#!/bin/sh # A script to automatically detect links and weechat-matrix files. # Opens dmenuhandler for selected links, # decrypts and rifles selected weechat-matrix files. buffer="$(cat)" #URLs: urlregex="(((http|https|gopher|gemini|ftp|ftps|git)://|www\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9.]*[:]?[a-zA-Z0-9./@$&%?$\!\#=_~-]*)|((magnet:\\?xt=urn:btih:)[a-zA-Z0-9]*)" urls="$(echo "$buffer" | sed 's/.*│//g' | tr -d '\n' | # First remove linebreaks and mutt sidebars: grep -aEo "$urlregex" | # grep only urls as defined above. awk '!seen[$0]++' | # Ignore duplicates but keep order of links sed 's/^www./http:\/\/www\./g')" # xdg-open will not detect url without http:// #Weechat-matrix files: all="$(echo "$buffer" | perl -pe 's/[^│]*([^│]*?)│/\1/' | perl -pe 's/^.*?\| //' | sed 's/ │.*//' | head -n-2 | tr -d '\n'| grep -aEo '(<[^]><]*> |\[[^]]*:\/\/[^]]*\])' | grep -Ev "<(Unable to|Message redacted)" )" #filter out ... [ -z "$all" ] && [ -z "$urls" ] && exit; filenames="$( echo "$all" | sed -n '/\[*\]/{g;1!p};h' | tr -d '<>')" links="$( echo "$all" | grep -E '^\[' | tr -d [])" #Debugging: #echo "filenames:$filenames" #echo "links:$links" #echo "urls:$urls" if [ -n "$filenames" ]; then selection="$( echo "$filenames" | tac)" prompt="file" if [ -n "$urls" ]; then selection="$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$selection" "$urls")" prompt="file/link" fi elif [ -n "$urls" ]; then selection="$urls" prompt="link" else exit fi choice="$(echo "$selection" | dmenu -i -p "open which $prompt?" -l 10)" [ -z "$choice" ] && exit #TODO: check for robustness of multifile support echo "$choice" | tac | while read -r choiceline; do #open dmenuhandler for URLs if echo "$urls" | grep -q "^$choiceline$"; then dmenuhandler "$choiceline" #decrypt and open weechat-matrix files else linenr="$(echo "$filenames" | awk "/$choiceline/ {print NR}")" #TODO: fix this stupid implementation, what if both were selected? if [ "$(echo "$linenr" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then notify-send "weechatdl" "Multiple files by that name, choose by URL" link="$(echo "$links" | tac | dmenu -i -p 'open which file?' -l 10)" else link="$(echo "$links" | awk "NR==$linenr")" fi echo "link:$link" if [ "$(echo "$link" | wc -l)" -eq 1 ]; then if echo "$link" | grep -qE '^emxc'; then matrix_decrypt "$link" "/tmp/$choiceline" else curl -L "$link" -o "/tmp/$choiceline" fi ## OPENING OF FILE # assume EDITOR to be terminal based # thus open in new terminal instance. if rifle -l "/tmp/$choiceline" | head -n1 | grep -qE '(EDITOR|PAGER)';then ${TERMINAL:-st} rifle "/tmp/$choiceline" & else rifle "/tmp/$choiceline" fi else notify-send "weechatdls" "multi-link downloads not yet supported" fi fi done