
519 KiB

1201.1unitsingle thing<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNIT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> large, small | basic, fundamental </B><I>The family is the basic unit of society. </I><B>| discrete, individual, single </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNIT </U><B> break sth down into, divide sth into </B><I>Large departments were broken down into smaller units. </I> </P> noun
2201.2unitfixed amount<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> UNIT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> basic, standard | monetary | lexical, linguistic </B> </P> <P> <U> UNIT + NOUN </U><B> cost, length, weight </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>a unit of currency a unit of length fifty units of electricity </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> per unit </B><I>Electricity is ten pence per unit. </I> </P> noun
3201.3unitgroup of people<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNIT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> cohesive </B><I>The new manager changed a talented collection of individuals into a cohesive unit. </I><B>| baby, casualty, emergency, intensive care, maternity, psychiatric, surgical, etc. </B><I>She works in the maternity unit at the local hospital. </I><B>| army, enemy, military | intelligence | policy | research | family, social </B><I>the role of the family unit in the community </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNIT </U><B> be attached to </B><I>The cancer research unit is attached to the local university. </I> </P> noun
4201.4unitpiece of furniture/equipment<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNIT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> cooking, kitchen, sink, storage | air-conditioning, control, power, processing, shower </B><I>the central processing unit in a computer </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNIT </U><B> install </B><I>We're having new kitchen units installed. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
5203.1complex<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMPLEX </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMPLEX </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, look, seem, sound | become </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> enormously, especially, exceedingly, exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, infinitely, particularly, very </B><I>This is a highly complex matter. </I><B>| increasingly | fairly, quite, rather, relatively, somewhat | surprisingly | unnecessarily | technically </B><I>technically complex surgery </I> </P> adj.
6203.2.1complexset of buildings<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMPLEX </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> huge, large, vast | conference, entertainment, factory, holiday, hospital, housing, industrial, leisure, museum, office, shopping, sports </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMPLEX </U><B> build </B> </P> noun
7203.2.2complexmental/emotional problem<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMPLEX </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> real, terrible | inferiority, superiority | castration, guilt, Oedipus, persecution </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMPLEX </U><B> have, suffer from | develop, get </B><I>Don't keep on at him about his handwriting or he'll get a complex. </I><B>| give sb </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ about </B><I>She has a complex about her big ears. </I> </P> noun
8204.1employpay sb to work<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> directly, indirectly </B><I>By 1960 the arms industry in America directly employed 3.5 million people. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in </B><I>A large part of the workforce is employed in agriculture. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> be fully employed </B><I>10% of 10?15-year-old girls were fully employed as late as 1911. </I><B>| be gainfully employed </B><I>Those not gainfully employed are dependent on their savings. </I><B>| be permanently/temporarily employed, be regularly/irregularly employed </B> </P> verb
9204.2employuse<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EMPLOY </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> commonly, extensively, frequently, often, widely </B><I>The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life. </I><B>| generally, usually | actively, deliberately </B><I>teaching that actively employs computers in innovative and fruitful ways </I><B>| successfully, usefully </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EMPLOY </U><B> can/could </B><I>The army has far more junior officers than it can usefully employ. </I></P> verb
10204.3employbe employed: be busy doing sth <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> better </B><I>You'd be far better employed taking care of your own affairs. </I><B>| busily, usefully </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in </B><I>Will and Joe were busily employed in clearing out all the furniture. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
11205.1promoteencourage sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROMOTE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> strongly </B><I>The idea of equal opportunities was strongly promoted by many Labour MPs. </I><B>| actively, directly | indirectly | deliberately, intentionally </B><I>They claimed that the authorities had deliberately promoted and condoned the violence. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROMOTE </U><B> aim to, seek to, try to | help (to) </B><I>Basketball stars from the United States have helped promote the sport in Italy and Spain. </I><B>| be designed to </B><I>measures designed to promote economic growth </I><B>| be likely to | serve to, tend to </B><I>Bonus payments to staff serve to promote commitment to the company. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> through </B><I>Young people's awareness of agricultural issues is promoted through publicity material. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> be aimed at promoting sth, be widely promoted, a campaign/scheme to promote sth, efforts/measures to promote sth </B> </P> verb
12205.2promoteadvertise sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> aggressively, heavily </B><I>The new products have been very heavily promoted. </I><B>| widely </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> as </B><I>The town is now being promoted as a holiday destination. </I><B>| through </B><I>The company's products have been promoted mainly through advertising in newspapers. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
13206.1literaturewritten works of art<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LITERATURE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> classical, contemporary, modern | great </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> piece, work </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LITERATURE </U><B> read, study </B> </P> noun
14206.2literaturewriting on a particular subject<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> extensive, voluminous | promotional, sales </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> body </B><I>the growing body of literature on development issues </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ about </B><I>I picked up some literature about pensions. </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>There's an extensive literature on the subject. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
15209.1estimate<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESTIMATE </U> </P> <P> <U> ESTIMATE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESTIMATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> official, unofficial | current, recent </B><I>Current estimates suggest that supplies will run out within six months. </I><B>| early, initial, preliminary | accurate, fair, good, realistic, reasonable, reliable | best </B><I>Flight times in the brochure are based on our best estimate, and will be confirmed as soon as possible. </I><B>| approximate, rough | conservative, low </B><I>I think 15,000 will turn out to be a very low estimate. </I><B>| high </B><I>According to the highest estimate, over 100,000 men died in the battle. </I><B>| optimistic, pessimistic | cost </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESTIMATE </U><B> make </B><I>Can you make an estimate of the numbers involved? </I><B>| give (sb), provide (sb with), submit </B><I>Three firms submitted estimates for the work. </I><B>| revise </B> </P> <P> <U> ESTIMATE + VERB </U><B> be based on sth | indicate sth, predict sth, show sth, suggest sth </B><I>One estimate suggests that 30,000 jobs may be lost. </I><B>| put sth at </B><I>Some estimates put the figure as high as 50%. </I><B>| range, vary </B><I>Cost estimates vary from $50,000 to $200,000. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> according to an/the ~ </B><I>According to the revised estimate, four million people will be without homes. </I><B>| at an ~ </B><I>Even at a conservative estimate, there is a lot of work to be done. </I><B>| in an/the ~ </B><I>In his first estimate, he suggested a figure of </I>&pound;</B><I>5,000. </I><B>| ~ by, ~ from </B><I>According to an estimate by a leading newspaper, she earns </I>&pound;</B><I>40 million a year. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>We will send you an estimate for the repairs. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>an estimate of profits an estimate of </I>&pound;</B><I>300 </I> </P> noun
16209.2estimate<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESTIMATE </U> </P> <P> <U> ESTIMATE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESTIMATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> currently | accurately, reliably | provisionally | conservatively </B><I>It is conservatively estimated that not less than half a million people died in the famine. </I><B>| officially, unofficially </B><I>The strike was officially estimated to have cost $80 million. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESTIMATE </U><B> be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to | be used to </B><I>The results of the survey were used to estimate the preferences of the population at large. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> at </B><I>We estimated the cost at </I>&pound;</B><I>50,000. </I> </P> verb
17210.1.1negativeonly thinking about/showing sb/sth's bad qualities<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, feel, seem, sound | become | remain </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> distinctly, extremely, strongly, terribly, very </B><I>the strongly negative implications of these survey results Their attitude was terribly negative. </I><B>| completely, entirely, exclusively, purely, totally, wholly </B><I>She spoke in entirely negative terms. </I><B>| largely, mainly, overwhelmingly | fairly, rather, slightly, somewhat | apparently | essentially </B><I>Critical thinking is essentially negative as it seeks to dissect and not to build. </I><B>| generally </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> about </B><I>He's been rather negative about the idea. </I> </P> adj.
18210.1.2negativeshowing that sth has not happened/been found<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, prove, test </B><I>The breathalyser test proved negative. He tested negative for HIV infection. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>The urine tests were negative for protein. </I> </P> adj.
19210.2.1negativedenial<P> <U> VERB + NEGATIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + NEGATIVE </U><B> answer (sth) in, reply in </B><I>She answered the question in the negative. </I> </P> noun
20210.2.2negativedeveloped photographic film<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + NEGATIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> original | photographic | film, glass </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> strip </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + NEGATIVE </U><B> produce | develop </B><I>His interest in photography started with him developing negatives that he found lying around the house. </I><B>| keep </B><I>We must assume that the spy kept the negatives. </I><B>| destroy</B> </P> noun
21211.1characteristic<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHARACTERISTIC </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be | become </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> deeply, extremely, highly, very </B><I>his highly characteristic features </I><B>| entirely, utterly | fairly, quite </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> of </B><I>a problem that was fairly characteristic of late eighteenth century society </I> </P> adj.
22211.2characteristic<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHARACTERISTIC </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> defining, distinctive, distinguishing, identifying, individual, marked, special, striking, unique | personal | common, family, inherited, national, shared | basic, general | chief, dominant, main, major, outstanding, principal | essential, fundamental, important, key, salient | desirable | behavioural, biological, cultural, demographic, economic, genetic, physical, psychological, racial, sexual, social | human </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHARACTERISTIC </U><B> have </B><I>The two species have several characteristics in common. </I> </P> noun
23213.1.1challengesth new and difficult question whether sth is right/true<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U> </P> <P> <U> CHALLENGE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, radical, real, serious, significant, strong | difficult, tough | major, main | fresh, new | exciting, interesting | economic, environmental, intellectual, political, technical, technological </B><I>Liszt's piano music presents an enormous technical challenge. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U><B> be, pose, present | face, meet, respond to, rise to, take on/up </B><I>The gallery has risen to the challenge of exhibiting the works of young artists. He has taken on some exciting new challenges with this job. </I> </P> <P> <U> CHALLENGE + VERB </U><B> face sb </B><I>the challenges facing nurses in casualty </I> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> directly </B><I>The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy. </I><B>| seriously | effectively </B><I>She was effectively challenging the whole basis on which society was run. </I><B>| successfully </B><I>The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on </B><I>She challenged him on his old-fashioned views. </I> </P> noun
24213.1.2challengethat shows that sb refuses to accept sth invite sb to compete, argue, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> serious | direct | effective | legal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U><B> be, present, represent </B><I>The demonstration represents a direct challenge to the new law. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>a legal challenge to the president's power </I> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> seriously </B><I>No one has seriously challenged the champion. </I><B>| successfully, unsuccessfully </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>She was poised to challenge for the party leadership. </I><B>| to </B><I>The count challenged him to a duel. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
27213.2.1challengesth new and difficult<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U> </P> <P> <U> CHALLENGE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, radical, real, serious, significant, strong | difficult, tough | major, main | fresh, new | exciting, interesting | economic, environmental, intellectual, political, technical, technological </B><I>Liszt's piano music presents an enormous technical challenge. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U><B> be, pose, present | face, meet, respond to, rise to, take on/up </B><I>The gallery has risen to the challenge of exhibiting the works of young artists. He has taken on some exciting new challenges with this job. </I> </P> <P> <U> CHALLENGE + VERB </U><B> face sb </B><I>the challenges facing nurses in casualty </I> </P> noun
28213.2.2challengethat shows that sb refuses to accept sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> serious | direct | effective | legal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CHALLENGE </U><B> be, present, represent </B><I>The demonstration represents a direct challenge to the new law. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>a legal challenge to the president's power </I> </P> noun
29213.3.1challengequestion whether sth is right/true<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> directly </B><I>The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy. </I><B>| seriously | effectively </B><I>She was effectively challenging the whole basis on which society was run. </I><B>| successfully </B><I>The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on </B><I>She challenged him on his old-fashioned views. </I> </P> verb
30213.3.2challengeinvite sb to compete, argue, etc.<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> seriously </B><I>No one has seriously challenged the champion. </I><B>| successfully, unsuccessfully </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>She was poised to challenge for the party leadership. </I><B>| to </B><I>The count challenged him to a duel. </I> </P> verb
31214.1principlebasic general rule<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRINCIPLE </U> </P> <P> <U> PRINCIPLE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> basic, broad, central, fundamental, general </B><I>the basic principles of car maintenance </I><B>| cardinal, essential, key | universal | democratic, legal, market, political, scientific, theoretical </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRINCIPLE </U><B> establish, formulate, lay down | apply | explain </B> </P> <P> <U> PRINCIPLE + VERB </U><B> apply </B><I>This principle applies to all kinds of selling. </I><B>| underlie sth, underpin sth </B><I>the principles underlying Western philosophy </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>I agree with you in principle, but we'll need to discuss the details. </I><B>| ~ behind </B><I>She went on to explain the principles behind what she was doing. </I> </P> noun
32214.2principlerule for good behaviour<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRINCIPLE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high | guiding | Christian | moral </B><I>He was a man of high moral principles. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRINCIPLE </U><B> betray, compromise </B><I>I refuse to compromise my principles by eating meat. </I><B>| adhere to, stick to </B><I>She sticks to the principle that everyone should be treated equally. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> against your ~s </B><I>Eating meat was against her principles. </I><B>| on ~ </B><I>She's opposed to abortion on principle. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a matter of principle </B><I>They reject the proposal as a matter of principle. </I><B>| a person of principle </B>(= a person with high moral standards) </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
33215.1elementone part of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ELEMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> basic, critical, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, key, main, major, necessary, principal, significant, vital | dominant </B><I>The promise of tax cuts became the dominant element in the campaign. </I><B>| considerable, large </B><I>There is a considerable element of danger in her job. </I><B>| competitive </B><I>There is too much of a competitive element in the sales department. </I><B>| racial, sexual </B><I>Police say there may have been a racial element to the attacks. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ELEMENT </U><B> be, constitute, form | contain, have, include, involve </B><I>These rumours do contain an element of truth. </I><B>| introduce </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ in </B><I>This constitutes one of the key elements in this reform programme. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>Practical work will form a major element of the syllabus. There may have been an element of jealousy in her response. </I></P> noun
34215.2elementthe elements: bad weather <P> <U> VERB + ELEMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ELEMENT </U><B> brave </B><I>I put on my thick coat ready to brave the elements. </I><B>| battle (against) </B><I>He told us stories of how he had battled the elements on his mountaineering trips. </I><B>| be exposed to, be open to </B><I>The place was completely exposed to the elements. </I><B>| be protected from, be sheltered from </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> protection/shelter from the elements</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
35222.1perspectivein art<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> distorted | horizontal, vertical </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~, out of ~ </B><I>That tree is out of perspective. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the laws of perspective </B> </P> noun
36222.2perspectiveattitude to sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERSPECTIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> different, new | broader, wider | proper, true </B><I>We can now see things in their true perspective. </I><B>| cultural, historical, political, social, theoretical, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERSPECTIVE </U><B> get sth in/into, place sth in/into, put sth in/into, see sth in </B><I>Her death put everything else into perspective. </I><B>| gain, get, put </B><I>When you reach middle age you get a different perspective on life. This website puts a completely different perspective on world news. </I><B>| keep | lose | adopt </B><I>The book adopts a historical perspective. </I><B>| shift | provide </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from the ~ of </B><I>We should view this from the perspective of the people involved. </I><B>| in/into ~ </B><I>Let's get this into perspective. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>a feminist perspective in philosophy </I><B>| ~ on/upon </B><I>It's easy to lose perspective on things when you are under stress. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a sense of perspective</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
37227.1explore<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPLORE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPLORE </U> </P> noun
38227.2.1exploretravel around an area<P> <U> VERB + EXPLORE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPLORE </U><B> be keen to, want to, wish to | be free to </B><I>In the afternoon you'll be free to explore a little on your own. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>exploring for oil </I> </P> verb
39227.2.2explorethink about sth in detail<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPLORE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> extensively | briefly | fully, thoroughly </B><I>These questions have not been fully explored yet. </I><B>| properly, systematically | carefully, in detail </B><I>This idea is worth exploring in some detail. </I><B>| further | usefully </B><I>The film usefully explores some of the issues surrounding adoption. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPLORE </U><B> need to | be keen to, want to, wish to | aim to, seek to | begin to, continue to</B> </P> verb
40228.1distributionway sth is shared or exists over an area<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTRIBUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> DISTRIBUTION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> egalitarian, equitable, fair </B><I>to ensure a fair distribution of wealth </I> <B>| inequitable, unfair | equal </B><I>an equal distribution of wealth between people of different age groups </I><B>| unequal | even, uniform </B><I>After applying the cream, comb through to ensure even distribution. </I><B>| uneven </B><I>The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources. </I><B>| optimal, optimum | relative </B><I>the relative distribution of continents and oceans </I><B>| general, overall </B><I>the general distribution of earthquakes around the world </I><B>| broad, wide, widespread </B><I>the broad distribution of Bronze Age artefacts across Europe the wider distribution of wealth throughout society </I><B>| local, localized </B><I>Fish populations assume highly localized distributions within each river. </I><B>| global, regional, </B> worldwide | spatial | income, wealth | weight | age, class, <B>geographical, population, sex, social </B><I>the social class distribution of the male population </I><B>| normal, random, skewed, smooth </B><I>(all mathematics) a normal distribution with a bell-shaped frequency curve </I><B>| binomial, frequency, probability </B><I>(all mathematics) </I> </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTRIBUTION </U><B> achieve, ensure </B><I>The engine is mounted in the middle to achieve a more even weight distribution. </I><B>| determine </B><I>Radiology was used to determine the distribution of the disease. </I><B>| have, show </B><I>(mathematics) These birds have a wide geographical distribution. IQs within the population show a normal distribution. </I> </P> <P> <U> DISTRIBUTION + NOUN </U><B> pattern </B><I>Animal herds may form in response to the distribution patterns of food. </I><B>| map </B><I>an atlas containing distribution maps of the most important tropical diseases </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ across </B><I>the distribution of resources across society </I><B>| ~ among </B><I>data on wealth distribution among age groups </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>a disparity in age distribution between groups </I><B>| ~ over </B><I>the distribution of trees over the estate </I><B>| ~ throughout </B><I>uniform distribution of the chemical throughout the timber </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a change in distribution </B><I>changes in the distribution of wealth and income </I> </P> noun
41228.2distributiongiving/delivering sth to people<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTRIBUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> DISTRIBUTION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> free </B><I>The document contains sensitive information and is not suitable for free </I>(= unrestricted) </B><I>distribution. The previously free </I> (= not paid for) </B><I>distribution of textbooks will now be confined to students who are needy. </I><B>| general </B><I>Our catalogue lists all our books that are available for general distribution. </I><B>| selective | exclusive </B><I>The publisher has signed an agreement for the exclusive distribution of the books in the US. </I> <B>| proper | electronic </B><I>the electronic distribution of software to customers </I><B>| global, international, local, national, worldwide </B><I>Roads are used for local distribution of goods. </I><B>| electricity, food, fuel, gas, land, milk, water </B><I>the creation of 1,500 smallholdings as part of a land distribution programme </I><B>| retail, wholesale </B><I>the wholesale and retail distribution of a huge variety of goods </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTRIBUTION </U><B> control, handle, organize </B><I>The company is to handle the distribution of the product in Europe. </I><B>| available for </B><I>2,000 copies of the booklet have been printed and are available for distribution. </I><B>| ensure </B><I>to ensure the proper distribution of medical aid </I><B>| allow (for) </B><I>to allow for the distribution of aid </I> </P> <P> <U> DISTRIBUTION + NOUN </U><B> agreement, arrangement, deal </B><I>Her company has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement. </I><B>| list </B><I>I attach a copy of the distribution list so you can see who got the last edition. </I><B>| rights | costs | channel </B><I>We have man </I> <B>| network | method | system | facilities </B><I>The company wants to invest in new distribution facilities. </I> <B>| base, centre, depot, outlet, point </B><I>The company has decided to use Belfast as its distribution base. </I> | operation </B><I>The company has manufacturing or distribution operations in 33 countries worldwide. </I><B>| business, company | industry </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for ~ </B><I>free colour leaflets for distribution overseas </I><B>| ~ among </B><I>food for distribution among the villagers </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the distribution of the health budget between various hospitals </I><B>| ~ by </B><I>the distribution by the government of a leaflet explaining the new tax </I><B>| ~ through </B><I>distribution through department stores </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>The food was parcelled up for distribution to outlying communities. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a/the chain of distribution </B><I>There are savings to be made where retailers are bypassed in the chain of distribution. </I><B>| a channel of distribution </B> </P> noun
42228.3distributionpayment<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTRIBUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> capital, dividend, share | cash </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTRIBUTION </U><B> make </B><I>When are distributions likely to be made to creditors? </I><B>| be available for </B><I>These are company reserves available for distribution as the directors may determine. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>The promissory notes were purchased for distribution to investors. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
43229.1futuretime that will come after the present<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FUTURE </U> </P> <P> <U> FUTURE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> foreseeable, immediate, near, not-too-distant </B><I>Things will continue as they are for the foreseeable future. A new branch of the shop will be opening in the near future. </I><B>| distant, remote </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FUTURE </U><B> look to, plan for </B><I>Don't think too much about past troubles?look to the future. </I><B>| foretell, look into, predict </B> </P> <P> <U> FUTURE + VERB </U><B> bring (sb), hold </B><I>whatever the future may bring you Who can tell what the future holds? </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for the ~ </B><I>What are your plans for the future? </I><B>| in (the) ~ </B><I>In future, employees will park their vehicles away from the works entrance. The possibility of travel to other solar systems still lies in the distant future. </I><B>| of the ~ </B><I>The stars of the future are competing in the world junior athletics championships this month. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a vision for/of the future </B><I>In her speech, the director outlined her vision for the future. </I> </P> noun
44229.2futurewhat will happen to sb/sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FUTURE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> bright, great, promising, rosy, secure </B><I>He has a great future as a designer. </I><B>| bleak, dire, gloomy, grim, uncertain </B><I>He forecasts a dire future for the industry. </I><B>| long-term | economic, financial, political </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FUTURE </U><B> face, have </B><I>The firm faces a very uncertain future. </I><B>| determine, shape </B><I>the right to determine their own future in a democratic fashion </I><B>| forecast, predict, see | consider, ponder (on) </B><I>After being dropped from the team the young defender is considering his future. </I><B>| invest in </B><I>She decided to invest in her future by taking a management course. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ as </B><I>She has a very promising future as a musician. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>He could see no future in his job. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a question mark over the future of sb/sth </B><I>A question mark hangs over the future of the company after shares plunged to a record low. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
45231.1independentnot needing other people<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, feel, seem | become | remain | make sb </B><I>Travelling in Asia has made her a lot more independent. </I> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> fiercely, sturdily, very </B><I>Many disabled people are fiercely independent. </I><B>| completely | fairly, pretty, quite | economically, financially </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> of </B><I>By the age of eighteen he was completely independent of his parents. </I> </P> adj.
