or uppercase letters.",
"pwned": "If you use this password elsewhere, you should change it."
"PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Your password have been updated. Click {0} to log in.",
"ACCOUNT_EDITION": "Account edition",
"ASCENT_DATA": "Ascent-related data (records, total)",
"BACK_TO_PROFILE": "Back to profile",
"BIO": "Bio",
"BIRTH_DATE": "Birth date",
"DATE_FORMAT": "Date display format",
"EDIT": "Edit profile",
"EDIT_PREFERENCES": "Edit preferences",
"EDIT_SPORTS_PREFERENCES": "Edit sports preferences",
"ERRORED_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Please {0} to change your email address again or contact the administrator",
"FIRST_NAME": "First name",
"FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "First day of week",
"ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION_NOT_RECEIVED": "Didn't received instructions?",
"ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "Check your email. A new confirmation email has been sent to the address provided.",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ALREADY_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Already have an account?",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Are you sure you want to delete your account? All data will be deleted, this cannot be undone",
"CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current password",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"EMAIL_INFO": "Enter a valid email address.",
"ENTER_PASSWORD": "Enter a password",
"FILTER_ON_USERNAME": "Filter on username",
"HIDE_PASSWORD": "hide password",
"INVALID_TOKEN": "Invalid token, please request a new password reset.",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"LAST_NAME": "Last name",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"MONDAY": "Monday",
"PICTURE": "Picture",
"PICTURE_EDITION": "Picture edition",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Update picture",
"PICTURE_REMOVE": "Remove picture",
"PREFERENCES_EDITION": "Preferences edition",
"PROFILE_EDITION": "Profile edition",
"REGISTRATION_DATE": "Registration date",
"SPORTS_EDITION": "Sports preferences edition",
"SUNDAY": "Sunday",
"TABS": {
"ACCOUNT": "account",
"APPS": "apps",
"PICTURE": "picture",
"PREFERENCES": "preferences",
"PROFILE": "profile",
"SPORTS": "sports"
"LOGIN": "Login",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"LOG_IN": "log in",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "New password",
"NO_USERS_FOUND": "No users found.",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN": "Forgot password?",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "At least 8 characters required.",
"PASSWORD_RESET": "Password reset",
"PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Check your email. If your address is in our database, you'll received an email with a link to reset your password.",
"AVERAGE": "average",
"GOOD": "good",
"LABEL": "password strength",
"STRONG": "strong",
"allUppercase": "Capitalize some, but not all letters.",
"anotherWord": "Add more words that are less common.",
"associatedYears": "Avoid years that are associated with you.",
"capitalization": "Capitalize more than the first letter.",
"dates": "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you.",
"l33t": "Avoid predictable letter substitutions like {'@'} for a.",
"longerKeyboardPattern": "Use longer keyboard patterns and change typing direction multiple times.",
"noNeed": "You can create strong passwords without using symbols, numbers, or uppercase letters.",
"pwned": "If you use this password elsewhere, you should change it.",
"recentYears": "Avoid recent years.",
"repeated": "Avoid repeated words and characters.",
"reverseWords": "Avoid reversed spellings of common words.",
"sequences": "Avoid common character sequences.",
"useWords": "Use multiple words, but avoid common phrases."
"WEAK": "weak"
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "action",
"COLOR": "color",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "disabled by admin",
"IS_ACTIVE": "active",
"LABEL": "label",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "stopped speed threshold"
"PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Your password have been updated. Click {0} to log in.",
"ACCOUNT_EDITION": "Account edition",
"ASCENT_DATA": "Ascent-related data (records, total)",
"BACK_TO_PROFILE": "Back to profile",
"BIO": "Bio",
"BIRTH_DATE": "Birth date",
"DATE_FORMAT": "Date display format",
"EDIT": "Edit profile",
"EDIT_PREFERENCES": "Edit preferences",
"EDIT_SPORTS_PREFERENCES": "Edit sports preferences",
"ERRORED_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Please {0} to change your email address again or contact the administrator",
"FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "First day of week",
"FIRST_NAME": "First name",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"LAST_NAME": "Last name",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"MONDAY": "Monday",
"PICTURE": "Picture",
"PICTURE_EDITION": "Picture edition",
"PICTURE_REMOVE": "Remove picture",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Update picture",
"PREFERENCES_EDITION": "Preferences edition",
"PROFILE_EDITION": "Profile edition",
"REGISTRATION_DATE": "Registration date",
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "action",
"COLOR": "color",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "disabled by admin",
"IS_ACTIVE": "active",
"LABEL": "label",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "stopped speed threshold"
"SPORTS_EDITION": "Sports preferences edition",
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Your account has been updated successfully. Please check your email to confirm your new email address.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Your account has been created successfully.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "A link to activate your account has been emailed to the address provided.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Your account has been updated successfully.",
"SUNDAY": "Sunday",
"TABS": {
"ACCOUNT": "account",
"APPS": "apps",
"PICTURE": "picture",
"PREFERENCES": "preferences",
"PROFILE": "profile",
"SPORTS": "sports"
"TIMEZONE": "Timezone",
"UNITS": {
"IMPERIAL": "Imperial system (ft, mi)",
"LABEL": "Units for distance",
"METRIC": "Metric system (m, km)"
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Your account has been updated successfully. Please check your email to confirm your new email address.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Your account has been created successfully.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "A link to activate your account has been emailed to the address provided.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Your account has been updated successfully.",
"UNITS": {
"LABEL": "Units for distance",
"IMPERIAL": "Imperial system (ft, mi)",
"METRIC": "Metric system (m, km)"
"TIMEZONE": "Timezone"
"REGISTER": "Register",
"RESENT_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION": "Resend account confirmation email",
"REGISTER_DISABLED": "Sorry, registration is disabled.",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset your password",
"SHOW_PASSWORD": "show password",
"THIS_USER_ACCOUNT_IS_INACTIVE": "This user account is inactive.",
"USER_PICTURE": "user picture",
"USERNAME": "Username",
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 to 30 characters required, only alphanumeric characters and the underscore character \"_\" allowed."
