
421 lines
12 KiB

// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube HD
// @author adisib
// @namespace namespace_adisib
// @description Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
// @version 2023.08.22
// @match https://**
// @noframes
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// The video will only resize when in theater mode on the main youtube website.
// By default only runs on youtube website, not players embeded on other websites, but there is experimental support for embeds.
// To enable experimental support for embedded players outside of YouTube website, do the following steps:
// add " @include * " to the script metadata
// remove " @noframes " from the script metadata
// 2023.08.19 + 2023.08.22
// Fix youtube breaking resize, again
(function() {
"use strict";
// --- SETTINGS -------
// Target Resolution to always set to. If not available, the next best resolution will be used.
const changeResolution = true;
const targetRes = "hd1080";
// Choices for targetRes are currently:
// "highres" >= ( 8K / 4320p / QUHD )
// "hd2880" = ( 5K / 2880p / UHD+ )
// "hd2160" = ( 4K / 2160p / UHD )
// "hd1440" = ( 1440p / QHD )
// "hd1080" = ( 1080p / FHD )
// "hd720" = ( 720p / HD )
// "large" = ( 480p )
// "medium" = ( 360p )
// "small" = ( 240p )
// "tiny" = ( 144p )
// Target Resolution for high framerate (60 fps) videos
// If null, it is the same as targetRes
const highFramerateTargetRes = null;
// If changePlayerSize is true, then the video's size will be changed on the page
// instead of using youtube's default (if theater mode is enabled).
// If useCustomSize is false, then the player will be resized to try to match the target resolution.
// If true, then it will use the customHeight variables (theater mode is always full page width).
const changePlayerSize = false;
const useCustomSize = false;
const customHeight = 600;
// If autoTheater is true, each video page opened will default to theater mode.
// This means the video will always be resized immediately if you are changing the size.
// NOTE: YouTube will not always allow theater mode immediately, the page must be fully loaded before theater can be set.
const autoTheater = true;
// If flushBuffer is false, then the first second or so of the video may not always be the desired resolution.
// If true, then the entire video will be guaranteed to be the target resolution, but there may be
// a very small additional delay before the video starts if the buffer needs to be flushed.
const flushBuffer = true;
// Setting cookies can allow some operations to perform faster or without a delay (e.g. theater mode)
// Some people don't like setting cookies, so this is false by default (which is the same as old behavior)
const allowCookies = false;
// Tries to set the resolution as early as possible.
// This might cause issues on youtube polymer layout, so disable if videos fail to load.
// If videos load fine, leave as true or resolution may fail to set.
const setResolutionEarly = true;
// Enables a temporary work around for an issue where users can get the wrong youtube error screen
// (Youtube has two of them for some reason and changing to theater mode moves the wrong one to the front)
// Try disabling if you can't interact with the video or you think you are missing an error message.
const enableErrorScreenWorkaround = true;
// --------------------
// --- GLOBALS --------
const DEBUG = false;
// Possible resolution choices (in decreasing order, i.e. highres is the best):
const resolutions = ['highres', 'hd2880', 'hd2160', 'hd1440', 'hd1080', 'hd720', 'large', 'medium', 'small', 'tiny'];
// youtube has to be at least 480x270 for the player UI
const heights = [4320, 2880, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 480, 360, 270, 270];
let doc = document, win = window;
// ID of the most recently played video
let recentVideo = "";
let foundHFR = false;
let setHeight = 0;
// --------------------
function debugLog(message)
if (DEBUG)
console.log("YTHD | " + message);
// --------------------
// Used only for compatability with webextensions version of greasemonkey
function unwrapElement(el)
if (el && el.wrappedJSObject)
return el.wrappedJSObject;
return el;
// --------------------
// Get video ID from the currently loaded video (which might be different than currently loaded page)
function getVideoIDFromURL(ytPlayer)
const idMatch = /(?:v=)([\w\-]+)/;
let id = "ERROR: idMatch failed; youtube changed something";
let matches = idMatch.exec(ytPlayer.getVideoUrl());
if (matches)
id = matches[1];
return id;
// --------------------
// Attempt to set the video resolution to desired quality or the next best quality
function setResolution(ytPlayer, resolutionList)
debugLog("Setting Resolution...");
const currentQuality = ytPlayer.getPlaybackQuality();
let res = targetRes;
if (highFramerateTargetRes && foundHFR)
res = highFramerateTargetRes;
// Youtube doesn't return "auto" for auto, so set to make sure that auto is not set by setting
// even when already at target res or above, but do so without removing the buffer for this quality
if (resolutionList.indexOf(res) >= resolutionList.indexOf(currentQuality))
if (ytPlayer.setPlaybackQualityRange !== undefined)
