# Luke's build of st - the simple (suckless) terminal Forked from [https://github.com/shiva/st](https://github.com/shiva/st) for simplicity's sake, which is the [suckless terminal (st)](https://st.suckless.org/) with some patches added: + transparency + copy to clipboard (alt-shift-c) + Optional compatibility with `Xresources` and `pywal` for dynamic colors + Solarized colors (light and dark toggleable) + vertcenter + scrollback with keyboard + scrollback with mouse + updated to latest version 0.8.1 ## My own additions + Default font is system "mono" at 14pt, meaning the font will match your system font. + Hold alt and press either ↑/↓ or the vim keys k/j to move up/down in the terminal. + Alt-u and Alt-d scroll back/forward in history a page at a time. + Alt-PageUp and Alt-PageDown scroll back/forward in history a page at a time. + Transparency with solarized colors by default. + Zoom in/out with Alt+Shift+k/j or u/d for larger intervals. ## Terminal-specific mappings (Additions before me.) + Scroll through history -- Shift+PageUp/PageDown or Shift+Mouse wheel + Increase/decrease font size -- Shift+Alt+PageUp/PageDown + Return to default font size -- Shift+Alt+Home + Paste -- Shift+Insert ## Installation for newbs ``` make sudo make install ``` Obviously, `make` is required to build. `fontconfig` is required for the default build, since it asks `fontconfig` for your system monospace font. It might be obvious, but `libX11` and `libXft` are required as well. Chances are, you have all of this installed already. ## Custom changes (`config.def.h` or `config.h`) ### Solarized By default, the terminal is transparent with a blackish background. There's a patch file `solarized-alpha-toggle.patch` which you can use to remove the transparency and give it a typical deep, dark blue solarized background. Just run: ``` patch < solarized-alpha-toggle.patch ``` Then, run `make` & `sudo make install` again to install the new build. You make reverse the solarized background by running the same command as above, but giving `patch` the `-R` option as well. ### `Xresources` and `pywal`/`wal` compatibility If you use `wal` to maintain color schemes across your programs, you can use the `xresources.patch`. ``` patch < xresources.patch make && sudo make install ``` ## Explore `config.h` + Change `colorname[]` array values (88 LOC), default colours are solarized. + Numbers of 0 - 15 are usual terminal colors. Change them to your liking. + Change `bg` to your desired terminal background color. + Change `fg` to your desired terminal foreground color. + Change `cursor` to your desired terminal cursor color.