"REGISTER": "Register",
"REGISTER_DISABLED": "Sorry, registration is disabled.",
"RESENT_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION": "Resend account confirmation email",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset your password",
"SHOW_PASSWORD": "show password",
"THIS_USER_ACCOUNT_IS_INACTIVE": "This user account is inactive.",
"USERNAME": "Username",
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 to 30 characters required, only alphanumeric characters and the underscore character \"_\" allowed.",
"USER_PICTURE": "user picture"
@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
"ADD_WORKOUT": "Add a workout",
"ANALYSIS": "analysis",
"ASCENT": "ascent",
"AVE_SPEED": "ave. speed",
"AVERAGE_SPEED": "average speed",
"BACK_TO_WORKOUT": "back to workout",
"DATE": "date",
"DESCENT": "descent",
"DISPLAY_FILTERS": "display filters",
"DISTANCE": "distance",
"DURATION": "duration",
"EDIT_WORKOUT": "Edit the workout",
"ELEVATION": "elevation",
"END": "end",
"FROM": "from",
"GPX_FILE": ".gpx file",
"HIDE_FILTERS": "hide filters",
"INVALID_DISTANCE": "The distance must be greater than 0",
"INVALID_DURATION": "The duration must be greater than 0 seconds",
"LATEST_WORKOUTS": "Latest workouts",
"LOAD_MORE_WORKOUT": "Load more workouts",
"MAX_ALTITUDE": "max. altitude",
"MAX_FILES": "max files",
"MAX_SIZE": "max size",
"MAX_SPEED": "max. speed",
"MIN_ALTITUDE": "min. altitude",
"NEXT_SEGMENT": "No next segment",
"NEXT_WORKOUT": "Next workout",
"NO_DATA_CLEANING": "data from gpx, without any cleaning",
"NO_FILE_PROVIDED": "No file provided",
"NO_FOLDER": "no folder inside",
"NO_MAP": "No map",
"NO_NEXT_SEGMENT": "No next segment",
"NO_NEXT_WORKOUT": "No next workout",
"NO_NOTES": "No notes",
"NO_PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "No previous segment",
"NO_PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "No previous workout",
"NO_RECORDS": "No records.",
"NO_WORKOUTS": "No workouts.",
"NOTES": "notes",
"PAUSES": "pauses",
"PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "Previous segment",
"PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Previous workout",
"RECORD": "record | records",
"RECORD_AS": "Ave. speed",
"RECORD_FD": "Farthest distance",
"RECORD_HA": "Highest ascent",
"RECORD_LD": "Longest duration",
"RECORD_MS": "Max. speed",
"REMAINING_CHARS": "remaining characters",
"SEGMENT": "segment | segments",
"SPEED": "speed",
"SPORT": "sport | sports",
"START": "start",
"START_AND_FINISH": "Start and finish",
"START_ELEVATION_AT_ZERO": "start elevation axis at zero",
"TITLE": "title",
"TO": "to",
"TOTAL_DURATION": "total duration",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_WORKOUT": "Upload one!",
"HUMIDITY": "humidity",
"TEMPERATURE": "temperature",
"WIND": "wind",
"N": "N",
"NNE": "NNE",
"NE": "NE",
"ENE": "ENE",
"E": "E",
"ESE": "ESE",
"SE": "SE",
"SSE": "SSE",
"S": "S",
"SSW": "SSW",
"SW": "SW",
"WSW": "WSW",
"W": "W",
"WNW": "WNW",
"NW": "NW",
"NNW": "NNW"
"ADD_WORKOUT": "Add a workout",
"ANALYSIS": "analysis",
"ASCENT": "ascent",
"AVERAGE_SPEED": "average speed",
"AVE_SPEED": "ave. speed",
"BACK_TO_WORKOUT": "back to workout",
"DATE": "date",
"DESCENT": "descent",
"DISPLAY_FILTERS": "display filters",
"DISTANCE": "distance",
"DURATION": "duration",
"EDIT_WORKOUT": "Edit the workout",
"ELEVATION": "elevation",
"END": "end",
"FROM": "from",
"GPX_FILE": ".gpx file",
"HIDE_FILTERS": "hide filters",
"INVALID_DISTANCE": "The distance must be greater than 0",
"INVALID_DURATION": "The duration must be greater than 0 seconds",
"LATEST_WORKOUTS": "Latest workouts",
"LOAD_MORE_WORKOUT": "Load more workouts",
"MAX_ALTITUDE": "max. altitude",
"MAX_FILES": "max files",
"MAX_SIZE": "max size",
"MAX_SPEED": "max. speed",
"MIN_ALTITUDE": "min. altitude",
"NEXT_SEGMENT": "No next segment",
"NEXT_WORKOUT": "Next workout",
"NOTES": "notes",
"NO_DATA_CLEANING": "data from gpx, without any cleaning",
"NO_FILE_PROVIDED": "No file provided",
"NO_FOLDER": "no folder inside",
"NO_MAP": "No map",
"NO_NEXT_SEGMENT": "No next segment",
"NO_NEXT_WORKOUT": "No next workout",
"NO_NOTES": "No notes",
"NO_PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "No previous segment",
"NO_PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "No previous workout",
"NO_RECORDS": "No records.",
"NO_WORKOUTS": "No workouts.",
"PAUSES": "pauses",
"PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "Previous segment",
"PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Previous workout",
"RECORD": "record | records",
"RECORD_AS": "Ave. speed",
"RECORD_FD": "Farthest distance",
"RECORD_HA": "Highest ascent",
"RECORD_LD": "Longest duration",
"RECORD_MS": "Max. speed",
"REMAINING_CHARS": "remaining characters",
"SEGMENT": "segment | segments",
"SPEED": "speed",
"SPORT": "sport | sports",
"START": "start",
"START_AND_FINISH": "Start and finish",
"START_ELEVATION_AT_ZERO": "start elevation axis at zero",
"TITLE": "title",
"TO": "to",
"TOTAL_DURATION": "total duration",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_WORKOUT": "Upload one!",
"clear-day": "clear day",
"clear-night": "clear night",
"cloudy": "cloudy",
"fog": "fog",
"partly-cloudy-day": "partly cloudy day",
"partly-cloudy-night": "partly cloudy night",
"rain": "rain",
"sleet": "sleet",
"snow": "snow",
"wind": "wind"
"HUMIDITY": "humidity",
"TEMPERATURE": "temperature",
"WIND": "wind",
"E": "E",
"ENE": "ENE",
"ESE": "ESE",
"N": "N",
"NE": "NE",
"NNE": "NNE",
"NNW": "NNW",
"NW": "NW",
"S": "S",
"SE": "SE",
"SSE": "SSE",
"SSW": "SSW",
"SW": "SW",
"W": "W",
"WNW": "WNW",
"WSW": "WSW"
"clear-day": "clear day",
"clear-night": "clear night",
"cloudy": "cloudy",
"fog": "fog",
"partly-cloudy-day": "partly cloudy day",
"partly-cloudy-night": "partly cloudy night",
"rain": "rain",
"sleet": "sleet",
"snow": "snow",
"wind": "wind"
"WITH_GPX": "with .gpx file",
"WITHOUT_GPX": "without .gpx file",
"WORKOUT": "workout | workouts",
"WORKOUT_DATE": "workout date",
"WORKOUT_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this workout?",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE": ".zip file",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION": "or .zip file containing .gpx files"
"WITHOUT_GPX": "without .gpx file",
"WITH_GPX": "with .gpx file",
"WORKOUT": "workout | workouts",
"WORKOUT_DATE": "workout date",
"WORKOUT_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this workout?",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE": ".zip file",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION": "or .zip file containing .gpx files"
@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
"ACTION": "Action",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Activer le compte",
"ACTIVE": "Actif",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Ajouter/retirer des droits d'administration, supprimer des comptes utilisateurs.",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Administration",
"APPLICATION": "Application",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Email de l'administrateur pour contact ",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Nombre maximum d'utilisateurs actifs ",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "Si égal à 0, pas limite d'inscription",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Nombre max. de fichiers dans une archive zip ",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "non renseigné",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Taille max. des fichiers (en Mo) ",
"TITLE": "Configuration de l'application",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Taille max. des archives zip (en Mo) "
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Revenir à l'admin",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le compte de l'utilisateur {0} ? Toutes les données seront définitivement.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir réinitialiser le mot de passe de l'utilisateur {0} ?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Adresse email actuelle",
"DELETE_USER": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "L'envoi d'emails est désactivé.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Activer/désactiver des sports.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "Nouvelle adresse email",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "Le mot de passe a été réinitialisé.",
"REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Les inscriptions sont actuellement désactivées.",
"REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Les inscriptions sont actuellement activées.",
"RESET_USER_PASSWORD": "Réinit. le mot de passe",
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Actif",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "des séances existent",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"LABEL": "Label"
