BEGIN { # $1 Book name # $2 Book abbreviation # $3 Book number # $4 Chapter number # $5 Verse number # $6 Verse FS = "\t" MAX_WIDTH = 100 if (ENVIRON["BIBEL_MAX_WIDTH"] ~ /^[0-9]+$/) { if (int(ENVIRON["BIBEL_MAX_WIDTH"]) < MAX_WIDTH) { MAX_WIDTH = int(ENVIRON["BIBEL_MAX_WIDTH"]) } } if (cmd == "ref") { mode = parseref(ref, p) p["book"] = cleanbook(p["book"]) } } cmd == "list" { if (!($2 in seen_books)) { printf("%s (%s)\n", $1, $2) seen_books[$2] = 1 } } function parseref(ref, arr) { # 1. # 2. :? # 3. :?: # 3a. :?:[,]... # 4. :?- # 5. :?:- # 6. :?:-: # 7. / # 8. /search # 9. :?/search if (match(ref, "^[1-9]?[a-zA-Z ]+")) { # 1, 2, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 arr["book"] = substr(ref, 1, RLENGTH) ref = substr(ref, RLENGTH + 1) } else if (match(ref, "^/")) { # 7 arr["search"] = substr(ref, 2) return "search" } else { return "unknown" } if (match(ref, "^:?[1-9]+[0-9]*")) { # 2, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 6, 9 if (sub("^:", "", ref)) { arr["chapter"] = int(substr(ref, 1, RLENGTH - 1)) ref = substr(ref, RLENGTH) } else { arr["chapter"] = int(substr(ref, 1, RLENGTH)) ref = substr(ref, RLENGTH + 1) } } else if (match(ref, "^/")) { # 8 arr["search"] = substr(ref, 2) return "search" } else if (ref == "") { # 1 return "exact" } else { return "unknown" } if (match(ref, "^:[1-9]+[0-9]*")) { # 3, 3a, 5, 6 arr["verse"] = int(substr(ref, 2, RLENGTH - 1)) ref = substr(ref, RLENGTH + 1) } else if (match(ref, "^-[1-9]+[0-9]*$")) { # 4 arr["chapter_end"] = int(substr(ref, 2)) return "range" } else if (match(ref, "^/")) { # 9 arr["search"] = substr(ref, 2) return "search" } else if (ref == "") { # 2 return "exact" } else { return "unknown" } if (match(ref, "^-[1-9]+[0-9]*$")) { # 5 arr["verse_end"] = int(substr(ref, 2)) return "range" } else if (match(ref, "-[1-9]+[0-9]*")) { # 6 arr["chapter_end"] = int(substr(ref, 2, RLENGTH - 1)) ref = substr(ref, RLENGTH + 1) } else if (ref == "") { # 3 return "exact" } else if (match(ref, "^,[1-9]+[0-9]*")) { # 3a arr["verse", arr["verse"]] = 1 delete arr["verse"] do { arr["verse", substr(ref, 2, RLENGTH - 1)] = 1 ref = substr(ref, RLENGTH + 1) } while (match(ref, "^,[1-9]+[0-9]*")) if (ref != "") { return "unknown" } return "exact_set" } else { return "unknown" } if (match(ref, "^:[1-9]+[0-9]*$")) { # 6 arr["verse_end"] = int(substr(ref, 2)) return "range_ext" } else { return "unknown" } } function cleanbook(book) { book = tolower(book) gsub(" +", "", book) return book } function bookmatches(book, bookabbr, query) { book = cleanbook(book) if (book == query) { return book } bookabbr = cleanbook(bookabbr) if (bookabbr == query) { return book } if (substr(book, 1, length(query)) == query) { return book } } function printverse(verse, word_count, characters_printed) { if (ENVIRON["BIBEL_NOLINEWRAP"] != "" && ENVIRON["BIBEL_NOLINEWRAP"] != "0") { printf("%s\n", verse) return } word_count = split(verse, words, " ") for (i = 1; i <= word_count; i++) { if (characters_printed + length(words[i]) + (characters_printed > 0 ? 