47 lines
1.4 KiB
47 lines
1.4 KiB
import path from 'path'
import type { RequestHandler } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { IMAGE_DIR } from '$env/static/private'
import sharp from 'sharp';
import { authenticateUser } from '$lib/js/authenticate';
export const POST = (async ({ request, cookies }) => {
const data = await request.json();
const user = await authenticateUser(cookies)
if (!user) throw error(401, "Need to be logged in")
if (!user.access.includes("rezepte")) throw error(401, "You don't have sufficient permissions for this")
let full_res = new Buffer.from(data.image, 'base64')
// reduce image size if over 500KB
const MAX_SIZE_KB = 500
//const metadata = await sharp(full_res).metadata()
////reduce image size if larger than 500KB
//if(metadata.size > MAX_SIZE_KB*1000){
// full_res = sharp(full_res).
// webp( { quality: 70})
// .toBuffer()
await sharp(full_res)
data.name + ".webp"))
await sharp(full_res)
.resize({ width: 800})
data.name + ".webp"))
await sharp(full_res)
.resize({ width: 20})
data.name + ".webp"))
return new Response(JSON.stringify({msg: "Added image successfully"}),{
status: 200,
}) satisfies RequestHandler;