46231.2independentnot influenced or controlled by anyone else<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be | become | remain | make sth | declare sth </B><I>In 1961 the country was declared independent. </I> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> completely, entirely, fully, genuinely, quite, totally, truly, wholly | almost, fairly, largely, virtually | increasingly | effectively, essentially </B><I>The country has pursued an effectively independent line on military issues. </I><B>| nominally, supposedly | newly </B><I>newly independent countries </I><B>| politically </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>The country became fully independent from France in 1960. </I><B>| of </B><I>an organization that is independent of the government </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> adj.
47233.2.1featureinclude sth as an important part<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> regularly </B><I>Women's magazines regularly feature diets and exercise regimes. </I><B>| rarely </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> be featured in/on sth </B><I>His work is featured in a special documentary tonight. The school has been featured on television. </I> </P> verb
48233.2.2featurehave a part in sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> heavily, highly, largely, prominently, significantly, strongly </B><I>Reading over his past speeches, you'll see that housing, public health and education feature strongly. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in </B><I>Garlic features prominently in her recipes. </I> </P> verb
49234.1desire<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DESIRE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> burning, deep, great, strong, urgent | insatiable, overwhelming </B><I>Most children have an insatiable desire for knowledge. </I><B>| genuine, real | natural | sexual </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DESIRE </U><B> feel, have </B><I>I suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to laugh </I><B>| express </B><I>The chairman expressed his desire to expand the company. </I><B>| satisfy | be motivated by </B><I>They were motivated by a deep desire for money and fame. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>Horses need to satisfy their desire for space and freedom. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> an object of desire </B><I>He felt he was nothing more to her than an object of desire. </I> </P> noun
50234.2desire<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DESIRE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> greatly, really, sincerely, very much </B><I>A home of her own was something she had always very much desired. </I> </P> verb
51237.1consistentalways behaving in the same way<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be | remain </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> highly, remarkably, very | absolutely, completely, entirely, quite, wholly </B><I>His attitude isn't absolutely consistent. </I><B>| largely | fairly, reasonably </B> </P> adj.
52237.2consistentin agreement with sth<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, seem | remain </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> completely, entirely, fully, perfectly | broadly, largely | fairly, quite, reasonably | internally </B><I>His argument is not even internally consistent </I>(= different parts of the argument contradict each other)</B><I>. </I><B>| mutually </B><I>It is desirable that domestic and EU law should be mutually consistent. </I><B>| logically </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> across </B><I>These findings are consistent across all the studies. </I><B>| with </B><I>The figures are fully consistent with last year's results. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> adj.
53238.1.1basisstarting point<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BASIS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> firm, solid, sound </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BASIS </U><B> form, provide </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>The proposal provides a sound basis for a book. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> have no basis in sth </B><I>These allegations have no basis in fact. </I> </P> noun
54238.1.2basisprinciple/reason<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> whole </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on the ~ of </B><I>We made our decision on the basis of the information we had. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>The whole basis for your argument is false. </I> </P> noun
55238.1.3basisway sth is done/organized<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> regular | daily, monthly, weekly, etc. </B><I>Staff are employed on a monthly basis. </I><B>| permanent, temporary | casual, part-time, voluntary | commercial </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on a &hellip; ~</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
56238.2.1basisstarting point<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BASIS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> firm, solid, sound </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BASIS </U><B> form, provide </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>The proposal provides a sound basis for a book. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> have no basis in sth </B><I>These allegations have no basis in fact. </I> </P> noun
57238.2.2basisprinciple/reason<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> whole </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on the ~ of </B><I>We made our decision on the basis of the information we had. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>The whole basis for your argument is false. </I> </P> noun
58238.2.3basisway sth is done/organized<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> regular | daily, monthly, weekly, etc. </B><I>Staff are employed on a monthly basis. </I><B>| permanent, temporary | casual, part-time, voluntary | commercial </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on a &hellip; ~</B> </P> noun
59239.1contrast<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRAST </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> clear, marked, sharp, stark, startling, striking, strong </B><I>There is a stark contrast between the lives of the rich and those of the poor. </I><B>| complete, direct </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRAST </U><B> make, offer, provide </B><I>The fresh fruit provides a contrast to the rich chocolate pudding. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast. </I><B>| in ~ (to/with) </B><I>The company lost $13 million this year, in contrast with a profit of $15 million last year. </I><B>| ~ between, ~ in </B><I>The contrast in appearance between the sisters was striking. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>This busy social life was a complete contrast to his old quiet life. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> stand in &hellip; contrast to sb/sth </B><I>Their attitudes towards love and marriage stand in stark contrast to those of their parents. </I> </P> noun
60239.2.1contrastcompare things in order to show differences<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> favourably, unfavourably </B><I>He contrasted her brashness unfavourably with his mother's gentleness. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> with </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> compare and contrast </B><I>Compare and contrast the two main characters in the play. </I> </P> verb
61239.2.2contrastbe clearly different<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> markedly, sharply, starkly, strikingly, strongly, vividly | nicely | oddly | favourably, unfavourably </B><I>The open approach contrasts favourably with the exclusivity of some universities. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> with </B><I>This statement contrasts starkly with his previous statements. </I> </P> verb
62243.1distinctionclear difference<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTINCTION </U> </P> <P> <U> DISTINCTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> critical, crucial, important, key, main, major, vital | basic, essential, fundamental, underlying | clear, clear-cut, definite, marked, obvious, real, rigid, sharp, strong | fine, subtle | broad, general | crude, simple | logical, valid | useful | arbitrary, artificial | invidious </B><I>making invidious distinctions between the &lsquo;deserving&rsquo; and the &lsquo;undeserving&rsquo; poor </I><B>| absolute </B><I>Is there always an absolute distinction between right and wrong? </I><B>| conventional, old, traditional </B><I>the conventional distinction between pure and applied science </I><B>| formal | conceptual | theoretical | class, cultural, gender, moral </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTINCTION </U><B> draw, make </B><I>She draws an important distinction between the different kinds of illness. </I><B>| recognize, see </B><I>We can see a sharp distinction between ambition and greed. </I><B>| blur </B><I>blurring the distinction between amateur and professional players </I> </P> <P> <U> DISTINCTION + VERB </U><B> lie </B><I>Cultural distinctions lie at the heart of these issues. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> without ~ </B><I>All groups are entitled to this money without distinction </I>(= without a difference being made between them)</B><I>. </I><B>| ~ between </B> </P> noun
63243.2distinctionexcellence/fame<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTINCTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> considerable, great | modest | dubious | rare | unique | added | academic, intellectual, professional, social </B><I>Wearing the county tie was a mark of modest social distinction. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISTINCTION </U><B> have </B><I>He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt. </I><B>| achieve </B><I>She achieved distinction in several fields of scholarship. </I><B>| add </B><I>Fennel leaves add distinction to any dish. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> of ~ </B><I>She is a historian of great distinction. </I><B>| with ~ </B><I>He served with distinction in the First World War. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
64245.1varietynot being the same; different kinds of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VARIETY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> amazing, astonishing, bewildering, considerable, endless, enormous, exciting, extraordinary, fascinating, good, great, huge, impressive, incredible, infinite, large, remarkable, rich, surprising, tremendous, vast, wide, wonderful </B><I>The market sold a bewildering variety of cheeses. the rich variety of the local bird life </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VARIETY </U><B> add, give, offer </B><I>Dealing with customers adds variety to the job. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> of &hellip; ~ </B><I>a country of great variety </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>There is wide variety in shape and colour. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>Menus offer a good variety of seafood. </I> </P> noun
65245.2varietyparticular type of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> distinctive | common-or-garden, standard | rare, unusual | different </B><I>There are hundreds of different varieties of apple. </I><B>| new, old </B><I>Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
66251.1toolinstrument for making/repairing things<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TOOL </U> </P> <P> <U> TOOL + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> general-purpose, multi-purpose | basic, primitive, standard, traditional </B><I>craftsmen using traditional tools </I><B>| sophisticated, special | sharp | rusting/rusty | cutting, drawing, measuring | cordless, hand, machine, power | agricultural, engineering, farm, garden/gardening, industrial, woodworking </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> set </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TOOL </U><B> use | sharpen | blunt </B><I>Cutting concrete would blunt a metal-cutting tool. </I><B>| down ~s </B><I>Workers downed tools </I>(= stopped work) </B><I>in protest at poor safety standards in the works. </I> </P> <P> <U> TOOL + NOUN </U><B> kit </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the tool/tools of the trade </B><I>The guitarist opened the case and took out the tool of his trade. </I> </P> noun
67251.2toolsth that helps you do/achieve sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> effective, essential, important, indispensable, invaluable, major, necessary, powerful, useful, valuable, vital | educational, learning, reference, research </B><I>This dictionary is an invaluable reference tool for advanced learners. </I><B>| ideological, negotiating, political, propaganda </B><I>We must ensure that education is not used as a political tool. </I><B>| communication, management, marketing | analysis/analytical, design, desktop, development, drawing, multimedia, presentation, programming, software</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
68254.1laborwork<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LABOUR </U> </P> <P> <U> LABOUR + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> manual, physical | forced, hard </B><I>He was sentenced to four years hard labour for his crime. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LABOUR </U><B> withdraw </B><I>The miners are threatening to withdraw their labour. </I> </P> <P> <U> LABOUR + NOUN </U><B> market </B><I>an increasingly competitive labour market </I> </P> noun
69254.2laborworkers<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> LABOUR + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> cheap | casual | skilled, unskilled | child, migrant, slave </B><I>It is thought that Stonehenge was built using slave labour. </I> </P> <P> <U> LABOUR + NOUN </U><B> force </B><I>the size of the labour force </I><B>| cost/costs | relations </B> </P> noun
70254.3laborgiving birth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LABOUR </U> </P> <P> <U> LABOUR + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> difficult, easy | long, short </B><I>The baby was born after a long labour. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LABOUR </U><B> go into </B><I>She went into labour two weeks early. </I><B>| induce </B><I>Labour was induced when the baby was ten days overdue. </I> </P> <P> <U> LABOUR + NOUN </U><B> room, ward | pains </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>She was in labour for ten hours. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
71255.1engage<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENGAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENGAGE </U> </P> adj.
72255.2engage<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENGAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENGAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> directly, fully </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENGAGE </U><B> fail to, refuse to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> with </B><I>acknowledging the need to engage directly with these problems </I><B>PHRASAL VERBS engage (sb) in sth </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> actively </B><I>people who actively engage in shaping the world they live in </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENGAGE </U><B> attempt to, seek to, try to </B><I>He tried to engage me in conversation. </I><B>| be eager to, be willing to | be reluctant to, be unwilling to</B> </P> verb
73256.1separate<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SEPARATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SEPARATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be | become | remain | keep sb/sth </B><I>The women are kept separate from the men. </I><B>| consider sth </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> very, widely </B><I>I kept my two lives very separate. species from widely separate parts of the world </I><B>| absolutely, completely, entirely, quite, totally, wholly </B><I>The waste water is kept entirely separate from the rainwater. </I><B>| largely | rather, relatively, somewhat | essentially </B><I>The two groups are essentially separate and independent. </I><B>| apparently | hitherto, previously </B><I>to merge the two previously separate businesses </I><B>| geographically, physically </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>a lifestyle which is quite separate from that of her parents </I> </P> adj.
74256.2.1separatemove/keep people/things apart<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SEPARATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> completely, totally | carefully | clearly </B><I>These two branches of the science have now become clearly separated. </I><B>| effectively | easily, readily </B><I>One cannot easily separate moral, social and political issues. </I><B>| formally | legally | physically, spatially | out </B><I>A magnet separates out scrap iron from the rubbish. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SEPARATE </U><B> attempt to, try to | be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to </B><I>It was impossible to separate the rival fans. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>separating the boys from the girls </I><B>| into </B><I>I separated the documents into two piles. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> sharply separated </B><I>The disciplines of science and engineering are not always sharply separated. </I><B>| widely separated </B><I>The two groups became widely separated. </I> </P> verb
75256.2.2separatestop living together<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SEPARATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> legally </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SEPARATE </U><B> decide to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>She is separated from her husband. </I> </P> verb
76259.1assessform an opinion<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ASSESS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> fully | accurately, correctly, properly </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ASSESS </U><B> attempt to, try to | help to | be difficult to </B><I>It is difficult to fully assess the damage. </I> </P> verb
77259.2assessamount/value<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ASSESS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> accurately, correctly, properly </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ASSESS </U><B> attempt to, try to | be difficult to </B><I>It is difficult to assess the building's value properly without seeing it. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> at </B><I>The legal costs have been assessed at </I>&pound;</B><I>75,000. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
78260.1objective<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + OBJECTIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, seem | remain </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> truly, very | completely, purely, totally, wholly </B><I>It is impossible to be completely objective. </I><B>| fairly, quite, reasonably | apparently | supposedly</B> </P> adj.
79260.2objective<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + OBJECTIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> key, main, major, primary, prime, principal | broad, overall, overriding, ultimate | limited, narrow | long-term, short-term | clear, specific | stated </B><I>The legislation has failed to achieve its stated objectives. </I><B>| common </B><I>The two groups are pursuing a common objective. </I><B>| economic, educational, environmental, military, political, strategic | business, policy </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + OBJECTIVE </U><B> accomplish, achieve, attain, fulfil, meet, reach, succeed in </B><I>The department needs more money to fulfil its objectives. </I><B>| fail in | agree, define, establish, formulate, identify, set, specify </B><I>We need to establish a clear objective. </I><B>| declare, state | clarify | promote, pursue </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in an/the ~ </B><I>The party is radical in its objectives. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>We succeeded in our prime objective of cutting costs. </I> </P> noun
80262.1adoptchild<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> legally </B><I>The child has now been legally adopted. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> have sb adopted </B><I>She was forced to have her baby adopted. </I> </P> verb
81262.2adopttake and use sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADOPT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> formally, officially </B><I>The policy has not yet been formally adopted. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADOPT </U><B> tend to | decide to | be forced to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> towards </B><I>the policies employers adopt towards the labour force </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
82263.1viewopinion/idea about sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VIEW </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> general, popular, prevailing, widely held </B><I>The prevailing view is that he has done a good job in difficult circumstances. </I><B>| conflicting, differing, divergent, opposing, polarized </B><I>The debate brings together experts with conflicting views. </I><B>| clear, forthright, strong </B><I>He's a doctor with clear views on how to prevent illness. </I><B>| idealized, optimistic, positive, romantic, rosy </B><I>Her rosy view of life abroad seems rather naive. </I><B>| jaundiced, negative, pessimistic </B><I>After his experience in jail, he has a pretty jaundiced view of the penal system. </I><B>| conventional </B><I>The conventional view is that work is pleasant and rewarding. </I><B>| unorthodox | minority | political | liberal, modern, progressive, radical | moderate | conservative, reactionary | extremist, hard-line | stereotyped, stereotypical | informed | ill-informed, uninformed | world </B><I>His world view revolves around a battle between rich and poor. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VIEW </U><B> have, hold | take </B><I>I took the view that an exception should be made in this case. </I><B>| air, convey, expound, express, make known, present, put forward </B><I>The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views. She picked up the phone and made her views known to her boss. </I><B>| discuss, exchange, share </B><I>At the meeting, we hope people will exchange views freely. </I><B>| canvass, solicit </B><I>He called a meeting to solicit the views of his staff. </I><B>| reflect, represent </B><I>His letter to the management did not reflect the views of his colleagues. </I><B>| adhere to, agree with, endorse | confirm, support | challenge </B><I>His music challenges the view that modern jazz is inaccessible. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in your ~ </B><I>In my view it was a waste of time. </I><B>| ~ about </B><I>Teachers generally keep their views about politics hidden. </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>Experts hold widely differing views on this subject. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> an exchange of views </B><I>It's good to have a full and frank exchange of views. </I><B>| a point of view </B><I>From a teacher's point of view, activities that can be done with minimal preparation are invaluable. </I><B>| take a dim view of sth </B>(= have a poor opinion of sth) <I>My mother takes a pretty dim view of my cooking skills. </I> </P> noun
83263.2viewability to see/be seen from a particular place<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VIEW </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> good, grandstand, wonderful | poor, terrible </B><I>We had a poor view of the stage from where we were sitting. </I><B>| clear, unimpeded, uninterrupted, unobstructed | back, front, rear, side </B><I>The picture shows a front view of the car. </I><B>| close, close-up | public </B><I>Tensions within the band remained hidden from public view. </I><B>| overall </B><I>(figurative) The staff handbook gives an overall view of the company. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VIEW </U><B> get, have </B><I>The pillar prevented me getting a clear view of the action. </I><B>| give sb </B><I>The patio gave an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea. </I><B>| block </B><I>A woman in a very large hat was blocking my view of the procession. </I><B>| come into </B><I>A large truck suddenly came into view. </I><B>| disappear from </B><I>They stood waving on the platform, until the train disappeared from view. </I><B>| be hidden from </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>There was nobody in view. </I><B>| on ~ </B><I>The carriage was put on view for the public to see. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> in full view (of sth) </B><I>He was shot in full view of a large crowd. </I> </P> noun
84263.3viewscenery<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VIEW </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> breathtaking, fine, lovely, magnificent, spectacular, splendid, stunning, superb, wonderful </B><I>a room with a breathtaking view across the bay </I><B>| commanding, panoramic | mountain, sea, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VIEW </U><B> afford, boast, enjoy, give, have </B><I>Most rooms enjoy panoramic views of the sea. The large windows give fine views of the surrounding countryside. </I><B>| admire, enjoy </B><I>a place to unwind and enjoy the view </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ across/over </B><I>a view over the valley </I><B>| ~ from </B><I>the view from his apartment </I><B>| ~ of </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a room with a view</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
85266.1instrument<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> adj.
