2022-04-15 12:53:09 +03:00

332 lines
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// gomuks - A terminal Matrix client written in Go.
// Copyright (C) 2020 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ui
import (
type OrderedRoom struct {
order float64
func NewOrderedRoom(order json.Number, room *rooms.Room) *OrderedRoom {
numOrder, err := order.Float64()
if err != nil {
numOrder = 0.5
return &OrderedRoom{
Room: room,
order: numOrder,
func NewDefaultOrderedRoom(room *rooms.Room) *OrderedRoom {
return NewOrderedRoom("0.5", room)
func (or *OrderedRoom) Draw(roomList *RoomList, screen mauview.Screen, x, y, lineWidth int, isSelected bool) {
style := tcell.StyleDefault.
if isSelected {
style = style.
unreadCount := or.UnreadCount()
widget.WriteLinePadded(screen, mauview.AlignLeft, or.GetTitle(), x, y, lineWidth, style)
if unreadCount > 0 {
unreadMessageCount := "99+"
if unreadCount < 100 {
unreadMessageCount = strconv.Itoa(unreadCount)
if or.Highlighted() {
unreadMessageCount += "!"
unreadMessageCount = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", unreadMessageCount)
widget.WriteLine(screen, mauview.AlignRight, unreadMessageCount, x+lineWidth-7, y, 7, style)
lineWidth -= len(unreadMessageCount)
type TagRoomList struct {
// The list of rooms in the list, in reverse order
rooms []*OrderedRoom
// Maximum number of rooms to show
maxShown int
// The internal name of this tag
name string
// The displayname of this tag
displayname string
// The parent RoomList instance
parent *RoomList
func NewTagRoomList(parent *RoomList, name string, rooms ...*OrderedRoom) *TagRoomList {
return &TagRoomList{
maxShown: 10,
rooms: rooms,
name: name,
displayname: parent.GetTagDisplayName(name),
parent: parent,
func (trl *TagRoomList) Visible() []*OrderedRoom {
return trl.rooms[len(trl.rooms)-trl.Length():]
func (trl *TagRoomList) FirstVisible() *rooms.Room {
visible := trl.Visible()
if len(visible) > 0 {
return visible[len(visible)-1].Room
return nil
func (trl *TagRoomList) LastVisible() *rooms.Room {
visible := trl.Visible()
if len(visible) > 0 {
return visible[0].Room
return nil
func (trl *TagRoomList) All() []*OrderedRoom {
return trl.rooms
func (trl *TagRoomList) Length() int {
if len(trl.rooms) < trl.maxShown {
return len(trl.rooms)
return trl.maxShown
func (trl *TagRoomList) TotalLength() int {
return len(trl.rooms)
func (trl *TagRoomList) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(trl.rooms) == 0
func (trl *TagRoomList) IsCollapsed() bool {
return trl.maxShown == 0
func (trl *TagRoomList) ToggleCollapse() {
if trl.IsCollapsed() {
trl.maxShown = 10
} else {
trl.maxShown = 0
func (trl *TagRoomList) HasInvisibleRooms() bool {
return trl.maxShown < trl.TotalLength()
func (trl *TagRoomList) HasVisibleRooms() bool {
return !trl.IsEmpty() && trl.maxShown > 0
const equalityThreshold = 1e-6
func almostEqual(a, b float64) bool {
return math.Abs(a-b) <= equalityThreshold
// ShouldBeAfter returns if the first room should be after the second room in the room list.
// The manual order and last received message timestamp are considered.
func (trl *TagRoomList) ShouldBeAfter(room1 *OrderedRoom, room2 *OrderedRoom) bool {
// Lower order value = higher in list
return room1.order > room2.order ||
// Equal order value and more recent message = higher in the list
(almostEqual(room1.order, room2.order) && room2.LastReceivedMessage.After(room1.LastReceivedMessage))
func (trl *TagRoomList) Insert(order json.Number, mxRoom *rooms.Room) {
room := NewOrderedRoom(order, mxRoom)
// The default insert index is the newly added slot.
