#TAG,NAME IN REPO (or git url),PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing) ,xorg-server,"is the graphical server. This first one may take a while as it pulls many other dependencies first on clean installs." ,xorg-xwininfo,"allows querying information about windows." ,xorg-xinit,"starts the graphical server." ,polkit,"manages user policies." ,libertinus-font,"provides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS." ,ttf-font-awesome,"provides extended glyph support." ,ttf-dejavu,"properly displays emojis." ,ranger,"is an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes." A,ueberzugpp,"enables previews in the ranger file manager." ,bc,"is a mathematics language used for the dropdown calculator." ,xorg-xprop,"is a tool for detecting window properties." ,arandr,"allows the user to customize monitor arrangements." ,dosfstools,"allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems." ,libnotify,"allows desktop notifications." ,dunst,"is a suckless notification system." ,calcurse,"terminal-based organizer for interactive and command line use" ,exfat-utils,"allows management of FAT drives." ,xwallpaper,"sets the wallpaper." ,ffmpeg,"can record and splice video and audio on the command line." ,ffmpegthumbnailer,"creates thumbnail previews of video files." ,gnome-keyring,"serves as the system keyring." A,gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git,"gives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS." ,python-qdarkstyle,"provides a dark Qt theme." ,neovim,"a tidier vim with some useful features" ,mpd,"is a lightweight music daemon." ,mpc,"is a terminal interface for mpd." ,mpv,"is the patrician's choice video player." ,man-db,"lets you read man pages of programs." ,ncmpcpp,"a ncurses interface for music with multiple formats and a powerful tag editor." ,newsboat,"is a terminal RSS client." ,noto-fonts,"is an expansive font package." ,noto-fonts-emoji,"is an emoji font." ,ntfs-3g,"allows accessing NTFS partitions." ,wireplumber,"is the audio system." ,pipewire-pulse,"gives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs." ,pulsemixer,"is an audio controller." A,sc-im,"is an Excel-like terminal spreadsheet manager." ,maim,"can take quick screenshots at your request." A,abook,"is an offline addressbook usable by neomutt." ,unclutter,"hides an inactive mouse." ,unzip,"unzips zips." ,lynx,"is a terminal browser also used in LARBS for generating in-terminal previews of websites, emails and HTML files." ,xcape,"gives the special escape/super mappings of LARBS." ,xclip,"allows for copying and pasting from the command line." ,xdotool,"provides window action utilities on the command line." ,yt-dlp,"can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link." ,zathura,"is a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings." ,zathura-pdf-mupdf,"allows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura." ,poppler,"manipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions." ,mediainfo,"shows audio and video information and is used in the file browser." ,atool,"manages and gives information about archives." ,fzf,"is a fuzzy finder tool used for easy selection and location of files." ,bat,"can highlight code output and display files and is used to generate previews in the file browser." ,xorg-xbacklight,"enables changing screen brightness levels." A,zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting-git,"provides syntax highlighting in the shell." A,task-spooler,"queues commands or files for download." A,simple-mtpfs,"enables the mounting of cell phones." A,htop-vim,"is a graphical and colorful system monitor." G,https://bocken.org/git/Alexander/dwmblocks,"serves as the modular status bar." G,https://bocken.org/git/Alexander/dmenu,"runs commands and provides a UI for selection." G,https://bocken.org/git/Alexander/nsxiv,"A minimal, modular image viewer" G,https://bocken.org/git/Alexander/st,"is my custom build of suckless's terminal emulator." G,https://bocken.org/git/Alexander/dwm,"is the window manager." A,mutt-wizard-git,"is a light-weight terminal-based email system." ,slock,"allows you to lock your computer, and quickly unlock with your password." ,socat,"is a utility which establishes two byte streams and transfers data between them." ,moreutils,"is a collection of useful unix tools." ,texlive,"LaTex compiler and all it's libraries (big install)" A,qrcp,"quick and easy file transfers in local networks via per-use self-hosted server" A,allioli,"Allioli German Bibel translation in your terminal" A,bibel,"Universalübersetzung Bibel in your terminal" A,kjv,"King James bible" ,ttf-inconsolata,"The best monospace font." A,anki,"Space repetition learning (long install)" A,zoom,"You know it, you hate it, but you need it" ,pass-otp,"One time password support for pass" ,qutebrowser,"vim-like browser with large customizability" ,python-adblock,"Brave-like adblocking in qutebrowser" A,brave-bin,"Fallback Browser" ,gomuks,"Terminal based Matrix/Element client" ,rsync,"the smarter `cp`" A,tremc,"Terminal transmission client for torrents" ,picom,"Window Compositor which allows for gaussian blur effects" A,pass-git-helper,"Store your git specific logins in pass and automatically retrieve them when needed" ,python-numpy,"Efficient Matrix and array handling in Python" ,python-matplotlib,"Good Python plotting library copying matlabs implementation" ,python-scipy,"Always needed for scientific python" ,r,"Quirky but powerful language, very good for statistics" ,shellcheck,"A linter for shellscripts" ,bluez,"you will want bluetooth, right?" ,bluez-utils,"Interact with your bluetooth on the commandline" ,cronie,"A simple cronjob manager" ,chrony,"Keep time accurately, even with only periodic internet" A,bthandler,"A dmenu-wrapper for the most-important actions with bluetooth" A,keynav,"Quick mouse-less navigation" A,threadwatcher,"Download media from 4chan-threads" ,zsh-autosuggestions,"Get command suggestions in ZSH" A,zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting,"Syntax highlighting in ZSH" ,dash,"Probably the fastest strictly POSIX compliant shell" A,bashbinsh,"Make dash your default /bin/sh, even with updates" A,ttf-symbola,"Beatuiful monochrome emoji font" ,pacman-contrib,"pactree & co" ,ttf-font-awesome,"lots of useful icons in font-format" A,moodle-dl,"Scrape your Moodle pages" ,python-brotli,"do it faster" ,python-cchardet,"do it faster as well" ,zathura-jvu,"DJVU Support for Zathura" ,texlive-langjapanese,"How else could you write le ebic nihongo in LaTex?" ,ipa-fonts,"A Japanese Font set" A,xvkbd,"A virtual keyboard used to print primary clipboard by emulating keypresses" ,gimp,"A libre Photoshop equivalent" ,perl-image-exiftool,"Image metadata reading/writing from the command line" ,asp,"Read PKGBUILDs from default repos" ,system-config-printer,"An easy GUI for printer editting" A,cncndrvcups-lb-bin,"Driver for our printer" ,python-http2,"dependency for calcurse caldav sync" ,texlive-lang,"Latex spelling support for most languages" ,wmctrl,"Control your windows from the commandline" A,mpv-sponsorblock-minimal-git,"Skip sponsored segments in youtube videos when viewing them in mpv"