86266.2.1instrumenttool for a particular task<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> precision | sophisticated | reliable | crude | blunt </B><I>The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument. (figurative) Even though it was a somewhat blunt instrument </I>(= not very precise)</B><I>, our questionnaire provided us with some interesting ideas. </I><B>| sharp | small | delicate | appropriate | research | drawing, measuring, writing | astronomical, flight, flying, mathematical, medical, navigation, navigational, optical, scientific, surgical | cockpit </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> set </B><I>a set of mathematical instruments </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U><B> use </B><I>All pupils should learn to use drawing instruments. </I><B>| check, read </B><I>to read the instruments and make a note of the wind speed and direction </I><B>| design, develop, devise, invent | build, make </B><I>All the instruments are made from glass capillary tubing. </I> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + VERB </U><B> measure sth </B><I>an instrument that measures light intensity </I> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + NOUN </U><B> check </B><I>The pilot did his instrument checks and taxied towards the runway. </I><B>| maker | panel </B><I>There was a warning light flashing on the instrument panel. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> an instrument of torture </B><I>medieval instruments of torture such as the rack and the wheel </I> </P> noun
87266.2.2instrumentfor playing music<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> musical | beautiful, fine | classical | modern | period </B><I>baroque music played on period instruments </I><B>| solo | orchestral | brass, keyboard, percussion, string/stringed, wind, woodwind | acoustic, electric, electronic </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U><B> play (on) </B><I>She plays three musical instruments. The score was written to be played on a keyboard instrument. </I><B>| learn, learn (how) to play | tune </B><I>Ensure the instrument is tuned to concert pitch. </I><B>| make </B><I>an instrument made by a woman guitar maker in Canada </I> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + VERB </U><B> sound </B><I>The instrument sounds like a cello. </I> </P> <P> <U> INSTRUMENT + NOUN </U><B> maker </B>&gt; Special page at MUSIC </B> </P> noun
88266.2.3instrumentsb/sth used to make sth happen<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> chief, key, main, major, prime, principal | good, great </B><I>They agreed that the UN was the best instrument for reaching agreement. </I><B>| ideal | important, valuable | powerful | useful | effective | flexible | mere </B><I>Some cynics say that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination. </I><B>| chosen </B><I>The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence. </I><B>| divine | political </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INSTRUMENT </U><B> perceive sb/sth as, regard sb/sth as, see sb/sth as, view sb/sth as </B><I>They saw criminal law as an instrument for improving public morals. </I><B>| use sb/sth as | make sb/sth </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>Criminal law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>She was accused of making a public service an instrument of private advantage. </I> </P> noun
89269.1.1demandfirm request<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> legitimate, realistic, reasonable </B><I>I think your demand for higher wages is perfectly reasonable. </I><B>| unrealistic, unreasonable | radical | urgent | central, key, main, major | fresh, new, renewed </B><I>There have been renewed demands for the government to take action to reduce crime. </I><B>| growing, increasing | final </B><I>A final demand for payment had been issued. </I><B>| written | financial, political | government, opposition, popular, public, royal, union </B><I>The management had no intention of meeting union demands. </I><B>| pay, ransom, tax, wage </B><I>A ransom demand has been made for the kidnapped racehorse. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U><B> issue, make, present, press, put forward </B><I>Demands have been made for the immediate distribution of food to the refugees. </I><B>| renew, repeat, step up </B><I>Campaigners have stepped up their demands for immediate government action. </I><B>| face | respond to | agree to, give in to, meet, satisfy, yield to </B><I>My government cannot give in to the demands of an illegal organization. </I><B>| reject, resist </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on ~ </B><I>Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand. </I><B>| ~ for, ~ from </B><I>demands from the opposition for a recount of the votes </I> </P> noun
90269.1.2demandneed/desire for goods/services<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U> </P> <P> <U> DEMAND + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> big, buoyant, considerable, enormous, great, heavy, high, huge, insatiable, peak, strong, unprecedented </B><I>Demand for the product is buoyant. There's always a great demand for our soups in winter. </I><B>| burgeoning, growing, increased/increasing, rising | excess, extra | constant, steady </B><I>She is in constant demand to make public appearances and give interviews. </I><B>| changing, fluctuating, seasonal | current, future | latent, likely, pent-up, potential, projected, prospective | overall, total </B><I>We can estimate that total market demand for electrical goods will rise by 8%. </I><B>| declining, falling, limited, low, reduced, sluggish | consumer, customer, market, popular, public </B><I>By popular demand, the play will run for another week. </I><B>| domestic, export, foreign, local, world, worldwide </B><I>The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports. </I><B>| electricity, energy, housing, labour, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> level </B><I>a high level of demand </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U><B> cope with, meet, satisfy </B><I>The factories are staying open all weekend to try to meet the consumer demand for this product. </I><B>| create, generate </B><I>It is the job of the marketing manager to create demand for the new product. </I><B>| boost, increase, stimulate | reduce | exceed, outstrip </B><I>Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods. </I><B>| forecast </B><I>It can be difficult to forecast demand in the construction industry. </I><B>| manage </B><I>policies aimed at managing demand </I> </P> <P> <U> DEMAND + VERB </U><B> grow, increase, rise </B><I>Demand for personal computers has risen sharply. </I><B>| decline, fall, slow (down) </B><I>As demand slows, the need to export will return. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>These old machines are still in demand. </I><B>| ~ among </B><I>the potential demand among children </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>increased demand for health products </I><B>| ~ from </B><I>the demand from consumers </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>This section of the population makes a high demand on health care resources. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> supply and demand </B><I>the law of supply and demand </I> &gt; Special page at BUSINESS </P> noun
91269.1.3demanddemands: difficult/tiring things you have to do <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> considerable, enormous, excessive, extra, great, heavy, high, impossible </B><I>I think the demands of this job are excessive. </I><B>| exacting, pressing | growing, increasing | competing, conflicting, contradictory | day-to-day, everyday </B><I>the day-to-day demands of the job </I><B>| immediate </B><I>the need for scientific research freed from the immediate demands of industry </I><B>| external </B><I>The person who cannot say &lsquo;no&rsquo; to others' requests is likely to be overwhelmed by external demands. </I><B>| economic, emotional, financial, physical, practical, sexual, social, technical </B><I>Life is hard for nurses on children's wards, where the emotional demands can be overwhelming. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U><B> impose, make, place </B><I>My elderly parents make a lot of demands on me. </I><B>| respond to | cope with </B><I>coping with the conflicting demands of work and family life </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ on/upon </B><I>My work seems to make more and more demands on my time. </I> </P> noun
92269.2demand<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U> </P> <P> <U> DEMAND + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEMAND </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> aggressively, angrily, coldly, fiercely, furiously, harshly, indignantly, irritably, roughly, sharply </B><I>&lsquo;Where are the keys?&rsquo; she demanded angrily. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>He had demanded money from her. </I><B>| of </B><I>They failed to provide the information demanded of them. </I> </P> verb
93270.1visionability to see </B><P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VISION </U> </P> <P> <U> VISION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> 20/20, excellent, perfect </B><I>The eye test shows she has perfect vision. </I><B>| normal | clear </B><I>The rain prevented her having clear vision of the road ahead. </I><B>| blurred, defective, distorted, impaired, poor | double, tunnel </B><I>(often figurative) </I><B>| all-round </B><I>The high driving position gives excellent all-round vision. </I><B>| binocular, stereoscopic | X-ray | distance </B><I>I can read without glasses, but my distance vision is poor. </I><B>| night | peripheral </B><I>Use your peripheral vision widely when moving from place to place. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VISION </U><B> have | give (sb) | obscure, restrict | blur </B><I>The tears blurred her vision. </I><B>| improve </B> </P> <P> <U> VISION + VERB </U><B> clear </B><I>Her vision cleared and she realized Niall was standing beside her. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> across your ~ </B><I>A bird shot across her vision. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> your field of vision </B><I>She was aware of shapes moving across her field of vision. </I><B>| your line of vision </B><I>Someone was standing in my line of vision so I couldn't see the screen. </I> </P> noun
94270.2visionpicture in your imagination<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VISION </U> </P> <P> <U> VISION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> disturbing, dreadful, ghastly, horrible | bleak | inner, intuitive, mental, spiritual | mystic/mystical, prophetic, religious </B><I>A young girl in the village experienced a prophetic vision. </I><B>| poetic | apocalyptic </B><I>an apocalyptic vision of the end of civilization </I><B>| momentary, sudden </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VISION </U><B> experience, have, receive </B><I>I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost. </I><B>| conjure up </B><I>The word &lsquo;island&rsquo; conjures up a vision of a relaxing summer holiday. </I> </P> <P> <U> VISION + VERB </U><B> fade </B><I>As he approached, the vision faded and there was no one there. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>The idea came to her in a vision. </I><B>| ~ of </B> </P> noun
95270.3visionability to see/plan for the future<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VISION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great | imaginative | alternative | broad, comprehensive, global, wide </B><I>The company needs to develop a global vision. </I><B>| narrow | overall | personal | clear </B><I>The engineers had a clear vision of what they wanted to achieve. </I><B>| common </B><I>They share a common vision for the development of health services. </I><B>| strategic | political | revolutionary | romantic, Utopian </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VISION </U><B> have | develop | convey, expand on/upon, outline, promote </B><I>He outlined his vision for the new economic order. </I> <B>| impose </B><I>The new leader set about imposing his vision on the party. </I><B>| share | cloud </B><I>He was determined not to let emotions cloud his vision. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> of ~ </B><I>a statesman of great vision </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>a vision for the future </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>an alternative vision of society </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> breadth of vision </B><I>His plans for the country's future show a remarkable breadth of vision. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
96273.1solutionto a problem, difficult situation, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> complete, comprehensive | partial | effective, good, happy, ideal, neat, optimal, perfect, real </B><I>His plan does not offer a real solution to the problem. </I><B>| acceptable | satisfactory, workable | correct, right | easy, obvious, simple | possible | feasible, practical, realistic, viable | cost-effective | creative, imaginative, ingenious | drastic, radical | early, immediate, instant, quick, speedy </B><I>The UN representative stressed the urgency of an early solution. </I><B>| final, lasting, long-term, permanent, ultimate | interim, short-term, temporary | proposed | pragmatic | compromise, negotiated | diplomatic, peaceful, political | military | technical </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SOLUTION </U><B> look for, seek, work towards | achieve, agree (on), arrive at, come up with, find, produce, reach, work out </B><I>attempts to find a comprehensive political solution to the crisis </I><B>| propose, put forward, suggest | adopt | offer, provide </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>a quick solution for dealing with the paper shortage </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>They were seeking an ultimate solution to the city's traffic problem. </I> </P> noun
97273.2solutionliquid in which a solid has been dissolved<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> SOLUTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> concentrated, neat, strong | dilute, weak | saturated | acid | alkaline | aqueous | saline, salt | bicarbonate, sodium chloride, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> SOLUTION + VERB </U><B> contain </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>aluminium ions in solution </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
98275.1conclusionopinion reached after considering the facts<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONCLUSION </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> correct | logical, reasonable, valid | inescapable, inevitable, obvious | erroneous, false, wrong | main | hasty </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONCLUSION </U><B> arrive at, come to, draw, reach </B><I>I can't draw any conclusions from what she said. </I><B>| jump to, leap to </B><I>We don't want to jump to the wrong conclusion. Don't go jumping to conclusions before you know the facts. </I><B>| lead to, point to </B><I>It all points to the conclusion that nobody knew what was going on. </I> </P> noun
99275.2conclusionending of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONCLUSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> satisfactory, successful | foregone </B><I>The result of the match was a foregone conclusion. </I><B>| hasty </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONCLUSION </U><B> bring about, bring sth to </B><I>The meeting was brought to a hasty conclusion. </I><B>| come to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>In conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your hard work. </I>&gt; Special page at MEETING </B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
100277.1presencebeing present<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRESENCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> mere </B><I>The mere presence of children in the room is enough to upset him. </I><B>| constant, continued, continuing, permanent | strong </B><I>The company now has a strong presence in Germany. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRESENCE </U><B> indicate, reveal, show </B><I>These chemicals could indicate the presence of water on the planet. </I><B>| acknowledge </B><I>He acknowledged our presence with a nod of his head. </I><B>| detect | grace sb with </B><I>(ironic or humorous) How nice of you to grace us with your presence! </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in sb's ~ </B><I>He should never have made those remarks in your presence. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> make your presence felt/known </B><I>She certainly made her presence felt in the boardroom. </I> </P> noun
101277.2presencenumber of people<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRESENCE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> constant | military, police </B><I>There was a strong police presence throughout the demonstration. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRESENCE </U><B> maintain </B><I>The army maintains a constant presence in the area. </I> </P> noun
102277.3presenceforce of personality<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRESENCE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> charismatic, commanding, formidable, great, imposing, powerful, strong | stage </B><I>He had a formidable stage presence. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRESENCE </U><B> have</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
103278.2.1claimsay that sth is true<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLAIM </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> justifiably, rightfully, rightly | falsely, wrongly </B><I>The company had falsely claimed that its products were biodegradable. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLAIM </U><B> attempt to, try to </B><I>He tried to claim that he had acted in self-defence. </I> </P> verb
104278.2.2claimask for sth you think you have a right to have<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLAIM </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> back </B><I>You can claim back some of the cost of your treatment. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLAIM </U><B> be able to, be entitled to, can/could </B><I>You might be entitled to claim compensation if you are injured at work. </I><B>| attempt to, try to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on </B><I>Can't you claim on your insurance? </I> </P> verb
105281.1failurelack of success<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U> </P> <P> <U> FAILURE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> complete, total | abject, humiliating, ignominious </B><I>The attempt ended in abject failure. </I><B>| inevitable | costly | alleged, apparent, perceived | evident | comparative, relative | initial </B><I>Initial failure was followed by unexpected, if modest, success. </I><B>| ultimate </B><I>War is the ultimate failure of public communication. </I><B>| personal | moral | academic | economic, financial | military </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U><B> be doomed to, end in, result in </B><I>All her efforts were doomed to failure. </I><B>| admit, confess </B><I>He was too proud to admit failure. </I><B>| expect </B><I>Children who are doing badly tend to expect failure and criticism. </I><B>| fear | avoid </B> </P> <P> <U> FAILURE + NOUN </U><B> rate </B><I>There is a high failure rate with this treatment. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> fear of failure </B><I>Fear of failure should not deter you from trying. </I><B>| a history of failure </B><I>John had a long history of academic failure. </I><B>| a possibility/risk of failure, a sense of failure </B> </P> noun
106281.2failureunsuccessful person/thing<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U> </P> <P> <U> FAILURE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great, serious | complete, total, utter | catastrophic, disastrous | abject, conspicuous, dismal, humiliating, ignominious, lamentable, miserable | costly | heroic </B><I>Her ideas were large: if she could not succeed, she would at least be a heroic failure. </I><B>| alleged, apparent, perceived | evident | comparative, relative | past </B><I>to learn from past failures </I><B>| rare </B><I>The film was one of the rare failures in his career. </I><B>| unexpected | personal | collective | moral | academic | economic, financial </B><I>economic failure and increasing unemployment </I><B>| military </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U><B> be, represent | prove </B><I>The venture proved a costly failure. </I><B>| feel </B><I>I felt a complete failure. </I><B>| consider sb/sth, regard sb/sth as | brand sb/sth, pronounce sb/sth </B><I>Her parents had long since branded her a failure. </I> </P> <P> <U> FAILURE + VERB </U><B> arise from sth </B><I>failures arising from circumstances beyond your control </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>The decision to withdraw funding represents a failure of imagination. </I> </P> noun
107281.3failurenot doing sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> fundamental | general | manifest | consistent, constant, continued/continuing, persistent, repeated | government, management </B><I>government failure to listen to the voice of the electorate </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U><B> excuse, justify </B><I>seeking to excuse his failure to ask her permission </I> </P> noun
108281.4failureof a machine/system/part of the body, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U> </P> <P> <U> FAILURE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> battery, brake, component, computer, engine, equipment, mechanical, power, system, technical | bank, business, commercial, company, corporate, market </B><I>Business failures rose by 30% in 2001. </I><B>| brain, heart, kidney, liver | crop, harvest | communication </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FAILURE </U><B> cause, lead to, result in </B><I>a rare viral infection that can lead to heart failure </I> </P> <P> <U> FAILURE + VERB </U><B> occur </B><I>A power failure occurred between 4 and 5 p.m. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ in </B><I>a failure in the computer system </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
109282.1advance<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> adj.
110282.2.1advanceforward movement<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> rapid | Allied, British, German, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U><B> make </B><I>The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines. </I><B>| order </B><I>The general ordered an advance to the front line. </I><B>| halt, resist, stop </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on ~ </B><I>the advance on Leningrad </I><B>| to ~, towards ~ </B><I>the Russian advance towards Berlin </I> </P> noun
111282.2.2advancedevelopment<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, spectacular, substantial, tremendous | important, major, notable, remarkable, significant | rapid, steady </B><I>rapid advances in science and technology </I><B>| recent | economic, educational, medical, political, scientific, social, technical, technological | theoretical </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U><B> make </B><I>We need more money if we are to make any further advances in this area of science. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>two major advances in orthopaedic medicine </I><B>| on ~ </B><I>an advance on the existing techniques </I><B>| towards ~ </B><I>an advance towards a better understanding of God </I> </P> noun
112282.2.3advancemoney<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> large | cash </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U><B> give, pay </B><I>The publishers have paid me an advance. </I><B>| get, receive </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>an advance of </I>&pound;</B><I>10,000 </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>He was paid </I>&pound;</B><I>5,000 as an advance on royalties. </I></P> noun
113282.2.4advanceadvances: sexual <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> amorous, sexual </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADVANCE </U><B> make </B><I>He made amorous advances to one of his students. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to</B> </P> noun
114282.3.1advancemove forward<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> quickly, rapidly | cautiously, slowly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>advancing from the south </I><B>| into </B><I>The troops advanced into central Europe. </I><B>| on/upon </B><I>The army advanced on the capital. </I><B>| towards </B><I>He advanced towards me in aggressive style. </I> </P> verb
115282.3.2advancedevelop<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> considerably, greatly, significantly | rapidly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> beyond </B><I>Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition. </I> </P> verb
116283.1connectionrelationship between two things<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> clear, close, direct, intimate, strong </B><I>There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement. </I><B>| tenuous | obvious | causal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U><B> have </B><I>His death had no connection with drugs. </I><B>| discover, establish, find, make, see </B><I>Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma. She did not make the connection between her diet and her poor health. </I><B>| break, sever </B><I>She wanted to sever all her connections with the firm. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ with </B><I>I am writing in connection with your recent job application. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the connection between crime and alcohol </I><B>| ~ to/with </B><I>What is your connection with the school? </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> in that/this connection </B>(= for reasons connected with sth recently mentioned) </P> noun
117283.2connectionplace where wires/pipes join together<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U> </P> <P> <U> CONNECTION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> loose | electrical, pipe </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U><B> break </B><I>If you break the connection, the light won't come on. </I> </P> <P> <U> CONNECTION + NOUN </U><B> charge </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>waiting for connection to the water mains </I> </P> noun
118283.3connectionbus/train/plane<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> good | bus, rail/railway, train </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U><B> make | miss </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>There are good connections between the resort and major cities. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>We'll be lucky if we make our connection to Paris. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>good connections with New York </I> </P> noun
119283.4connectionperson you know<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> good | aristocratic | business, family, personal, political, professional, social </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONNECTION </U><B> have </B><I>I have some good business connections in New York. He has connections </I>(= he knows important people who would be able to help him)</B><I>. </I><B>| use </B><I>She used her connections to get the job. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
120284.1journalserious magazine<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOURNAL </U> </P> <P> <U> JOURNAL + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> JOURNAL + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> academic, learned, scholarly | professional, technical, trade | house/in-house </B><I>the house journal of the South Western Gas Board </I><B>| non-specialist, specialist | research, reviewing | business, literary, medical, science/scientific | august, highly-ranked/high-ranking, leading, major, prestigious </B><I>&lsquo;Nature&rsquo; was the highest-ranked journal in thte survey. </I><B>| official </B><I>It's the official journal of the Medical Foundation. </I><B>| international, national | monthly, quarterly, weekly </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> copy </B><I>Please send me two copies of your new journal. </I><B>| edition, issue, volume </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOURNAL </U><B> read | edit, write for </B><I>an academic who writes for specialist journals </I><B>| produce, publish | buy, get, subscribe to </B><I>She subscribes to quite a few academic journals. </I> </P> <P> <U> JOURNAL + VERB </U><B> come out </B><I>The journal comes out five times a year. </I> </P> <P> <U> JOURNAL + NOUN </U><B> article | editor </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>an article in a medical journal </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>the British Journal of Geology </I> </P> noun
121284.2journaldiary<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOURNAL </U> </P> <P> <U> JOURNAL + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> private | daily </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOURNAL </U><B> keep, write </B><I>Lady Franklin kept a daily journal of the voyage. </I><B>| read </B> </P> <P> <U> JOURNAL + NOUN </U><B> entry </B><I>Her journal entry for that day describes a thunder storm. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>The events are all recorded in her journal. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>He wrote a journal of his travels. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
122285.1initiativenew plan<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INITIATIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> INITIATIVE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> fresh, new </B><I>fresh initiatives to find a peaceful end to the conflict </I><B>| pioneering </B><I>pioneering initiatives in bioengineering </I><B>| current, latest, recent | important, major | welcome | successful | practical | exciting | private | co-operative, joint | international, local, national, regional | government | business, diplomatic, economic, education/educational, environmental, marketing, peace, policy, political, research, training </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> range, series </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INITIATIVE </U><B> undertake </B><I>The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists. </I><B>| plan | develop | announce | introduce, launch, set up, start </B><I>The government has launched a new policy initiative. </I><B>| be/become involved in </B><I>Ten schools have been involved in the initiative. </I><B>| lead | approve | reject </B><I>The peace initiative was rejected out of hand. </I><B>| sponsor </B><I>a peace initiative sponsored by the Organization of African Unity </I><B>| endorse, support </B><I>The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger. </I><B>| welcome </B><I>We welcome the government's initiative to help the homeless. </I><B>| praise | encourage </B> </P> <P> <U> INITIATIVE + VERB </U><B> be aimed at sth, be designed to </B><I>a local initiative aimed at economic regeneration an initiative designed to promote collaborative research </I><B>| involve sth, relate to sth | founder </B><I>The initiative foundered because there was no market interest in redevelopment. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ against </B><I>a new initiative against car theft </I><B>| ~ by </B><I>the latest initiative by the UN Secretary General </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>an initiative for peace and human rights </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>the government's major new initiative on crime </I>&gt; Special page at BUSINESS </B> </P> noun
123285.2initiativeability to decide/act independently<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INITIATIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> considerable, great, real | individual, personal, private </B><I>It is a very hierarchical company and there's little place for individual initiative. </I><B>| entrepreneurial </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INITIATIVE </U><B> have </B><I>He had the initiative to ask what time the last train left. </I><B>| display, show | act/work on your own, use </B><I>He acted on his own initiative and wasn't following orders. Don't ask me what you should do all the time. Use your initiative! </I><B>| lack | encourage, promote | stifle </B><I>Raising taxes on small businesses will stifle initiative. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on sb's ~ </B><I>The project was set up on the initiative of a local landowner. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>Some scientists show little initiative in applying their knowledge. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a lack of initiative, on your own initiative </B><I>In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seven civilians. </I> </P> noun
124285.3initiativethe initiative: opportunity to gain an advantage <P> <U> VERB + INITIATIVE </U> </P> <P> <U> INITIATIVE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INITIATIVE </U><B> have, hold </B><I>After their latest setback, the rebel forces no longer hold the initiative. </I><B>| gain, seize, take | regain </B><I>In the second half, Manchester United regained the initiative. </I><B>| lose </B> </P> <P> <U> INITIATIVE + VERB </U><B> comes from sb/sth, lie with sb </B><I>The initiative to re-open negotiations came from Moscow. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ in </B><I>She took the initiative in asking the board to conduct an enquiry. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
125295.1.1contentcontents things inside sth <P> <U> VERB + CONTENT </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTENT </U><B> empty </B><I>She emptied the contents of her bag on the floor </I> </P> adj.
126295.1.2contentamount of a substance that sth contains<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high </B><I>foods with a high fibre content </I><B>| low | alcohol, calorie, carbon, fat, fibre, moisture, protein, sugar, sulphur, vitamin, etc.</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> adj.
127301.1difficulty<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIFFICULTY </U> </P> <P> <U> DIFFICULTY + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> adj.
