-- youtube-upnext.lua -- -- Fetch upnext/recommended videos from youtube -- This is forked/based on https://github.com/jgreco/mpv-youtube-quality -- -- Diplays a menu that lets you load the upnext/recommended video from youtube -- that appear on the right side on the youtube website. -- If auto_add is set to true (default), the 'up next' video is automatically -- appended to the current playlist -- -- Bound to ctrl-u by default. -- -- Requires wget/wget.exe in PATH. On Windows you may need to set check_certificate -- to false, otherwise wget.exe might not be able to download the youtube website. local mp = require 'mp' local utils = require 'mp.utils' local msg = require 'mp.msg' local assdraw = require 'mp.assdraw' local opts = { --key bindings toggle_menu_binding = "ctrl+u", up_binding = "UP", down_binding = "DOWN", select_binding = "ENTER", --auto load and add the "upnext" video to the playlist auto_add = true, --formatting / cursors cursor_selected = "● ", cursor_unselected = "○ ", --font size scales by window, if false requires larger font and padding sizes scale_playlist_by_window=false, --playlist ass style overrides inside curly brackets, \keyvalue is one field, extra \ for escape in lua --example {\\fnUbuntu\\fs10\\b0\\bord1} equals: font=Ubuntu, size=10, bold=no, border=1 --read http://docs.aegisub.org/3.2/ASS_Tags/ for reference of tags --undeclared tags will use default osd settings --these styles will be used for the whole playlist. More specific styling will need to be hacked in -- --(a monospaced font is recommended but not required) style_ass_tags = "{\\fnmonospace}", --paddings for top left corner text_padding_x = 5, text_padding_y = 5, --other menu_timeout = 10, youtube_url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s", check_certificate = true, } (require 'mp.options').read_options(opts, "youtube-upnext") local destroyer = nil upnext_cache={} function on_file_loaded(event) local url = mp.get_property("path") url = string.gsub(url, "ytdl://", "") -- Strip possible ytdl:// prefix. if string.find(url, "youtu") ~= nil then local upnext, num_upnext = load_upnext() if num_upnext > 0 then mp.commandv("loadfile", upnext[1].file, "append") end end end function show_menu() mp.osd_message("fetching 'up next' with wget...", 60) local upnext, num_upnext = load_upnext() mp.osd_message("", 1) if num_upnext == 0 then return end local selected = 1 function selected_move(amt) selected = selected + amt if selected < 1 then selected = num_upnext elseif selected > num_upnext then selected = 1 end timeout:kill() timeout:resume() draw_menu() end function choose_prefix(i) if i == selected then return opts.cursor_selected else return opts.cursor_unselected end end function draw_menu() local ass = assdraw.ass_new() ass:pos(opts.text_padding_x, opts.text_padding_y) ass:append(opts.style_ass_tags) for i,v in ipairs(upnext) do ass:append(choose_prefix(i)..v.label.."\\N") end local w, h = mp.get_osd_size() if opts.scale_playlist_by_window then w,h = 0, 0 end mp.set_osd_ass(w, h, ass.text) end function destroy() timeout:kill() mp.set_osd_ass(0,0,"") mp.remove_key_binding("move_up") mp.remove_key_binding("move_down") mp.remove_key_binding("select") mp.remove_key_binding("escape") destroyer = nil end timeout = mp.add_periodic_timer(opts.menu_timeout, destroy) destroyer = destroy mp.add_forced_key_binding(opts.up_binding, "move_up", function() selected_move(-1) end, {repeatable=true}) mp.add_forced_key_binding(opts.down_binding, "move_down", function() selected_move(1) end, {repeatable=true}) mp.add_forced_key_binding(opts.select_binding, "select", function() destroy() mp.commandv("loadfile", upnext[selected].file, "replace") reload_resume() end) mp.add_forced_key_binding(opts.toggle_menu_binding, "escape", destroy) draw_menu() return end function table_size(t) local s = 0 for i,v in ipairs(t) do s = s+1 end return s end function load_upnext() local url = mp.get_property("path") url = string.gsub(url, "ytdl://", "") -- Strip possible ytdl:// prefix. if string.find(url, "//youtu.be/") == nil and string.find(url, "//ww.youtu.be/") == nil and string.find(url, "//youtube.com/") == nil and string.find(url, "//www.youtube.com/") == nil then return {}, 0 end -- don't fetch the website if it's already cached if upnext_cache[url] ~= nil then local res = upnext_cache[url] return res, table_size(res) end local res, n = parse_upnext(download_upnext(url), url) return res, n end function download_upnext(url) local function exec(args) local ret = utils.subprocess({args = args}) return ret.status, ret.stdout, ret end local command = {"wget", "-q", "-O", "-"} if not opts.check_certificate then table.insert(command, "--no-check-certificate") end table.insert(command, url) local es, s, result = exec(command) if (es ~= 0) or (s == nil) or (s == "") then if es == 5 then mp.osd_message("upnext failed: wget does not support HTTPS", 10) msg.error("wget is missing certificates, disable check-certificate in userscript options") elseif es == -1 or es == 127 or es == 9009 then mp.osd_message("upnext failed: wget not found", 10) msg.error("wget/ wget.exe is missing. Please install it or put an executable in your PATH") else mp.osd_message("upnext failed: error=" .. tostring(es), 10) msg.error("failed to get upnext list: error=%s" .. tostring(es)) end return "{}" end local pos1 = string.find(s, "watchNextEndScreenRenderer", 1, true) if pos1 == nil then mp.osd_message("upnext failed, no upnext data found err01", 10) msg.error("failed to find json position 01: pos1=nil") return "{}" end local pos2 = string.find(s, "}}}],\\\"", pos1 + 1, true) if pos2 ~= nil then s = string.sub(s, pos1, pos2) return "{\"" .. string.gsub(s, "\\\"", "\"") .. "}}]}}" end msg.verbose("failed to find json position 2: Trying alternative") pos2 = string.find(s, "}}}]}}", pos1 + 1, true) if pos2 ~= nil then msg.verbose("Alternative found!") s = string.sub(s, pos1, pos2) return "{\"" .. string.gsub(s, "\\\"", "\"") .. "}}]}}]}}" end mp.osd_message("upnext failed, no upnext data found err03", 10) msg.error("failed to get upnext data: pos1=" .. tostring(pos1) .. " pos2=" ..tostring(pos2)) return "{}" end function parse_upnext(json_str, url) if json_str == "{}" then return {}, 0 end local data, err = utils.parse_json(json_str) if data == nil then mp.osd_message("upnext failed: JSON decode failed", 10) msg.error("parse_json failed: " .. err) return {}, 0 end local res = {} msg.verbose("wget and json decode succeeded!") for i, v in ipairs(data.watchNextEndScreenRenderer.results) do if v.endScreenVideoRenderer ~= nil and v.endScreenVideoRenderer.title ~= nil and v.endScreenVideoRenderer.title.simpleText ~= nil then local title = v.endScreenVideoRenderer.title.simpleText local video_id = v.endScreenVideoRenderer.videoId table.insert(res, { index=i, label=title, file=string.format(opts.youtube_url, video_id) }) end end table.sort(res, function(a, b) return a.index < b.index end) upnext_cache[url] = res return res, table_size(res) end -- register script message to show menu mp.register_script_message("toggle-upnext-menu", function() if destroyer ~= nil then destroyer() else show_menu() end end) -- keybind to launch menu mp.add_key_binding(opts.toggle_menu_binding, "upnext-menu", show_menu) if opts.auto_add then mp.register_event("file-loaded", on_file_loaded) end