commit d3a73bf0bed92aa2dace1cd2c5c921a988727529 Author: Luke Date: Sun Sep 24 18:11:10 2017 -0700 Initial commit. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a99318 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstraping Scripts (LARBS) + +When you've installed Arch Linux 6 gorrillian times like me, you get pretty sick of having to reproduce your favorite configuration on fresh installs over and over. When you're a C-list YouTube celebrity, it gets even more difficult when literally thousands of people ask you how to do X or get Y. + +The LARBS are a final solution to all of that. These scripts are to be run on a fresh install of Arch Linux, and they create a user, install all required programs and set up dotfiles directly from Github to give normal people a fairly sleek Linux configuration without hundreds of autsitic hours. I did the work, so why should you? + +I've also documented the configuration fairly well, check out the documentation on my **voidrice** repository for that. + +## What do you get? + +[My dotfiles]( and all their requisite programs installed without a problem. It'll just take some time because I include *everything* I use, ever. All LaTeX packages, Blender, etc. + +## Installation + +Once you've installed a fresh install of Arch Linux with an internet connection, but before making your user, just run the following in the command line as root: + +``` +curl -O #Downloads the script. +bash #To run it. +``` + +This will prompt you to create a user and a password and install all of the basic pacakges in the Arch repos. + +In the process, it will also download another script to be run as the user (this is all automated). This will install `packer`, an AUR helper, and will use it to install the last few (very important) programs from the AUR. + +Finally, it will use `git` to download my [Voidrice]( dotfiles and will plop them in your home directory for instant use! + +Then, finally, once that all is done, you should be able to type `startx` to begin the graphical environment. Congrats! + +## How to Use + +Once you're in the environment, just type Super/Mod/Windows+F1 to pull up a document that will explain everything. + +## Permission Details (sudoers file) + +These script will give your new created user (and those others you put in the `wheel` group) sudo access (with a password), but will also allow some commands to be run without any password confirmation. Those include: + ++ `shutdown` ++ `reboot` ++ `pacman -Syyu`/`pacman -Syu` ++ `packer -Syyu`/`packer -Syu` ++ `mount` ++ `umount` ++ `systemctl restart NetworkManager` + +Additionally, if you've put your password in a terminal window already, you will not need to repeat putting it in in other terminal windows. + +## Version + +We're basically on Version 2.0 now, which is still pretty primitive. Specifically, I haven't really added any error-handling into the script because so long as you have an internet connection and Arch doesn't mess up an update, you shouldn't have any errors anyway. + +Regardless, since you can never predict the non-predicted, I'll probably add in more trouble-shooting later, but right now it should work 95% of the time. + +## Bugs? + +### When I type `startx` I get some kind of non-descript error! + +Some computers might require some additional drivers to run a graphical environment, for example, some ThinkPads might require you to install `xf86-video-intel`. If you search your model or graphics card along with "Arch Linux" on your preferred search engine, you'll probably get the answer fast. + +### I have some other problem and it didn't install correctly. + +In normal circumstances, there are two main causes of misinstalls: faulty internet connections and errors with particular package upgrades or with the pacman keyring. + +Check yourself if the former may be at fault, but feel free to inform me in the latter case; I may be able to provide a quick fix. + +Regardless, it's generally safe to rerun the script if something temporary went wrong, although you may want to delete the user created before rerunning: + +``` +userdel USER +``` diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..201076b --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#This is a lazy script I have for auto-installing Arch. +#It's not officially part of LARBS, but I use it for testing. +#DO NOT RUN THIS YOURSELF because Step 1 is it reformatting /dev/sda WITHOUT confirmation, +#which means RIP in peace qq your data unless you've already backed up all of your drive. + +timedatectl set-ntp true + +cat <> /mnt/etc/fstab + +curl > /mnt/ +arch-chroot /mnt bash + +rm /mnt/ + +echo "Eject CD/ROM? [y/N]" +read yn +case $yn in + [Yy]* ) eject ;; + [yes]* ) eject ;; + [Yes]* ) eject ;; +esac + +echo "Reboot now? [y/N]" +read yn +case $yn in + [Yy]* ) reboot ;; + [yes]* ) reboot ;; + [Yes]* ) reboot ;; +esac + +echo "Return to chroot environment?" +read yn +case $yn in + [Yy]* ) arch-chroot /mnt ;; + [yes]* ) arch-chroot /mnt ;; + [Yes]* ) arch-chroot /mnt ;; +esac diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b6c99b --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#!