128301.2difficulty<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIFFICULTY </U> </P> <P> <U> DIFFICULTY + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> considerable, enormous, grave, great, major, real, serious, severe </B><I>We had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment. </I><B>| insurmountable | increasing </B><I>questions of increasing difficulty </I><B>| inherent </B><I>the difficulties inherent in treating overdose patients </I><B>| particular, special </B><I>English spelling presents special difficulties for foreign learners. </I><B>| economic, financial | practical, technical </B><I>I think we've managed to overcome most of the practical difficulties. </I><B>| behavioural, emotional, learning </B><I>children with learning difficulties </I> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> level </B><I>The games have various different levels of difficulty. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIFFICULTY </U><B> encounter, experience, face, get into, have, run into </B><I>Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities. Anyone experiencing difficulty with radio reception should call us on the new helpline. Let me know if you have any difficulties. I had little difficulty in persuading the others to come. The scheme has run into serious difficulties. </I><B>| cause, create, make, present </B><I>Will it cause any difficulties if I go early? She is always making difficulties for herself. </I><B>| cope with, deal with, overcome, resolve, solve, surmount | avoid </B><I>how to avoid technical difficulties </I><B>| be fraught with </B><I>The situation was fraught with difficulty. </I> </P> <P> <U> DIFFICULTY + VERB </U><B> arise, crop up </B><I>Difficulties arise when people fail to consult their colleagues. </I><B>| lie (in sth) </B><I>The difficulty lies in identifying the precise nature of the problem. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> despite a/the ~ </B><I>Despite all the difficulties, he still remains optimistic. </I><B>| in ~ </B><I>We could see that the swimmer was in difficulties. </I><B>| with/without ~ </B><I>We crossed the border without any difficulty. Life in the city was not without its difficulties. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>She had difficulty in starting her car. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>the difficulty of finding affordable accommodation </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>having difficulty with the engine </I> </P> noun
129302.1disciplinecontrolling behaviour<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCIPLINE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> effective, firm, good, strong </B><I>We need better discipline in our schools. </I><B>| harsh, iron, rigid, strict </B><I>strict military discipline </I><B>| lax, poor </B><I>Discipline was too lax. </I><B>| staff, team | military, naval, party, prison, school, work </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCIPLINE </U><B> enforce, exercise, exert, impose </B><I>the discipline that the party exercises over its members </I><B>| keep, maintain </B><I>The teacher was unable to maintain discipline. </I><B>| accept, submit to </B><I>They submitted to the discipline imposed by their leaders. </I> <B>| have </B><I>The school was criticized for having very poor discipline. </I><B>| lack </B><I>Modern schools lack discipline. </I><B>| tighten </B><I>The new headmaster tightened discipline in the school. </I><B>| relax | restore </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a breach of discipline </B><I>It's unfair to dismiss somebody for a single breach of discipline. </I><B>| a breakdown of discipline </B><I>a breakdown of discipline in the classroom </I><B>| a lack of discipline </B> </P> noun
130302.2disciplinecontrolling yourself<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCIPLINE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> good, great, useful, valuable </B><I>It is good discipline to learn to delegate. </I><B>| strict | personal | mental, spiritual | business, commercial, financial, fiscal, industrial, market, monetary </B><I>The chancellor has stabilized the economy through strict fiscal discipline. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCIPLINE </U><B> have </B><I>He'll never get anywhere working for himself?he's got no discipline. </I><B>| show | lack | demand, require, take </B><I>It takes great discipline to learn a musical instrument. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a lack of discipline </B> </P> noun
131302.3disciplinesubject of study<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> core, main, major </B><I>Students are to be tested on the three core disciplines: maths, English and science. </I><B>| distinct, independent </B><I>When did sociology emerge as a distinct discipline? </I><B>| established, traditional | subject | academic, intellectual </B><I>They established psychology as an academic discipline. </I><B>| professional | humanities, science/scientific </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> across ~s </B><I>There is a lack of communication across disciplines </I> (= between teachers and students of different subjects)</B><I>. </I><B>| within a/the ~ </B><I>Within a discipline there may be more than one school of thought. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a range of disciplines </B><I>The university offers a wide range of disciplines. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
132304.1capacityamount held/produced<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CAPACITY </U> </P> <P> <U> CAPACITY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high, large </B><I>a high capacity electric pump large capacity disk drives </I><B>| limited, small | maximum, total </B><I>a total capacity of 50 litres </I><B>| excess, spare </B><I>spare capacity in the health service </I><B>| economic, productive | earning </B><I>The qualification should increase my earning capacity. </I><B>| carrying, nuclear, seating, storage | engine, lung </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CAPACITY </U><B> have | be filled/packed to </B><I>The theatre was filled to capacity </I>(= was full) </B><I>for every performance. </I><B>| expand, increase | reduce </B> </P> <P> <U> CAPACITY + NOUN </U><B> audience, crowd </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> operate/work at full capacity </B>(= to produce the maximum amount possible) </P> noun
133304.2capacityability<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CAPACITY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> amazing, enormous, great, remarkable | limited | innate, natural </B><I>Children have an innate capacity to understand language. </I><B>| intellectual, mental | human </B><I>the human capacity for compassion </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CAPACITY </U><B> have | lose </B><I>She seems to have lost the capacity to enjoy herself. </I><B>| increase | reduce, restrict </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> beyond your ~ </B><I>This maths is beyond the capacity of most school children. </I><B>| within your ~ </B><I>The mountain walk is well within the capacity of most fit people. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>her amazing capacity for organization </I> </P> noun
134304.3capacityofficial position<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CAPACITY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> official | personal, private, unofficial, voluntary | professional | acting, caretaker | advisory | judicial </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CAPACITY </U><B> act in, work in </B><I>I have worked in an advisory capacity with many hospitals. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in your ~ </B><I>In my capacity as president, I would like to thank Jack for his hard work. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
135316.1sectorpart of the business activity of a country<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> important, key | growing, growth | independent, private | public, state | voluntary | formal | informal | agricultural, banking, business, commercial, corporate, economic, financial, further/higher education, health, industrial, industry, manufacturing, market, primary, retail, service </B><I>The survey covers a wide range of industry sectors. </I><B>| rural, urban </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>employment opportunities in the higher education sector </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a sector of the economy/market </B> </P> noun
136316.2sectorpart of an area or of a large group of people<P> <U> VERB + SECTOR </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SECTOR </U><B> divide sth into </B><I>Berlin was divided into four sectors after the war. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a sector of the population/society</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
137317.1commitmentwillingness to give time/energy to sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMMITMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> absolute, complete, full, total | clear, deep, firm, genuine, great, passionate, real, serious, strong | continued, continuing, increased, increasing, lifelong, long-term, ongoing | general, open-ended | government, personal, professional, public | emotional, ideological, moral, political, religious </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> degree, level </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMMITMENT </U><B> give, make </B><I>The prime minister made a firm commitment to increasing spending on health. </I><B>| demonstrate, display, show </B><I>to demonstrate a commitment to human rights </I><B>| lack | affirm, reaffirm | require </B><I>Learning to play the violin requires strong commitment. </I><B>| gain </B><I>The government has managed to gain the commitment of employers to the scheme. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ on </B><I>The government avoided giving any commitments on pensions. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>his lifelong commitment to the socialist cause </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a lack of commitment </B> </P> noun
138317.2commitmenta responsibility<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMMITMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> big, considerable, major | binding | prior | international, overseas | business, domestic, family, financial, military, social, teaching, work </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + COMMITMENT </U><B> have, take on </B><I>I don't want to take on any more commitments. </I><B>| fulfil, honour, meet </B><I>She can't meet her financial commitments. </I><B>| get out of, wriggle out of </B><I>He is trying to wriggle out of his various domestic commitments. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ on </B><I>to honour commitments on reduction of air pollution </I> </P> noun
139317.3commitmentagreeing to use money/time/people for sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> heavy </B><I>a heavy commitment of capital </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
140318.1experiment<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPERIMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> EXPERIMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPERIMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> animal </B><I>protesting against animal experiments </I><B>| field, laboratory | educational, medical, psychological, scientific | practical | thought </B><I>His efforts involved thought experiments and analogies, rather than detailed experimentation. </I><B>| simple | brief | careful, control </B><I>(science)</I>, <B>controlled | interesting | ingenious | pioneering | bold </B><I>the country's bold experiment with economic reform </I><B>| successful, unsuccessful | pilot, preliminary | further </B><I>Further experiments will be carried out to verify this result. </I><B>| celebrated, classic/classical, famous, well-known </B><I>Pavlov's famous experiment with the dog and the dinner bell </I><B>| unique </B><I>Brazil's unique experiment with alcohol-fuelled cars </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPERIMENT </U><B> carry out, conduct, do, perform | try </B><I>The school decided to try an experiment in single-sex teaching. </I><B>| design | set up | describe, report </B><I>a classic experiment reported in 1964 </I> </P> <P> <U> EXPERIMENT + VERB </U><B> confirm sth, demonstrate sth, find sth, illustrate sth, prove sth, show sth | indicate sth, suggest sth | be aimed at sth, be designed to do sth </B><I>an experiment aimed at cutting road deaths resulting from excessive speeding </I><B>| involve sth, use sth | be successful, work </B><I>If the conditions are not right, the experiment will not work. </I><B>| fail </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>The appropriate concentration of the drug is best determined by experiment. </I><B>| during an/the ~ </B><I>The animals seemed healthy during the experiment. </I><B>| in an/the ~ </B><I>In these experiments, chilling is necessary. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>the country's brief experiment in multi-party democracy </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>The team carried out experiments on cancer tissue. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>conducting an experiment with zinc chips and hydrochloric acid </I> </P> noun
141318.2experiment<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPERIMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> EXPERIMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPERIMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> successfully </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXPERIMENT </U><B> begin to | continue to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on </B><I>They experimented successfully on the plants to discover disease-resistant varieties. </I><B>| with </B><I>We have experimented with various different designs of kite. </I> </P> verb
142327.1formalvery correct/official<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, seem, sound | become </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> extremely, very | strictly </B><I>Learning was by rote and strictly formal. </I><B>| almost </B><I>The greeting was polite, almost formal. </I><B>| fairly, quite, rather, relatively | oddly </B><I>Her words sounded oddly formal. </I><B>| stiffly </B><I>His manner was stiffly formal. </I> </P> adj.
143327.2formalconcerned with the way sth is done<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> merely, purely </B><I>Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter: nobody will seriously oppose it. </I><B>| largely </B><I>The monarch retains largely formal duties. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> adj.
144329.1revolutionchanging the political system<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> REVOLUTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> successful | bloody, violent </B><I>Thousands of people were killed in the bloody revolution that toppled the government. </I><B>| bloodless, peaceful | popular | political | anti-communist, anti-democratic, etc. | communist, socialist, etc. | palace | bourgeois, proletarian | world </B><I>Some Marxists still believe that socialism will one day triumph through world revolution. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVOLUTION </U><B> carry out, conduct, fight, foment, stage </B><I>The activists were charged with fomenting revolution. </I><B>| crush, put down | call for </B> </P> <P> <U> REVOLUTION + VERB </U><B> break out | spread | overthrow sth, topple sth </B><I>the revolution which overthrew the old regime </I><B>| fail </B><I>the failed 1911 revolution </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ against </B><I>a revolution against communist rule </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the outbreak of the revolution, revolution from above/below </B>(= fought by people already in power/by people without political power), <B>the threat of revolution </B> </P> noun
145329.2revolutioncomplete change in methods, opinions, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> REVOLUTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> quiet </B><I>There has been a quiet revolution in the way writing is taught. </I><B>| complete | virtual | minor | agrarian, agricultural, computer, cultural, economic, electronic, environmental, industrial, political, scientific, sexual, social, technological </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVOLUTION </U><B> achieve, bring (about) </B><I>The coming of television brought about a revolution in people's leisure activities. </I><B>| undergo </B><I>Marketing has undergone a revolution in recent years. </I><B>| embrace, welcome </B><I>Doctors have welcomed the fitness revolution. </I> </P> <P> <U> REVOLUTION + VERB </U><B> take place </B><I>As the eighteenth century wore on, an agricultural revolution took place. </I><B>| transform sth </B><I>The computer revolution has transformed the workplace. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ in </B><I>He achieved a virtual revolution in the way music is recorded. </I> </P> noun
146330.2fundamental<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FUNDAMENTALS </U> </P> noun
147331.2essential<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ESSENTIALS </U> </P> noun
148332.1adaptchange your behaviour<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADAPT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> successfully, well </B><I>The children have adapted well to the heat. </I><B>| quickly | easily, readily </B><I>The company can easily adapt to changing demand. </I><B>| accordingly </B><I>We need to assess the new situation and adapt accordingly. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADAPT </U><B> be able/unable to, can/cannot | have to, must | need to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> to </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the ability to adapt </B><I>Some animals have a remarkable ability to adapt to changing environments. </I><B>| find it difficult/hard to adapt </B><I>A lot of companies have found it hard to adapt to the new system. </I> </P> verb
149332.2adaptchange a thing<P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>to adapt a book for television. </I><B>| from </B><I>The radio play had been adapted from a novel. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> specially adapted </B><I>The classroom has been specially adapted to take wheelchairs. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
150333.2.1contactmeeting/talking/writing to sb<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> close </B><I>She is still in close contact with Sarah. </I><B>| regular | direct </B><I>Have you had any direct contact with the director of the company? </I><B>| face-to-face </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U><B> be in, have | come into, establish, get in, make </B><I>In his job, he comes into contact with many different people. We first established contact with the organization in 1999. When I arrive in New York, I'll get in contact with him. </I><B>| put sb in </B><I>I put my cousin in contact with a friend who works at the company. </I><B>| keep, maintain, stay in </B><I>Maintaining contact after many years can be difficult. </I><B>| break off | lose </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>There has been no contact between them for several years. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>I have very little contact with Simon now. </I> </P> noun
151333.2.2contactperson you know who can help you<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> good, useful, valuable | business, personal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U><B> have </B><I>He has a lot of good contacts in the music industry. </I><B>| build up, make </B><I>It takes time to build up contacts. I made a lot of useful business contacts at the conference. </I> </P> noun
152333.2.3contactwhen people/things touch each other<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> physical, sexual </B><I>The disease is transmitted through physical contact. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U><B> come into </B><I>Do not let the glue come into contact with water. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>For a brief moment their lips were in contact. </I><B>| on ~ </B><I>The light will go out on contact with water. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>There should be no contact between the separate samples. </I><B>| ~ with</B> </P> noun
153333.3.1contactwritten agreement<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> long-term, permanent | casual, fixed-term, short-term | three-year, two-year, etc. | formal, written | verbal | legal, valid | void </B><I>The contract was declared void. </I><B>| enforceable, unenforceable </B><I>(law) </I><B>| big, important, major | lucrative | business, commercial | employment, maintenance, research, service | catering, construction, haulage | marriage </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U><B> have </B><I>Many workers do not have written contracts. </I><B>| bid for, tender for </B><I>Eighteen companies are bidding for the contract. </I><B>| award (sb), give sb | get, win | lose </B><I>The firm lost the contract to a large London company. </I><B>| negotiate </B><I>She managed to negotiate a permanent contract with the firm. </I><B>| draw up, write | conclude, enter into, make, sign </B><I>He entered into a contract with his former employer. </I><B>| carry out, execute </B><I>the firm carrying out the construction contract </I><B>| cancel, end, repudiate </B><I>(law)</I>, <B>rescind </B><I>(law)</I>, <B>terminate </B><I>Either party can terminate the contract at any time. </I><B>| be subject to </B><I>The offer has been accepted, subject to contract </I>(= the agreement is not legally binding before contracts are signed)</B><I>. </I><B>| be in breach of, break, violate </B><I>If you go on strike you will be in breach of contract. </I><B>| enforce </B><I>(law) </I><B>| exchange </B><I>(law) When a house is auctioned the successful bidder must exchange contracts immediately and pay a deposit. </I> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + VERB </U><B> expire </B><I>The contract expires at the end of next year. </I><B>| be worth sth </B><I>a series of major contracts worth millions of pounds </I> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U><B> worker </B>(= one on a fixed-term contract) <B>| law </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>They put a clause in the contract stipulating that the work should be finished by next month. </I><B>| on a ~ </B><I>He's on a three-year fixed-term contract. </I><B>| under ~ (to) </B><I>At that stage of her career she was still under contract to one of the big Hollywood studios. </I><B>| under a/the ~ </B><I>Under her contract of employment, Mrs Lee could not be required to work at a different site. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the contract between the employer and the employee </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>They won a contract for the delivery of five fighter planes. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>Do you have a contract with your employer? </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> (a) breach of contract </B><I>The company is being sued for breach of contract. </I><B>| a contract of employment/sale </B><I>You should make sure that you have a formal contract of employment. </I><B>| the terms of a contract </B><I>By using cheaper materials, the company has broken the terms of its contract. </I><B>| under the terms of a contract </B><I>Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday. </I> </P> verb
154333.3.2contactagreement to kill sb<P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U><B> take out | have out </B><I>He has a contract out on you. </I> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U><B> killer, killing </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ on </B><I>She took out a contract on her ex-husband. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
155333.4.1contactmeeting/talking/writing to sb written agreement<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> close </B><I>She is still in close contact with Sarah. </I><B>| regular | direct </B><I>Have you had any direct contact with the director of the company? </I><B>| face-to-face </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U><B> be in, have | come into, establish, get in, make </B><I>In his job, he comes into contact with many different people. We first established contact with the organization in 1999. When I arrive in New York, I'll get in contact with him. </I><B>| put sb in </B><I>I put my cousin in contact with a friend who works at the company. </I><B>| keep, maintain, stay in </B><I>Maintaining contact after many years can be difficult. </I><B>| break off | lose </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>There has been no contact between them for several years. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>I have very little contact with Simon now. </I> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> long-term, permanent | casual, fixed-term, short-term | three-year, two-year, etc. | formal, written | verbal | legal, valid | void </B><I>The contract was declared void. </I><B>| enforceable, unenforceable </B><I>(law) </I><B>| big, important, major | lucrative | business, commercial | employment, maintenance, research, service | catering, construction, haulage | marriage </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U><B> have </B><I>Many workers do not have written contracts. </I><B>| bid for, tender for </B><I>Eighteen companies are bidding for the contract. </I><B>| award (sb), give sb | get, win | lose </B><I>The firm lost the contract to a large London company. </I><B>| negotiate </B><I>She managed to negotiate a permanent contract with the firm. </I><B>| draw up, write | conclude, enter into, make, sign </B><I>He entered into a contract with his former employer. </I><B>| carry out, execute </B><I>the firm carrying out the construction contract </I><B>| cancel, end, repudiate </B><I>(law)</I>, <B>rescind </B><I>(law)</I>, <B>terminate </B><I>Either party can terminate the contract at any time. </I><B>| be subject to </B><I>The offer has been accepted, subject to contract </I>(= the agreement is not legally binding before contracts are signed)</B><I>. </I><B>| be in breach of, break, violate </B><I>If you go on strike you will be in breach of contract. </I><B>| enforce </B><I>(law) </I><B>| exchange </B><I>(law) When a house is auctioned the successful bidder must exchange contracts immediately and pay a deposit. </I> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + VERB </U><B> expire </B><I>The contract expires at the end of next year. </I><B>| be worth sth </B><I>a series of major contracts worth millions of pounds </I> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U><B> worker </B>(= one on a fixed-term contract) <B>| law </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>They put a clause in the contract stipulating that the work should be finished by next month. </I><B>| on a ~ </B><I>He's on a three-year fixed-term contract. </I><B>| under ~ (to) </B><I>At that stage of her career she was still under contract to one of the big Hollywood studios. </I><B>| under a/the ~ </B><I>Under her contract of employment, Mrs Lee could not be required to work at a different site. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the contract between the employer and the employee </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>They won a contract for the delivery of five fighter planes. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>Do you have a contract with your employer? </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> (a) breach of contract </B><I>The company is being sued for breach of contract. </I><B>| a contract of employment/sale </B><I>You should make sure that you have a formal contract of employment. </I><B>| the terms of a contract </B><I>By using cheaper materials, the company has broken the terms of its contract. </I><B>| under the terms of a contract </B><I>Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday. </I> </P> noun
156333.4.2contactperson you know who can help you agreement to kill sb<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> good, useful, valuable | business, personal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTACT </U><B> have </B><I>He has a lot of good contacts in the music industry. </I><B>| build up, make </B><I>It takes time to build up contacts. I made a lot of useful business contacts at the conference. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONTRACT </U><B> take out | have out </B><I>He has a contract out on you. </I> </P> <P> <U> CONTRACT + NOUN </U><B> killer, killing </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ on </B><I>She took out a contract on her ex-husband. </I> </P> noun
159335.1dimension(often <B>dimensions</B>) measurements<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIMENSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> approximate | exact, precise </B><I>It is important to measure the exact dimensions of the room. </I><B>| overall | compact </B><I>Despite the unit's compact dimensions, there's still plenty of room for expansion. </I><B>| considerable </B><I>a structure of considerable dimensions </I><B>| fourth, second, third </B><I>The fourth dimension, time, is also finite in extent. </I><B>| physical, space/spatial, temporal/time | horizontal, vertical </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIMENSION </U><B> check, measure </B><I>Can we just check the dimensions of the bedroom again? </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> in two/three dimensions </B><I>a model in three dimensions </I> </P> noun
160335.2dimensionaspect<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIMENSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> added, additional, different, extra, further, new | distinct </B><I>In looking at population ageing we will consider two distinct dimensions. </I><B>| wider </B><I>There is a wider dimension to the question. </I><B>| crucial, essential, important, main, major, significant | global, international, local, national, regional </B><I>Communication via the Internet gives an important international dimension to the project. </I><B>| aesthetic, class, cultural, economic, ethical, historical, human, ideological, moral, personal, political, religious, social, spiritual </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIMENSION </U><B> add, give (sth) </B><I>Her illness adds an extra dimension to the problem. </I><B>| have </B><I>The affair had a different dimension now. </I><B>| acquire, take on </B><I>The crisis acquired a new dimension. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>the spiritual dimension to our lives </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
161336.1.1accountdescription<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ACCOUNT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> brief, short | blow-by-blow, comprehensive, detailed, full, graphic, vivid </B><I>He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the incident. </I><B>| accurate, clear, eyewitness, factual, first-hand, true, verbatim | glowing, good </B><I>She received a glowing account of her son's progress. </I><B>| newspaper </B><I>the newspaper account of the trial </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ACCOUNT </U><B> give (sb), provide (sb with), write (sb) </B><I>Can you give us an account of what happened? </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in an/the ~ </B><I>Dr Richards describes this very well in his account of the events. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> by all accounts </B>(= according to what people say) <I>I've never been there, but it's a lovely place by all accounts. </I><B>| by sb's own account </B><I>By his own account he had an unhappy childhood. </I> </P> noun
162336.1.2accountarrangement with a bank<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ACCOUNT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> bank, building society | current | deposit, investment, savings | personal | business | joint, separate </B><I>My husband and I have separate accounts. </I><B>| numbered </B><I>They have a numbered account in Switzerland. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ACCOUNT </U><B> have, hold </B><I>Go and see the manager of the bank where your account is held. </I><B>| open </B><I>She opened a savings account at the building society. </I><B>| close | credit sth to, pay/put sth into </B><I>The money will be credited to your account tomorrow. </I><B>| debit (sth from), draw sth out (of), pay sth from, take sth out (of), withdraw sth (from) </B><I>She had taken all her money out of her account. </I><B>| overdraw </B><I>Your account is overdrawn. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ at </B><I>He opened an account at a bank in Germany. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>an account with Barclays Bank </I> </P> noun
163336.1.3accountaccounts: record of money a business earns/spends <P> <U> VERB + ACCOUNT </U> </P> <P> <U> ACCOUNT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ACCOUNT </U><B> do, keep </B><I>Try to keep accurate accounts. </I><B>| audit, check, look at | submit </B><I>Your accounts will need to be submitted to the tax office. </I> </P> <P> <U> ACCOUNT + VERB </U><B> be in order </B><I>The accounts are all in order. </I> &gt; Special page at BUSINESS </B> </P> noun
164339.1locatefind the position of sb/sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LOCATE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> accurately, precisely </B><I>The machine can accurately locate radioactive material. </I><B>| quickly | easily </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LOCATE </U><B> be able/unable to, can/could </B><I>We haven't yet been able to locate a suitable site. </I><B>| try to | fail to | be easy to </B><I>Some stars are quite easy to locate with a telescope. </I><B>| be difficult to 2 be located </B>be in a place </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> centrally </B><I>The hotel is centrally located between Dam Square and Central Station. </I><B>| conveniently, ideally, strategically | physically </B><I>Two people can meet in virtual reality even if physically located in different continents. </I><B>| abroad </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> at, between, close to, in, on, near, outside, within, etc. </B><I>Your accommodation is conveniently located within walking distance of the town centre. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
165342.1ideal<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + IDEAL </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, look, seem, sound | make sth </B><I>The hotel's size makes it ideal for large conferences. </I><B>| consider sth </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> absolutely | almost | less than </B><I>Language learning often takes place in a less than ideal environment. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>The houses are absolutely ideal for families with young children. </I> </P> adj.