1 : 0) > MAX_WIDTH - 8) { printf("\n\t") characters_printed = 0 } if (characters_printed > 0) { printf(" ") characters_printed++ } printf("%s", words[i]) characters_printed += length(words[i]) } printf("\n") } function printintroductionpar(verse, word_count, characters_printed) { if (ENVIRON["BIBEL_NOLINEWRAP"] != "" && ENVIRON["BIBEL_NOLINEWRAP"] != "0") { printf("%s\n", verse) return } word_count = split(verse, words, " ") characters_printed=8 #account for indents at beginning of each verse for (i = 1; i <= word_count; i++) { if (characters_printed + length(words[i]) + (characters_printed > 0 ? 1 : 0) > MAX_WIDTH) { printf("\n") characters_printed = 0 } if (i != 1 && characters_printed > 0) { #need first check because we set characters_printed > 0 for first line only printf(" ") characters_printed++ } printf("%s", words[i]) characters_printed += length(words[i]) } printf("\n") } function printannotation(annotation, word_count, characters_printed) { if (ENVIRON["BIBEL_NOLINEWRAP"] != "" && ENVIRON["BIBEL_NOLINEWRAP"] != "0") { printf("\t\t%s\n", annotation) return } if( length(annotation) < MAX_WIDTH - 17){ for ( i=0; i <= MAX_WIDTH - length(annotation) - 1; i++){ printf(" ") } printf("*%s", annotation) } else{ word_count = split(annotation, words, " ") printf("\n\t\t*") characters_printed=17 #account for indents at beginning of each multiline annotation (2 tabs + "*") for (i = 1; i <= word_count; i++) { if (characters_printed + length(words[i]) + (characters_printed > 0 ? 1 : 0) > MAX_WIDTH) { printf("\n") characters_printed = 0 } if (i != 1 && characters_printed > 0) { #Do not print empty space in front of first word for the first line (since characters_printed gets initialized > 0 we need this printf(" ") characters_printed++ } printf("%s", words[i]) characters_printed += length(words[i]) } printf("\n") } printf("\n") } function processline() { if (last_book_printed != $2) { print $1 last_book_printed = $2 } if ($6 == "*") { printannotation($7) } else if ($4 == 0){ printf("\t") printintroductionpar($6) } else { printf("%d:%d\t", $4, $5) printverse($6) } outputted_records++ } cmd == "ref" && mode == "exact" && bookmatches($1, $2, p["book"]) && (p["chapter"] == "" || $4 == p["chapter"]) && (p["verse"] == "" || $5 == p["verse"]) { processline() } cmd == "ref" && mode == "exact_set" && bookmatches($1, $2, p["book"]) && (p["chapter"] == "" || $4 == p["chapter"]) && p["verse", $5] { processline() } cmd == "ref" && mode == "range" && bookmatches($1, $2, p["book"]) && ((p["chapter_end"] == "" && $4 == p["chapter"]) || ($4 >= p["chapter"] && $4 <= p["chapter_end"])) && (p["verse"] == "" || $5 >= p["verse"]) && (p["verse_end"] == "" || $5 <= p["verse_end"]) { processline() } cmd == "ref" && mode == "range_ext" && bookmatches($1, $2, p["book"]) && (($4 == p["chapter"] && $5 >= p["verse"] && p["chapter"] != p["chapter_end"]) || ($4 > p["chapter"] && $4 < p["chapter_end"]) || ($4 == p["chapter_end"] && $5 <= p["verse_end"] && p["chapter"] != p["chapter_end"]) || (p["chapter"] == p["chapter_end"] && $4 == p["chapter"] && $5 >= p["verse"] && $5 <= p["verse_end"])) { processline() } cmd == "ref" && mode == "search" && (p["book"] == "" || bookmatches($1, $2, p["book"])) && (p["chapter"] == "" || $4 == p["chapter"]) && match(tolower($6), tolower(p["search"])) { processline() } END { if (cmd == "ref" && outputted_records == 0) { print "Unknown reference: " ref } }