4.`systemctl enable php-fpm` To test the php setup add the following to your site-available nginx folder. Restart nginx using `systemctl restart nginx` and add a new page called `index.php` to your homepage directory with `<?php phpinfo();?>` as the only content. If the php install worked fine, this will show you the installed php packages. Delete this afterwords.
8. Edit the `nginx` entry for the webmail : `vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/rainloop.conf`. Make sure that the `php` version you installed above matches the php version in line 20. It also should match the php version of the LEMP stack. Also change the hostname accordingly.
1. Go to `http:/webmail.hostname.xyz/?admin`. Here a webinterface should pop up (If not - ty to check the php install - all same versions? Is php accessible? Are the permissions set correctly?
2. Log in using `admin` and `12345`. Strongly recommend to change that one as soon as you log in. This can be done under `Security` in the left menu.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rainloopdb.* TO 'rainloopuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'rainlooppassword';
flush privileges;
3. Go to the admin panel to `Contacts` and activate the data base
4. Select storage `mysql` and choose as DSN `mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=rainloopdb`. The user name is `rainloopuser` and the password the password you used to set up the database.
# Certbot
Give the webmail client proper security using `certbot --nginx` to extend your certificate.