166342.2ideal<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + IDEAL </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high, lofty, noble </B><I>Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals. </I><B>| unattainable </B><I>This is not an unattainable ideal. </I><B>| aesthetic, artistic, ethical, moral, political | democratic, liberal, revolutionary, socialist </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + IDEAL </U><B> be committed to, be devoted to, believe in, cling to, espouse, have, support </B><I>They still clung to the old ideals. </I><B>| pursue, strive for | achieve, attain, be true to, conform to, live up to </B><I>A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice. </I><B>| fall short of </B><I>This agreement falls far short of the ideal. </I><B>| abandon, betray </B><I>She was accused of betraying her political ideals. </I><B>| embody, reflect </B><I>the democratic ideals embodied in the charter </I> </P> noun
167343.2philosophyparticular system of beliefs<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PHILOSOPHY </U> </P> <P> <U> PHILOSOPHY + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> competing, differing | prevailing </B><I>humanism?the prevailing philosophy today in the Western world </I><B>| basic, general, underlying | personal | homespun, simple </B><I>the homespun philosophy that kept her going during this difficult period </I><B>| liberal | design, economic, educational, management, market, political, religious, social </B><I>a furniture-maker's design philosophy </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PHILOSOPHY </U><B> develop, formulate </B><I>developing a personal philosophy </I><B>| articulate | adopt, embrace, espouse | reject </B> </P> <P> <U> PHILOSOPHY + VERB </U><B> inform sth, underlie sth, underpin sth </B><I>the philosophy underlying the education system </I><B>| prevail </B><I>the management philosophy which prevailed at that time </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ behind </B><I>The new measures were introduced with no explanation of the philosophy behind them. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a philosophy of life/mind</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
168349.1exchangegiving/receiving sth in return for sth else<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> fair | mutual, two-way </B><I>We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ (for) </B><I>Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>There were exchanges of goods between the two regions. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>She considered free language lessons a fair exchange for free accommodation. </I> </P> noun
169349.2exchangeangry conversation/argument<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> brief | acrimonious, angry, bitter, heated, sharp | verbal </B><I>a bitter verbal exchange </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ about </B><I>angry exchanges about the problem of unemployment </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>There were many acrimonious exchanges between the two men. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>Opposition MPs were involved in heated exchanges with the prime minister. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> an exchange of views </B><I>She had a full and frank exchange of views with her boss before resigning. </I> </P> noun
170349.3exchangeof foreign currencies<P> <U> EXCHANGE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> EXCHANGE + NOUN </U><B> rate </B> </P> noun
171349.4exchangevisit<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXCHANGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> academic, cultural | student, youth | official </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EXCHANGE </U><B> go on </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on an/the ~ </B><I>She is in France on a student exchange. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>He's gone on an exchange to Rome. </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>an exchange with a German student </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
172356.1calculatework out a number, etc.<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> accurately, exactly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> according to </B><I>The amount is calculated according to the number of years you have paid into the scheme. </I><B>| at </B><I>The sum involved was calculated at $82 million. </I> </P> verb
173356.2calculateguess<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> carefully, shrewdly | correctly </B><I>He correctly calculated that the others would not dare fight back. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
174358.1codesystem of letters, numbers, etc. for secret information<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CODE </U> </P> <P> <U> CODE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> secret | Morse </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CODE </U><B> break, crack, decipher </B><I>The code was difficult to crack. </I><B>| use, write in | invent, make up </B> </P> <P> <U> CODE + NOUN </U><B> word </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>All the messages were in code. </I> </P> noun
175358.2codenumbers/letters for identifying sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> CODE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> area, dialling </B><I>What's the area code for Bath? </I><B>| post/postal | bar, charge | DNA, genetic | binary </B>(= a system of computer programming instructions) <B>| error </B>(= on a computer) </P> <P> <U> CODE + NOUN </U><B> number </B> </P> noun
176358.3codeset of rules for behaviour<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CODE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> strict | ethical, moral | civil, criminal, disciplinary, penal | Highway </B><I>the Highway Code </I>(= the official rules for users of public roads in Britain) <B>| dress </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CODE </U><B> have | devise, draw up, establish, formulate, lay down </B><I>The company has drawn up a new disciplinary code. </I><B>| comply with, follow | break, infringe, violate </B><I>He was thrown out for infringing the club's strict dress code. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a code of behaviour/conduct/ethics/honour/practice </B><I>The profession has a strict code of practice. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
177365.1.1monitortelevision/computer screen<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> colour | CCTV, computer, television/TV, video </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on a/the ~ </B><I>The security staff can see all the outside of the building on their CCTV monitors. </I> </P> noun
178365.1.2monitormachine that records/checks sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> MONITOR + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> foetal, heart, oxygen, pulse, radiation </B> </P> <P> <U> MONITOR + VERB </U><B> detect sth | show sth </B><I>The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse. </I> </P> noun
179365.1.3monitorsb who checks sth is done fairly/properly<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> EU, UN </B><I>UN monitors declared the referendum fair. </I><B>| school | health, peace</B> </P> noun
180365.2monitor<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> MONITOR + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MONITOR </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> carefully, closely, rigorously, strictly </B><I>Television advertising is strictly monitored. </I><B>| regularly, routinely, systematically | constantly, continuously | effectively, properly | automatically </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MONITOR </U><B> be able to </B><I>We will now be able to monitor its progress more closely. </I><B>| continue to </B><I>The authorities will continue to monitor the situation. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>The workers are constantly monitored for exposure to radiation. </I> </P> verb
181368.1volumeamount of space<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> total </B><I>the total volume of the containers </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>They sell screws and nails by volume. </I><B>| in ~ </B><I>2 litres in volume </I> </P> noun
182368.2volumequantity of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VOLUME </U> </P> <P> <U> VOLUME + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> sheer </B><I>The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering. </I><B>| considerable, enormous, great, heavy, high, huge, large, substantial, vast | small </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VOLUME </U><B> increase | decrease, reduce | double/grow//increase/rise in </B><I>Sales have doubled in volume. </I><B>| decrease/fall in </B> </P> <P> <U> VOLUME + VERB </U><B> double, increase, rise </B><I>Sales volume has doubled since 1999. </I><B>| decrease, fall </B> </P> noun
183368.3volumestrength of sound that sth makes<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VOLUME </U> </P> <P> <U> VOLUME + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high | full, maximum | low </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VOLUME </U><B> increase, turn up | decrease, turn down | grow/increase/rise in | decrease/fall in </B> </P> <P> <U> VOLUME + NOUN </U><B> control </B><I>the volume control on the television </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> at &hellip; ~ </B><I>The car stereo was on at full volume. </I> </P> noun
184368.4volumebook<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VOLUME </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> bound, leather-bound </B><I>a library full of bound volumes </I><B>| companion </B><I>a companion volume to the one on African wildlife </I><B>| rare </B><I>Only a specialist shop would have this rare volume. </I><B>| bulky, massive, substantial, thick, weighty | compact, slim | glossy </B><I>a forty-page, glossy volume about the company's products </I><B>| dusty | old | single | separate </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> series </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + VOLUME </U><B> publish </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>Her poems are now available in a single volume. </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>a volume of short stories </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>a volume on ancient history </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> run to five, several, etc. volumes </B><I>The encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
185371.1encounter<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENCOUNTER </U> </P> <P> <U> ENCOUNTER + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENCOUNTER </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> brief </B><I>I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train. </I><B>| casual, chance, unexpected </B><I>It was a chance encounter that led to the setting up of the new political party. </I><B>| close </B><I>I decided not to risk a second close encounter with the snakes. </I><B>| face-to-face | direct </B><I>The press conference was her first direct encounter with the media. </I><B>| unpleasant, violent | social </B><I>the language we use in everyday social encounters </I><B>| sexual </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENCOUNTER </U><B> have </B><I>I had my first encounter with the president two years ago. </I> </P> <P> <U> ENCOUNTER + VERB </U><B> take place </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>violent encounters between police and protesters </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>my first encounter with my new boss </I> </P> noun
186371.2encounter<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENCOUNTER </U> </P> <P> <U> ENCOUNTER + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENCOUNTER </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> commonly, frequently, often, regularly </B><I>Walruses were commonly encountered in the Shetland Islands until quite recently. </I><B>| rarely | inevitably </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENCOUNTER </U><B> be likely to </B><I>What are the difficulties you are most likely to encounter? </I> </P> verb
187373.1attribute<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ATTRIBUTE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> chief, great, key, main | desirable, essential, important, necessary, positive, useful </B><I>Patience is an essential attribute for a teacher. </I><B>| common | divine, human | cultural, personal, physical, social </B><I>Her physical attributes were much admired. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ATTRIBUTE </U><B> have, possess</B> </P> noun
188373.2attribute<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ATTRIBUTE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> directly | solely | in large measure, largely, mainly | in part, partly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> to </B><I>They claim that one i</I>n </B><I>twenty deaths can be directl</I>y </B><I>attributed to air pollution</I>. </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> be commonly/generally/usually/widely attributed to </B><I>The goals commonly attributed to management are status, power, salary and security. </I> </P> verb
189374.1emphasisspecial importance/attention<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EMPHASIS </U> </P> <P> <U> EMPHASIS + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> considerable, great, heavy, increased </B><I>schools that put a heavy emphasis on sporting achievement </I><B>| strong | main </B><I>discussing where the main emphasis should be placed </I><B>| particular, special </B><I>Examine the events leading to the war, with particular emphasis on France's role in them. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EMPHASIS </U><B> give, lay, place, put </B><I>The company lays great emphasis on customer care. </I><B>| shift </B><I>The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation. </I> </P> <P> <U> EMPHASIS + VERB </U><B> move, shift </B><I>In recent years, the emphasis has moved away from punishing drug addicts towards helping them. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ on/upon </B><I>The emphasis is on keeping fit rather than developing lots of muscles. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a change/shift of emphasis </B> </P> noun
190374.2emphasisstress on a word/phrase<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EMPHASIS </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great </B><I>&lsquo;I&rsquo;, he said with great emphasis, &lsquo;was the one.&rsquo; </I><B>| slight </B><I>His slight emphasis on the word &lsquo;Lady&rsquo; was definitely mocking. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + EMPHASIS </U><B> put </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> with ~ </B><I>She repeated the question with emphasis. </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>Put the emphasis on the second syllable. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
191375.1.1wastemissing an opportunity to do/use sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> absolute, complete, total, utter </B><I>The whole thing has been a complete waste of time. </I><B>| colossal, great, tremendous | awful, criminal, senseless, shocking, terrible </B><I>a criminal waste of public money </I><B>| needless, unnecessary, useless | tragic </B><I>a tragic waste of human life </I><B>| expensive | conspicuous </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U><B> go to </B><I>If nobody comes all this food will go to waste. </I><B>| cause | avoid </B><I>Try to avoid unnecessary waste. </I><B>| cut down on, reduce | minimize </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>a waste of energy/resources </I> </P> noun
192375.1.2wasteunwanted substances/things<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U> </P> <P> <U> WASTE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> WASTE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> dangerous, harmful, hazardous, poisonous, toxic </B><I>a dump containing hazardous waste </I><B>| non-toxic | high-level, intermediate-level, low-level | recyclable | agricultural, commercial, industrial | domestic, household, kitchen </B><I>All household waste should be disposed of in strong garbage bags. </I><B>| clinical, hospital, medical | nuclear, radioactive | chemical | plastic | organic | animal, human | garden, plant | municipal | liquid, solid | food, energy </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U><B> produce </B><I>Tonnes of waste are produced every year. </I><B>| dispose of, dump, get rid of </B><I>More people are dumping waste illegally. </I><B>| clean up </B><I>the highly expensive task of cleaning up toxic waste </I><B>| burn, incinerate </B><I>an incinerator for burning hospital waste </I><B>| bury, store | process, treat </B><I>facilities for processing radioactive waste </I><B>| recycle, reprocess | deal with, handle, manage </B><I>the best solutions for managing waste </I><B>| cut down on, reduce | eliminate | export, import </B><I>Industrialized countries continue to export their waste. </I> </P> <P> <U> WASTE + VERB </U><B> contaminate sth, pollute sth </B><I>areas contaminated by industrial waste </I> </P> <P> <U> WASTE + NOUN </U><B> collection | burial, disposal, incineration | storage | processing, recycling, reprocessing, treatment </B><I>a waste reprocessing plant </I><B>| management | minimization, reduction | bin | dump, site, tip </B><I>The river was used for years as an industrial waste dump. </I><B>| outlet, pipe | imports </B><I>a ban on waste imports </I> </P> noun
193375.1.3wastewastes: areas of ground not lived in or cultivated <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> frozen, icy </B><I>the frozen wastes of Antarctica </I> </P> noun
194375.2waste<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U> </P> <P> <U> WASTE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> WASTE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> (not) entirely, (not) totally </B><I>In the end her efforts were not entirely wasted. </I><B>| just, simply </B><I>You're just wasting your breath. She never listens. </I><B>| largely </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WASTE </U><B> can't afford to, not want to </B><I>He didn't want to waste valuable time in idle gossip. </I><B>| be/seem a shame to </B><I>It seems a shame to waste this good food. </I><B>| not be going to </B><I>I'm not going to waste any more time on the problem. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on </B><I>Don't waste your money on a hotel room. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> no time to waste </B><I>Hurry up?there's no time to waste! </I> </P> verb
195376.1climateweather conditions of a particular region<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLIMATE </U> </P> <P> <U> CLIMATE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> hot, warm | cold, cool | mild | extreme, harsh, inhospitable, severe </B><I>the severe northern climate </I><B>| damp, humid, wet | arid, dry | equatorial, Mediterranean, subtropical, temperate, tropical | northern, southern, etc. | global </B><I>global climate change </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLIMATE </U><B> have </B><I>The city has a warm climate. </I> </P> <P> <U> CLIMATE + NOUN </U><B> change </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>Little grows in such a dry climate. </I> </P> noun
196376.2climateopinions, etc. people have at a particular time<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLIMATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> favourable | hostile, unfavourable | current, present, prevailing | changed, changing | business, economic, emotional, financial, ideological, intellectual, moral, political, social </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CLIMATE </U><B> create </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>His ideas on equality are viewed as utopian in the current political climate. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>a climate for economic recovery </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>The new policies have created a climate of fear. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a climate of opinion</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
197377.1differbe different<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> considerably, enormously, fundamentally, greatly, markedly, radically, sharply, significantly, substantially, widely </B><I>The two approaches differ markedly Opinions differ widely on this issue. </I><B>| little | slightly, somewhat | clearly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> according to </B><I>Conditions of employment differ according to the type of company you are working for. </I><B>| between </B><I>Social organization differs significantly between the different groups. </I><B>| from </B><I>His ideas differ little from those of his father. </I><B>| in </B><I>The models differ in size and shape. </I> </P> verb
198377.2differhave a different opinion<P> <U> VERB + DIFFER </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DIFFER </U><B> agree to </B><I>In the end we agreed to differ. </I><B>| beg to </B><I>I beg to differ </I>(= I disagree with you)</B><I>. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> about/over </B><I>The two sides still differ over details of the plan. </I><B>| on </B><I>The two parties differ on all the major issues. </I><B>| with </B><I>It didn't seem right that I should differ with him. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
199379.1mechanismpart of a machine<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> MECHANISM + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> firing, locking, steering, trigger, winding </B> </P> <P> <U> MECHANISM + VERB </U><B> operate, work </B><I>The door locking mechanism doesn't work. </I><B>| jam </B> </P> noun
200379.2mechanismhow sth works<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MECHANISM </U> </P> <P> <U> MECHANISM + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> effective, precise </B><I>an effective mechanism for enforcing the rules </I><B>| underlying | complex | social </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MECHANISM </U><B> provide </B><I>The system provides a mechanism whereby information is channelled into the market. </I> </P> <P> <U> MECHANISM + VERB </U><B> operate, work | allow sth, ensure sth </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by/through the ~ of </B><I>The government is held accountable through the mechanism of regular general elections. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>a mechanism for dealing with complaints </I> </P> noun
201379.3mechanismsystem of parts/behaviour that performs a function<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> avoidance, control, defence, escape, survival </B><I>The body has defence mechanisms against many diseases. </I><B>| cellular, genetic, immunological, molecular, neural, physiological, psychological, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
202381.1.1assertsay sth clearly and firmly useful person/thing<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> boldly, confidently, emphatically, forcefully, strongly </B><I>The report asserts confidently that the industry will grow. </I><B>| directly, explicitly | simply </B><I>He had no real evidence?he simply asserted that what he said was true. </I><B>| repeatedly | rightly </B> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> big, considerable, great, important, invaluable, precious, priceless, real, tremendous, useful, valuable </B><I>The teachers are the school's biggest asset. </I><B>| best, main, major, principal, prize | cultural </B><I>The tourist industry requires that the country's cultural assets be made more accessible. </I><B>| natural </B><I>Bow windows are a natural asset to any room and should be highlighted. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>She will be an asset to any school she attends. </I> </P> verb
205381.2assert<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ASSERT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ASSET </U> </P> <P> <U> ASSET + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ASSET + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> noun
206386.1territoryarea of land that belongs to one country, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TERRITORY </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> vast | new </B><I>The explorers set off to conquer new territories. </I><B>| former </B><I>former French territories </I><B>| neighbouring, surrounding | home, national | alien, foreign, overseas | enemy, hostile | neutral | colonial, dependent | sovereign </B><I>Troops were stationed on sovereign German territory. </I><B>| conquered, lost, occupied </B><I>a town in British-occupied territory </I><B>| unoccupied | disputed | familiar | uncharted, unexplored, unknown, virgin | dangerous </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TERRITORY </U><B> hold | annex, capture, conquer, invade, occupy, recapture, take | control, govern, rule </B><I>The territory had been controlled by Azerbaijan for many years. </I><B>| cede, surrender | explore </B><I>(often figurative) Tired of writing detective novels, she began to explore new territory. </I><B>| settle </B><I>The territory was never densely settled. </I><B>| enter | leave | overfly </B><I>The plane was shot down while overflying enemy territory. </I><B>| stray into </B><I>The soldiers strayed into hostile territory. </I> </P> noun
207386.2territoryof an animal<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TERRITORY </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> breeding </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TERRITORY </U><B> defend, patrol | mark (out), scent-mark</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
208387.1origintime/place/reason that sth starts<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ORIGIN </U> </P> <P> <U> ORIGIN + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> common | doubtful, obscure, unknown </B><I>a letter of doubtful origin </I><B>| true | ancient, early, primitive | recent </B><I>The term &lsquo;black hole&rsquo; is of very recent origin. </I><B>| immediate </B><I>The development had its immediate origins in discussions with management. </I><B>| African, English, etc. | foreign | local | mixed | natural | supernatural | environmental, geographical, historical, intellectual | animal, human, mineral, plant, vegetable </B><I>foods of animal origin We shouldn't forget our animal origins. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ORIGIN </U><B> have, share </B><I>The vases share common origins. </I><B>| investigate, trace | owe </B><I>Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton. </I><B>| explain | reflect </B> </P> <P> <U> ORIGIN + VERB </U><B> go back to sth, lie in sth </B><I>The origins of Gdansk go back to the tenth century. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>The rock is volcanic in origin. </I><B>| of &hellip; ~ </B><I>a painting of unknown origin </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> sth's country of origin </B><I>Bottles are labelled by country of origin. </I><B>| have its origin in sth </B><I>The dispute had its origin in the Battle of Wakefield. </I> </P> noun
209387.2originfamily, race, class, etc, that a person comes from<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ORIGIN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> African, English, etc. | foreign | mixed | class, ethnic, national, racial, social | middle-class, noble, peasant, slave, working-class | humble, lowly </B><I>He had risen from humble origins through hard work. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ORIGIN </U><B> trace </B><I>Their family can trace its origins back to the Norman Conquest. </I><B>| betray </B><I>Her accent betrayed her working-class origins. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>He is a Londoner by origin. </I><B>| in ~ </B><I>Her family is Portuguese in origin. </I><B>| of &hellip; ~ </B><I>He was of lowly origins. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> sb's country of origin</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
210389.1judgementdecision/opinion<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JUDGEMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> accurate | balanced | impartial, independent, objective | personal, subjective | intuitive | qualitative | harsh | snap </B><I>I hate having to make snap judgements. </I><B>| definitive </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JUDGEMENT </U><B> form, make </B><I>It's difficult to form a judgement when you don't have all the facts. </I><B>| express </B><I>Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement. </I><B>| confirm </B><I>This latest case confirms my earlier judgement. </I><B>| come to, reach </B><I>It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement. </I><B>| deliver, give, pass, pronounce </B><I>The school inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements. </I><B>| reserve, suspend </B><I>The court reserved judgement on the two appeals. </I><B>| obtain, win </B><I>They obtained a judgement in their favour. </I><B>| reverse </B><I>They are trying to get the judgement reversed. </I><B>| abide by </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in sb's ~ </B><I>What, in your judgement, would be the best way to deal with the problem? </I><B>| ~ about </B><I>She must make her own judgement about when to go. </I><B>| ~ against </B><I>The sacked workers won a judgement against the company. </I><B>| ~ as to </B><I>Experience helps us to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances. </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>I'm not equipped to pass judgement on such matters. </I> </P> noun
211389.2judgementdecision making<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JUDGEMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> fine, good, remarkable, shrewd, sound </B><I>Landing a plane requires fine judgement. </I><B>| impartial, independent | impaired, weak | aesthetic, artistic, critical, ethical, moral, political, professional </B><I>She has a reputation for sound professional judgement. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JUDGEMENT </U><B> display, show | rely on | respect, trust </B><I>He trusted his wife's judgement. </I><B>| doubt | back </B><I>The company backed her judgement and implemented all her recommendations. </I><B>| exercise, use | colour, influence </B><I>He never allows any prejudices to colour his judgement. </I><B>| sit in </B><I>He felt he had no right to sit in judgement on someone he had only just met. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ about </B><I>You will need to exercise your own judgement about what clothes to wear. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>The speaker showed good judgement in his choice of topic. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> an error of judgement </B><I>Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman. </I><B>| a lack of judgement, a matter of judgement </B><I>How much money you should invest is a matter of judgement. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
