// gomuks - A terminal Matrix client written in Go. // Copyright (C) 2020 Tulir Asokan // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . package ui import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "sync/atomic" "time" sync "github.com/sasha-s/go-deadlock" "go.mau.fi/mauview" "go.mau.fi/tcell" "maunium.net/go/mautrix/id" "maunium.net/go/mautrix/pushrules" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/config" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/debug" ifc "maunium.net/go/gomuks/interface" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/lib/notification" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/matrix/rooms" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/ui/messages" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/ui/widget" ) type MainView struct { flex *mauview.Flex roomList *RoomList roomView *mauview.Box currentRoom *RoomView rooms map[id.RoomID]*RoomView roomsLock sync.RWMutex cmdProcessor *CommandProcessor focused mauview.Focusable modal mauview.Component lastFocusTime time.Time matrix ifc.MatrixContainer gmx ifc.Gomuks config *config.Config parent *GomuksUI } func (ui *GomuksUI) NewMainView() mauview.Component { mainView := &MainView{ flex: mauview.NewFlex().SetDirection(mauview.FlexColumn), roomView: mauview.NewBox(nil).SetBorder(false), rooms: make(map[id.RoomID]*RoomView), matrix: ui.gmx.Matrix(), gmx: ui.gmx, config: ui.gmx.Config(), parent: ui, } mainView.roomList = NewRoomList(mainView) mainView.cmdProcessor = NewCommandProcessor(mainView) mainView.flex. AddFixedComponent(mainView.roomList, 25). AddFixedComponent(widget.NewBorder(), 1). AddProportionalComponent(mainView.roomView, 1) mainView.BumpFocus(nil) ui.mainView = mainView return mainView } func (view *MainView) ShowModal(modal mauview.Component) { view.modal = modal var ok bool view.focused, ok = modal.(mauview.Focusable) if !ok { view.focused = nil } else { view.focused.Focus() } } func (view *MainView) HideModal() { view.modal = nil view.focused = view.roomView } func (view *MainView) Draw(screen mauview.Screen) { if view.config.Preferences.HideRoomList { view.roomView.Draw(screen) } else { view.flex.Draw(screen) } if view.modal != nil { view.modal.Draw(screen) } } func (view *MainView) BumpFocus(roomView *RoomView) { if roomView != nil { view.lastFocusTime = time.Now() view.MarkRead(roomView) } } func (view *MainView) MarkRead(roomView *RoomView) { if roomView != nil && roomView.Room.HasNewMessages() && roomView.MessageView().ScrollOffset == 0 { msgList := roomView.MessageView().messages if len(msgList) > 0 { msg := msgList[len(msgList)-1] if roomView.Room.MarkRead(msg.ID()) { view.matrix.MarkRead(roomView.Room.ID, msg.ID()) } } } } func (view *MainView) InputChanged(roomView *RoomView, text string) { if !roomView.config.Preferences.DisableTypingNotifs { view.matrix.SendTyping(roomView.Room.ID, len(text) > 0 && text[0] != '/') } } func (view *MainView) ShowBare(roomView *RoomView) { if roomView == nil { return } _, height := view.parent.app.Screen().Size() view.parent.app.Suspend(func() { print("\033[2J\033[0;0H") // We don't know how much space there exactly is. Too few messages looks weird, // and too many messages shouldn't cause any problems, so we just show too many. height *= 2 fmt.Println(roomView.MessageView().CapturePlaintext(height)) fmt.Println("Press enter to return to normal mode.") reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) _, _, _ = reader.ReadRune() print("\033[2J\033[0;0H") }) } func (view *MainView) OpenSyncingModal() ifc.SyncingModal { component, modal := NewSyncingModal(view) view.ShowModal(component) return modal } func (view *MainView) OnKeyEvent(event mauview.KeyEvent) bool { view.BumpFocus(view.currentRoom) if view.modal != nil { return view.modal.OnKeyEvent(event) } kb := config.Keybind{ Key: event.Key(), Ch: