#!/bin/bash #wait time to discover new devices in seconds SCAN_PERIOD=5 #locations of blacklist and hard coded list of paired devices (watch out, need to modify Makefile as well if you want to change these values and still use make install) BLACKLIST=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/bt/blacklist PAIRLIST=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/bt/paired actions="turn off turn on pair unpair" #Checks for necessary programs to be present. Very unlikely not to be present but let's just err on the safer side. for prog in dmenu bluetoothctl awk cat date nl; do if ! hash "$prog" 2>/dev/null; then printf 'bthandler: %s: command not found\n' "$prog" >&2 exit 127 fi done #start scanning as early as possible to speed up pairing process: bluetoothctl power on & bluetoothctl scan on &>/dev/null & start_scan="$( date +'%s' )" #Compile list of all Bluetooth IDS of paired devices (from bluetoothctl and from hardcoded list) bt_IDS="$( ( bluetoothctl paired-devices && cat "$PAIRLIST" ) | sort -u | awk '{print $2}' )" #Compile list of all device Names of paired devices (from bluetoothctl and from hardcoded list) paired_devices="$( ( bluetoothctl paired-devices && cat "$PAIRLIST" ) | sort -u | awk '{for (i=3; i/dev/null & bluetoothctl scan on &>/dev/null & #check whether $SCAN_PERIOD seconds has already passed since starting scanning, if not, wait for the rest of that time. if [ $((( "$(date +'%s')" - "$start_scan" ))) -lt $SCAN_PERIOD ]; then sleep_period="$((( "$SCAN_PERIOD" - "$( date +'%s')" + "$start_scan" )))" if [ "$sleep_period" -eq 1 ]; then notify-send "Bluetooth" "Searching for devices, please wait 1 second" else notify-send "Bluetooth" "Searching for devices, please wait $sleep_period seconds" fi sleep "$sleep_period" fi echo "$paired_devices" > /tmp/paired_devices new_devices="$( bluetoothctl devices | awk '{for (i=3; i> "$PAIRLIST" fi fi cleanup } case $choice in "turn on") bluetoothctl power on cleanup;; "turn off") bluetoothctl power off cleanup;; "scan on") bluetoothctl power on && echo power on && sleep 2 ([ -n "$TERMINAL" ] && $TERMINAL -e bluetoothctl scan on ) || st bluetoothctl scan on cleanup;; "pair") pair;; "unpair") choice=$( echo "$paired_devices" | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'remove which paired device?') if [ -n "$choice" ]; then dev_no=$( echo "$paired_devices" | nl | grep -P "[0-9]+\t$choice$" | awk '{print $1}') dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}' ) bluetoothctl remove "$dev_id" #remove device to unpair from hard coded paired devices list new_paired_list="$( grep -v "$dev_id" "$PAIRLIST" )" echo "$new_paired_list" > "$PAIRLIST" fi cleanup;; esac if [ -n "$choice" ]; then dev_no=$( echo "$paired_devices" | nl | grep -P "[0-9]+\t$choice$" | awk '{print $1}') dev_id=$( echo "$bt_IDS" | nl | grep -P "^.*$dev_no\t" | awk '{print $2}') bluetoothctl power on bluetoothctl pair "$dev_id" bluetoothctl connect "$dev_id" fi cleanup