212390.1cycleseries of events that happen repeatedly<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CYCLE </U> </P> <P> <U> CYCLE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> CYCLE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> annual, daily, monthly, regular, seasonal, weekly </B><I>the annual cycle of church festivals </I><B>| complete, entire, whole | endless </B><I>the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth </I><B>| natural </B><I>Life is a natural cycle, just like the changing seasons. </I><B>| vicious </B><I>caught up in a vicious cycle of bingeing and dieting </I><B>| lunar, solar </B><I>the 76-year solar cycle </I><B>| breeding, menstrual, reproductive | business, economic | water </B><I>a diagram of the water cycle </I><B>| life </B><I>the life cycle of the butterfly </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CYCLE </U><B> go through </B><I>The European market is simply going through an economic cycle. </I><B>| complete </B><I>To complete the cycle, oxygen is necessary. </I><B>| repeat </B> </P> <P> <U> CYCLE + VERB </U><B> begin again </B><I>Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again. </I><B>| repeat (itself) </B><I>This cycle of events continually repeats itself. </I> </P> <P> <U> CYCLE + NOUN </U><B> length, time </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>at this point in the cycle </I><B>| per ~ </B><I>The number of young produced per breeding cycle varies from species to species. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> part of the cycle (of sth) </B><I>part of the cycle of birth and death </I> </P> noun
213390.2cyclebicycle<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CYCLE </U> </P> <P> <U> CYCLE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> motor </B>(also <B>motorcycle</B>), <B>pedal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CYCLE </U><B> ride </B> </P> <P> <U> CYCLE + NOUN </U><B> ride, tour </B><I>We're going for a cycle ride this afternoon. </I><B>| helmet | lane, path, route, track </B><I>Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes. </I><B>| race </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>They completed their journey by cycle. </I><B>| on a/the ~ </B><I>lots of people in cars or on cycles </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
214393.1illustrateput pictures in sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> heavily, lavishly, richly | fully | attractively, beautifully, delightfully, handsomely, superbly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> with </B><I>The new edition is heavily illustrated with photographs of aircraft. </I> </P> verb
215393.2illustratemake sth clear using examples/pictures<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ILLUSTRATE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> amply | admirably, aptly, neatly, nicely, well </B><I>The dire consequences of chronic underfunding are nowhere better illustrated than in the nation's schools. </I><B>| perfectly | merely, simply </B><I>His question merely illustrates his ignorance of the subject. </I><B>| clearly, dramatically, graphically, strikingly, vividly | brutally, starkly, tragically </B><I>The case tragically illustrates the dangers of fireworks. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ILLUSTRATE </U><B> serve to </B><I>Two examples serve to illustrate this point. </I><B>| be chosen to, be designed to, be intended to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> to </B><I>a way of illustrating to the chairman the folly of his decision </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
216395.1mannerway of doing sth/behaving<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MANNER </U> </P> <P> <U> MANNER + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> conventional, customary, normal, standard, time-honoured, traditional, usual | correct </B><I>You are not approaching the problem in the correct manner. </I><B>| appropriate, satisfactory </B><I>I did my best to behave in the appropriate manner. </I><B>| prudent, reasonable, responsible, safe, sensible </B><I>Chemical waste must be disposed of in an environmentally-responsible manner. </I><B>| efficient, productive, profitable | logical, methodical, orderly, rational, systematic | consistent, uniform | objective | arbitrary, haphazard </B><I>Files have been stored in such a haphazard manner that they are impossible to find. </I><B>| professional | constructive, positive </B><I>The dispute could have been handled in a more constructive manner. </I><B>| non-violent, peaceful | straightforward | suspicious </B><I>He was behaving in a highly suspicious manner. </I><B>| light-hearted | casual, easy, informal, leisurely, relaxed | formal | calm | off-hand </B><I>He answered in such an off-hand manner that I wondered if he'd misheard me. </I><B>| confident, decisive | dignified | diffident, mild, quiet, shy | charming, cheerful, friendly, jovial, kindly, pleasant, sympathetic | abrasive, aggressive, arrogant, unfriendly, unpleasant | forthright | brusque, cold | businesslike, no-nonsense </B><I>His no-nonsense manner gave him the reputation of being a good doctor. </I><B>| authoritarian, autocratic, high-handed | condescending, dismissive | authoritative </B><I>The authoritative manner in which he talked concealed his ignorance. </I><B>| bedside, telephone </B><I>He's a good doctor with a sympathetic bedside manner. She has a very pleasant telephone manner. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MANNER </U><B> have | adopt </B><I>He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women. </I><B>| act in </B><I>She accused the teacher of not acting in a professional manner. </I> </P> <P> <U> MANNER + VERB </U><B> change </B><I>His manner changed abruptly when he heard how much I wanted. </I><B>| conceal sth </B><I>Her brusque m </I><B>| suggest sth </B><I>He was not as loutish as his manner suggested. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>The inspectio</I>n </B><I>was conducted in a thoroughl</I>y </B><I>professional manner. </I><B>| in the ~ of </B><I>He lectured us in the manner of </I>a </B><I>headmaster. </I><B>| in your ~ </B><I>Ther</I>e </B><I>was something in his manner tha</I>t </B><I>I found very irritating</I>. </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> in a timely manner </B><I>Al</I>l </B><I>claims must be settled in </I>a </B><I>professional and timely manner. </I>| <B>in no uncertain manner </B><I>He tol</I>d </B><I>her in no uncertain manner tha</I>t </B><I>her behaviour was unacceptable</I>. </P> noun
217395.2mannermanners: polite behaviour <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MANNER </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> beautiful, charming, excellent, good, impeccable, nice, perfect </B><I>It's not good manners to stare at people. </I><B>| bad | table </B><I>His children have no table manners. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + MANNER </U><B> have | teach sb </B><I>Didn't your parents teach you any manners? </I><B>| learn | forget </B><I>I'm sorry, I was forgetting my manners. Can I offer you a drink? </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> have the (good) manners to do sth </B><I>He could at least have had the manners to answer my letter. </I><B>| a lack of manners </B><I>Her lack of manners is quite appalling. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
218400.1correspondbe the same/match<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> closely | directly, exactly, precisely | approximately, broadly, roughly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> to </B><I>Their nursery schools correspond roughly to our infant schools. </I><B>| with </B><I>The movement of the dot on the screen corresponds exactly with the movement of the control lever. </I> </P> verb
219400.2correspondwrite letters<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> regularly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> with </B><I>She corresponded regularly with her former music teacher. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
220404.1practical<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRACTICAL </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, seem, sound | become </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> eminently, extremely, highly, intensely, very | entirely, purely, strictly </B><I>For entirely practical reasons, children are not invited. </I><B>| hardly | quite, reasonably | essentially | severely </B><I>She always adopted a severely practical tone. </I> </P> adj.
221404.2practical<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRACTICAL </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> chemistry, physics, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PRACTICAL </U><B> sit, take | pass | fail </B><I>I passed the written exam but failed the practical. </I> </P> noun
222405.1.1professionalconnected with a job<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> purely, strictly </B><I>He insisted that his relationship with the duchess was purely professional. </I> </P> adj.
223405.1.2professionalextremely skilled<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be, look </B><I>Their designs look very professional. </I> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> extremely, highly, really, truly, very </B><I>He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. </I><B>| thoroughly | increasingly | almost | quite, rather </B> </P> adj.
224405.1.3professionaldone as a paid job, not a hobby<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U><B> be | become, turn </B> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> fully </B><I>He wants to turn fully professional. </I> </P> adj.
225408.1depressionunhappiness/mental illness<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEPRESSION </U> </P> <P> <U> DEPRESSION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> black, deep, serious, severe | acute, chronic | mild | clinical | manic | post-natal </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> bout, fit, period </B><I>The actor says he suffers frequent bouts of depression. In a fit of depression, she threw away all her favourite books. A period of acute depression can sometimes follow childbirth. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEPRESSION </U><B> develop, fall into, go into, succumb to </B><I>She fell into a black depression and refused to leave her room. </I><B>| experience, have, suffer (from) </B><I>She was diagnosed as having clinical depression. </I><B>| be treated for </B><I>His wife had left him and he was being treated for depression. </I><B>| come out of, get over </B><I>She was gradually coming out of her depression. </I><B>| cause, lead to </B><I>Bereavement can often lead to depression. </I><B>| relieve, treat </B><I>a new drug used to treat depression </I> </P> <P> <U> DEPRESSION + VERB </U><B> deepen | lift </B><I>Her depression has lifted now. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>He may have killed himself in depression. </I><B>| with ~ </B><I>He's been off work for months with depression. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> (a) cause for depression </B><I>These results should not be a cause for depression. </I><B>| the depths of depression </B><I>I was in the depths of depression after receiving my exam results. </I><B>| feelings of depression, the onset of depression </B><I>The onset of depression often follows a traumatic event. </I><B>| a state of depression </B><I>He was in a state of acute depression. </I><B>| symptoms of depression, treatment for depression </B><I>She had been receiving medical treatment for depression. </I> &gt; Special page at ILLNESS </B> </P> noun
226408.2depressionperiod of reduced economic activity<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEPRESSION </U> </P> <P> <U> DEPRESSION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great, major, serious, severe | economic </B><I>The country is experiencing a severe economic depression. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DEPRESSION </U><B> be in the grip of, experience | go into </B><I>The housing market has gone into depression. </I><B>| face </B> </P> <P> <U> DEPRESSION + VERB </U><B> deepen </B><I>The depression seems to be deepening. </I> <B>| end </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> during/in a/the ~ </B><I>Many people lost their jobs in the great depression of the 1930s. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the depths of a depression, a period of depression </B><I>periods of severe economic depression </I> </P> noun
227408.3depressionhollow part in the surface of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> shallow, slight | deep </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ in, ~ on </B><I>From the air, the photos show a shallow depression on the planet's surface. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
228410.1considerationcareful thought about sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONSIDERATION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> careful, detailed, full, serious | adequate, due, proper, sufficient | special, urgent | active </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONSIDERATION </U><B> give sth, take sth into </B><I>We will give your proposals serious consideration. You must take the size of the room into consideration. </I><B>| deserve, need, require | receive </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> after ~ </B><I>After due consideration, it was decided not to offer her the job. </I><B>| for sb's ~ </B><I>I enclose the report for your consideration. </I><B>| in ~ of </B><I>(formal) </I>(= as payment for sth), <B>on ~ </B><I>On consideration, we have decided not to come. </I><B>| under ~ </B><I>proposals under active consideration </I> </P> noun
229410.2considerationthinking about other people's wishes and feelings<P> <U> VERB + CONSIDERATION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONSIDERATION </U><B> have </B><I>Have some consideration for those without a job. </I><B>| show sb, treat sb with </B><I>She showed little consideration for the beginners. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> out of ~ </B><I>He did it out of consideration for his daughter. </I><B>| ~ for </B> </P> noun
230410.3considerationsth you think about when deciding sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONSIDERATION </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> main, major, important, prime | overriding, paramount | minor | aesthetic, commercial, economic, environmental, ethical, financial, health, legal, moral, personal, political, practical, safety, security </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONSIDERATION </U><B> take account of, take into account </B><I>There are several important safety considerations that must be taken into account. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
231415.1recognitionremembering/identifying sb/sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RECOGNITION </U> </P> <P> <U> RECOGNITION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> RECOGNITION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> immediate, instant | early </B><I>the early recognition of a disease </I><B>| dawning | character, face, handwriting, speech, text </B><I>(computing) </I><B>| automatic, computer </B><I>the automatic recognition of handwriting by computer </I> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> flicker, sign </B><I>She stared directly at the witness but he did not show a flicker of recognition </I>(= he did not show that he recognized her)</B><I>. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RECOGNITION </U><B> show | avoid </B><I>He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head to avoid recognition. </I><B>| allow </B><I>The monitoring system allows recognition of pollution hot spots. </I> </P> <P> <U> RECOGNITION + VERB </U><B> dawn </B><I>Recognition slowly dawned, &lsquo;Oh, it's you Mrs Foster!&rsquo; </I> </P> <P> <U> RECOGNITION + NOUN </U><B> software, system </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> beyond (all) ~ </B><I>(figurative) Many of those interviewed said their job had changed beyond recognition </I>(= changed completely) </B><I>over the past five years. </I><B>| out of (all) ~ </B><I>(figurative) The equipment and methods of production have improved out of all recognition </I>(= greatly improved)</B><I>. </I><B>| without ~ </B><I>He looked up, glanced at them without recognition, and went on his way. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> recognition in sb's eyes </B><I>There was no recognition in his eyes </I>(= he did not look as if he recognized her)</B><I>. </I> </P> noun
232415.2recognitionaccepting that sth exists/is true; public praise/reward<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RECOGNITION </U> </P> <P> <U> RECOGNITION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> full | appropriate, due, proper | insufficient | greater, growing, increasing </B><I>There needs to be a greater recognition of corporate crime as a social problem. </I><B>| clear, explicit, overt | implicit | apparent | grudging | positive | equal </B><I>equal recognition for the work women do </I><B>| mutual | immediate, instant | belated </B><I>The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry. </I><B>| individual, personal </B><I>personal recognition for your achievements </I><B>| general, universal, wide, widespread </B><I>The young talent at the club deserves wider recognition. </I><B>| international, national, worldwide | public, social | professional | diplomatic | formal, legal, legislative, official | de facto </B><I>Twelve states have accorded de facto recognition to the new regime. </I><B>| government </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RECOGNITION </U><B> achieve, earn sb, gain, get, obtain, receive, win </B><I>His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer. </I><B>| deserve | require </B><I>Both of these perspectives are valid and require recognition. </I><B>| imply </B><I>They claim that signature of the peace accord did not imply recognition of the state's sovereignty. </I><B>| ask for, call for, demand, request, seek | apply for | qualify for </B><I>to qualify for UN recognition as an International Biosphere Reserve </I><B>| accord sb/sth, give sb/sth, grant sb/sth | refuse sb/sth </B> </P> <P> <U> RECOGNITION + VERB </U><B> come </B><I>Official recognition of the change came fast. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ of </B><I>an award in recognition of his outstanding work </I><B>| without ~ </B><I>She has worked actively but without recognition. </I><B>| ~ as </B><I>a country that has long sought recognition as a major power </I><B>| ~ by/from </B><I>recognition by his superiors of the service he had performed </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>They received recognition for their 20-year commitment to safety at sea. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a lack of recognition, recognition of the importance of sth, recognition of the need for sth, a struggle for recognition</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
233416.1proportion<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROPORTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PROPORTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROPORTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROPORTION </U> </P> adj.
234418.1resistancetrying to stop sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESISTANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> RESISTANCE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> RESISTANCE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> considerable, great, stiff, strong, substantial | determined, fierce, heroic, serious, spirited, stubborn | effective | token | active | passive | collective, organized | widespread | armed, military | political | popular, public | guerrilla, peasant </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESISTANCE </U><B> mount, offer, put up </B><I>They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal. </I><B>| encounter, meet (with), run into </B><I>The advancing army met with little resistance. </I><B>| break (down), crush, overcome </B> </P> <P> <U> RESISTANCE + VERB </U><B> stiffen | collapse, crumble </B> </P> <P> <U> RESISTANCE + NOUN </U><B> movement | fighter, forces, group, leader, worker </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> without ~ </B><I>The attacks did not take place without resistance. </I><B>| ~ against </B><I>armed resistance against the Nazis </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>There was fierce resistance to the new laws. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the line/path of least resistance </B>(= the easiest way of doing sth), <B>a pocket of resistance </B>(= an area of resistance) </P> noun
235418.2resistanceto a disease/drugs<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESISTANCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high | low | disease | antibiotic, drug </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESISTANCE </U><B> have | build up, develop </B><I>You need to build up your resistance to colds. </I><B>| lower </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>Aids lowers the body's resistance to infection. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
236422.1logicsystem of reasoning<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LOGIC </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> formal | deductive, inductive </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LOGIC </U><B> apply, use </B><I>Philosophers use logic to prove their arguments. </I> </P> noun
237422.2logicuse of reason<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LOGIC </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> compelling, exquisite, impeccable, inexorable </B><I>There is a compelling logic to his main theory. </I><B>| strict | internal, underlying | commercial, economic, political, scientific </B><I>There is sound commercial logic in never giving credit to retailers. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + LOGIC </U><B> accept, follow, understand </B><I>I can't follow the logic of what you are saying. </I><B>| defy </B><I>It's a stupid decision that completely defies logic. </I><B>| apply, use </B><I>You can't use the same logic in dealing with children. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ behind </B><I>What's the logic behind this decision? </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>There doesn't seem to be any logic in the move. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
238423.1wholeall of sth<P> <U> VERB + WHOLE </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WHOLE </U><B> cover, embrace, encompass, involve, span </B><I>The project involved the whole of the university. </I><B>| fill, occupy, take up </B><I>The library takes up the whole of the first floor. </I><B>| permeate, pervade </B><I>Technology permeates the whole of our lives. </I> </P> noun
239423.2wholecomplete thing<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WHOLE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> coherent, cohesive, harmonious, homogeneous, integrated, organized, seamless </B><I>She was struggling to organize her ideas into a coherent whole. </I><B>| single | complex </B><I>The author examines each aspect of Roman society, then attempts to summarize the complex whole. </I><B>| meaningful </B><I>At this age, babies do not yet combine sounds into a meaningful whole. </I><B>| organic </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + WHOLE </U><B> form, make (up) </B><I>He tried to fit the pieces of evidence together to make a coherent whole. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> as a whole </B><I>Unemployment is higher in the north than in the country as a whole. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
240430.1resolutionformal decision taken after a vote<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> RESOLUTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> draft | formal | joint </B><I>a joint US-British resolution </I><B>| unanimous | ordinary | emergency, special | compromise | affirmative, negative </B><I>(both law) An affirmative resolution of both Houses of Parliament is needed. </I><B>| Security Council, UN, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U><B> draft | propose, put forward, table | vote on | adopt, agree, approve, carry, pass </B><I>The resolution was carried unanimously. </I><B>| block, reject </B> </P> <P> <U> RESOLUTION + VERB </U><B> be aimed at sth, call for sth </B><I>The resolution called for the resumption of negotiations. </I><B>| declare sth, proclaim sth </B><I>a resolution declaring independence </I><B>| approve sth, authorize sth </B><I>The assembly adopted a resolution approving the scheme. </I><B>| condemn sth </B><I>a resolution condemning the invasion </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> under (a/the) ~ </B><I>weapons banned under Resolution 687 </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>The General Assembly rejected the resolution on the subject of arms control. </I>&gt; Special page at MEETING </B> </P> noun
241430.2resolutionsettling a dispute<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> early, quick, rapid | final, ultimate | peaceful </B><I>Hopes of a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading. </I><B>| satisfactory, successful | conflict, dispute </B><I>methods of conflict resolution </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U><B> require | press for </B><I>The government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis. </I><B>| achieve, reach </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>the likelihood of achieving a satisfactory resolution to the problem </I> </P> noun
242430.3resolutionbeing firm and determined<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U><B> have | show </B><I>She showed great resolution in her dealings with management. </I><B>| lack </B> </P> noun
243430.4resolutionfirm decision to do/not to do sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> firm, good | New Year/New Year's </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RESOLUTION </U><B> make </B><I>I made a New Year resolution to give up smoking. </I><B>| keep </B> </P> noun
244430.5resolutionpower to give a clear image<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> high </B><I>high-resolution graphics </I><B>| low | maximum | screen | pixel </B><I>a monitor capable of a 1,024 by 768 pixel resolution </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
245434.1.2displayperforming a skill<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISPLAY </U> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> astonishing, awesome, breathtaking, brilliant, devastating, flamboyant, great, impressive, magnificent, outstanding, spectacular, spirited, superb, virtuoso </B><I>a flamboyant display of footballing skills </I><B>| disappointing, lacklustre, poor | firework | pyrotechnic </B><I>The sun set in a pyrotechnic display that burnt up the whole western sky. </I><B>| aerial, aerobatic, air, flying, parachute | courtship, mating, sexual </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISPLAY </U><B> give, perform, put on </B><I>The male performs a magnificent courtship display. They put on a spectacular firework display. </I><B>| treat sb to </B><I>The crowd was treated to an impressive display of power tennis. </I><B>| watch </B> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U><B> team </B><I>an aerobatic display team </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>They gave a virtuoso display of disco dancing. </I> </P> noun
246434.1.3displayshowing a particular feeling/quality<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> brief | rare | impressive, incredible, striking </B><I>Members of the community closed ranks in an impressive display of unity. </I><B>| open, public </B><I>an open display of affection for her husband </I><B>| outward </B><I>Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something. </I><B>| ostentatious, overt </B><I>an ostentatious display of wealth </I><B>| aggressive </B><I>There may be specific events which trigger aggressive displays in your dog. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>She slammed the door behind her in a display of ill-temper. </I> </P> noun
247434.1.4displayon a computer screen, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> computer, screen | data, graphics, video, visual | colour, mono/monochrome | high resolution, low resolution </B><I>a high resolution colour display </I><B>| LCD/liquid crystal | analogue, digital | Windows </B> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U><B> screen, terminal, unit </B><I>display screen equipment a visual display unit </I> </P> noun
248434.2display<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISPLAY </U> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISPLAY </U> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> DISPLAY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> clearly, prominently </B><I>His football trophies were prominently displayed in the kitchen. </I><B>| proudly </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> to </B><I>She proudly displayed her degree certificate to her parents. </I> </P> verb
249435.1publicationof a book, etc.<P> <U> VERB + PUBLICATION </U> </P> <P> <U> PUBLICATION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PUBLICATION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PUBLICATION </U><B> begin | cease, stop | prepare sth for | be due/scheduled for </B><I>The book is scheduled for publication in the autumn. </I><B>| accept sth for </B> </P> <P> <U> PUBLICATION + VERB </U><B> be due/scheduled </B><I>The publication of her memoirs is scheduled for the autumn. </I> </P> <P> <U> PUBLICATION + NOUN </U><B> date </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the date/time of publication </B> </P> noun
250435.2publicationbook, magazine, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PUBLICATION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> new, recent | forthcoming | leading, major | sister </B><I>&lsquo;This Week&rsquo;'s German sister publication, &lsquo;Diese Woche&rsquo;, went out of business. </I><B>| government, official | specialist | academic, business, scientific, trade </B> </P> <P> <U> PUBLICATION + NOUN </U><B> publications catalogue/list </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ about </B><I>specialist publications about bees </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>She has several publications to her name on local history. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
251437.1permit<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERMIT </U> </P> <P> <U> PERMIT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PERMIT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERMIT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> government, official | export, import | residence, residency | work | travel | resident's, visitor's | building, filming, fishing, landing, parking </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERMIT </U><B> have | give (sb), grant (sb), issue | get, obtain, receive | revoke | renew | apply for | need, require </B> </P> <P> <U> PERMIT + VERB </U><B> expire, run out </B> </P> <P> <U> PERMIT + NOUN </U><B> holder </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>Entry is by permit only. </I><B>| with/without a ~ </B><I>You can't park here without a permit. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>They applied for a permit for a street demonstration against university fees. </I> </P> noun