"ACTION": "Action",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Activer le compte",
"ACTIVE": "Actif",
"ADMIN": "Admin",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Administration",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Ajouter/retirer des droits d'administration, supprimer des comptes utilisateurs.",
"APPLICATION": "Application",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Email de l'administrateur pour contact ",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Nombre max. de fichiers dans une archive zip ",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "Si égal à 0, pas limite d'inscription",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Nombre maximum d'utilisateurs actifs ",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "non renseigné",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Taille max. des fichiers (en Mo) ",
"TITLE": "Configuration de l'application",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Taille max. des archives zip (en Mo) "
"TITLE": "Administration - Sports"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Configurer l'application (nombre maximum d'utilisateurs inscrits, taille maximale des fichers).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Changer l'email",
"USER": "utilisateur | utilisateurs",
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "L'adresse email a été mise à jour.",
"USERS": {
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Ajouter les droits d'admin",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Retirer les droits d'admin"
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Revenir à l'admin",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le compte de l'utilisateur {0} ? Toutes les données seront définitivement.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir réinitialiser le mot de passe de l'utilisateur {0} ?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Adresse email actuelle",
"DELETE_USER": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "L'envoi d'emails est désactivé.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Activer/désactiver des sports.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "Nouvelle adresse email",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "Le mot de passe a été réinitialisé.",
"REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Les inscriptions sont actuellement désactivées.",
"REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Les inscriptions sont actuellement activées.",
"RESET_USER_PASSWORD": "Réinit. le mot de passe",
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Actif",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "des séances existent",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"LABEL": "Label"
"TITLE": "Administration - Sports"
"ADMIN": "status administrateur",
"CREATED_AT": "date d'inscription",
"IS_ACTIVE": "statut du compte",
"USERNAME": "nom d'utilisateur",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "nombre de séances"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Configurer l'application (nombre maximum d'utilisateurs inscrits, taille maximale des fichers).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Changer l'email",
"USER": "utilisateur | utilisateurs",
"USERS": {
"ADMIN": "status administrateur",
"CREATED_AT": "date d'inscription",
"IS_ACTIVE": "statut du compte",
"USERNAME": "nom d'utilisateur",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "nombre de séances"
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Ajouter les droits d'admin",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Retirer les droits d'admin"
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "L'adresse email a été mise à jour."
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
"ERROR": {
"Network Error": "Erreur réseau.",
"UNKNOWN": "Erreur. Veuillez réessayer ou contacter l'administrateur.",
"at least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive": "Au moins un fichier de l'archive zip dépasse la taille maximale, veuillez vérifier l'archive.",
"email: valid email must be provided": "Courriel : une adresse électronique valide doit être fournie.",
"error during gpx processing": "Erreur lors du traitement du fichier gpx.",
"error during gpx file parsing": "Erreur lors de l'analyse du fichier.",
"error during gpx processing": "Erreur lors du traitement du fichier gpx.",
"error on getting configuration": "Erreur lors de la récupération de la configuration.",
"error when updating configuration": "Erreur lors de la mise à jour de la configuration",
"error, please try again or contact the administrator": "Erreur, veuillez réessayer ou contacter l'administrateur.",
@ -15,15 +16,14 @@
"invalid payload": "Données fournies incorrectes.",
"invalid token, please log in again": "Jeton de connexion invalide, merci de vous reconnecter.",
"invalid token, please request a new token": "Jeton de connexion, merci de vous reconnecter.",
"new email must be different than curent email": "La nouvelle addresse électronique doit être differente de l'adresse actuelle",
"no file part": "Pas de fichier fourni.",
"no selected file": "Pas de fichier sélectionné.",
"Network Error": "Erreur réseau.",
"new email must be different than curent email": "La nouvelle addresse électronique doit être differente de l'adresse actuelle",
"password: password and password confirmation do not match": "Mot de passe : les mots de passe saisis sont différents.",
"provide a valid auth token": "Merci de fournir un jeton de connexion valide.",
"sport does not exist": "Ce sport n'existe pas.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Signature expirée. Merci de vous reconnecter.",
"sorry, that username is already taken": "Désolé, ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà utilisé.",
"sport does not exist": "Ce sport n'existe pas.",
"successfully registered": "Inscription validée.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "Le nombre de fichiers de l'archive dépasse la limite.",
"user does not exist": "L'utilisateur n'existe pas.",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"you do not have permissions": "Vous n'avez pas les permissions nécessaires."
"PREVIOUS": "précédent",
"NEXT": "suivant"
"NEXT": "suivant",
"PREVIOUS": "précédent"
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"ABOUT": "à propos",
"CONFIRMATION": "Confirmation",
"CONTACT": "contact",
"DAY": "jour | jours",
"DISPLAYED": "Affiché",
"DOCUMENTATION": "documentation (en)",
"HERE": "ici",
"HIDDEN": "Masqué",
"HOME": "Accueil",
"LABEL": "trier par "
"ABOUT": "à propos",
"CONFIRMATION": "Confirmation",
"CONTACT": "contact",
"DAY": "jour | jours",
"DISPLAYED": "Affiché",
"DOCUMENTATION": "documentation (en)",
"HERE": "ici",
"HIDDEN": "Masqué",
"HOME": "Accueil",
"ORDER": {
"ASC": "ascendant",
"DESC": "descendant",
"LABEL": "tri"
"LABEL": "trier par "
"LABEL": "par page"
"ORDER": {
"LABEL": "tri",
"ASC": "ascendant",
"DESC": "descendant"
"LABEL": "par page"
"TOTAL": "Total"
"TOTAL": "Total"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"UNKNOWN": "Erreur. Veuillez réessayer ou contacter l'administrateur.",
"APP_ERROR": "L'application semble rencontrer quelques problèmes.<br />Veuillez réessayer plus tard ou contacter l'administrateur.",
"PAGE": "Page introuvable",
"WORKOUT": "Séance introuvable"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Une erreur s'est produite"
"APP_ERROR": "L'application semble rencontrer quelques problèmes.<br />Veuillez réessayer plus tard ou contacter l'administrateur.",
"PAGE": "Page introuvable",
"WORKOUT": "Séance introuvable"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Une erreur s'est produite",
"UNKNOWN": "Erreur. Veuillez réessayer ou contacter l'administrateur."
@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
"ADD_A_NEW_APP": "Ajouter une nouvelle application OAuth2",
"APP": {
"CLIENT_ID": "Identifiant",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "Secret",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description de l'application",
"ISSUE_AT": "Créée le",
"NAME": "Nom de l'application",
"REDIRECT_URL": "URL de redirection",
"SCOPE": {
"LABEL": "Scope",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture à la configuration de l'application.",
"profile:read_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en lecture aux routes <code>auth</code>.",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture aux routes <code>auth</code>.",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en lecture aux routes <code>users</code>.",
"users:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture aux routes <code>users</code>.",
"workouts:read_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en lecture aux routes <code>workouts</code>.",
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture aux routes <code>workouts</code>."