event.Rune(), Mod: event.Modifiers(), } switch view.config.Keybindings.Main[kb] { case "next_room": view.SwitchRoom(view.roomList.Next()) case "prev_room": view.SwitchRoom(view.roomList.Previous()) case "search_rooms": view.ShowModal(NewFuzzySearchModal(view, 42, 12)) case "scroll_up": msgView := view.currentRoom.MessageView() msgView.AddScrollOffset(msgView.TotalHeight()) case "scroll_down": msgView := view.currentRoom.MessageView() msgView.AddScrollOffset(-msgView.TotalHeight()) case "add_newline": return view.flex.OnKeyEvent(tcell.NewEventKey(tcell.KeyEnter, '\n', event.Modifiers()|tcell.ModShift)) case "next_active_room": view.SwitchRoom(view.roomList.NextWithActivity()) case "show_bare": view.ShowBare(view.currentRoom) default: goto defaultHandler } return true defaultHandler: if view.config.Preferences.HideRoomList { return view.roomView.OnKeyEvent(event) } return view.flex.OnKeyEvent(event) } const WheelScrollOffsetDiff = 3 func (view *MainView) OnMouseEvent(event mauview.MouseEvent) bool { if view.modal != nil { return view.modal.OnMouseEvent(event) } if view.config.Preferences.HideRoomList { return view.roomView.OnMouseEvent(event) } return view.flex.OnMouseEvent(event) } func (view *MainView) OnPasteEvent(event mauview.PasteEvent) bool { if view.modal != nil { return view.modal.OnPasteEvent(event) } else if view.config.Preferences.HideRoomList { return view.roomView.OnPasteEvent(event) } return view.flex.OnPasteEvent(event) } func (view *MainView) Focus() { if view.focused != nil { view.focused.Focus() } } func (view *MainView) Blur() { if view.focused != nil { view.focused.Blur() } } func (view *MainView) SwitchRoom(tag string, room *rooms.Room) { view.switchRoom(tag, room, true) } func (view *MainView) switchRoom(tag string, room *rooms.Room, lock bool) { if room == nil { return } room.Load() roomView, ok := view.getRoomView(room.ID, lock) if !ok { debug.Print("Tried to switch to room with nonexistent roomView!") debug.Print(tag, room) return } roomView.Update() view.roomView.SetInnerComponent(roomView) view.currentRoom = roomView view.MarkRead(roomView) view.roomList.SetSelected(tag, room) view.flex.SetFocused(view.roomView) view.focused = view.roomView view.roomView.Focus() view.parent.Render() if msgView := roomView.MessageView(); len(msgView.messages) < 20 && !msgView.initialHistoryLoaded { msgView.initialHistoryLoaded = true go view.LoadHistory(room.ID) } if !room.MembersFetched { go func() { err := view.matrix.FetchMembers(room) if err != nil { debug.Print("Error fetching members:", err) return } roomView.UpdateUserList() view.parent.Render() }() } } func (view *MainView) addRoomPage(room *rooms.Room) *RoomView { if _, ok := view.rooms[room.ID]; !ok { roomView := NewRoomView(view, room). SetInputChangedFunc(view.InputChanged) view.rooms[room.ID] = roomView return roomView } return nil } func (view *MainView) GetRoom(roomID id.RoomID) ifc.RoomView { room, ok := view.getRoomView(roomID, true) if !ok { return view.addRoom(view.matrix.GetOrCreateRoom(roomID)) } return room } func (view *MainView) getRoomView(roomID id.RoomID, lock bool) (room *RoomView, ok bool) { if lock { view.roomsLock.RLock() room, ok = view.rooms[roomID] view.roomsLock.RUnlock() } else { room, ok = view.rooms[roomID] } return room, ok } func (view *MainView) AddRoom(room *rooms.Room) { view.addRoom(room) } func (view *MainView) RemoveRoom(room *rooms.Room) { view.roomsLock.Lock() _, ok := view.getRoomView(room.ID, false) if !ok { view.roomsLock.Unlock() debug.Print("Remove aborted (not found)", room.ID, room.GetTitle()) return } debug.Print("Removing", room.ID, room.GetTitle()) view.roomList.Remove(room) t, r := view.roomList.Selected() view.switchRoom(t, r, false) delete(view.rooms, room.ID) view.roomsLock.Unlock() view.parent.Render() } func (view *MainView) addRoom(room *rooms.Room) *RoomView { if view.roomList.Contains(room.ID) { debug.Print("Add aborted (room exists)", room.ID, room.GetTitle()) return nil } debug.Print("Adding", room.ID, room.GetTitle()) view.roomList.Add(room) view.roomsLock.Lock() roomView := view.addRoomPage(room) if !view.roomList.HasSelected() { t, r := view.roomList.First() view.switchRoom(t, r, false) } view.roomsLock.Unlock() return roomView } func (view *MainView) SetRooms(rooms *rooms.RoomCache) { view.roomList.Clear() view.roomsLock.Lock() view.rooms = make(map[id.RoomID]*RoomView) for _, room := range rooms.Map { if room.HasLeft { continue } view.roomList.Add(room) view.addRoomPage(room) } t, r := view.roomList.First() view.switchRoom(t, r, false) view.roomsLock.Unlock() } func (view *MainView) UpdateTags(room *rooms.Room) { if !view.roomList.Contains(room.ID) { return } reselect := view.roomList.selected == room view.roomList.Remove(room) view.roomList.Add(room) if reselect { view.roomList.SetSelected(room.Tags()[0].Tag, room) } view.parent.Render() } func (view *MainView) SetTyping(roomID id.RoomID, users []id.UserID) { roomView, ok := view.getRoomView(roomID, true) if ok { roomView.SetTyping(users) view.parent.Render() } } func sendNotification(room *rooms.Room, sender, text string, critical, sound bool) { if room.GetTitle() != sender { sender = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", sender, room.GetTitle()) } debug.Printf("Sending notification with body \"%s\" from %s in room ID %s (critical=%v, sound=%v)", text, sender, room.ID, critical, sound) notification.Send(sender, text, critical, sound) } func (view *MainView) Bump(room *rooms.Room) { view.roomList.Bump(room) } func (view *MainView) NotifyMessage(room *rooms.Room, message ifc.Message, should pushrules.PushActionArrayShould) { view.Bump(room) uiMsg, ok := message.(*messages.UIMessage) if ok && uiMsg.SenderID == view.config.UserID { return } // Whether or not the room where the message came is the currently shown room. isCurrent := room == view.roomList.SelectedRoom() // Whether or not the terminal window is focused. recentlyFocused := time.Now().Add(-30 * time.Second).Before(view.lastFocusTime) isFocused := time.Now().Add(-5 * time.Second).Before(view.lastFocusTime) if !isCurrent || !isFocused { // The message is not in the current room, show new message status in room list. room.AddUnread(message.ID(), should.Notify, should.Highlight) } else { view.matrix.MarkRead(room.ID, message.ID()) } if should.Notify && !recentlyFocused && !view.config.Preferences.DisableNotifications { // Push rules say notify and the terminal is not focused, send desktop notification. shouldPlaySound := should.PlaySound && should.SoundName == "default" && view.config.NotifySound sendNotification(room, message.NotificationSenderName(), message.NotificationContent(), should.Highlight, shouldPlaySound) } // TODO this should probably happen somewhere else // (actually it's probably completely broken now) message.SetIsHighlight(should.Highlight) } func (view *MainView) LoadHistory(roomID id.RoomID) { defer debug.Recover() roomView, ok := view.getRoomView(roomID, true) if !ok { return } msgView := roomView.MessageView() if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&msgView.loadingMessages, 0, 1) { // Locked return } defer atomic.StoreInt32(&msgView.loadingMessages, 0) // Update the "Loading more messages..." text view.parent.Render() history, newLoadPtr, err := view.matrix.GetHistory(roomView.Room, 50, msgView.historyLoadPtr) if err != nil { roomView.AddServiceMessage("Failed to fetch history") debug.Print("Failed to fetch history for", roomView.Room.ID, err) view.parent.Render() return } //debug.Printf("Load pointer %d -> %d", msgView.historyLoadPtr, newLoadPtr) msgView.historyLoadPtr = newLoadPtr for _, evt := range history { roomView.AddHistoryEvent(evt) } view.parent.Render() }