252437.2permit<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERMIT </U> </P> <P> <U> PERMIT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PERMIT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERMIT </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> legally | generally, normally </B><I>Development is not normally permitted in conservation areas. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PERMIT </U><B> refuse to | be designed to </B><I>The bill was designed to permit workers to take up to twelve weeks' unpaid leave annually for family reasons. </I> </P> verb
253439.1jointin the body<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOINT </U> </P> <P> <U> JOINT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> elbow, hip, knee, etc. | inflamed, painful, rheumatic, stiff, swollen | artificial </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOINT </U><B> replace </B><I>He's going to have his hip joint replaced. </I> </P> <P> <U> JOINT + VERB </U><B> ache | move </B><I>The joint should be able to move freely. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>You've got fluid in the joint. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the joint between the lower and upper parts of the arm </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> put sth out of joint </B><I>She fell and put her knee out of joint. </I> </P> noun
254439.2jointconnecting point<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOINT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> airtight, watertight | leaking </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOINT </U><B> make, seal </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>a joint between two lengths of copper </I> </P> noun
255439.3jointpiece of meat<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOINT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> bacon </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + JOINT </U><B> cook, roast | carve </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ of </B><I>a joint of beef/lamb/pork </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
256443.1documentofficial paper/book<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DOCUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> DOCUMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> important, key, seminal </B><I>one of the key documents in this case </I> | relevant | large, lengthy, long, <B>weighty | brief, short | </B> 10-page, etc. | complete, entire, <B>whole </B><I>This statement must be understood in the context of the entire document. </I><B>| summary | detailed | draft | revised | final | original </B><I>The original document has been lost or destroyed. </I><B>| electronic, paper, printed, written | published, unpublished | enclosed </B><I>Please sign the enclosed document and return it to me. </I><B>| single </B><I>A constitution need not be a single document. </I><B>| classified, confidential, privileged </B><I>(law)</I>, <B>(top) secret | private | public | available </B><I>Documents will be available at the news conference. </I><B>| internal </B><I>details of internal UN documents </I><B>| approved, signed | unsigned | authentic, genuine | forged | disclosed, leaked | government, legal, official | policy, strategy | travel </B><I>Keep your travel documents in a secure place. </I><B>| registration </B><I>a car's registration document </I><B>| contract, offer, tender </B><I>(all business) He has promised to post a formal offer document to shareholders by Monday. </I><B>| briefing | consultation, consultative, discussion, proposal, working </B><I>a working document in the discussions for a final treaty </I><B>| basic, framework | guidance | supporting | (legally) binding </B><I>A document signed abroad is as legally binding as one signed at home. </I><B>| constitutional, contractual | historical </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> copy </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DOCUMENT </U><B> draft, draw up, prepare, produce, publish, type, write </B><I>The government has produced an important new policy document. </I><B>| revise | disclose </B><I>(law)</I>, <B>issue </B><I>a consultative document issued by the Department of Trade and Industry </I> <B>| receive | obtain | file </B><I>Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court. </I><B>| hand over/sb, present, submit </B><I>Supporting documents must be submitted to the supervisory authority. </I><B>| produce </B><I>He was unable to produce the document that he claimed would prove his case. </I><B>| keep | circulate, send (out) | leak </B><I>documents leaked from the government to the press </I><B>| read | go through, read through </B><I>Go through the document checking for errors. </I><B>| search through, sort through </B><I>I had to search through 4,000 documents to find the information I needed. </I><B>| consider, examine, study | accept, adopt, approve, endorse, execute </B><I>(law)</I>, sign </B><I>The conference adopted a document on minority rights. </I><B>| authenticate | forge | refer to | address | attach, enclose </B><I>The relevant documents are enclosed for your information. </I><B>| scan </B><I>Existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer. </I> </P> <P> <U> DOCUMENT + VERB </U><B> be concerned with sth, concern sth, deal with sth, focus on sth, relate to sth | contain sth, cover sth, include sth </B><I>documents covering various points of concern </I><B>| refer to sth | acknowledge sth, describe sth, detail sth, explain sth, indicate sth, list sth, note sth, outline sth, record sth, say sth, set out sth, state sth, tell sb sth </B><I>The document says they are against tax rebates. </I><B>| call for sth, propose sth, suggest sth </B><I>a document calling for a ceasefire </I><B>| aim at sth, envisage sth, seek sth </B><I>documents aimed at stimulating discussion </I><B>| reveal sth, show sth | purport sth </B><I>Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site. </I><B>| summarize sth | confirm sth | be agreed (on/upon) </B><I>a document agreed with the District Council </I><B>| be called sth, be entitled sth, be headed sth, be known as sth </B><I>a document entitled &lsquo;Guidelines for Good Practice&rsquo; </I><B>| be written </B><I>The document is written in Chinese. </I><B>| exist </B><I>No other genuine document exists. </I><B>| date back from/to &hellip; , <B>be dated &hellip; </B><I>documents dating back to the 1920s The document is dated 775. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> according to a/the ~ </B><I>According to leaked cabinet documents, no compensation would be paid. </I><B>| in a/the ~ </B><I>He particularly criticized the terminology in the document. </I><B>| throughout a/the ~ </B><I>There is a disclaimer throughout the official documents. </I><B>| ~ about/concerning </B><I>a document concerning arbitration procedures in Cairo </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>a document of 2,000 words a document of 1999 Her journal is an important document of Victorian rural life </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>a government document on transport policy </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a draft/version of a document </B> </P> noun
257443.2documentcomputer file<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DOCUMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> active, current </B><I>Highlight </I>a </B><I>passage in the active documen</I>t </B><I>and click on the print icon. </I>| <B>printed </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DOCUMENT </U><B> open | close | display </B><I>to display documents o</I>n </B><I>screen </I><B>| retrieve | scroll through </B><I>Scroll through the document usin</I>g </B><I>the slider bar on the right of th</I>e </B><I>window. </I><B>| search </B><I>a software too</I>l </B><I>for searching documents an</I>d </B><I>retrieving information </I><B>| create </B><I>T</I>o </B><I>create a new document, selec</I>t </B><I>New from the File menu. </I><B>| edit | save </B><I>Save the document befor</I>e </B><I>closing. </I><B>| format | spell check | send </B><I>Send and receive document</I>s </B><I>at the click of a button. </I><B>| receive | print (out) </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>Cut and paste i</I>s </B><I>used to move text to a new plac</I>e </B><I>in the document</I>. &gt; Special page at COMPUTER </B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
258445.1absencefact of not being present<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> lengthy, long, prolonged | brief, temporary | unauthorized </B> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U><B> period, spell </B><I>You will not be paid for the full period of absence. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> during/in sb's ~ </B>(= while sb is not there) <I>My father did all the cooking in my mother's absence. </I><B>| ~ from </B><I>absence from work </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> conspicuous/notable by your absence </B>(= very obviously absent when you ought to be present) <I>When it came to clearing up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence. </I><B>| leave of absence </B>(= permission to be absent) <I>He asked for leave of absence from the army. </I> </P> noun
259445.2absencelack<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> complete, total | virtual | conspicuous, notable </B><I>a conspicuous absence of evidence </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in the ~ of </B><I>In the absence of stone, most houses in the area are built of wood. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
260447.2conventional<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> QUANT. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONVENTION </U> </P> <P> <U> CONVENTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONVENTION </U> </P> <P> <U> CONVENTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> CONVENTION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + CONVENTION </U> </P> <P> <U> CONVENTION + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> noun
261454.1.1signalsign/action/sound that sends a </B>message<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SIGNAL </U> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> clear, unmistakable | agreed, pre-arranged | conflicting, confusing, contradictory, mixed | wrong </B><I>Laughing when you should be crying sends out the wrong signals to people. </I><B>| alarm, danger, distress, warning | hand, non-verbal, semaphore, smoke, verbal, visual </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SIGNAL </U><B> arrange </B><I>He had arranged a signal for the band to begin. </I><B>| give (sb), make, send (out) </B><I>When I give the signal, run! </I> <B>| interpret (sth as), read, see sth as </B><I>The remark was seen as a signal that their government was ready to return to the peace talks. </I> <B>| pick up, respond to </B><I>Interviewers quickly learn to pick up non-verbal signals. </I><B>| act as </B><I>The insect's bright colours act as warning signals to its predators. </I> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + VERB </U><B> come from sth </B><I>trying to read the signals coming from the patient </I><B>| indicate sth </B><I>the signals that can indicate danger </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> at/on a ~ </B><I>At a pre-arranged signal, everyone started cheering. </I> <B>| ~ for </B><I>She made a signal for the car to stop. </I><B>| ~ from/to </B><I>Wait for the signal from the leader of your group. </I> </P> noun
262454.1.2signalset of lights for drivers<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SIGNAL </U> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> railway, traffic </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SIGNAL </U><B> operate </B> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + VERB </U><B> be (on) red/green </B><I>The traffic signals were on red. </I><B>| fail </B> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + NOUN </U><B> box | failure </B> </P> noun
263454.1.3signalseries of radio waves, chemical messages, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SIGNAL </U> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> faint, weak | strong | high-frequency, low-frequency | acoustic, analogue, audio, chemical, digital, electrical, electronic, light, radar, radio, sonar, sound, television/TV, video, wireless </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SIGNAL </U><B> carry, pass </B><I>The nerves carry these signals to the brain. </I><B>| convert (sth into), scramble, unscramble </B><I>The signal is scrambled into code before it is sent. </I><B>| emit, generate, send, transmit | detect, pick up, receive, respond to </B><I>This equipment can detect very low frequency signals. </I> </P> <P> <U> SIGNAL + VERB </U><B> travel </B><I>A light signal can travel well over 16km before it halves in intensity. </I><B>| fade </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ from </B><I>a faint signal from the satellite </I><B>| ~ to </B> </P> noun
264454.2.1signalmove your arms to give a signal<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> frantically, wildly </B><I>She signalled frantically to us. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>He raised his hand and signalled for the waiter. </I><B>| to </B><I>She signalled to the bus driver to stop. </I> </P> verb
265454.2.2signalshow/mark sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> clearly </B><I>These changes clearly signal the end of the welfare state as we know it. </I><B>| effectively | not necessarily </B><I>A change of mind in one instance does not necessarily signal a change in overall policy. </I> </P> verb
266455.1passagenarrow way through<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> long, short | narrow, small | wide | twisting, winding | connecting, side | subterranean, underground | dark, secret </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> clear </B><I>to clear a passage for ships through the ice </I><B>| force </B><I>He forced a passage for the singer through the crowd. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> along/down/through a/the~ </B><I>We ran through the dark passage. </I><B>| in/into a/the ~ </B><I>Someone was waiting outside in the passage. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the passage between the cottage and the house </I><B>| ~ from </B><I>There is an underground passage from the church to the house. </I><B>| ~ through </B><I>a narrow passage through the bushes </I><B>| ~ to </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the end of a passage </B><I>There was a door at the end of the passage. </I><B>| a maze of passages </B><I>the maze of secret passages which wound their way under the building </I> </P> noun
267455.2passagetube in the body<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> nasal | back </B>(= rectum) </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> block, obstruct | clear </B> </P> noun
268455.3passageextract from a book/speech<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> lengthy, long | short | opening | famous, well-known | descriptive, purple </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> quote, read </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ </B><I>There's a lot of slang in this passage. </I><B>| ~ from </B><I>a passage from the Bible </I> </P> noun
269455.4passageextract from a piece of music<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> lengthy, long | short | opening | fast, slow | loud | quiet, soft | solo </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> play, quote </B><I>In the 15th symphony he quotes a passage from Rossini's &lsquo;William Tell&rsquo; overture. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a/the ~ | ~ from </B> </P> noun
270455.5passagemovement/progress<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> rapid, speedy | slow | safe | smooth | free </B><I>The UN Security Council has demanded free passage for families fleeing from the fighting. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> deny sb, refuse sb </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ across </B><I>the slow passage of a snail across the veranda </I><B>| ~ down </B><I>Steps cut in the hillside give walkers an easy passage down the mountain. </I><B>| ~ from &hellip; to &hellip; </B><I>We are not aware of our passage from consciousness to sleep. </I><B>| ~ into </B><I>Portugal's passage into the next round of the tournament </I><B>| ~ out of </B><I>a safe passage out of the war zone </I><B>| ~ over </B><I>State-of-the-art suspension guarantees a smooth passage over the bumpiest road. </I><B>| ~ through </B><I>They denied him passage through the territory. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the passage of time </B><I>The problems only got worse with the passage of time. </I><B>| a rite of passage </B><I>Marriage is seen as a rite of passage. </I> </P> noun
271455.6passagejourney by ship<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> long, short | rough, stormy | homeward, outward | sea </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> have | book | work </B><I>He worked his passage </I>(= he worked to pay for his journey) </B><I>to Australia. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> during a/the ~ </B><I>During the passage, she taught herself basic Arabic. </I><B>| on sb's/the ~ </B><I>We met him on our outward passage. </I><B>| ~ across </B><I>a rough passage across the Atlantic </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>We had a stormy passage to India. </I> </P> noun
272455.7passageof a bill through Parliament<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> smooth | speedy </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PASSAGE </U><B> begin, complete </B><I>The bill will complete its passage in November. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> during the ~ </B><I>There was much controversy during the passage of the bill. </I><B>| ~ through </B><I>a strategy to ensure the bill's smooth passage through Parliament </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
273456.1discovery<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCOVER </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCOVERY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> verb
274456.2discovery<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCOVER </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCOVERY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> amazing, big, exciting, great, important, major, remarkable, significant, startling, surprising, unexpected </B><I>potentially the biggest archaeological discovery in Norway for fifty years </I><B>| awful, chilling, grim, terrible </B><I>the awful discovery that he had been deceiving her </I><B>| latest, new, recent | accidental, chance </B><I>All these were chance discoveries made by scientists engaged in other investigations. </I><B>| archaeological, medical, scientific | personal </B><I>The story tells of a man's journey of personal discovery up an African river. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DISCOVERY </U><B> make </B><I>New scientific discoveries are being made all the time. </I><B>| lead to </B><I>Their work led to some important medical discoveries. </I><B>| await </B><I>There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ by </B><I>a discovery by a French scientist </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>the discovery of oil in the North Sea </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a process of discovery, a journey/voyage of discovery </B><I>(figurative) To tour Sri Lanka is to take a voyage of discovery through a land of endless variety. </I> </P> noun
275457.1introductionfirst use<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> early, gradual, recent, widespread </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ into </B><I>the gradual introduction of modern farming methods into traditional societies </I> </P> noun
276457.2introductionfirst part of a book/talk<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> brief, short </B><I>He began with a brief introduction. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in an/the ~ </B><I>His mother is mentioned in the introduction. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>the introduction to her latest book </I> </P> noun
277457.3introductionbook for studying a subject<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> excellent, general, useful </B><I>It serves as an excellent introduction to 19th-century painting. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B> </P> noun
278457.4introductiontelling people each other's names<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INTRODUCTION </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> formal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + INTRODUCTION </U><B> make </B><I>I can never remember names, so I don't like to make the introductions. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a letter of introduction </B><I>He gave me a letter of introduction to the manager. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
279458.1boundaryline that marks the limits of a place<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BOUNDARY </U> </P> <P> <U> BOUNDARY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> common | northern, southern, etc. | national, state | district, parish </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BOUNDARY </U><B> have | form, mark </B><I>The river forms the boundary. </I><B>| share | draw, establish, fix, set </B><I>The boundary was fixed just south of the farm. </I><B>| redraw | cross </B><I>We've just crossed the boundary into Sussex. </I><B>| extend </B> </P> <P> <U> BOUNDARY + NOUN </U><B> fence, hedge, line, wall | dispute </B><I>a boundary dispute with their neighbours </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> across/over the ~ </B><I>They drove across the boundary. </I><B>| along the ~ </B><I>We continued along the southern boundary of the county. </I><B>| at/on the ~ </B><I>We had to stop at the boundary. on the boundary of the two countries </I><B>| beyond the ~ </B><I>She had never strayed beyond the city boundaries. </I><B>| within the ~s </B><I>within the boundaries of the old city walls </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the boundary between Sussex and Surrey </I><B>| ~ with </B><I>The state has a boundary with Ontario. </I> </P> noun
280458.2boundarylimit<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BOUNDARY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> traditional </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BOUNDARY </U><B> cross </B><I>This job crosses the traditional boundary between social work and health care. </I><B>| extend, push back </B><I>research which extends the boundaries of human knowledge </I><B>| overstep </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> across ~s </B><I>His policies appeal across party political boundaries. </I><B>| beyond the ~s </B><I>going beyond the boundaries of accepted behaviour </I><B>| on the ~ </B><I>on the boundary of physics and chemistry </I><B>| within the ~s </B><I>keeping within the boundaries of the law </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>the boundary between sanity and insanity </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the boundaries of taste </B><I>In her performance she had clearly overstepped the boundaries of good taste. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
281461.1decline<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DECLINE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> catastrophic, considerable, dramatic, drastic, massive, marked, precipitate, precipitous, rapid, serious, sharp, significant, steep, substantial | gentle, gradual, modest, slight, slow | continuing, progressive, steady </B><I>a steady decline in manufacturing </I><B>| general, long-term, overall | absolute, inevitable, inexorable, irreversible, terminal </B><I>an industry in terminal decline </I><B>| economic, industrial, moral, political, urban </B><I>the moral decline of the nation </I><B>| national </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + DECLINE </U><B> fall into, go into, suffer </B><I>The cloth trade went into gradual decline. </I><B>| cause, lead to </B><I>The increased gold price lead to the decline of his jewellery business. </I><B>| arrest, halt, stop </B><I>We must halt this decline in health services. </I><B>| prevent | accelerate | see </B><I>We have seen a sharp decline in educational standards over recent years. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ </B><I>The motor industry is still in decline. </I><B>| on the ~ </B><I>This area has been on the decline for some years now. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>a steep decline in sales </I><B>| ~ of </B><I>the decline of British farming </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the decline and fall of sth </B><I>the decline and fall of a great civilization </I> </P> noun
282461.2.1declinerefuse<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> politely | absolutely </B><I>I absolutely decline to discuss my dealings with him or anyone. </I> </P> verb
283461.2.2declinebecome smaller/weaker<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> considerably, dramatically, drastically, markedly, sharply, significantly, steeply </B><I>The economy has declined sharply in recent years. </I><B>| a little, slightly | fast, rapidly </B><I>The market for these products is declining fast. </I><B>| steadily | gradually, slowly | further </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by </B><I>Profits declined by 6% this year. </I><B>| from, to </B><I>The number of full-time staff has declined from 300 to just 50. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> decline in importance/numbers/size </B><I>This section of the market has slowly declined in importance. </I> </P> verb
284462.3ratio<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RATION </U> </P> <P> <U> RATION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + RATIO </U> </P> <P> <U> RATIO + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> verb
285465.1settlementagreement<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SETTLEMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> early, speedy | final | lasting, long-term | temporary | amicable, friendly, peaceful | just, reasonable, satisfactory | compromise | negotiated | constitutional, diplomatic, financial, political | compensation, divorce, marriage | out-of-court | peace | pay, wage </B><I>Nurses refused to accept a pay settlement less than the rate of inflation. </I><B>| dispute </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SETTLEMENT </U><B> agree, reach </B><I>Both parties hope to reach an amicable settlement. </I><B>| negotiate, produce </B><I>The union has negotiated a temporary settlement. </I><B>| seek </B><I>Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court settlement. </I><B>| offer </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the terms of the settlement </B> </P> noun
286465.2settlementpayment of debt, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> prompt, speedy | early | full </B><I>full settlement of a debt </I><B>| cash | debt </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~ of </B><I>a cheque in settlement of the amount owing </I><B>| under a/the ~ </B><I>a beneficiary under the settlement </I> </P> noun
287465.3settlementplace where people have come to live<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SETTLEMENT </U> </P> <P> <U> SETTLEMENT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> SETTLEMENT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> ancient, early | land | agricultural, rural </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SETTLEMENT </U><B> establish, found </B><I>The Romans established a settlement on the south shore. </I> </P> <P> <U> SETTLEMENT + VERB </U><B> grow up </B><I>A settlement grew up around the castle. </I> </P> <P> <U> SETTLEMENT + NOUN </U><B> site</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
288469.1formationmaking/developing sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FORMATION </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> policy </B><I>the top civil servants who are responsible for policy formation </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + FORMATION </U><B> lead to, result in </B><I>This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group. </I> </P> noun
289469.2formationarrangement/group/pattern<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> FORMATION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> close, tight | battle </B><I>The troops advanced in battle formation. </I><B>| family, household, social </B><I>changing patterns of marriage and family formation </I> </P> <P> <U> FORMATION + NOUN </U><B> dancing, flying </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in a &hellip; ~ </B><I>The men were grouped in a close formation. </I><B>| in ~ </B><I>a squadron of planes flying in formation </I> </P> noun
290469.3formationsth that has been formed<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> cloud, geological, rock | military, political</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
291470.1transmissionsending out/passing on<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TRANSMISSION </U> </P> <P> <U> TRANSMISSION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> direct, indirect | one-way </B><I>Classes are based on discussion rather than on the one-way transmission of knowledge. </I><B>| onward, outward </B><I>An extra copy of each document was supplied for onward transmission to head office. </I><B>| data, information, voice | facsimile/fax | light, power | money | gas | cable, radio, satellite, television | analogue, digital | live, simultaneous </B><I>There will be simultaneous transmission of the concert on TV and radio. </I><B>| genetic, oral, person-to-person, sexual | herpes, HIV, malaria | cultural </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TRANSMISSION </U><B> prevent </B> </P> <P> <U> TRANSMISSION + NOUN </U><B> equipment, line, technology | mechanism, network, system | route </B><I>The virus's usual transmission route is by sneezing. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ among </B><I>HIV transmission among homosexual men </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>transmission between patients </I><B>| ~ by </B><I>transmission by satellite </I><B>| ~ from, ~ to </B><I>transmission from one aircraft to another </I><B>| ~ through </B><I>HIV transmission through blood transfusion </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a mode of transmission, a risk of transmission </B><I>There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users. </I> </P> noun
292470.2transmissionTV/radio programme<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TRANSMISSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> radio, television/TV | FM, long-wave, medium-wave, short-wave, UHF, VHF | live, satellite, stereo | test </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + TRANSMISSION </U><B> receive </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ from </B><I>a live transmission from Sydney </I> </P> noun
293470.3transmissionin a car, etc.<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> TRANSMISSION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> automatic, manual | 4-speed, 5-speed </B> </P> <P> <U> TRANSMISSION + NOUN </U><B> system</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
294471.1shape<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> SHAPE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> adj.
