/* This file styles jellyfin and can be imported by adding: @import url("https://bocken.org/other/jellyfin.css"); under Server -> General -> Custom CSS Code */ /* jellyscrub default: width: 15vw, annoying for smaller screen sizes */ .chapterThumbContainer{ width: min(80vw, 500px); } /* Attempt to change accent color */ :root{ --blue: #5E81AC; --lightblue: #81A1C1; --swiper-theme-color: var(--blue); } .selectionCommandsPanel, .countIndicator, .fullSyncIndicator, .mediaSourceIndicator, .playedIndicator, .itemProgressBarForeground, .mdl-slider-background-lower, .iconOsdProgressInner{ background-color: var(--blue); } .mdl-slider, .emby-tab-button:hover{ color: var(--blue); } @media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine){ .paper-icon-button-light:hover:not(:disabled) { color: var(--lightblue); background-color: rgba(var(--blue), 0.2); } } /* Loading spinner */ .mdl-spinner__layer{ border-color: var(--blue); } /* volume and timeline button color */ /* Need to be separate to apply*/ input[type="range"]::-moz-range-thumb{ background-color: var(--blue); } input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb{ background-color: var(--blue); } .listItemIcon:not(.listItemIcon-transparent), .navMenuOption-selected, .button-submit, .defaultCardBackground3, .emby-checkbox:checked + span + .checkboxOutline, .itemProgressBarForeground { background-color: var(--blue) !important; } .button-link, .button-flat:hover{ color: var(--blue); } .emby-checkbox:checked + span + .checkboxOutline{ border-color: var(--blue); } .btnUserRating:hover, .cardOverlayButton:has(.favorite):hover{ color: #BF616A !important; }