//Modify this file to change what commands output to your statusbar, and recompile using the make command. static const Block blocks[] = { /*Icon*/ /*Command*/ /*Update Interval*/ /*Update Signal*/ {"", "music", 3600, 11}, {"", "getpomminutesft", 100, 3}, {"", "getpomminutes", 100, 3}, /* {"", {"weather", 3600, 5},*/ {"", "cpu", 5, 0}, /* { "", "sync_status", 4, 0},*/ {"", "getmail", 20, 13}, /* {"", "btstatus", 2, 17},*/ /* {"", "memory", 5, 0},*/ {"", "news", 600, 13}, {"", "getbright", 4, 2}, {"", "volume", 1, 10}, /* { "", "amixer get Master | grep -o \"\\(\\[off\\]\\|[0-9]*%\\)\"", 0, 10}*/ /* {"", "sed \"s/$/%/\" /sys/class/power_supply/BAT?/capacity", 5, 12},*/ /* {"", "echo $( battery_dwm BAT0)", 5, 12},*/ {"", "clock", 10, 12}, //divert RTMIN update to clock since dwmblocks seems to crash if it's unhandled {"", "internet", 10, 0}, }; //sets delimeter between status commands. NULL character ('\0') means no delimeter. static char delim = '|';