kaghog 61e92ae136 create function for ants to die and for nonlinear sensitivy function
When ants hit a minimum sensitivy threshold (configurable), the ant is added to a dead list
and then removed from the model schedule and the environment in the model step.
The dead list is cleared every step

Nonlinear sensitivity using a logistic function is implemented.
2023-05-31 00:48:41 +02:00

270 lines
11 KiB

""" - Part of ants project
This model implements the actual agents on the grid (a.k.a. the ants)
License: AGPL 3 (see end of file)
(C) Alexander Bocken, Viviane Fahrni, Grace Kagho
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from mesa.agent import Agent
from import Coordinate
class RandomWalkerAnt(Agent):
def __init__(self, unique_id, model, look_for_pheromone=None,
pheromone_drop_rate_0 : dict[str, float]={"A": 80, "B": 80},
alpha=0.6, drop_pheromone=None,
betas : dict[str, float]={"A": 0.0512, "B": 0.0512},
sensitivity_max = 300,
sensitivity_min = 0.001,
sensitivity_steepness = 1
) -> None:
super().__init__(unique_id=unique_id, model=model)
self._next_pos : None | Coordinate = None
self._prev_pos : None | Coordinate = None
self.look_for_pheromone = look_for_pheromone
self.drop_pheromone = drop_pheromone = energy_0 #TODO: use
self.sensitivity_0 = sensitivity_0
self.sensitivity = self.sensitivity_0
self.pheromone_drop_rate = pheromone_drop_rate_0
self.alpha = alpha
self.sensitivity_max = sensitivity_max
self.sensitivity_min = sensitivity_min
self.sensitivity_decay_rate = sensitivity_decay_rate
self.sensitivity_steepness = sensitivity_steepness
self.betas = betas
self.threshold : dict[str, float] = {"A": 0, "B": 0}
def sens_adj(self, props, key) -> npt.NDArray[np.float_] | float:
returns the adjusted value of any property dependent on the current
The idea is to have a nonlinear response, where any opinion below a
threshold (here: self.threshold[key]) is ignored, otherwise it returns
the property
Long-term this function should be adjusted to return the property up
to a upper threshold as well.
returns ^
sens_max| __________
| /
| /
q^tr| /
-----------------------> prop
For the nonlinear sensitivity, the idea is to use a logistic function that has
a characteristic sigmoidal shape that starts from a low value, increases rapidly,
and then gradually approaches a saturation level.
f(x) = L / (1 + exp(-k*(x - x0)))
f(x) = return value
L = sens_max
k is a parameter that controls the steepness of the curve. We can start with 1
A higher value of k leads to a steeper curve.
x0 is the midpoint of the curve, where the sensitivity starts to increase significantly.
We can make X0 the threshold value
# if props iterable create array, otherwise return single value
except TypeError:
#TODO: proper nonlinear response, not just clamping
non_linear_sens = True
if non_linear_sens:
L = self.sensitivity_max
k = self.sensitivity_steepness
mid = self.threshold[key]
if props > self.sensitivity_max:
return self.sensitivity_max
#Should we still keep these conditions?
# if props > self.threshold[key]:
# return props
adjusted_sensitivity = L / (1 + np.exp(-k * (props - mid)))
print(f'props: {props}, adjusted_value: {adjusted_sensitivity}')
return adjusted_sensitivity
if props > self.sensitivity_max:
return self.sensitivity_max #Should we still keep these conditions
if props > self.threshold[key]:
return props
return 0
arr : list[float] = []
for prop in props:
arr.append(self.sens_adj(prop, key))
return np.array(arr)
def _choose_next_pos(self):
if self._prev_pos is None:
i = np.random.choice(range(6))
assert(self.pos is not self.neighbors()[i])
self._next_pos = self.neighbors()[i]
self._prev_pos = self.pos
if self.searching_food:
for neighbor in self.front_neighbors:
if self.model.grid.is_food(neighbor):
self.drop_pheromone = "B"
self.look_for_pheromone = "A"
self.sensitivity = self.sensitivity_0
self._prev_pos = neighbor
self._next_pos = self.pos
