#This is a lazy script I have for auto-installing Arch.
#It's not officially part of LARBS, but I use it for testing.
#DO NOT RUN THIS YOURSELF because Step 1 is it reformatting /dev/sda WITHOUT confirmation,
#which means RIP in peace qq your data unless you've already backed up all of your drive.
pacman -S --noconfirm dialog ||(echo"Error at script start: Are you sure you're running this as the root user? Are you sure you have an internet connection?"&&exit)
#error() { dialog --title "Error!" --msgbox "We've run into a fatal-ish error. Check the LARBS.log file for more information" 10 60 && clear && exit ;}
dialog --defaultno --title "DON'T BE A BRAINLET!" --yesno "This is an Arch install script that is very rough around the edges.\n\nOnly run this script if you're a big-brane who doesn't mind deleting your entire /dev/sda drive.\n\nThis script is only really for me so I can autoinstall Arch.\n\nt. Luke"1560||exit
dialog --defaultno --title "DON'T BE A BRAINLET!" --yesno "Do you think I'm meming? Only select yes to DELET your entire /dev/sda and reinstall Arch.\n\nTo stop this script, press no."1060||exit
dialog --no-cancel --inputbox "Enter a name for your computer."1060 2> comp