#!/bin/bash if [ -n "$1" ]; then printf "start at reading no. L-" read -r start_no else start_no="$(tail -n1 readings_index | cut -f3)" fi for ((n=$start_no;n<=4000;n++)); do printf "index of reading no. L-%s:" "$n" read -r index if [ "$index" = "" ]; then continue elif [ "$index" -gt 2200 ]; then echo "Kanji from third book. Just adding index and reading index for now" printf '%s\t\t%s\n' "$index" "$n" | tee -ai readings_index elif [ "$index" -gt 0 ]; then line="$(grep -P "^$index\t" lesungen)" printf '%s\t%s\n' "$line" "$n" | tee -ai readings_index elif [ "$index" -eq 0 ]; then n="$(( n - 2 ))"; fi done