elif self.searching_nest:
for neighbor in self.front_neighbors:
if self.model.grid.is_nest(neighbor):
self.look_for_pheromone = "A" # Is this a correct interpretation?
self.drop_pheromone = "A"
self.sensitivity = self.sensitivity_0
self._prev_pos = neighbor
self._next_pos = self.pos
# recruit new ants
for agent_id in self.model.get_unique_ids(self.model.num_new_recruits):
if self.model.schedule.get_agent_count() < self.model.num_max_agents:
agent = RandomWalkerAnt(unique_id=agent_id, model=self.model, look_for_pheromone="B", drop_pheromone="A")
agent._next_pos = self.pos
self.model.grid.place_agent(agent, pos=neighbor)
# follow positive gradient
if self.look_for_pheromone is not None:
front_concentration = [self.model.grid.fields[self.look_for_pheromone][cell] for cell in self.front_neighbors ]
front_concentration = self.sens_adj(front_concentration, self.look_for_pheromone)
current_pos_concentration = self.sens_adj(self.model.grid.fields[self.look_for_pheromone][self.pos], self.look_for_pheromone)
gradient = front_concentration - np.repeat(current_pos_concentration, 3).astype(np.float_)
# TODO: if two or more neighbors have same concentration randomize? Should be unlikely with floats though
index = np.argmax(gradient)
if gradient[index] > 0:
self._next_pos = self.front_neighbors[index]
self._prev_pos = self.pos
# do biased random walk
p = np.random.uniform()
if p < self.alpha:
self._next_pos = self.front_neighbor
self._prev_pos = self.pos
# need copy() as we would otherwise remove the tuple from all possible lists (aka python "magic")
other_neighbors = self.neighbors().copy()
random_index = np.random.choice(range(len(other_neighbors)))
self._next_pos = other_neighbors[random_index]
self._prev_pos = self.pos
def step(self):
self.sensitivity -= self.sensitivity_decay_rate
#kill agent if sensitivity is low
if self.sensitivity < self.sensitivity_min:
def _adjust_pheromone_drop_rate(self):
if(self.drop_pheromone is not None):
self.pheromone_drop_rate[self.drop_pheromone] -= self.pheromone_drop_rate[self.drop_pheromone] * self.betas[self.drop_pheromone]
def drop_pheromones(self) -> None:
# should only be called in advance() as we do not use hidden fields
if self.drop_pheromone is not None:
self.model.grid.fields[self.drop_pheromone][self.pos] += self.pheromone_drop_rate[self.drop_pheromone]
def _kill_agent(self):
#update dead_agent list
def advance(self) -> None:
self.model.grid.move_agent(self, self._next_pos)
self._next_pos = None # so that we rather crash than use wrong data
# TODO: find out how to decorate with property properly
def neighbors(self, pos=None, include_center=False):
if pos is None:
pos = self.pos
return self.model.grid.get_neighborhood(pos, include_center=include_center)
def searching_nest(self) -> bool:
return self.drop_pheromone == "B"
def searching_food(self) -> bool:
return self.drop_pheromone == "A"
def front_neighbors(self):
returns all three neighbors which the ant can see
all_neighbors = self.neighbors()
neighbors_at_the_back = self.neighbors(pos=self._prev_pos, include_center=True)
front_neighbors = list(filter(lambda i: i not in neighbors_at_the_back, all_neighbors))
########## DEBUG
assert(self._prev_pos is not None)
assert(self._prev_pos is not self.pos)
assert(self._prev_pos in all_neighbors)
assert(len(front_neighbors) == 3)
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError
return front_neighbors
def front_neighbor(self):
returns neighbor of current pos
which is towards the front of the ant
neighbors__prev_pos = self.neighbors(self._prev_pos)
for candidate in self.front_neighbors:
# neighbor in front direction only shares current pos as neighborhood with _prev_pos
candidate_neighbors = self.model.grid.get_neighborhood(candidate)
overlap = [x for x in candidate_neighbors if x in neighbors__prev_pos]
if len(overlap) == 1:
return candidate
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>