#!/bin/sh # Example for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nsxiv/exec/image-info # Called by nsxiv(1) whenever an image gets loaded. # The output is displayed in nsxiv's status bar. # Arguments: # $1: path to image file (as provided by the user) # $2: image width # $3: image height # $4: fully resolved path to the image file s=" " # field separator exec 2>/dev/null filename=$(basename -- "$1") filesize=$(du -Hh -- "$1" | cut -f 1) geometry="${2}x${3}" #TODO: imrpove for multiple date formats #currently just picks the first date that is not a profile or file date using exiftool (no one coherent standard for date in exif metadata is used) date_shot="$(exiftool -- "$1" | grep 'Date' | grep -vE '(Profile|File)' | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1 --complement)" echo "${filesize}${s}${geometry}${s}${filename}${s}${date_shot}"