2019-11-24 09:29:33 -05:00

4.5 KiB

1#TAGNAME IN REPO (or git url)PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
2i3-gapsis the main graphical user interface and window manager.
3xorg-serveris the graphical server.
4xorg-xwininfoallows querying information about windows.
5xorg-xinitstarts the graphical server.
6Vxorg-minimalis the graphical server.
7Vxorg-fontsis a font package.
8VlibX11-develis required for the compilation of some programs.
9sxhkdbinds keys.
10IlibXft-develis required for the compilation of some programs.
11Igcr-develis required for the compilation of some programs.
12Ifontconfig-develis required for the compilation of some programs.
13ttf-inconsolatais the monospace font of LARBS.
14ttf-linux-libertineprovides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS.
15Aranger-gitis an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes.
16arandris a UI for screen adjustment.
17bcis used for a dropdown calculator.
18calcurseis a lightweight terminal-based calendar.
19xcompmgris for transparency and removing screen-tearing.
20xorg-xpropis a tool for detecting window properties.
21Vxpropis a tool for detecting window properties.
22dosfstoolsallows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
23libnotifyallows desktop notifications.
24Vdbusfacilitates inter-process communication.
25dunstis a suckless notification system.
26exfat-utilsallows management of FAT drives.
27sxivis a minimalist image viewer.
28xwallpapersets the wallpaper.
29ffmpegcan record and splice video and audio on the command line.
30gnome-keyringserves as the system keyring.
31Agtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-gitgives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS.
32neovima tidier vim with some useful features
33i3blocksis the status bar.
34mpdis a lightweight music daemon.
35mpcis a terminal interface for mpd.
36mpvis the patrician's choice video player.
37ncmpcppa ncurses interface for music with multiple formats and a powerful tag editor.
38newsboatis a terminal RSS client.
39Abrave-binis an elegant browser with built-in adblocking, tor and other features.
40ttf-joypixelsis a package that gives the system unicode symbols and emojis used in the status bar and elsewhere.
41Vfont-symbolaprovides unicode and emoji symbols.
42Attf-symbolaprovides unicode and emoji symbols.
43ntfs-3gallows accessing NTFS partitions.
44alsa-utilsis an audio interface for ALSA.
45Asc-imis an Excel-like terminal spreadsheet manager.
46maimcan take quick screenshots at your request.
47socatis a socket utility.
48tmuxis a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS.
49unclutterhides an inactive mouse.
50Vunclutter-xfixeshides an inactive mouse.
51unrarextracts rar's.
52unzipunzips zips.
53lynxis a terminal browser which can also view images.
54xcapegives the special escape/super mappings of LARBS.
55xclipallows for copying and pasting from the command line.
56xdotoolprovides window action utilities on the command line.
57xorg-xdpyinfoaids with resolution determination and screen recording.
58Vxdpyinfoaids with resolution determination and screen recording.
59youtube-dlcan download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.
60zathurais a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings.
61zathura-pdf-mupdfallows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura.
62Apython-ueberzuggenerates image previews in ranger and other terminal programs.
63popplermanipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions.
64mediainfoshows audio and video information.
65atoolmanages and gives information about archives.
66fzfis a fuzzy finder tool.
67highlightcan highlight code output.
68xorg-xbacklightenables changing screen brightness levels.
69zsh-syntax-highlightingprovides fish-like syntax highlighting in the shell.
70Atask-spoolerqueues commands or files for download.
71Vtsqueues commands or files for download.
72Asimple-mtpfsenables the mounting of cell phones.
73Vsimple-mtpfsenables the mounting of cell phones.
74Vsetxkbmapallows LARBS's unique keyboard bindings.
75Vxmodmapallows LARBS's unique keyboard bindings.
76Vxsetrootsets status bar and other X properies.
77Vxsetallows speeding up the X rate.
78G as the modular status bar.
79G commands and provides a UI for selection.
80G my custom build of suckless's terminal emulator.
81G the window manager.