// That index will be used if all other rooms in the list have the same LastReceivedMessage timestamp.
insertAt := len(trl.rooms)
// Find the spot where the new room should be put according to the last received message timestamps.
for i := 0; i < len(trl.rooms); i++ {
if trl.rooms[i].Room == mxRoom {
debug.Printf("Warning: tried to re-insert room %s into tag %s", mxRoom.ID, trl.name)
} else if trl.ShouldBeAfter(room, trl.rooms[i]) {
insertAt = i
trl.rooms = append(trl.rooms, nil)
copy(trl.rooms[insertAt+1:], trl.rooms[insertAt:len(trl.rooms)-1])
trl.rooms[insertAt] = room
func (trl *TagRoomList) Bump(mxRoom *rooms.Room) {
var roomBeingBumped *OrderedRoom
for i := 0; i < len(trl.rooms); i++ {
currentIndexRoom := trl.rooms[i]
if roomBeingBumped != nil {
if trl.ShouldBeAfter(roomBeingBumped, currentIndexRoom) {
// This room should be after the room being bumped, so insert the
// room being bumped here and return
trl.rooms[i-1] = roomBeingBumped
// Move older rooms back in the array
trl.rooms[i-1] = currentIndexRoom
} else if currentIndexRoom.Room == mxRoom {
roomBeingBumped = currentIndexRoom
if roomBeingBumped == nil {
debug.Print("Warning: couldn't find room", mxRoom.ID, mxRoom.NameCache, "to bump in tag", trl.name)
// If the room being bumped should be first in the list, it won't be inserted during the loop.
trl.rooms[len(trl.rooms)-1] = roomBeingBumped
func (trl *TagRoomList) Remove(room *rooms.Room) {
func (trl *TagRoomList) RemoveIndex(index int) {
if index < 0 || index > len(trl.rooms) {
last := len(trl.rooms) - 1
if index < last {
copy(trl.rooms[index:], trl.rooms[index+1:])
trl.rooms[last] = nil
trl.rooms = trl.rooms[:last]
func (trl *TagRoomList) Index(room *rooms.Room) int {
return trl.indexInList(trl.All(), room)
func (trl *TagRoomList) IndexVisible(room *rooms.Room) int {
return trl.indexInList(trl.Visible(), room)
func (trl *TagRoomList) indexInList(list []*OrderedRoom, room *rooms.Room) int {
for index, entry := range list {
if entry.Room == room {
return index
return -1
var TagDisplayNameStyle = tcell.StyleDefault.Underline(true).Bold(true)
var TagRoomCountStyle = tcell.StyleDefault.Italic(true)
func (trl *TagRoomList) RenderHeight() int {
if len(trl.displayname) == 0 {
return 0
if trl.IsCollapsed() {
return 1
height := 2 + trl.Length()
if trl.HasInvisibleRooms() || trl.maxShown > 10 {
return height
func (trl *TagRoomList) DrawHeader(screen mauview.Screen) {
width, _ := screen.Size()
roomCount := strconv.Itoa(trl.TotalLength())
// Draw tag name
displayNameWidth := width - 1 - len(roomCount)
widget.WriteLine(screen, mauview.AlignLeft, trl.displayname, 0, 0, displayNameWidth, TagDisplayNameStyle)
// Draw tag room count
roomCountX := len(trl.displayname) + 1
roomCountWidth := width - 2 - len(trl.displayname)
widget.WriteLine(screen, mauview.AlignLeft, roomCount, roomCountX, 0, roomCountWidth, TagRoomCountStyle)
func (trl *TagRoomList) Draw(screen mauview.Screen) {
if len(trl.displayname) == 0 {
width, height := screen.Size()
items := trl.Visible()
if trl.IsCollapsed() {
screen.SetCell(width-1, 0, tcell.StyleDefault, '▶')
screen.SetCell(width-1, 0, tcell.StyleDefault, '▼')
y := 1
for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if y >= height {
item := items[i]
lineWidth := width
isSelected := trl.name == trl.parent.selectedTag && item.Room == trl.parent.selected
item.Draw(trl.parent, screen, 0, y, lineWidth, isSelected)
hasLess := trl.maxShown > 10
hasMore := trl.HasInvisibleRooms()
if (hasLess || hasMore) && y < height {
if hasMore {
widget.WriteLine(screen, mauview.AlignRight, "More ↓", 0, y, width, tcell.StyleDefault)
if hasLess {
widget.WriteLine(screen, mauview.AlignLeft, "↑ Less", 0, y, width, tcell.StyleDefault)