#!/bin/bash blue() { printf "\033[0;34m $* \033[0m\n" && (echo $* >> LARBS.log) ;} red() { printf "\033[0;31m $* \033[0m\n" && (echo ERROR: $* >> LARBS.log) ;} #Install an AUR package manually. aurinstall() { curl -O https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/$1.tar.gz && tar -xvf $1.tar.gz && cd $1 && makepkg --noconfirm -si && cd .. && rm -rf $1 $1.tar.gz ;} #aurcheck runs on each of its arguments, if the argument is not already installed, it either uses packer to install it, or installs it manually. aurcheck() { qm=$(pacman -Qm | awk '{print $1}') for arg in "$@" do if [[ $qm = *"$arg"* ]]; then echo $arg is already installed. else echo $arg not installed blue Now installing $arg... if [[ -e /usr/bin/packer ]] then (packer --noconfirm -S $arg && blue $arg now installed) || red Error installing $arg. else (aurinstall $arg && blue $arg now installed) || red Error installing $arg. fi fi done } blue Changing directory to /home/$USER... cd /home/$USER || red Could not cd to /home/$USER. Does user and home directory exist? blue Installing AUR programs... blue \(This may take some time.\) #Add the needed gpg key for neomutt gpg --recv-keys 5FAF0A6EE7371805 aurcheck packer i3-gaps vim-pathogen neofetch tamzen-font-git neomutt unclutter-xfixes-git urxvt-resize-font-git polybar-git python-pywal xfce-theme-blackbird #Also installing i3lock, since i3-gaps was only just now installed. sudo pacman -S i3lock #packer --noconfirm -S ncpamixer-git speedometer cli-visualizer #choices=$(cat .choices) #for choice in $choices #do #case $choice in #1) #aurcheck vim-live-latex-preview #git clone https://github.com/lukesmithxyz/latex-templates.git && mkdir -p /home/$USER/Documents/LaTeX && rsync -va latex-templates /home/$USER/Documents/LaTeX && rm -rf latex-templates #;; #6) #aurcheck ttf-ancient-fonts #;; #7) #aurcheck transmission-remote-cli-git #;; #esac #done #browsers=$(cat .browch) #for choice in $browsers #do #case $choice in #3) #$ gpg --recv-keys 865E6C87C65285EC #aurcheck palemoon-bin #;; #4) #aurcheck waterfox-bin #;; #esac #done