#!/bin/bash #Doanloads readings from nihongo.monash using the EUC-JP standard of the Kanji in question. while read -r line; do index="$( echo "$line" | cut -f1)" EUCJP="$( echo "$line" | cut -f2)" url="http://nihongo.monash.edu/cgi-bin/wwwjdic?1MKJ${EUCJP}#" curl -s "$url" > raw_html ON="$(hxnormalize -i 0 -x raw_html | hxselect 'table' | awk 'BEGIN {printout=100000000000}; NR==printout+2 {print $0}; /ON reading/ {printout=NR}'| sed 's///; s/<\/b><\/td>//' )" KUN="$(hxnormalize -i 0 -x raw_html | hxselect 'table' | awk 'BEGIN {printout=100000000000}; NR==printout+2 {print $0}; /KUN reading/ {printout=NR}'| sed 's///; s/<\/b><\/td>//')" NAN="$(hxnormalize -i 0 -x raw_html | hxselect 'table' | awk 'BEGIN {printout=100000000000}; NR==printout+2 {print $0}; /Nanori reading/ {printout=NR}'| sed 's///; s/<\/b><\/td>//')" printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' "$index" "$ON" "$KUN" "$NAN" rm raw_html done//; s/<\/b><\/td>//'