Nicolas Peugnet 8450651a03 Better colors with black on white themes
Added ColorDefault to more places by default and override some other
specific places with white for better contrast.

This should not affect White on black themes.
2022-11-15 20:14:36 +01:00

593 lines
13 KiB

// gomuks - A terminal Matrix client written in Go.
// Copyright (C) 2020 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ui
import (
sync "github.com/sasha-s/go-deadlock"
var tagOrder = map[string]int{
"net.maunium.gomuks.fake.invite": 4,
"m.favourite": 3,
"net.maunium.gomuks.fake.direct": 2,
"": 1,
"m.lowpriority": -1,
"m.server_notice": -2,
"net.maunium.gomuks.fake.leave": -3,
// TagNameList is a list of Matrix tag names where default names are sorted in a hardcoded way.
type TagNameList []string
func (tnl TagNameList) Len() int {
return len(tnl)
func (tnl TagNameList) Less(i, j int) bool {
orderI, _ := tagOrder[tnl[i]]
orderJ, _ := tagOrder[tnl[j]]
if orderI != orderJ {
return orderI > orderJ
return strings.Compare(tnl[i], tnl[j]) > 0
func (tnl TagNameList) Swap(i, j int) {
tnl[i], tnl[j] = tnl[j], tnl[i]
type RoomList struct {
parent *MainView
// The list of tags in display order.
tags TagNameList
// The list of rooms, in reverse order.
items map[string]*TagRoomList
// The selected room.
selected *rooms.Room
selectedTag string
scrollOffset int
height int
width int
// The item main text color.
mainTextColor tcell.Color
// The text color for selected items.
selectedTextColor tcell.Color
// The background color for selected items.
selectedBackgroundColor tcell.Color
func NewRoomList(parent *MainView) *RoomList {
list := &RoomList{
parent: parent,
items: make(map[string]*TagRoomList),
tags: []string{},
scrollOffset: 0,
mainTextColor: tcell.ColorDefault,
selectedTextColor: tcell.ColorWhite,
selectedBackgroundColor: tcell.ColorDarkGreen,
for _, tag := range list.tags {
list.items[tag] = NewTagRoomList(list, tag)
return list
func (list *RoomList) Contains(roomID id.RoomID) bool {
defer list.RUnlock()
for _, trl := range list.items {
for _, room := range trl.All() {
if room.ID == roomID {
return true
return false
func (list *RoomList) Add(room *rooms.Room) {
if room.IsReplaced() {
debug.Print(room.ID, "is replaced by", room.ReplacedBy(), "-> not adding to room list")
debug.Print("Adding room to list", room.ID, room.GetTitle(), room.IsDirect, room.ReplacedBy(), room.Tags())
for _, tag := range room.Tags() {
list.AddToTag(tag, room)
func (list *RoomList) checkTag(tag string) {
index := list.indexTag(tag)
trl, ok := list.items[tag]
if ok && trl.IsEmpty() {
delete(list.items, tag)
ok = false
if ok && index == -1 {
list.tags = append(list.tags, tag)
} else if !ok && index != -1 {
list.tags = append(list.tags[0:index], list.tags[index+1:]...)