"ADD_A_NEW_APP": "Ajouter une nouvelle application OAuth2",
"APP": {
"CLIENT_ID": "Identifiant",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "Secret",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description de l'application",
"ISSUE_AT": "Créée le",
"NAME": "Nom de l'application",
"REDIRECT_URL": "URL de redirection",
"SCOPE": {
"LABEL": "Scope",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture à la configuration de l'application.",
"profile:read_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en lecture aux routes <code>auth</code>.",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture aux routes <code>auth</code>.",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en lecture aux routes <code>users</code>.",
"users:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture aux routes <code>users</code>.",
"workouts:read_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en lecture aux routes <code>workouts</code>.",
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "donne les droits en écriture aux routes <code>workouts</code>."
"URL": "URL de l'application"
"URL": "URL de l'application"
"APP_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Application créée avec succès. Assurez-vous de copier le secret maintenant, il ne s'affichera plus.",
"APP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette application ?",
"APP_REQUESTING_ACCESS": "L'application {0} demande les accès suivants :",
"APPS_LIST": "Applications OAuth2",
"AUTHORIZE_APP": "Autoriser {0} à utiliser votre compte ?",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "copier dans le presse papier",
"DELETE_APP": "Supprimer l'application",
"NEW_APP": "Ajouter une application",
"NO_APP": "Application introuvable !",
"NO_APPS": "pas de applications",
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "pas de description",
"REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS": "Révoquer tous les jetons",
"TOKENS_REVOCATION_CONFIRMATION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir révoquer tous les jetons ?",
"TOKENS_REVOKED": "Tous les jetons associés existants ont été révoqués."
"APPS_LIST": "Applications OAuth2",
"APP_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Application créée avec succès. Assurez-vous de copier le secret maintenant, il ne s'affichera plus.",
"APP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette application ?",
"APP_REQUESTING_ACCESS": "L'application {0} demande les accès suivants :",
"AUTHORIZE_APP": "Autoriser {0} à utiliser votre compte ?",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "copier dans le presse papier",
"DELETE_APP": "Supprimer l'application",
"NEW_APP": "Ajouter une application",
"NO_APP": "Application introuvable !",
"NO_APPS": "pas de applications",
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "pas de description",
"REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS": "Révoquer tous les jetons",
"TOKENS_REVOCATION_CONFIRMATION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir révoquer tous les jetons ?",
"TOKENS_REVOKED": "Tous les jetons associés existants ont été révoqués."
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"LABEL": "VTT (Électrique)"
"Mountaineering": {
"LABEL": "Alpinisme"
"LABEL": "Alpinisme"
"Rowing": {
"LABEL": "Aviron"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"STATISTICS": "Statistiques",
"week": "semaine",
"month": "mois",
"year": "année"
"STATISTICS": "Statistiques",
"month": "mois",
"week": "semaine",
"year": "année"
@ -12,38 +12,38 @@
"HIDE_PASSWORD": "masquer le mot de passe",
"INVALID_TOKEN": "Jeton invalide, veuillez demander une nouvelle réinitialisation de mot de passe.",
"LANGUAGE": "Langue",
"LOG_IN": "connecter",
"LOGIN": "Se connecter",
"LOGOUT": "Se déconnecter",
"LOG_IN": "connecter",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "Nouveau mot de passe",
"NO_USERS_FOUND": "Aucun utilisateur trouvé.",
"PASSWORD": "Mot de passe",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "8 caractères minimum.",
"PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "8 caractères minimum.",
"PASSWORD_RESET": "Réinitialisation du mot de passe",
"PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Vérifiez vos courriels. Si vote adresse est dans notre base de données, vous recevrez un courriel avec un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.",
"WEAK": "faible",
"AVERAGE": "moyenne",
"GOOD": "bonne",
"STRONG": "forte",
"LABEL": "robustesse du mot de passe",
"STRONG": "forte",
"l33t": "Évitez les substitutions de lettres prévisibles comme {'@'} pour a.",
"reverseWords": "Évitez les orthographes inversées des mots courants.",
"allUppercase": "Mettez quelques lettres en majuscules, mais pas toutes.",
"anotherWord": "Ajoutez des mots moins courants.",
"associatedYears": "Évitez les années qui vous sont associées. (ex : date de naissance).",
"capitalization": "Capitalisez mais pas seulement la première lettre.",
"dates": "Évitez les dates et les années qui vous sont associées. (ex : date ou année de naissance).",
"recentYears": "Évitez les dernières années.",
"associatedYears": "Évitez les années qui vous sont associées. (ex : date de naissance).",
"sequences": "Évitez les séquences de caractères courantes.",
"repeated": "Évitez les mots et les caractères répétés.",
"l33t": "Évitez les substitutions de lettres prévisibles comme {'@'} pour a.",
"longerKeyboardPattern": "Utilisez des motifs de clavier plus longs et changez de sens de frappe plusieurs fois.",
"anotherWord": "Ajoutez des mots moins courants.",
"useWords": "Utilisez plusieurs mots, mais évitez les phrases courantes.",
"noNeed": "Vous pouvez créer des mots de passe forts sans utiliser de symboles, de chiffres ou de lettres majuscules.",
"pwned": "Si vous utilisez ce mot de passe ailleurs, vous devriez le modifier."
"pwned": "Si vous utilisez ce mot de passe ailleurs, vous devriez le modifier.",
"recentYears": "Évitez les dernières années.",
"repeated": "Évitez les mots et les caractères répétés.",
"reverseWords": "Évitez les orthographes inversées des mots courants.",
"sequences": "Évitez les séquences de caractères courantes.",
"useWords": "Utilisez plusieurs mots, mais évitez les phrases courantes."
"WEAK": "faible"
"PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Votre mot de passe a été mis à jour. Cliquez {0} pour vous connecter.",
@ -65,12 +65,24 @@
"MONDAY": "Lundi",
"PICTURE": "Image de profil",
"PICTURE_EDITION": "Mise à jour de l'image de profil",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Mettre à jour l'image",
"PICTURE_REMOVE": "Supprimer",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Mettre à jour l'image",
"PREFERENCES_EDITION": "Mise à jour des préférences",
"PROFILE_EDITION": "Mise à jour du profil",
"REGISTRATION_DATE": "Date d'inscription",
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "action",
"COLOR": "couleur",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "désactivé par l'administrateur",
"IS_ACTIVE": "actif",
"LABEL": "label",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "seuil de vitesse arrêtée"
"SPORTS_EDITION": "Mise à jour des préférences des sports",
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Votre compte a été modifié avec succès. Veuillez vérifier votre boîte de réception pour valider votre nouvelle adresse électronique.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Votre compte a été créé avec succès.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "Un lien pour activer votre compte a été envoyé à l'adresse électronique fournie.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Votre compte a été modifié avec succès.",
"SUNDAY": "Dimanche",
"TABS": {
"ACCOUNT": "compte",
@ -80,24 +92,12 @@
"PROFILE": "profil",
"SPORTS": "sports"
"TIMEZONE": "Fuseau horaire",
"UNITS": {
"LABEL": "Unités pour les distances",
"IMPERIAL": "Système impérial (ft, mi)",
"LABEL": "Unités pour les distances",
"METRIC": "Système métrique (m, km)"
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "action",
"COLOR": "couleur",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "désactivé par l'administrateur",
"IS_ACTIVE": "actif",
"LABEL": "label",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "seuil de vitesse arrêtée"
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Votre compte a été modifié avec succès. Veuillez vérifier votre boîte de réception pour valider votre nouvelle adresse électronique.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Votre compte a été créé avec succès.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "Un lien pour activer votre compte a été envoyé à l'adresse électronique fournie.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Votre compte a été modifié avec succès.",
"TIMEZONE": "Fuseau horaire"
"REGISTER": "S'inscrire",
"REGISTER_DISABLED": "Désolé, les inscriptions sont désactivées.",
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Réinitialiser votre mot de passe",
"SHOW_PASSWORD": "afficher le mot de passe",
"THIS_USER_ACCOUNT_IS_INACTIVE": "Le compte de cet utilisateur est inactif.",
"USER_PICTURE": "photo de l'utilisateur",
"USERNAME": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 à 30 caractères requis, seuls les caractères alphanumériques et le caractère _ sont autorisés."
