#!/bin/sh # Shows the price for desired cryptocurrencies. Module updates automatically # every calendar day, but can also be updated with a middle click. # Currencies should be ;-separated: # human-readable name;urlname;icon coins="Bitcoin;btc;💰 Etherium;eth;🍸 Basic Attention Token;bat;🦁 LBC;lbc;📚" # Directory where currency info is stored. dir="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/crypto-prices" getprices() { # The command to get the desired prices printf "🔃 "; printprices { rm -rf "${dir:?}/*" echo "$coins" | while IFS=';' read -r human web icon; do val="$(curl -s "rate.sx/1$web")" && echo "$icon;$val;$human" > "$dir/$web" done; [ -d "$dir" ] && touch "$dir" pkill -RTMIN+13 "${STATUSBAR:-dwmblocks}" ;} & exit } printprices() { # Print/format all prices for x in "$dir"/*; do [ -f "$x" ] || break info="$(cut -d';' -f-2 --output-delimiter=' ' "$x")" printf "%s $%0.2f " $info done | sed 's/ $//' } [ ! -d "$dir" ] && mkdir -p "$dir" && { getprices; exit ;} # If currencies haven't been updated today, try to update them. [ "$(stat -c %x "$HOME/.local/share/crypto-prices" | cut -d' ' -f1)" != "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" ] && { ping -q -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && getprices || exit ;} case $BLOCK_BUTTON in 1) uptime="$(date -d "$(stat -c %x "$dir")" '+%D at %T' | sed "s|$(date '+%D')|Today|")" notify-send "Exact prices in USD" "$(awk -F';' '{print $1, $3 ":\n\t$" $2}' "$dir"/*) <b>Last updated:</b> $uptime" ;; 2) getprices ;; 3) notify-send "💸 Crypto-currency module" "\- Left click for exact prices. - Middle click to update. - Shows 🔃 if updating prices. - Manually add/remove currencies to list in the script." ;; esac printprices