Alexander Bocken 0feccdb787
various smaller changes
Changes to be committed:
	modified:   .config/aliasrc
	modified:   .config/mpv/input.conf
	modified:   .config/zathura/zathurarc
	modified:   .local/bin/bt
	modified:   .local/bin/statusbar/clock
	modified:   .local/bin/tools/ce
	deleted:    .local/bin/tools/ripper
	modified:   .local/bin/tools/wv
	deleted:    .local/bin/transadd
2021-01-05 10:05:38 +01:00

36 lines
1.2 KiB

set statusbar-h-padding 0
set statusbar-v-padding 0
set page-padding 1
set selection-clipboard clipboard
map u scroll half-up
map d scroll half-down
map D toggle_page_mode
map r reload
map R rotate
map K zoom in
map J zoom out
map i recolor
map p print
set default-bg "#000000"
set default-fg "#ffffff"
set statusbar-bg "#000000"
set statusbar-fg ""#ffffff"
set inputbar-bg "#000000"
set inputbar-fg "#ffffff"
set notification-bg "#000000"
set notification-fg "#a6c0d0"
set notification-error-bg "#000000"
set notification-error-fg "#ffffff"
set notification-warning-bg "#000000"
set notification-warning-fg "#a6c0d0"
set highlight-color "#2C4E6A"
set highlight-active-color "#4C5A6C"
set completion-bg "#2C4E6A"
set completion-fg "#4C5A6C"
set completion-highlight-bg "#2C4E6A"
set completion-highlight-fg "#4C5A6C"
set recolor-lightcolor "#000000"
set recolor-darkcolor "#a6c0d0"
set adjust-open "width"