295471.2.1shapephysical outline<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> SHAPE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> basic, simple </B><I>The children cut the paper into various simple shapes. </I><B>| characteristic, distinctive </B><I>I recognized the distinctive shape of a Boeing-747. </I><B>| curious, interesting, unusual, weird | awkward </B><I>The desk was an awkward shape and wouldn't fit through the door. </I><B>| original | geometric/geometrical, regular, symmetrical | complex | asymmetrical, irregular | odd, random </B><I>tiles of random shape </I><B>| solid, three-dimensional | aerodynamic | angular, arch, circular, cone/conical, cylindrical, diamond, dome, egg, elliptical, elongated, hemispherical, hexagonal, oblong, pentagonal, pointed, pyramid/pyramidal, rectangular, round, spherical, triangular, wedge | rounded, smooth | arrow, banana, cross, pear, star, T, etc. </B><I>The road forms an L shape. The bruise was a sort of mushroom shape. </I><B>| blurred, ghostly, shadowy, vague | huge, massive | black, dark, grey | human | body </B><I>You can't change your natural body shape. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U><B> cut out, draw, make, trace </B><I>First draw the rough shape of your chosen animal. Fold the paper to make the shape of a cone. </I><B>| cut sth into, make sth in, produce sth in </B><I>a cheese similar to Brie but produced in a different shape </I><B>| come in, have </B><I>Tables come in various shapes. </I><B>| assume, make, take on </B><I>Ordinary things assumed different shapes in the mist. </I><B>| keep, retain </B><I>These garments will retain their shape even with repeated washing. </I><B>| regain | change | lose | distort </B><I>The wide-angle lens distorts shapes. </I><B>| distinguish, make out, see </B><I>I could just make out the shapes of animals in the field. </I> </P> <P> <U> SHAPE + VERB </U><B> appear, emerge, loom </B><I>Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in the ~ of </B><I>a doormat in the shape of a cat </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> out of shape </B><I>The bicycle had been battered out of shape. </I><B>| oblong/rectangular/hexagonal, etc. in shape </B><I>The island is roughly circular in shape. </I> </P> noun
296471.2.2shapestructure/nature of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> general | changing | final | future </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U><B> alter, change, determine, influence </B><I>He did much to determine the shape of Europe's political map at that time. </I><B>| take </B><I>A wonderful idea began to take shape in her brain. </I><B>| give </B><I>the words we use to give a shape to our feelings </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> in any shape or form </B><I>I can't stand insects in any shape or form. </I><B>| the shape of things to come </B><I>This revolutionary transport system could be the shape of things to come. </I> </P> noun
297471.2.3shapegood or bad condition<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> fine, good, great | bad, poor | physical </B><I>He's 64, but he's in better physical shape than I am. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U><B> get sb/sth into, knock/lick/whip sb/sth into </B><I>Get your body into shape for the summer! Leave the boy with me?I'll soon knock him into shape! </I><B>| be in, keep in, stay in </B><I>You are in pretty good shape for your age. She likes to stay in shape. </I><B>| be out of</B> </P> noun
298471.3shape<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> SHAPE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> profoundly </B><I>Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience. </I><B>| largely | actively, deliberately </B><I>actively shaping the history of their country </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHAPE </U><B> help (to) </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a part/role in shaping sth</B> </P> verb
299478.1.1shiftchange<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHIFT </U> </P> <P> <U> SHIFT + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> distinct, dramatic, fundamental, major, marked, profound, pronounced, radical, significant, substantial | discernible | slight, subtle | gradual | abrupt, sudden | decisive, irreversible, long-term | climate, cultural, demographic, ideological, policy, population </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHIFT </U><B> be, represent </B><I>These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy. </I><B>| bring about, cause, lead to, produce, result in | mark, see </B><I>The moment marked a significant shift in attitudes to the war. </I><B>| detect </B><I>I detected a subtle shift towards our point of view. </I><B>| explain </B><I>one factor which may explain the president's policy shift </I> </P> <P> <U> SHIFT + VERB </U><B> occur, take place </B><I>These climate shifts occurred over less than a decade. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>the many shifts between verse and prose that occur in Shakespeare </I><B>| ~ (away) from </B><I>the shift away from direct taxation </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>a shift in public opinion </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>a sudden shift to the right in British politics </I><B>| ~ towards </B><I>a shift towards part-time farming </I> </P> noun
300478.1.2shiftdivision of the working day<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHIFT </U> </P> <P> <U> SHIFT + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> double, long, split </B><I>I agreed to work double shifts for a few weeks. </I><B>| day, early, late, night | eight-hour, ten-hour, etc. | afternoon, evening, morning, weekend </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHIFT </U><B> be/come/go on, do, work (in) ~s </B><I>I'm doing the early shift this week. I didn't realize that I'd have to work shifts. The clinic is staffed by ten doctors who work in shifts. </I><B>| change (your) ~s </B><I>It was 8.00 a.m. and the nurses were changing shifts. My husband has changed his shifts, from the afternoon shift to the night one. </I><B>| be/go/come off </B> </P> <P> <U> SHIFT + NOUN </U><B> work | supervisor, manager, worker | pattern, system </B><I>They'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past fortnight. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> on a/the ~ </B><I>a decision for the chief nurse on each shift </I> </P> noun
301478.2.1shiftmove<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> slightly </B><I>Julie shifted her position slightly and smiled. </I><B>| impatiently, restlessly, uncomfortably, uneasily </B><I>She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. </I><B>| away </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from </B><I>She shifted her gaze away from the group of tourists. </I><B>| onto </B><I>He shifted his weight onto his left foot. </I><B>| to </B><I>Her eyes shifted to his face. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> shift from foot to foot </B> </P> verb
302478.2.2shiftchange<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHIFT </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> dramatically, markedly </B><I>The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years. </I><B>| slightly | effectively | simply </B><I>We cannot simply shift the responsibility onto someone else. </I><B>| gradually, slowly | rapidly | suddenly | constantly, continually </B><I>constantly shifting alliances </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SHIFT </U><B> attempt to, try to </B><I>trying to shift the blame onto the government </I><B>| tend to | begin to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> (away) from </B><I>I felt the advantage had suddenly shifted away from us. </I><B>| onto, to </B><I>His sympathies rapidly shifted to the side of the workers. </I><B>| towards </B><I>These changes will shift the balance in higher education more towards science subjects. </I> </P> verb
303482.1profession<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROFESSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> adj.
304482.2profession<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROFESSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> chosen | legal, medical, teaching, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROFESSION </U><B> practise </B><I>In the 1930s he was forbidden to practise his profession. </I><B>| enter, go into, join </B><I>She entered the legal profession after university. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>He was a consultant physician by profession. </I><B>| in a/sb's/the ~ </B><I>making an impact in her chosen profession </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a choice of profession </B><I>She was shocked at her daughter's choice of profession. </I><B>| the top of sb's profession </B><I>He reached the top of his profession in very little time. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
305482.3profession<P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERBS </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROFESSION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> chosen | legal, medical, teaching, etc. </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROFESSION </U><B> practise </B><I>In the 1930s he was forbidden to practise his profession. </I><B>| enter, go into, join </B><I>She entered the legal profession after university. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> by ~ </B><I>He was a consultant physician by profession. </I><B>| in a/sb's/the ~ </B><I>making an impact in her chosen profession </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a choice of profession </B><I>She was shocked at her daughter's choice of profession. </I><B>| the top of sb's profession </B><I>He reached the top of his profession in very little time. </I> </P> noun
306492.1adjustchange sth slightly<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> slightly | finely </B><I>It is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted. </I><B>| automatically | carefully | accordingly </B><I>Children are sensitive to disapproval and adjust their behaviour accordingly. </I><B>| downwards, upwards </B><I>This estimate may have to be adjusted downwards. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> for </B><I>Salaries are adjusted for inflation. </I> </P> verb
307492.2adjustget used to new situation<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADJUST </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADJUST </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADJUST </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> quickly, rapidly | gradually, slowly </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADJUST </U><B> be difficult/hard to </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADJUST </U><B> need/take time to </B><I>It may take a little time to adjust to the climate here. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ADJUST </U><B> try to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> to </B><I>She will gradually adjust to her new role. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
308494.1symbolimage/object/event that is a sign of sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SYMBOL </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> clear, dramatic, perfect, potent, powerful, supreme, ultimate </B><I>The Berlin wall was the supreme symbol of the Cold War. </I><B>| universal </B><I>The dove is a universal symbol of peace. </I><B>| outward, physical, visual </B><I>The company car is an outward symbol of the employee's status. </I><B>| ancient, traditional | national | cultural, military, political | divine, religious, sacred | Christian, Hindu, etc. | fertility, phallic, sexual, virility </B><I>The villagers took fertility symbols into the fields to ensure a good harvest. </I><B>| sex </B>(= a person famous for being attractive) <I>He is not most people's idea of a sex symbol. </I><B>| status </B><I>A stressful job can actually be a status symbol. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SYMBOL </U><B> adopt sth as, regard sth as, see sth as, use sth as </B><I>Eggs are seen as the symbol of new life. </I> </P> noun
309494.2symbolletter/sign that has a particular meaning<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SYMBOL </U> </P> <P> <U> SYMBOL + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> identifying </B><I>All GM products carry an identifying symbol. </I><B>| abstract, geometric, geometrical | graphic, written | chemical, Chinese, linguistic, mathematical, musical, phonemic, phonetic, punctuation </B><I>A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SYMBOL </U><B> bear, be marked with, have </B><I>The coin bears a Jewish symbol. The bottle had a skull and crossbones symbol on it. </I><B>| display, show, use </B><I>Hotels that show this symbol offer activities for children. </I><B>| look out for, see </B><I>Always look out for the special ABTA symbol at your travel agent's. You can use your tokens wherever you see this symbol. </I><B>| decipher, interpret, understand </B> </P> <P> <U> SYMBOL + VERB </U><B> denote sth, indicate sth, mean sth, represent sth </B><I>What does this little symbol mean? </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in ~s </B><I>a message written in symbols </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>O is the chemical symbol for oxygen. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
310496.1barrierfence/gate<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BARRIER </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> physical | crash, crush, flood, police, protective, security, ticket | sound </B><I>(figurative) the first plane to break the sound barrier </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BARRIER </U><B> build, erect, install | break through </B><I>The crowd managed to break through the barriers and get onto the pitch. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> at a/the ~ </B><I>Please show your ticket at the barrier. </I><B>| behind a/the ~ </B><I>The police waited behind the barriers. </I><B>| through a/the ~ </B><I>There was a slow trickle of people through the barriers. </I> </P> noun
311496.2barrierthing that causes problems<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BARRIER </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> effective, formidable, major | class, cultural, language, racial, trade </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BARRIER </U><B> build, create, erect, put up, set up </B><I>The old laws created barriers to free trade. </I><B>| break down, lift, lower, reduce, remove | cross </B><I>They believe that sport can cross any barriers. </I><B>| be faced with, encounter, face | overcome, transcend </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ against </B><I>The country has set up barriers against imports. </I><B>| ~ between </B><I>a class barrier between the two families </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>a formidable barrier to communication </I> </P> noun
312496.3barrierphysical object that prevents sb/sth passing<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BARRIER </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> impassable, impenetrable | natural </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + BARRIER </U><B> form </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ between </B><I>The mountains form a natural barrier between the two countries. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
313498.1entryright to enter sth<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U> </P> <P> <U> ENTRY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> free </B><I>The club offers free entry to women on Thursdays. </I><B>| school, university </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U><B> apply for | gain | allow sb, grant sb </B><I>They were later allowed entry into the country. </I><B>| refuse sb, restrict </B><I>It has been necessary to restrict entry into the club. </I><B>| guarantee sb </B> </P> <P> <U> ENTRY + NOUN </U><B> criteria, qualifications, requirements, standard | visa | ticket </B><I>Entry tickets to most attractions are included in the price of the holiday. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ into </B><I>These qualifications will not guarantee you entry into the police force. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>She applied for entry to Nottingham University. </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> right of entry </B><I>The landlord had the right of entry to the flat with due warning. </I> </P> noun
314498.2entryact of coming in<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U> </P> <P> <U> ENTRY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> forced, forcible </B><I>The house was quiet, and there were no signs of a forced entry. </I><B>| unauthorized </B><I>The sign on the gates read &lsquo;No Unauthorized Entry&rsquo;. </I><B>| illegal | dramatic | triumphal </B><I>Caesar's triumphal entry into Rome </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U><B> force, gain </B><I>He found the door locked, but he forced an entry. </I><B>| make </B><I>The champion made his usual dramatic entry into the arena. </I> </P> <P> <U> ENTRY + NOUN </U><B> point </B><I>Drugs are believed to come into the country through five main entry points. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ into </B><I>Hungary's entry into the EU </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>She wondered how she could gain entry to the building. </I> </P> noun
315498.3entrysb/sth that enters a competition<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U> </P> <P> <U> ENTRY + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> winning </B><I>The winning entry will be published in next month's issue. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U><B> post, send (in) </B><I>Send in your entry as soon as possible! </I><B>| attract, get, have, receive </B><I>The show attracted entries from all over the country. We have had a lot of entries this year. </I><B>| judge </B> </P> <P> <U> ENTRY + NOUN </U><B> coupon, form | fee </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>We had too many entries for this event. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>There were a record 2,000 entries in the under-17 section. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>one of the best entries to our competition </I> </P> noun
316498.4entryone item in a list/book<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> diary | dictionary </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTRY </U><B> make, write </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in an/the ~ </B><I>Very little information is given in the diary entries. </I><B>| ~ for </B><I>Look at the dictionary entry for &lsquo;welcome&rsquo;. </I><B>| ~ in </B><I>the last entry she made in her diary </I><B>| ~ on </B><I>First examine the entries on the marriage register. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
317499.1underliedraw a line under a word<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> heavily </B><I>The word &lsquo;not&rsquo; was heavily underlined. </I> </P> verb
318499.2underlieemphasize sth<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNDERLINE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> clearly | just, merely, only, simply </B><I>This disaster merely underlines the need for a consistent foreign policy. </I><B>| further </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + UNDERLINE </U><B> serve to | seem to | be intended to </B><I>a move intended to underline US concern over the issue </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> underline the fact that &hellip;</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> verb
319503.1.1guidesth that helps you plan what you are going to do<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> approximate, rough | accurate </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U><B> give (sb), provide (sb with) | use sth as </B><I>Use the table below as a guide to how much washing powder to use. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ as to </B><I>These figures give a rough guide as to the sales we can expect. </I><B>| ~ to </B> </P> noun
320503.1.2guidebook that gives information about a subject<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> essential, good, helpful, informative, invaluable, practical, reliable, useful, valuable | brief, quick, short, simple | complete, comprehensive, definitive, in-depth </B><I>This book is the definitive guide to world cuisine. </I><B>| step-by-step </B><I>a step-by-step guide to creating your own website </I><B>| reference </B><I>The book contains a quick reference guide to essential grammar at the back. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ to </B><I>a guide to British birds </I> </P> noun
321503.1.3guideperson<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> tour, tourist </B><I>Our tour guide showed us around the old town. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U><B> act as, be </B><I>He agreed to go with them and act as their guide. </I> </P> noun
322503.1.4guidebook for tourists<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> holiday, travel | hotel | street </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U><B> consult </B><I>We consulted our guides as we walked around the cathedral. </I><B>| write | publish</B> </P> noun
323503.2.1guideinfluence sb's behaviour<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> firmly </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U><B> help (to) </B><I>the information and data which help guide the affairs of the business </I><B>| try to </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> into </B><I>the ways in which young people are guided into employment </I><B>| on </B><I>Schools were firmly guided on the details of the curriculum </I> </P> verb
324503.2.2guideexplain sth/help sb<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> carefully </B><I>Their teacher Phil Bailey carefully guides them through rehearsals. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + GUIDE </U><B> help (to) </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in </B><I>He guided me in my research. </I><B>| on </B><I>guiding teachers on how to maintain discipline </I><B>| through </B><I>He guided us through the intricacies of the divorce law. </I> </P> verb
325503.2.3guidehelp sb move<P> <U> ADV. </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADV. </U><B> gently </B><I>He took her arm, gently guiding her. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> across, along, etc. </B><I>She guided him across the busy road. </I><B>| to/towards </B><I>He guided her hand to his face. </I> </P> verb
326507.1enterpriseplan/project<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U> </P> <P> <U> ENTERPRISE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great | exciting | ambitious, difficult, hazardous | common, cooperative, joint </B><I>The programme is a joint enterprise with the National Business School. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U><B> embark on/upon, start, undertake </B><I>They are willing to undertake a new enterprise. </I><B>| abandon </B> </P> <P> <U> ENTERPRISE + VERB </U><B> fail, succeed </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in an/the ~ </B><I>The team leader will be the most important factor in this difficult enterprise. </I> </P> noun
327507.2enterprisea business<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U> </P> <P> <U> ENTERPRISE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> large, large-scale, medium-sized, small, small-scale | profitable, successful | family, private | public, state, state-owned | multinational | agricultural, business, commercial, economic, farming, industrial, manufacturing </B><I>the complex organization of a business enterprise </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U><B> control, manage, run </B><I>He runs a successful small enterprise. </I><B>| invest in </B> </P> <P> <U> ENTERPRISE + VERB </U><B> expand, grow, succeed | fail </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> in/within an ~ </B><I>something that affects all the workers in the enterprise </I> </P> noun
328507.3enterprisedevelopment of businesses<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U> </P> <P> <U> ENTERPRISE + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> free, private </B><I>The Act will encourage private enterprise. </I><B>| local | corporate, individual, municipal </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U><B> encourage, promote </B> </P> <P> <U> ENTERPRISE + NOUN </U><B> culture </B><I>The government has promoted the small firm and the enterprise culture. </I> </P> noun
329507.4enterpriseabilities/imagination<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> great </B><I>I thought she showed great enterprise. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + ENTERPRISE </U><B> show </B> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> a spirit of enterprise</B> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
330508.1scopeopportunity<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SCOPE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> full </B><I>In her new house she had full scope for her passion for gardening. </I><B>| ample, considerable, enormous, great, tremendous | limited </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SCOPE </U><B> have | allow (sb), give sb, leave (sb), offer (sb), provide (sb with) </B><I>These courses give students more scope for developing their own ideas. </I><B>| increase | cut down, reduce </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>There is limited scope for creativity in my job. </I> </P> noun
331508.2scoperange/extent<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SCOPE </U> </P> <P> <U> SCOPE + VERB </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> broad, wide | limited, narrow </B><I>The scope of the exhibition is disappointingly narrow. </I><B>| geographical, territorial </B><I>The geographical scope of product markets has widened since the war. </I> </P> <P> <U> VERB + SCOPE </U><B> broaden, expand, extend, increase, widen | limit, reduce, restrict | define, determine </B><I>These criteria were used to determine the scope of the curriculum. </I> </P> <P> <U> SCOPE + VERB </U><B> broaden, expand, extend, increase, widen | narrow </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> beyond/outside the ~ of </B><I>The subject lies outside the scope of this book. </I><B>| in (sth's) ~ </B><I>The survey is too limited in (its) scope. </I><B>| within the ~ of </B><I>These disputes fall within the scope of the local courts. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
332510.1provinceregion<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROVINCE </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> northern, southern, etc. | central, coastal, frontier </B><I>the central province of Ghor </I><B>| English-speaking, French-speaking, etc. | autonomous 2 the provinces </B>not the capital city </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + PROVINCE </U><B> tour </B><I>The show is currently touring the provinces. </I> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> from the ~ </B><I>She's from the provinces and not familiar with Rome. </I><B>| in the ~ </B><I>There are a number of press agencies based in London and in the provinces. </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun
333513.1revisionmaking changes<P> <U> ADJ. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVISION </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U> </P> <P> <U> ADJ. </U><B> complete, considerable, drastic, extensive, fundamental, major, radical, substantial, thorough | minor | constant, frequent | downward, upward </B><I>an upward revision of government expenditure plans </I><B>| policy, treaty </B> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVISION </U><B> propose, recommend, suggest | call for, demand </B><I>They called for revisions to the treaty. </I><B>| be open to, be subject to </B><I>Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence. </I><B>| undergo </B><I>The scheme has recently undergone drastic revision. </I><B>| agree (to), announce, approve </B><I>In October Parliament approved a revision of the budget. </I><B>| bring about, lead to, result in | carry out, complete, conduct, make, undertake </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ in </B><I>This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management. </I><B>| ~ to </B><I>revisions to the plan </I> </P> <P> <U> PHRASES </U><B> the process of revision </B><I>The process of revision continued at rehearsals. </I> </P> noun
334513.2revisionstudying<P> <U> VERB + REVISION </U> </P> <P> <U> REVISION + NOUN </U> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U> </P> <P> <U> VERB + REVISION </U><B> do </B><I>I've got to do some maths revision tonight. </I> </P> <P> <U> REVISION + NOUN </U><B> class, course, lesson | question </B> </P> <P> <U> PREP. </U><B> ~ for </B><I>revision for tomorrow's history exam </I> </P> </script> </div> </div> <!-- main wrap --> </html> </body> noun