/bin/bash +pacman -S --noconfirm dialog +RED='\033[0;31m' +BLUE='\033[0;34m' +NC='\033[0m' +#printf "This should have ${BLUE}Blue\n${NC} and ${RED}Red${NC} text." +#printf "\n${BLUE}Now installing main programs...\n${NC}\n" +dialog --title "Welcome!" --msgbox "Welcome to Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Script!\n\nThis script will automatically install a fully-featured i3wm Arch Linux desktop, which I use as my main machine.\n\n-Luke" 10 60 + +dialog --no-cancel --inputbox "First, please enter a name for the user account." 10 60 2> name +clear +dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Enter a password for that user." 10 60 2> pass1 +dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Reype password." 10 60 2> pass2 + +while [ $(cat pass1) != $(cat pass2) ] +do + dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Passwords do not match.\n\nEnter password again." 10 60 2> pass1 + dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Reype password." 10 60 2> pass2 +done + +USER=$(cat name) +rm name +useradd -m -g wheel -s /bin/bash $USER + +echo "$USER:$(cat pass1)" | chpasswd +#I shred the password for safety's sake. +shred -u pass1 +shred -u pass2 +printf "${BLUE}Now installing main programs.\n${NC}" +pacman --noconfirm --needed -S base-devel xorg-xinit xorg-server rxvt-unicode feh ffmpeg pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa arandr pavucontrol pamixer mpv wget rofi vim w3m ranger mediainfo poppler highlight tmux calcurse htop newsbeuter mpd mpc ncmpcpp network-manager-applet networkmanager qutebrowser imagemagick transmission-cli atool libcaca compton transset-df blender gimp texlive-most texlive-lang markdown mupdf evince rsync git youtube-dl youtube-viewer noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji cups screenfetch scrot unzip unrar biber ntfs-3g offlineimap msmtp notmuch notmuch-mutt dosfstools fzf r + +printf "${BLUE}Enabling Network Manager...\n${NC}" +systemctl enable NetworkManager +systemctl start NetworkManager + +printf "${BLUE}Downloading next portion of script...\n${NC}" +curl > /home/$USER/ + +printf "${BLUE}Running script as new user $USER...\n${NC}" +cp /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.prelarbs +echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers +sudo -u $USER bash /home/$USER/ +curl > /etc/sudoers +dialog --title "All done!" --msgbox "Congrats! Provided there were no hidden errors, the script completed successfully and all the programs and configuration files should be in place.\n\nTo run the new graphical environment, log out and log back in as your new user, then run the command \"startx\" to start the graphical environment.\n\n-Luke" 10 60 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e278e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash +RED='\033[0;31m' +BLUE='\033[0;34m' +NC='\033[0m' +printf "${BLUE}Changing directory to /home/$USER...\n${NC}" +cd /home/$USER + +printf "${BLUE}Activating Pulseaudio if not already active...\n${NC}" +pulseaudio --start + + +printf "${BLUE}Installing packer as an AUR manager...\n${NC}" +wget +tar -xvzf packer.tar.gz +cd packer +makepkg --noconfirm -si +cd .. +rm -rf packer/ +rm packer.tar.gz + +printf "${BLUE}Installing AUR programs...\n${NC}" +printf "${BLUE}(May take some time.)\n${NC}" +packer --noconfirm -S cli-visualizer i3-gaps vim-pathogen vim-live-latex-preview neofetch i3lock tamzen-font-git speedometer neomutt transmission-remote-cli-git ncpamixer-git unclutter-xfixes-git urxvt-resize-font-git ttf-ancient-fonts polybar-git python-pywal xfce-theme-blackbird + +printf "${BLUE}Downloading config files...\n${NC}" +git clone +rsync -va --delete-after voidrice/ /home/$USER +git clone +mkdir -p /home/$USER/Documents/LaTeX +rsync -va --delete-after latex-templates /home/$USER/Documents/LaTeX +sudo rm -rf voidrice +sudo rm -rf latex-templates +printf "${BLUE}Generating bash/ranger/qutebrowser shortcuts...\n${NC}" +python ~/.config/Scripts/