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 à 30 caractères requis, seuls les caractères alphanumériques et le caractère _ sont autorisés.",
"USER_PICTURE": "photo de l'utilisateur"
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"MIN_ALTITUDE": "altitude min",
"NEXT_SEGMENT": "Segment suivant",
"NEXT_WORKOUT": "Séance suivante",
"NOTES": "notes",
"NO_DATA_CLEANING": "données issues du fichier gpx, sans correction",
"NO_FILE_PROVIDED": "Pas de fichier fourni",
"NO_FOLDER": "pas de répertoire",
@ -38,7 +39,6 @@
"NO_PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Pas de séance précédente",
"NO_RECORDS": "Pas de records.",
"NO_WORKOUTS": "Pas de séances.",
"NOTES": "notes",
"PAUSES": "pauses",
"PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "Segment précédent",
"PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Séance précédente",
@ -60,27 +60,6 @@
"TOTAL_DURATION": "durée totale",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_WORKOUT": "Ajoutez votre première séance !",
"HUMIDITY": "humidité",
"TEMPERATURE": "température",
"WIND": "vent",
"N": "N",
"NNE": "NNE",
"NE": "NE",
"ENE": "ENE",
"E": "E",
"ESE": "ESE",
"SE": "SE",
"SSE": "SSE",
"S": "S",
"SSW": "SSO",
"SW": "SO",
"WSW": "OSO",
"W": "O",
"WNW": "ONO",
"NW": "NO",
"NNW": "NNO"
"clear-day": "ensoleillé",
"clear-night": "nuit claire",
@ -92,10 +71,31 @@
"sleet": "neige fondue",
"snow": "neige",
"wind": "venteux"
"HUMIDITY": "humidité",
"TEMPERATURE": "température",
"WIND": "vent",
"E": "E",
"ENE": "ENE",
"ESE": "ESE",
"N": "N",
"NE": "NE",
"NNE": "NNE",
"NNW": "NNO",
"NW": "NO",
"S": "S",
"SE": "SE",
"SSE": "SSE",
"SSW": "SSO",
"SW": "SO",
"W": "O",
"WNW": "ONO",
"WSW": "OSO"
"WITH_GPX": "avec un fichier .gpx",
"WITHOUT_GPX": "sans fichier .gpx",
"WITH_GPX": "avec un fichier .gpx",
"WORKOUT": "séance | séances",
"WORKOUT_DATE": "date de la séance",
"WORKOUT_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette séance ?",
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"FITTRACKEE_LICENSE": "Onder {0} licentie ",
"CONTACT_ADMIN": "Contacteer uw administrator",
"FITTRACKEE_DESCRIPTION": "<strong>FitTrackee</strong> is zelf-gehoste buitenshuis activiteiten tracker.",
"FITTRACKEE_LICENSE": "Onder {0} licentie ",
"SOURCE_CODE": "Broncode"
@ -2,23 +2,25 @@
"ACTION": "Actie",
"ACTIVATE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Activeer account",
"ACTIVE": "Ingeschakeld",
"ADMIN": "Beheer",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Instellingen",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Toevoegen/verwijderen van administrator rechten, verwijder gebruikersaccount.",
"APPLICATION": "Applicatie",
"ADMIN_CONTACT": "Administrator email voor contact",
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. aantal actieve gebruikers",
"MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Max. aantal bestanden in zip archief",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "geen contact email",
"TITLE": "Applicatie configureren",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. grootte van zip archief (in Mb)",
"MAX_USERS_HELP": "Bij 0, geen limiet op registratie.",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. grootte van bestanden voor upload (in Mb)"
"MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. aantal actieve gebruikers",
"NO_CONTACT_EMAIL": "geen contact email",
"SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. grootte van bestanden voor upload (in Mb)",
"TITLE": "Applicatie configureren",
"ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. grootte van zip archief (in Mb)"
"ADMIN": "Beheer",
"ADMINISTRATION": "Instellingen",
"BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Terug naar beheer",
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Weet u zeker dat u de account {0} wilt wissen? Alle gegevens worden verwijderd, dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden.",
"CONFIRM_USER_PASSWORD_RESET": "Weet u zeker dat u het wachtwoord voor {0} wilt resetten?",
"CURRENT_EMAIL": "Huidige email",
"DELETE_USER": "Verwijder gebruiker",
"EMAIL_SENDING_DISABLED": "Emails verzenden is uitgeschakeld.",
"ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Aan- of uitzetten van sporten.",
"NEW_EMAIL": "Nieuwe email",
@ -29,20 +31,16 @@
"TABLE": {
"ACTIVE": "Ingeschakeld",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "Trainingen aanwezig",
"IMAGE": "Afbeelding",
"LABEL": "Label",
"HAS_WORKOUTS": "Trainingen aanwezig"
"LABEL": "Label"
"TITLE": "Beheer sporten"
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "De applicatie configureren (maximum aantal geregistreerde gebruikers, maximum bestandsgrootte).",
"UPDATE_USER_EMAIL": "Update email",
"USER": "gebruiker | gebruikers",
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "Het emailadres werd bijgewerkt.",
"USERS": {
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Admin rechten toevoegen",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Verwijder admin rechten"
"ADMIN": "admin status",
@ -51,9 +49,11 @@
"USERNAME": "gebruikersnaam",
"WORKOUTS_COUNT": "aantal trainingen"
"TABLE": {
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Admin rechten toevoegen",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Verwijder admin rechten"
"CONFIRM_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Weet u zeker dat u de account {0} wilt wissen? Alle gegevens worden verwijderd, dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden.",
"DELETE_USER": "Verwijder gebruiker",
"UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "De applicatie configureren (maximum aantal geregistreerde gebruikers, maximum bestandsgrootte)."
"USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "Het emailadres werd bijgewerkt."