func (list *RoomList) AddToTag(tag rooms.RoomTag, room *rooms.Room) {
defer list.Unlock()
trl, ok := list.items[tag.Tag]
if !ok {
list.items[tag.Tag] = NewTagRoomList(list, tag.Tag, NewOrderedRoom(tag.Order, room))
} else {
trl.Insert(tag.Order, room)
func (list *RoomList) Remove(room *rooms.Room) {
for _, tag := range list.tags {
list.RemoveFromTag(tag, room)
func (list *RoomList) RemoveFromTag(tag string, room *rooms.Room) {
defer list.Unlock()
trl, ok := list.items[tag]
if !ok {
index := trl.Index(room)
if index == -1 {
if trl.IsEmpty() {
// delete(list.items, tag)
if room == list.selected {
if index > 0 {
list.selected = trl.All()[index-1].Room
} else if trl.Length() > 0 {
list.selected = trl.Visible()[0].Room
} else if len(list.items) > 0 {
for _, tag := range list.tags {
moreItems := list.items[tag]
if moreItems.Length() > 0 {
list.selected = moreItems.Visible()[0].Room
list.selectedTag = tag
} else {
list.selected = nil
list.selectedTag = ""
func (list *RoomList) Bump(room *rooms.Room) {
defer list.RUnlock()
for _, tag := range room.Tags() {
trl, ok := list.items[tag.Tag]
if !ok {
func (list *RoomList) Clear() {
defer list.Unlock()
list.items = make(map[string]*TagRoomList)
list.tags = []string{}
for _, tag := range list.tags {
list.items[tag] = NewTagRoomList(list, tag)
list.selected = nil
list.selectedTag = ""
func (list *RoomList) SetSelected(tag string, room *rooms.Room) {
list.selected = room
list.selectedTag = tag
pos := list.index(tag, room)
if pos <= list.scrollOffset {
list.scrollOffset = pos - 1
} else if pos >= list.scrollOffset+list.height {
list.scrollOffset = pos - list.height + 1
if list.scrollOffset < 0 {
list.scrollOffset = 0
debug.Print("Selecting", room.GetTitle(), "in", list.GetTagDisplayName(tag))
func (list *RoomList) HasSelected() bool {
return list.selected != nil
func (list *RoomList) Selected() (string, *rooms.Room) {
return list.selectedTag, list.selected
func (list *RoomList) SelectedRoom() *rooms.Room {
return list.selected
func (list *RoomList) AddScrollOffset(offset int) {
list.scrollOffset += offset
contentHeight := list.ContentHeight()
if list.scrollOffset > contentHeight-list.height {
list.scrollOffset = contentHeight - list.height
if list.scrollOffset < 0 {
list.scrollOffset = 0
func (list *RoomList) First() (string, *rooms.Room) {
defer list.RUnlock()
return list.first()
func (list *RoomList) first() (string, *rooms.Room) {
for _, tag := range list.tags {
trl := list.items[tag]
if trl.HasVisibleRooms() {
return tag, trl.FirstVisible()
return "", nil
func (list *RoomList) Last() (string, *rooms.Room) {
defer list.RUnlock()
return list.last()
func (list *RoomList) last() (string, *rooms.Room) {
for tagIndex := len(list.tags) - 1; tagIndex >= 0; tagIndex-- {
tag := list.tags[tagIndex]
trl := list.items[tag]
if trl.HasVisibleRooms() {
return tag, trl.LastVisible()
return "", nil
func (list *RoomList) indexTag(tag string) int {
for index, entry := range list.tags {
if tag == entry {
return index
return -1
func (list *RoomList) Previous() (string, *rooms.Room) {
defer list.RUnlock()
if len(list.items) == 0 {
return "", nil
} else if list.selected == nil {
return list.first()
trl := list.items[list.selectedTag]
index := trl.IndexVisible(list.selected)
indexInvisible := trl.Index(list.selected)
if index == -1 && indexInvisible >= 0 {
num := trl.TotalLength() - indexInvisible
trl.maxShown = int(math.Ceil(float64(num)/10.0) * 10.0)
index = trl.IndexVisible(list.selected)
if index == trl.Length()-1 {
tagIndex := list.indexTag(list.selectedTag)
for ; tagIndex >= 0; tagIndex-- {
prevTag := list.tags[tagIndex]
prevTRL := list.items[prevTag]
if prevTRL.HasVisibleRooms() {
return prevTag, prevTRL.LastVisible()
return list.last()
} else if index >= 0 {
return list.selectedTag, trl.Visible()[index+1].Room
return list.first()
func (list *RoomList) Next() (string, *rooms.Room) {
defer list.RUnlock()
if len(list.items) == 0 {
return "", nil
} else if list.selected == nil {
return list.first()
trl := list.items[list.selectedTag]
index := trl.IndexVisible(list.selected)
indexInvisible := trl.Index(list.selected)
if index == -1 && indexInvisible >= 0 {
num := trl.TotalLength() - indexInvisible + 1
trl.maxShown = int(math.Ceil(float64(num)/10.0) * 10.0)
index = trl.IndexVisible(list.selected)
if index == 0 {
tagIndex := list.indexTag(list.selectedTag)
for ; tagIndex < len(list.tags); tagIndex++ {
nextTag := list.tags[tagIndex]
nextTRL := list.items[nextTag]
if nextTRL.HasVisibleRooms() {
return nextTag, nextTRL.FirstVisible()
return list.first()
} else if index > 0 {
return list.selectedTag, trl.Visible()[index-1].Room
return list.last()
// NextWithActivity Returns next room with activity.
