1.2 KiB

How to Contribute

The easiest way to contribute is via CrowdAnki. Install Anki and add the addon CrowdAnki to it. Then, you can add this repo via File -> CrowdAnki: Import from git repository. After you've done the modifications you want to, export the deck via File -> Export -> CrowdAnki JSON representation These changes can then be added via a normal git pull request. (If you're not too familiar with git, you can also just send the json to my email: abocken@ethz.ch, then I will add the changes.)

Editing fields

You've probably noticed how the fields I'm using aren't plain text but are HTML. If you want to edit a field in a major way, please familiarize yourself with the HTML representation of each field. I think you'll quickly get the format after looking at one or two examples.

You can view the html of a field in the Browse window via:

Select a card -> select the field you want to edit -> click on the burger menu (the one to the right where all the format options like bold and italics are) -> edit HTML

Ctrl+Shift+Xshould also open up the HTML of the field.

Shoot me an email if there is anything unclear to you, I'll gladly help you. (abocken@ethz.ch)