@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
"ERROR": {
"Network Error": "Netwerk fout.",
"UNKNOWN": "Fout. Probeer opnieuw of contacteer de administrator.",
"at least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive": "Ten minste 1 bestand in het zip archief is groter dan toegelaten, gelieve de bestanden te controleren.",
"email: valid email must be provided": "Email: een geldige email is vereist.",
"error during gpx processing": "Fout bij verwerken van gpx.",
"error during gpx file parsing": "Fout bij het verwerken van het gpx bestand.",
"error during gpx processing": "Fout bij verwerken van gpx.",
"error on getting configuration": "Fout bij ophalen van configuratie.",
"error when updating configuration": "Fout bij het updaten van de configuratie",
"error, please try again or contact the administrator": "Fout, probeer opnieuw of contacteer de administrator.",
"error, registration is disabled": "Fout, registratie is uitgeschakeld.",
"file extension not allowed": "Bestandsformaat niet toegelaten.",
"file size is greater than the allowed size": "Bestandsgrootte is groter dan toegestaan.",
"invalid credentials": "Ongeldige inloggegevens.",
"invalid payload": "Ingegeven data is ongeldig.",
"invalid token, please log in again": "Ongeldige token, log opnieuw in.",
"invalid token, please request a new token": "Ongeldige token, log opnieuw in.",
"Network Error": "Netwerk fout.",
"new email must be different than curent email": "Het nieuwe email adres dient te verschillen van het oude",
"no file part": "Geen bestand opgegeven.",
"no selected file": "Geen bestand geselecteerd.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "Het aantal bestanden in het zip archief overschrijdt de limiet.",
"password: password and password confirmation do not match": "Wachtwoord: het wachtwoord en de bevestiging komen niet overeen.",
"provide a valid auth token": "Geef een geldig auth token.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Signatuur verlopen. Log opnieuw in.",
"sorry, that username is already taken": "Sorry, deze gebruikersnaam is al in gebruik.",
"sport does not exist": "Deze sport bestaat niet.",
"signature expired, please log in again": "Signatuur verlopen. Log opnieuw in.",
"successfully registered": "Succesvol geregistreerd.",
"the number of files in the archive exceeds the limit": "Het aantal bestanden in het zip archief overschrijdt de limiet.",
"user does not exist": "Gebruiker bestaat niet.",
"valid email must be provided for admin contact": "Een geldige email is vereist voor admin contact informatie",
"you can not delete your account, no other user has admin rights": "U kunt uw account niet verwijderen, geen andere gebruiker heeft admin rechten.",
"you do not have permissions": "U hebt geen machtigingen.",
"UNKNOWN": "Fout. Probeer opnieuw of contacteer de administrator.",
"at least one file in zip archive exceeds size limit, please check the archive": "Ten minste 1 bestand in het zip archief is groter dan toegelaten, gelieve de bestanden te controleren.",
"file size is greater than the allowed size": "Bestandsgrootte is groter dan toegestaan."
"you do not have permissions": "U hebt geen machtigingen."
"PREVIOUS": "vorige",
"NEXT": "volgende"
"NEXT": "volgende",
"PREVIOUS": "vorige"
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"YES": "Ja",
"ACCOUNT-CONFIRMATION-RESEND": "Herzend bevestigings email",
"AUTHORIZE": "Toekennen",
"BACK": "Terug",
"CANCEL": "Annuleren",
"CLEAR_FILTER": "Verwijder filters",
"DELETE_MY_ACCOUNT": "Verwijder mijn account",
"DISABLE": "Uitzetten",
"EDIT": "Bewerken",
"ENABLE": "Aanzetten",
"FILTER": "Filter",
"LOGIN": "Inloggen",
"NO": "Nee",
"REGISTER": "Registreer",
"RESET": "Reset",
"DISABLE": "Uitzetten",
"SUBMIT": "Aanpassen",
"LOGIN": "Inloggen"
"YES": "Ja"
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
"ABOUT": "over",
"CONFIRMATION": "Bevestiging",
"DOCUMENTATION": "documentatie",
"DISPLAYED": "Weergegeven",
"HERE": "hier",
"CONTACT": "contacteer",
"DAY": "dag | dagen",
"DISPLAYED": "Weergegeven",
"DOCUMENTATION": "documentatie",
"HERE": "hier",
"HIDDEN": "Verborgen",
"HOME": "Startscherm",
"ORDER": {
"LABEL": "sorteer",
"ASC": "oplopend",
"DESC": "aflopend",
"ASC": "oplopend"
"LABEL": "sorteer"
"LABEL": "sorteer op"
@ -20,6 +21,5 @@
"LABEL": "per pagina"
"HIDDEN": "Verborgen",
"TOTAL": "Totaal"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"APP_ERROR": "Er heeft zich een onbekende fout voorgedaan.<br />Probeer aub later opnieuw of contacteer de administrator.",
"PAGE": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"WORKOUT": "Training niet gevonden"
"SOMETHING_WRONG": "Er ging iets mis",
"UNKNOWN": "Fout. Probeer opnieuw of contacteer de administrator.",
"APP_ERROR": "Er heeft zich een onbekende fout voorgedaan.<br />Probeer aub later opnieuw of contacteer de administrator."
"UNKNOWN": "Fout. Probeer opnieuw of contacteer de administrator."
@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
"ADD_A_NEW_APP": "Nieuwe OAuth2 app toevoegen",
"APP": {
"CLIENT_ID": "Id",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "Geheim",
"DESCRIPTION": "App omschrijving",
"ISSUE_AT": "Probleem bij",
"NAME": "Naam van de app",
"REDIRECT_URL": "Doorverwijs URL",
"SCOPE": {
"LABEL": "Omvang",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "staat leestoegang toe aan <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "staat schrijftoegang toe aan <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "geeft toestemming tot aanpassen van de applicatie instellingen.",
"profile:read_DESCRIPTION": "staat leestoegang toe aan <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"profile:write_DESCRIPTION": "staat schrijftoegang toe aan <code>auth</code> endpoints.",
"users:read_DESCRIPTION": "staat leestoegang toe aan <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"users:write_DESCRIPTION": "staat schrijftoegang toe aan <code>users</code> endpoints.",
"workouts:read_DESCRIPTION": "staat leestoegang toe aan <code>workouts</code> endpoints.",
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "staat schrijftoegang toe aan <code>workouts</code> endpoints.",
"application:write_DESCRIPTION": "geeft toestemming tot aanpassen van de applicatie instellingen."
"workouts:write_DESCRIPTION": "staat schrijftoegang toe aan <code>workouts</code> endpoints."
"NAME": "Naam van de app",
"URL": "App URL",
"DESCRIPTION": "App omschrijving",
"URL": "App URL"
"APPS_LIST": "OAuth2 apps",
"APP_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "App succesvol aangemaakt. Kopieer zeker de geheime sleutel, deze zal later niet meer verschijnen.",
"APP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Weet u zeker dat u deze app wilt verwijderen?",
"APP_REQUESTING_ACCESS": "De app {0} vraagt:",
"APPS_LIST": "OAuth2 apps",
"AUTHORIZE_APP": "Toegang geven aan {0} tot uw gebruikersaccount?",
"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "kopieer naar klembord",
"DELETE_APP": "Verwijder app",
@ -31,6 +32,5 @@
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "geen beschrijving",
"REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS": "Verwijder alle tokens",
"TOKENS_REVOCATION_CONFIRMATION": "Weet u zeker dat u alle tokens wilt intrekken?",
"TOKENS_REVOKED": "Alle bestaande tokens werden ingetrokken.",
"ADD_A_NEW_APP": "Nieuwe OAuth2 app toevoegen"
"TOKENS_REVOKED": "Alle bestaande tokens werden ingetrokken."
