#!/bin/bash # install cups-pdf and install printer using the webinterface on http://localhost:631/admin # default virtual printer dir is below, adjust if changed VIRTUAL_PRINTER_DIR="/var/spool/cups-pdf/$USER" # Printer to print magazine layout on PRINTER="Canon-MF220" PRINTER=Virtual_PDF_Printer file="$@" lpr -P Virtual_PDF_Printer -o number-up=2 -o orientation-requested=4 -o fit-to-page -o media=a4 "$file" str="." until lpc status | grep -A 4 'Virtual_PDF_Printer:' | tail -n1 | grep 'no entries'; do printf "\033[s\033[uPrinting to file for two slides per a5 page" printf "%s" $str printf "\033[u" str=$str. sleep 1 done echo "virtual printing done." last_job_id="$(ls "$VIRTUAL_PRINTER_DIR" | grep -o '[0-9]*\.pdf$' | grep '[0-9]' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort -n | tail -n1)" #echo "last_job_id:$last_job_id" file_two_page="$(ls $VIRTUAL_PRINTER_DIR/*${last_job_id}.pdf)" #echo "file_two_page:$file_two_page" printf "Invoking a5ona4..." a5ona4 "$file_two_page" > /dev/null echo "Done." rm "$file_two_page" only_filename_two_page="$( echo "$file_two_page"| awk -F/ '{print $NS}' )" echo "Magazine layout of $file being sent to printer..." file_without_suffix="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[ \(\)]/_/g; s/\.pdf$//')" lpr -P $PRINTER -o media=A4 -o Duplex=DuplexTumble -o sides=two-sided-short-edge -o BindEdge=Bottom -o media=a4 -r a5ona4_${file_without_suffix}*