debugLog("Resolution Set To: " + res);
const end = resolutionList.length - 1;
let nextBestIndex = Math.max(resolutionList.indexOf(res), 0);
let ytResolutions = ytPlayer.getAvailableQualityLevels();
debugLog("Available Resolutions: " + ytResolutions.join(", "));
while ( (ytResolutions.indexOf(resolutionList[nextBestIndex]) === -1) && nextBestIndex < end )
if (flushBuffer && currentQuality !== resolutionList[nextBestIndex])
let id = getVideoIDFromURL(ytPlayer);
if (id.indexOf("ERROR") === -1)
let pos = ytPlayer.getCurrentTime();
ytPlayer.loadVideoById(id, pos, resolutionList[nextBestIndex]);
debugLog("ID: " + id);
if (ytPlayer.setPlaybackQualityRange !== undefined)
debugLog("Resolution Set To: " + resolutionList[nextBestIndex]);
// --------------------
// Set resolution, but only when API is ready (it should normally already be ready)
function setResOnReady(ytPlayer, resolutionList)
if (ytPlayer.getPlaybackQuality === undefined)
win.setTimeout(setResOnReady, 100, ytPlayer, resolutionList);
let framerateUpdate = false;
if (highFramerateTargetRes)
let features = ytPlayer.getVideoData().video_quality_features;
if (features)
let isHFR = features.includes("hfr");
framerateUpdate = isHFR && !foundHFR;
foundHFR = isHFR;
let curVid = getVideoIDFromURL(ytPlayer);
if ((curVid !== recentVideo) || framerateUpdate)
recentVideo = curVid;
setResolution(ytPlayer, resolutionList);
let storedQuality = localStorage.getItem("yt-player-quality");
if (!storedQuality || storedQuality.indexOf(targetRes) === -1)
let tc =, te = tc + 2592000000;
localStorage.setItem("yt-player-quality","{\"data\":\"" + targetRes + "\",\"expiration\":" + te + ",\"creation\":" + tc + "}");
// --------------------
function setTheaterMode(ytPlayer)
debugLog("Setting Theater Mode");
if (win.location.href.indexOf("/watch") !== -1)
let pageManager = unwrapElement(doc.getElementsByTagName("ytd-watch-flexy")[0]);
if (pageManager)
if (enableErrorScreenWorkaround)
const styleContent = "#error-screen { z-index: 42 !important } .ytp-error { display: none !important }";
let errorStyle = doc.getElementById("ythdErrorWorkaroundStyleSheet");
if (!errorStyle)
errorStyle = doc.createElement("style");
errorStyle.type = "text/css"; = "ythdStyleSheet";
errorStyle.innerHTML = styleContent;
errorStyle.innerHTML = styleContent;
catch (e)
{ /* Ignore internal youtube exceptions. */ }
// --------------------
function computeAndSetPlayerSize()
let height = customHeight;
if (!useCustomSize)
// don't include youtube search bar as part of the space the video can try to fit in
let heightOffsetEl = doc.getElementById("masthead");
let mastheadContainerEl = doc.getElementById("masthead-container");
let mastheadHeight = 50, mastheadPadding = 16;
if (heightOffsetEl && mastheadContainerEl)
mastheadHeight = parseInt(win.getComputedStyle(heightOffsetEl).height, 10);
mastheadPadding = parseInt(win.getComputedStyle(mastheadContainerEl).paddingBottom, 10) * 2;
let i = Math.max(resolutions.indexOf(targetRes), 0);
height = Math.min(heights[i], win.innerHeight - (mastheadHeight + mastheadPadding));
// --------------------
// resize the player
function resizePlayer(height)
debugLog("Setting video player size");
if (setHeight === height)
debugLog("Player size already set");
let styleContent = "\
ytd-watch-flexy[theater]:not([fullscreen]), \
ytd-watch-flexy[theater]:not([fullscreen]), \
ytd-watch-flexy[theater]:not([fullscreen]) { \
min-height: " + height + "px !important; max-height: none !important; height: " + height + "px !important }";
let ythdStyle = doc.getElementById("ythdStyleSheet");
if (!ythdStyle)
ythdStyle = doc.createElement("style");
ythdStyle.type = "text/css"; = "ythdStyleSheet";
ythdStyle.innerHTML = styleContent;
ythdStyle.innerHTML = styleContent;
setHeight = height;
win.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize"));
// --- MAIN -----------
function main()
let ytPlayer = doc.getElementById("movie_player") || doc.getElementsByClassName("html5-video-player")[0];
let ytPlayerUnwrapped = unwrapElement(ytPlayer);
if (autoTheater && ytPlayerUnwrapped)
if (allowCookies && doc.cookie.indexOf("wide=1") === -1)
doc.cookie = "wide=1;";
if (changePlayerSize &&"") !== -1 &&"gaming.") === -1)
window.addEventListener("resize", computeAndSetPlayerSize, true);
if (changeResolution && setResolutionEarly && ytPlayerUnwrapped)
setResOnReady(ytPlayerUnwrapped, resolutions);
if (changeResolution || autoTheater)
win.addEventListener("loadstart", function(e) {
if (!( instanceof win.HTMLMediaElement))
ytPlayer = doc.getElementById("movie_player") || doc.getElementsByClassName("html5-video-player")[0];
ytPlayerUnwrapped = unwrapElement(ytPlayer);
if (ytPlayerUnwrapped)
debugLog("Loaded new video");
if (changeResolution)
setResOnReady(ytPlayerUnwrapped, resolutions);
if (autoTheater)
}, true );
// This will eventually be changed to use the "once" option, but I want to keep a large range of browser support.
win.removeEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", main, true);
// Youtube doesn't load the page immediately in new version so you can watch before waiting for page load
// But we can only set resolution until the page finishes loading
win.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", main, true);