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"Cycling (Virtual)": {
"LABEL": "Fietsen (Virtueel)"
"Hiking": {
"LABEL": "Trektocht"
"Mountain Biking": {
"LABEL": "Mountainbiken"
@ -29,13 +32,10 @@
"Snowshoes": {
"LABEL": "Sneeuwschoenen"
"Walking": {
"LABEL": "Wandelen"
"Hiking": {
"LABEL": "Trektocht"
"Trail": {
"LABEL": "Trail"
"Walking": {
"LABEL": "Wandelen"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"STATISTICS": "Statistieken",
"week": "week",
"month": "maand",
"week": "week",
"year": "jaar"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "Controleer uw email. Een nieuwe bevestigingsmail werd verzonden naar het opgegeven adres.",
"ADMIN": "Beheer",
"ALREADY_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Al een account aangemaakt?",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Weet u zeker dat u uw account wilt verwijderen? Alle data wordt verwijderd, dit kan niet ongedaan worden",
"CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Huidig wachtwoord",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"EMAIL_INFO": "Geef een geldig email adres op.",
@ -10,41 +11,44 @@
"FILTER_ON_USERNAME": "Filter op gebruikersnaam",
"HIDE_PASSWORD": "verberg wachtwoord",
"INVALID_TOKEN": "Ongeldig token, vraag een nieuwe wachtwoord reset aan.",
"LOG_IN": "inloggen",
"LANGUAGE": "Taal",
"LOGIN": "Inloggen",
"LOGOUT": "Uitloggen",
"LOG_IN": "inloggen",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "Nieuw wachtwoord",
"NO_USERS_FOUND": "Geen gebruikers gevonden.",
"PASSWORD": "Wachtwoord",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "Tenminste 8 karakters vereist.",
"PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN": "Wachtwoord vergeten?",
"PASSWORD_INFO": "Tenminste 8 karakters vereist.",
"PASSWORD_RESET": "Wachtwoord reset",
"PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Controleer uw inbox. Als uw email adres in onze database zit, hebt u een email ontvangen om uw wachtwoord te resetten.",
"WEAK": "zwak",
"AVERAGE": "gemiddeld",
"GOOD": "goed",
"STRONG": "sterk",
"LABEL": "wachtwoord sterkte",
"STRONG": "sterk",
"l33t": "Vermijd voorspelbare vervangingen, zoals {'@'} voor de letter a.",
"reverseWords": "Vermijd gangbare woorden die achterstevoren geschreven zijn.",
"allUppercase": "Gebruik enkele hoofdletters.",
"anotherWord": "Voeg meer niet gangbare woorden toe.",
"associatedYears": "Vermijd jaartallen met een persoonlijke betekenis.",
"capitalization": "Gebruik niet enkel voor de eerste letter een hoofdletter.",
"dates": "Vermijd persoonlijke gegevens en jaartallen.",
"recentYears": "Vermijd recente jaartallen.",
"sequences": "Vermijd voorspelbare opeenvolgingen.",
"repeated": "Vermijd opeenvolgende woorden en karakters.",
"l33t": "Vermijd voorspelbare vervangingen, zoals {'@'} voor de letter a.",
"longerKeyboardPattern": "Gebruik langere patronen en verander de richting van typen meerdere malen.",
"anotherWord": "Voeg meer niet gangbare woorden toe.",
"noNeed": "U kan sterke wachtwoorden maken zonder gebruik van symbolen, nummers, of hoofdletters.",
"pwned": "Als u dit wachtwoord ergens anders gebruikt zou u het beter veranderen.",
"allUppercase": "Gebruik enkele hoofdletters.",
"associatedYears": "Vermijd jaartallen met een persoonlijke betekenis.",
"useWords": "Gebruik verschillende woorden, maar vermijd vaak gebruikte zinnen.",
"noNeed": "U kan sterke wachtwoorden maken zonder gebruik van symbolen, nummers, of hoofdletters."
"recentYears": "Vermijd recente jaartallen.",
"repeated": "Vermijd opeenvolgende woorden en karakters.",
"reverseWords": "Vermijd gangbare woorden die achterstevoren geschreven zijn.",
"sequences": "Vermijd voorspelbare opeenvolgingen.",
"useWords": "Gebruik verschillende woorden, maar vermijd vaak gebruikte zinnen."
"WEAK": "zwak"
"PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Uw wachtwoord werd aangepast. Klik {0} om in te loggen.",
"ASCENT_DATA": "Hoogte gerelateerde data (opnames, totaal)",
"ACCOUNT_EDITION": "Account aanpassen",
"ASCENT_DATA": "Hoogte gerelateerde data (opnames, totaal)",
"BACK_TO_PROFILE": "Terug naar profiel",
"BIO": "Bio",
"BIRTH_DATE": "Geboortedatum",
@ -52,19 +56,33 @@
"EDIT": "Profiel aanpassen",
"EDIT_PREFERENCES": "Voorkeuren wijzigen",
"EDIT_SPORTS_PREFERENCES": "Sport voorkeuren wijzigen",
"FIRST_NAME": "Voornaam",
"ERRORED_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Gelieve {0} om uw email adres opnieuw te wijzigen of contacteer uw administrator",
"FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "Eerste dag van de week",
"FIRST_NAME": "Voornaam",
"LANGUAGE": "Taal",
"LAST_NAME": "Achternaam",
"LOCATION": "Locatie",
"MONDAY": "Maandag",
"PICTURE": "Afbeelding",
"PICTURE_EDITION": "Afbeelding aanpassen",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Afbeelding veranderen",
"PICTURE_REMOVE": "Afbeelding verwijderen",
"PICTURE_UPDATE": "Afbeelding veranderen",
"PREFERENCES_EDITION": "Voorkeuren aanpassen",
"PROFILE_EDITION": "Profiel aanpassen",
"REGISTRATION_DATE": "Datum registratie",
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "actie",
"COLOR": "kleur",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "uitgeschakeld door admin",
"IS_ACTIVE": "actief",
"LABEL": "label",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "snelheidsgrens voor stilstand"
"SPORTS_EDITION": "Sport voorkeuren aanpassen",
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Uw account werd succesvol bijgewerkt. Controleer uw inbox om uw nieuw email adres te bevestigen.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Uw account werd succesvol aangemaakt.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "Een link om uw account te activeren werd doorgestuurd naar opgegeven email adres.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Uw account werd succesvol bijgewerkt.",
"SUNDAY": "Zondag",
"TABS": {
"ACCOUNT": "account",
@ -74,38 +92,20 @@
"PROFILE": "profiel",
"SPORTS": "sporten"
"SPORT": {
"ACTION": "actie",
"COLOR": "kleur",
"DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "uitgeschakeld door admin",
"IS_ACTIVE": "actief",
"LABEL": "label",
"STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "snelheidsgrens voor stilstand"
"SUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Uw account werd succesvol bijgewerkt. Controleer uw inbox om uw nieuw email adres te bevestigen.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION": "Uw account werd succesvol aangemaakt.",
"SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL": "Een link om uw account te activeren werd doorgestuurd naar opgegeven email adres.",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Uw account werd succesvol bijgewerkt.",
"UNITS": {
"LABEL": "Eenheid voor afstand",
"IMPERIAL": "Imperialistisch systeem (ft, mi)",
"METRIC": "Metrisch systeem (m, km)"
"TIMEZONE": "Tijdzone",
"ERRORED_EMAIL_UPDATE": "Gelieve {0} om uw email adres opnieuw te wijzigen of contacteer uw administrator",
"SPORTS_EDITION": "Sport voorkeuren aanpassen"
"UNITS": {
"IMPERIAL": "Imperialistisch systeem (ft, mi)",
"LABEL": "Eenheid voor afstand",
"METRIC": "Metrisch systeem (m, km)"
"REGISTER": "Registreren",
"REGISTER_DISABLED": "Sorry, registreren is uitgeschakeld.",
"RESENT_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION": "Opnieuw zenden van account bevestigingsmail",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset uw wachtwoord",
"SHOW_PASSWORD": "toon wachtwoord",
"THIS_USER_ACCOUNT_IS_INACTIVE": "Deze account is niet actief.",
"USER_PICTURE": "gebruikersafbeelding",
"USERNAME": "Gebruikersnaam",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Weet u zeker dat u uw account wilt verwijderen? Alle data wordt verwijderd, dit kan niet ongedaan worden",
"LANGUAGE": "Taal",
"PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Controleer uw inbox. Als uw email adres in onze database zit, hebt u een email ontvangen om uw wachtwoord te resetten.",
"PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Uw wachtwoord werd aangepast. Klik {0} om in te loggen.",
"RESENT_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION": "Opnieuw zenden van account bevestigingsmail",
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 tot 30 karakters vereist, enkel alfanumerieke karakters en het underscore karakter \"_\" zijn toegestaan."
