<li>Network Manager – exactly what it sound like</li>
<li>mediainfo, poppler, highlight, w3m, atool, libcaca – programs for getting previews of various things in ranger; each has additional uses</li>
<li>unzip, unrar – for archive extraction</li>
<li>ntfs-3g, dosfstools – for handling Windows-formatted USBs</li>
<li>mpd – backend for music/audio</li>
<li>pywal – theme setter</li>
<li>compton – composite manager</li>
<h2>Optional installation</h2>
<h3>Browsers to choose from</h3>
<p>qutebrowser, Firefox, Waterfox, Palemoon. I mostly use Waterfox nowadays; I recommend the VimFX plugin.</p>
<h3>LaTeX Packages</h3>
<p>If you choose this option, you'll get all LaTeX packages (texlive-most, texlive-lang), biber for references and the vim-live-latex-preview for automatic compiling.</p>
<p>If this option is chosen, you get Project M (a visualizer; Mod+V), cmatrix, asciiquarium, bash-pipes (terminal screensavers), screenfetch and neofetch (for posting on 4chan, duh), cli-visualizer and speedometer (for network speeds).</p>
<h3>Other programs you can individually select</h3>
<p>GIMP (image creator, editing program), Blender (video editor), the Libreoffice Suite (fully-featured equivalents of Word/Excel/Powerpoint, etc.), Emacs.</p>
<p>You can also get transmission, a torrent client, which by default, I have the terminal interface installed (Mod+F6).</p>
<p>There is also an option to install mroe complete fonts, giving you fonts for emojis, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and ancient languages.</p>