<imgsrc="/../assets/reveal_stroke_order.gif"alt="Front side with kanji displayed"width="49%"><imgsrc="/../assets/kanji_back.png"alt="Back side revealing meaning of kanji"width="49%">
<imgsrc="/../assets/german_front.png"alt="Front side with german word displayed"width="49%"><imgsrc="/../assets/german_back.png"alt="Back side revealing kanji with that meaning"width="49%">
This is my personal vocab list to learn the Japanese Kanji which is using J.W. Heisig/R. Rauther's [__"Die Kanji - lernen und behalten 1"__](https://www.amazon.de/Bedeutung-Schreibweise-japanischen-Schriftzeichen-behalten/dp/3465041577/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2LX7RDRS8FEGW&dchild=1&keywords=die+kanji+lernen+und+behalten&qid=1595191168&sprefix=Die+kanji+lern%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-2)
Since I'm using the German version of the book (and my native language is German) the cards are Japanese-German.
Most of the hints I have gotten from [another Deck for the same book](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1354129669) (probably should have looked for something like this earlier).
A big thanks to the contributors of that deck for sharing their work.
These have not yet been formatted corrected (i.e. bold for the word in question and italics for components of the kanji).
If you find a mistake, or have other ideas on how to improve the deck, please don't hesitate to [open a new issue](https://github.com/blinry/anki-fonts/issues)!
This deck is maintained using the [CrowdAnki](https://github.com/Stvad/CrowdAnki) add-on. If you want to contribute corrections or improvements yourself, follow these steps:
1. Make changes to the deck.
2. Install the [CrowdAnki add-on](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1788670778).
3. Fork and clone this repository.
4. Use `Export -> CrowdAnki Json representation` on the deck and chose the repository's base directory.
5. Commit the changes, and submit a pull request to this repository.
I've been adding the seperately listed primitives as well, although that has some issues connected with it: Some/most of the primitives listed seperately do not have a unicode character associated with them. Thus I've been using two strategies:
1. Choosing a simple kanji which uses this primitive and stating with part of this kanji is meant
2. Misusing another unicode character which looks pretty much the same. For example for "Besen" as used in "雪" uses the charakter "ヨ" ("yo" from Katakana).
Both of these strategies are not optimal and I'm currently looking into other options. Inserting pictures does not seem optimal to me as well since those are heavily font-dependent. Reccommendations on how to solve this issue are always welcome.
I've pulled all available On- Kun- and Nanori-readings from http://nihongo.monash.edu/ using a script.
These readings are not yet displayed on the cards themselves but are listed in the notes.
If you want to see my awful coding practices for such one off stuff which just needs to generate a file once, look into the other branches of this git repository.
For Kanjis I'm using the IPAGothic font, for the stroke order I'm using Timothy Eyre's (or is it Ulrich Apel's? It's not quite clear to me.) great font I found on [his website](https://www.nihilist.org.uk/).
The licenses for these fonts can also be found in the `licenses` folder of this git repository.
I believe me distributing these fonts with this project is not a breach of contract, but I am also not a lawyer.