// Sorted by (in priority):
// - Highlights
// - Messages
// - Other traffic (joins, parts, etc)
// TODO: Sorting. Now just finds first room with new messages.
func (list *RoomList) NextWithActivity() (string, *rooms.Room) {
defer list.RUnlock()
for tag, trl := range list.items {
for _, room := range trl.All() {
if room.HasNewMessages() {
return tag, room.Room
// No room with activity found
return "", nil
func (list *RoomList) index(tag string, room *rooms.Room) int {
tagIndex := list.indexTag(tag)
if tagIndex == -1 {
return -1
trl, ok := list.items[tag]
localIndex := -1
if ok {
localIndex = trl.IndexVisible(room)
if localIndex == -1 {
return -1
localIndex = trl.Length() - 1 - localIndex
// Tag header
if tagIndex > 0 {
for i := 0; i < tagIndex; i++ {
prevTag := list.tags[i]
prevTRL := list.items[prevTag]
localIndex += prevTRL.RenderHeight()
return localIndex
func (list *RoomList) ContentHeight() (height int) {
for _, tag := range list.tags {
height += list.items[tag].RenderHeight()
func (list *RoomList) OnKeyEvent(_ mauview.KeyEvent) bool {
return false
func (list *RoomList) OnPasteEvent(_ mauview.PasteEvent) bool {
return false
func (list *RoomList) OnMouseEvent(event mauview.MouseEvent) bool {
if event.HasMotion() {
return false
switch event.Buttons() {
case tcell.WheelUp:
return true
case tcell.WheelDown:
return true
case tcell.Button1:
x, y := event.Position()
return list.clickRoom(y, x, event.Modifiers() == tcell.ModCtrl)
return false
func (list *RoomList) Focus() {
func (list *RoomList) Blur() {
func (list *RoomList) clickRoom(line, column int, mod bool) bool {
line += list.scrollOffset
if line < 0 {
return false
for _, tag := range list.tags {
trl := list.items[tag]
if line--; line == -1 {
return true
if trl.IsCollapsed() {
if line < 0 {
} else if line < trl.Length() {
switchToRoom := trl.Visible()[trl.Length()-1-line].Room
list.parent.SwitchRoom(tag, switchToRoom)
return true
// Tag items
line -= trl.Length()
hasMore := trl.HasInvisibleRooms()
hasLess := trl.maxShown > 10
if hasMore || hasLess {
if line--; line == -1 {
diff := 10
if mod {
diff = 100
if column <= 6 && hasLess {
trl.maxShown -= diff
} else if column >= list.width-6 && hasMore {
trl.maxShown += diff
if trl.maxShown < 10 {
trl.maxShown = 10
return true
// Tag footer
return false
var nsRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z]+\\.[a-z]+(?:\\.[a-z]+)*$")
func (list *RoomList) GetTagDisplayName(tag string) string {
switch {
case len(tag) == 0:
return "Rooms"
case tag == "m.favourite":
return "Favorites"
case tag == "m.lowpriority":
return "Low Priority"
case tag == "m.server_notice":
return "System Alerts"
case tag == "net.maunium.gomuks.fake.direct":
return "People"
case tag == "net.maunium.gomuks.fake.invite":
return "Invites"
case tag == "net.maunium.gomuks.fake.leave":
return "Historical"
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "u."):
return tag[len("u."):]
case !nsRegex.MatchString(tag):
return tag
return ""
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (list *RoomList) Draw(screen mauview.Screen) {
list.width, list.height = screen.Size()
y := 0
yLimit := y + list.height
y -= list.scrollOffset
// Draw the list items.
for _, tag := range list.tags {
trl := list.items[tag]
tagDisplayName := list.GetTagDisplayName(tag)
if trl == nil || len(tagDisplayName) == 0 {
renderHeight := trl.RenderHeight()
if y+renderHeight >= yLimit {
renderHeight = yLimit - y
trl.Draw(mauview.NewProxyScreen(screen, 0, y, list.width, renderHeight))
y += renderHeight
if y >= yLimit {