#!/bin/sh #Print the next appointment for the day for statusbar #or generate notification for upcoming appointment notify_mins_before=10 calcurse -a | perl -pe 's/([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})\n/\1/' | tail -n+2 | perl -pe 's/^\s*-\s*([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})\s*->\s*([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})\s*(.*?)$/\1\t\2\t\3/' | while read -r appointment; do start=$(echo "$appointment" | cut -d'\t' -f1) end=$(echo "$appointment" | cut -d'\t' -f2) description=$(echo "$appointment" | cut -d'\t' -f3) done diff=$(calcurse --next | sed -n 's/^\s*//; s/\[//;s/\]//p' | cut -f1 -d ' ' | perl -pe 's/0([0-9])/\1/g' ) if [ -n "$diff" ]; then secs=$(( $(echo "$diff" | cut -f1 -d ':') * 3600 + $(echo "$diff" | cut -f2 -d ':') *60 )) time_appointment="$(date --date "@$(( $( date +'%s' ) + $secs ))" +"%s")" appointment="$(calcurse --next | tail -n1 | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | sed 's/^\s*//')" #shorten lecture appointments to just the name of lecture without profs if [ "${#appointment}" -gt 20 ]; then appointment="$(echo "$appointment" | sed -E 's/\(([VUG])\).*/(\1)/')" fi if [ "$1" = "notif" ]; then msg="$(printf '%s\n%s' "$(date --date "@$time_appointment" +'%H:%M')" "$appointment")" check_for_notif "$msg" notify-send "Appointment coming up" "$msg" printf "%s\n%s\n" $(date -I) $msg >> /tmp/apts_notif else #Fix this ugly thing lmao midnight=$(( $(date --date "$(date | sed 's/..:..:../23:59:59/; s/ PM//; s/ AM//')" +%s) + 1 )) if [ $midnight -gt "$time_appointment" ]; then #only print appointment if dunst-notifications are also shown -> "privacy screen" if [ ! -f /tmp/nodunst ]; then printf '%s %s' "$(date --date "@$time_appointment" +'%H:%M')" "$appointment" fi fi fi fi printf '\n'