"USERNAME_INFO": "3 tot 30 karakters vereist, enkel alfanumerieke karakters en het underscore karakter \"_\" zijn toegestaan.",
"USER_PICTURE": "gebruikersafbeelding"
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
"ADD_WORKOUT": "Training toevoegen",
"ANALYSIS": "analyse",
"ASCENT": "geklommen",
"AVE_SPEED": "gem. snelheid",
"AVERAGE_SPEED": "gemiddelde snelheid",
"AVE_SPEED": "gem. snelheid",
"BACK_TO_WORKOUT": "Terug naar training",
"DATE": "datum",
"DESCENT": "gedaald",
"DISPLAY_FILTERS": "toon filters",
"DISTANCE": "afstand",
"DURATION": "duur",
"EDIT_WORKOUT": "Training aanpassen",
@ -14,6 +17,7 @@
"GPX_FILE": ".gpx bestand",
"HIDE_FILTERS": "verberg filters",
"INVALID_DISTANCE": "De afstand moet groter zijn dan 0",
"INVALID_DURATION": "De duur moet langer zijn dan 0 seconden",
"LATEST_WORKOUTS": "Laatste trainingen",
"LOAD_MORE_WORKOUT": "Toon meer trainingen",
"MAX_ALTITUDE": "max. hoogte",
@ -23,6 +27,8 @@
"MIN_ALTITUDE": "min. hoogte",
"NEXT_SEGMENT": "Geen volgend segment",
"NEXT_WORKOUT": "Volgende training",
"NOTES": "notities",
"NO_DATA_CLEANING": "data vanuit gpx, zonder op te schonen",
"NO_FILE_PROVIDED": "Geen bestand opgegeven",
"NO_FOLDER": "geen map aanwezig",
"NO_MAP": "Geen kaart",
@ -31,12 +37,14 @@
"NO_NOTES": "Geen notities",
"NO_PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "Geen vorig segment",
"NO_PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Geen vorige training",
"NOTES": "notities",
"NO_RECORDS": "Geen records.",
"NO_WORKOUTS": "Geen trainingen.",
"PAUSES": "pauzes",
"PREVIOUS_SEGMENT": "Vorig segment",
"PREVIOUS_WORKOUT": "Vorige training",
"NO_RECORDS": "Geen records.",
"RECORD": "record | records",
"RECORD_AS": "Gem. snelheid",
"RECORD_FD": "Langste afstand",
"RECORD_HA": "Hoogst geklommen",
"RECORD_LD": "Langste duur",
"RECORD_MS": "Max. snelheid",
@ -45,33 +53,13 @@
"SPEED": "snelheid",
"SPORT": "sport | sporten",
"START": "start",
"START_AND_FINISH": "Start en aankomst",
"START_ELEVATION_AT_ZERO": "Zet hoogte-as vast op 0",
"TITLE": "titel",
"TO": "aan",
"TOTAL_DURATION": "totale duur",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_WORKOUT": "Eén uploaden!",
"HUMIDITY": "vochtigheid",
"TEMPERATURE": "temperatuur",
"WIND": "wind",
"N": "N",
"NNE": "NNO",
"NE": "NO",
"E": "O",
"ESE": "OZO",
"SE": "ZO",
"SSE": "ZZO",
"SSW": "ZZW",
"SW": "ZW",
"WSW": "WZW",
"W": "W",
"WNW": "WNW",
"NW": "NW",
"NNW": "NNW",
"ENE": "ONO",
"S": "Z"
"clear-day": "heldere dag",
"clear-night": "heldere nacht",
@ -83,22 +71,34 @@
"sleet": "natte sneeuw",
"snow": "sneeuw",
"wind": "wind"
"HUMIDITY": "vochtigheid",
"TEMPERATURE": "temperatuur",
"WIND": "wind",
"E": "O",
"ENE": "ONO",
"ESE": "OZO",
"N": "N",
"NE": "NO",
"NNE": "NNO",
"NNW": "NNW",
"NW": "NW",
"S": "Z",
"SE": "ZO",
"SSE": "ZZO",
"SSW": "ZZW",
"SW": "ZW",
"W": "W",
"WNW": "WNW",
"WSW": "WZW"
"WITH_GPX": "met .gpx bestand",
"WITHOUT_GPX": "zonder .gpx bestand",
"WITH_GPX": "met .gpx bestand",
"WORKOUT": "training | trainingen",
"WORKOUT_DATE": "datum training",
"WORKOUT_DELETION_CONFIRMATION": "Weet u zeker dat u deze training wilt verwijderen?",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE": ".zip bestand",
"ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION": "of .zip archief met .gpx bestanden",
"ADD_WORKOUT": "Training toevoegen",
"ANALYSIS": "analyse",
"DISPLAY_FILTERS": "toon filters",
"NO_DATA_CLEANING": "data vanuit gpx, zonder op te schonen",
"INVALID_DURATION": "De duur moet langer zijn dan 0 seconden",
"NO_WORKOUTS": "Geen trainingen.",
"RECORD": "record | records",
"RECORD_FD": "Langste afstand",
"START_AND_FINISH": "Start en aankomst",
"WORKOUT_DATE": "datum training"
"ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION": "of .zip archief met .gpx bestanden"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user